HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/18/1972 , REG0Ln~( l'j,_,:~~rr'I~JG CF Tli=': C0VNCIL at the T9~nshiplof Clarke Tuesday, Apri+18~ 1972'at 1:30 p.m. Council Chamber, Orono .' I Present: Heeve J .',1: Stone Deputy Reeve ~.R. Carvetn Councillor R.G. Chat~~ . Councillor F.A. Gray 'Councillbr 2.C. Copping' Acting Clerk H. DeWith - . 'rne minutes 0:0:: the Regular Council meeting on April 4 and April 8, 1972 were adopted'as printed, subject to taking out "Commi ttee" sentence I (1) \-.hicl1 read as follo\-Is "Special Committee Heeting of the Council" this should be rei3.d as follows: "Special Meeting of tfie'Council" on'motion by R.G.Chater, seconded by F.A. Gray and carried. . , , It 0as moved by W.R. Carveth, seconded by R.G. Chater that delegat ons be heard. Carried. Hr. J. Ochonski, Orono, appeared at Council meetinJ with regard to diversion of awatercourse on Lot 29, Con 1, Parcel 16 To\.mship of Clarke. lCeferred to Road and Bridge Committee. Hrs. .2dna Williaus, O'c!qerof 1'w~n Oaks fv,otel and U;r. Julien Dabrcwski, owner.of Diana Motel.on Highway #115, accompanied by their Solicitor appeared at Council meeting to discuss a proposed new Motel to be built on the cornar,of Con. 3 and Highway #115, Township of Clarke. ~his matter was referred to The Planning Board. . The following correspondence was,rGad'out by the Reeve: 1. Minutes of Committee of Adjustment dated Harch 27, April 10 and Apr~l_ll, 1972 _ filed. 2. Minutes of Planning Board dated March 29, 1972 _ filed~ 3. Letter from "Bruce W. Collins, A.tl.C.T." Bowuanv111e that he accepts the position of Clerk of the Township Of Clarke ~ filed. 4. H. .Devlith, Acting Clerk, presented to Council a dr2ft copy of a By-Law to appo:i;nt Hr. Bruce .W.. Gol.lins, A.H.C..T. as Clerk-Administrator for the Eunicipality of the Corporetion qf the Township of Clarke. . .The .cOllncillo.rs accepted the draft copy and instructed ~e Actin~ Glerk tq prepare ,the required ,Uy-Law.for presen~ation at the n,ext meeting ,of Council on ~lay 2,1972. Carried. 5. Letter from C.R. Lovekin B.A. LL.B., SOlicitor, Newcastle re roa.cl closing between lots 34 and 35, Con 2., 'Township of Clarke. 'rhe attached letter i.n reply fr.om the Acting Clerk to S.R, Lovekin B.A. LL.B., was approved by Council. - filed. . ,'. 6. Letter from !-1rs. Al'ice Chate"r, Orono re resignation as Secretary of the CeI;;etery Board of the To\-mshi'p of Clarke - rererred to the Chairman of the Cemetery Board-filed. 7 . Page andl\amin', SOlicitors, T'oronto reo: i'Iosport Park Ltd. tabled. 8. Public Library, Orono rc:"Budgec. for the year 1972-referred to'Finance Committee ana ~re2surer. _ 9. Department of Highways, Port Hope, Ontario re: 1972 Subsidy AllocRtion-referred to Resolution No. 78. 10.. HO\J12nd Coombesa BO"lfnnanville. On-r"__ rp: Ci"lmn;:::;;nn- +-"n rr'li.c:p ~ Page 2 Regular Meeting of" Council April 1$, 1972 Department of Municipal Af"f"airs, Toronto 5, OntaI'io re': Unconditional Grants f"or the Yf'ar 1972 - l'cf"crred to Finance Conunittee and Treasul'er'. Department pf, Treasury and Economics, Parliament Buildings, Torontp rc: Borrowing By-Law No. 1714; The Tile Drainage Act, 1971 - f"iled. Thomson, Roger's, Sol:Lci tors, Toronto 110, Ont. rc: Gibson Insurance Claim - f"iled. ' Barbel' and Kelly, Soli citors, Bowmanvill,', Y'e: Kaspar Hollen, Part Lot 2 and 3 Con. I D.,e,ed f"o'r Road AJlowance - referl'ed to CJerk. . . W.E. Rundle, Clcrk-Administnator, Township of Darlington re: Stanley Seneco, Orono H..R. 2, - filed. Department of Trade and Development, Toronto, Onto re: Dcsignati.on Of Municipaiit.ies under E'quaLization of Industrial Opportunity Progra~ - ~iled. Department of Labour" Toronto 2, Ont. rc': The ConstI'uction Safety Act -- f~ied. Ninutc Legislative Builetin re: Basic Shelter Grants f"or the year 1972 ~ fJled. Russell C. Honey, Q.C.M.P., pc.: Township iIal':l meeting on April 21, 1972 - filed. The Consumer's' Gas Company, Toronto, Onto - f"iied. Bonneville" Fitzgibbon & Good, Solicitors, Port Hope, Onto re: G. & D. Elliott Ltd. Lots 3 and 4 Con. 2 - referred to Road and Bridge Conunittee and Road Superintendent. Department of" the Environment re: Provincial Certificate of Approval for a Waste Disposal SiL, of the Police VilJage of Orono - referred to Mr. E. Woodya!'d, Secretary Police Village of Or'ono. 25. M.L. Ross, Road Super'intendent r'e: Salary increase for the year 1972 - refer'I'ed to the Road & Br'idge Committee. 26. H. DeWith, Acting Clerk-Treasur'er r'e: salary increase for the year 1972 - referred to the Finance Conunittee. 13. 14. 15. ~ 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.. 22. 23. 24. The following r'esoiutions were passed: [(resolution No. 7'i:Movcd by W.R. Carveth, seconded by F.A. Gr'ay: This Council hereby accept the lowest tender being that of Mainline Equipment Ltd., Oshawa, Ontal'io at the tender price of $13,639.50 for a Case Tr'actor with backhoe and loader subject to the appr'oval of the Department of Tr'ans- portation and Conununications. Carr'ied. Resolution No. 76:Moved by F.A. Gr'ay, seconded by W.R. Carveth: This Council hereby accept the lowest tc'nder being that of MacDonald FOr'd Lim:Lted, Oshawa, Ontario, ate the tender' pr'ice of $13,902.00 for' a FOr'd Tr'uck subject to the approval of the Department of T;oansportation and Conununications. Carr'i ed. Rpsolu~ion No. 77:Moved by F.A. Gr'ay, seconded by E.C. Copping: This Council r'equest the Department of Transpor'tation and Conununication to approve the transf"er' of the Subsidy of: Ro.ds Construction (AJ Lot 35 Con.3 Diversion Constr'.$ bOO.OO Lot 2$-29 Con.7 Gc>adc Gravel 8,760.00 Lot 12 BFA Con. R.R. Signals 350.00 1.200.00 $12.Gl0.00 Machinery (D) Total to structures (B) Lot i6-17 Con.3 concr'ct. and structur'cs (B) Lot 2$-29 Con.7 C.l.P. ~~,OOO.OO to structure (B) Lot 16-17 Con.3 concr'ete as per attached revised Road Program. eaY'r:icd.. Resolution No. 7A:Moved by W.R. Carveth, seconded by Robert G. Chatel': ml. . _ ...... > ..........,....,. r~