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, of the Township of Clarke
Tuesday, April 4, 1972 at 10:00 a.m.
C()uncil Chamber, Orono
. Reeve J .W. Stone
Deputy ~eeve W.R. Carveth
Councillor R.G. Chater
Council16r F.A. Gray
Councillor E.C. Copping
Acting Clerk H. DeWith
The minutes of the Regular Council Meeting on March 21,
1972 were adopted as printed on motion by R.G. Chauell,
seconded by W.R. Carveth.and carried.
Mr. Walter Pope, AUditor, Georgetown, Ontario, met with Council
and oresented the Audit Report for 1971. . Hr. Pope reported to
Coun;;il that t:he financial position of the'Township was excellent
and that the Orono Pollee Village was in a better financial
posi tion oy reserving $10,074.'00 to reduce the deficit of
$43,132.1()0 of t;heO year '1970 to a deficit of $33,058.000 i.n the.
ye'ar 1971. 1'1es'srs. rr.c:. l'orrester, E.R._ I'loodyard and F. 0
Nicholson were also 'present during this discussion .and Hr. Pope
explairted to them that' it was nOecessary for the Oroono police,
Village 'to reduce' the,ir ex'pendi tures :for another three years.
The follovJing correspondence. was read ou.t by the Reeve:
",'l'hank You", note from E.C. Copping- filed.
Hinutes.of Committee ofAdjustmentdat~d February ~8,197~-filed.
'Mjnutes of'Planning Board dated February 25 and March 16)1972-filed
Application for Amendment to Zoning By-Law .by Josephine p.
Joseph, 2529 Lakeshore Blvd. vi. Apt. 111,'fbronto 500,Ont.;-
E'ile No. 72-36 - referred to the Planning Board.
Lett~r frDm Mr. W~J.Vooys, Sunset Blvd~, Newcastle Ontarlo
re: tWD dwe11ing units on Lot 29, Con. '6, area 11.46 acres.
Referred to the Planning Board. v
Letter from the. Clarke P~blic Library, Orono, re: Grant 0
,1972 for an aJ;1ovnt of $9,194.6\3. Referred to E'inance
Committee and Budget 1972. 0/
Ontario Municipal Board re: Township of Clarke, Water Works
Project No. 6-0233-71,- filed., '
Hrs. Angela C. Shaikh, 95 Palmdale Drive, Agincotirt, Ont.,
Referred to Clerk. V .
W.~. Rund16, Clerk-Administrator, Township of Darlington _ filed.
Thompson, Rogers, Bar~'is ters &, Solici tors, Toronto Re:
TO\vnship '(f IClarke aQd Gibsqn -, Referred to Clerk. v
<,?ntario_Water Resources Commission, 135 St. G:lair.Ave~, W,
Toron~o re: Police Village of Orono Municipal Development
Data - Referred to Clerk. ~
Canada Week Committee, 1470 Peel, Hontreal - filed.
~.~. Harston Engi~eering Ltd., Port HopeOnt# - filed.
L"l5e _Ontario Regio"al Development Council, Peterboro-filed.
Depar~ment of l'Iunicipal ,Affairs, .TGror,to,re: 1972 tax bills
_Government-Owned Property - Eeferred.toClerk~ ,j
Department of Municipal Affairs, Torontocre:T6wnship Or Clarke
Restricted Area By-Law Nos. 1729 and 1730- filed.
Department of l"unici,)al Affairs, Toronto -rei .Provincial
Property - Taxe,s, or Payment in Lieu of 'faxes - referred to Clerk v'
Central oLake Ontario Conservation AuthQrity~ Oshawa, _ filed.
Northumberlanq and Du~am County Board of Education,Cobourg
r~: Budget Estimates for 1972 - filed.. - -
,Booklet, Un~ted Coun~ies of Northumberland and Durham~Cobourq-filed
Page 2
Regular Meeting of Council April 4, 1972 cont'd
. ,
Association of Municipalities of Ontario,Toronto _ filed.
Copy of letter from Ontario Ilater Resourc\"s Commission
to Imperial Oil Ltd., Don Hills, OJ1t; re:.Sewage'Works
Approval - filed. .
Barber and Kelly, Barristers & 301icitors, 50wmanville, Ont.,
re: By-Law 1730 - Stephenson ~ot 23 Con 1 _ Referred to
Clerk and photostatic copy 6f'1~tter to H. Best, Secretary
Planning Board. . -
Council recessed for lunch at 12:15 noon and resumed session
at 1:15 R.m. . 0
M.L. Ross, Road Superintendent, appeared at Cotln~il Meeting
to discuss Road Depart-nen t business and to open tenders.
It was moved by W:R. Carveth and seconded by F.A. Gray that
the Tenders be opened for the following~
Tenders fur: Morqan's Road Bridqe. Contract No. 64W20:
1. Larsen Grills Construction I;imited., F.O. Box 250, Cobourg,Ont.
2. Iv.G. f!;.elly Construction Limited, p.O. Box i81,Stra"tfOl:'d,Ont.
3. Gcmaraska Bridge C"Offipany Limited, "p.'O.l3'ox 96 Cli"fton Rd.Port Hope.
4. .Ronal C. Deeth Limited p.O. Box 297,401 Hopkins St. l{hitby,Ont
5. R.E. Brahm Construction Limited, Norland, Ontario.
Th~ Tenders were dealt with by Resolution.
Tenders for: Tractor
1. John Deer
2. JVI.Ferguson
_3. Ivhi te
40. Case
Back Hoe:
Tractor Industrial Ltd., Peterborough.
Don Valance. Equipment Ltd. Breoklin, Ont~
Pickott Tractor Squipr(,.ent Ltd. Weston, Onto
Mainline Equipment Ltd. Oshawa, Onto
'renders for:
1".' F'ord
2. "
3. n
M~cDon'ald. Ford Ltd. O-",hawil, Onto
Bramley l"~otors Ltd., CShavJa, Dnt.
=- SeavJay l\lotors Ltd: t'vhit::by, Ont.
Tenders for: Weed Sprayer: .
1. Niagara Cpemicals, Burlington, Ontario.
It was moved by R.G. Chater, seconded by B.C. Copping that the
following persons appearing beforeC6unci~ be heard.
1. J'.1r. 'dayne Bowins, Orono,. Ontarie, wi th regard tel a water
proplem on hi" property. Referr,?d to th", Road and-Bridge-
Committee. Carried.
2. Hr. Jan OChOl;tski, ('rono, Ontario, wi t!;1 regard, to diversien
of a,watercourse on Lot-22, Con 1, Parcel 16, Township
,9f Clarke. .Referred to tl.L. Ross Road Superintendent. Carried.
The followi~g resolutions were passed:
~ S ~
Resolution No. 69: Moved by Il.il. Carveth, seconded by i-.A. GJ!ay
This Council. .h.<;;reby accept the tender of Larsen Grills .
Constructiol1 Limii;ed, 1'.0. ,Box 250, Cobourg, OnUlxio, being i=he
lowest, for t;he Horgan-'s Road BE-idge, Township of Clarke, Contract
No. 64W20, subject to the qpproval or the Department of 'rran~-
portation ,and Cornmun'ication. :Carried. .
Resolution No. .70: Moved by Robert G. Chater, seconded byW.a.
Carveth - Reeve and Clerk to be authorizeQ to execute Contract
6AIV20, sUbj,ect to receiving necessary approval. Carried.'
Resolution No. 71: Moved by Robert G. Chater, seconded by E.G.
Copping - This CQuncil hereny accept the Audit Report for the
Year ,1971 as presented by Walter Pope, Auditor, Georgetown, for
Page 3
Regular Meeting of Council April 4, 1972 cont'd
Applications for Clerk cont'd
Mr. p. Boichuk, Whitby, Ontario.
Hr. A. Hilling, Agincourt, Ontario.
Mr. A. Irwin, A.H.C.T. Whitby,Ont~rio..
Hr. E. Oatram, P.C.I~.S~ 'oPete~borough, Ontario.
Hr. J. Grabby, Oshawa, ~OntariD. 0 ~ ~
Hr. B. Colli~ A.H.C.T. Bowmanville, Ontario.
The Council instructed the Acting Clerk to call Hr. A.
Irwin,'Whitby, Ontario and Hr. B. CollinS BOI,/manville, Ontario,
for an intervie~ on Saturday, April 8, at 3:00-pam.
Resolution No. 73:~Hoved byW.R. Carveth, seconded by Robert
G. ~hater - This Council hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday
April 18, 1972 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamb~r, Orono, or
otherwise in Special Meeting at the call of the Reeve. Carried.
c ft~i1.
Acting Clerk
. L~J.-4t~
of the Township of Clarke
Saturday, Ap~il 8, 1972 at 4:30 p.m..
Council Chamber, Orono,.
Present: ~eeve J.W. Stone
Deputy Reeve W.E. Carveth
Councillor R.G. Chater
Councillor P.A. Gray
Councillor S.C. Copping
Acting C~erk H. DeWith
A special meeting .of Co~ncil wqs_called by the Reeve
to .interview two ,applicants for the position of Clerk for the
Tovmship. , . . 0 ,
The Reave, Deputy ~eeve and Councillors met with the
applicants and following a discussion in a Committee~1eeting
of tl-1Je Counci_ll-ors" the decision wCi,s made to. appoint Mr. .Bruce
.W., c;ol.li~s, A.!1.C..T. Bowmar:ville, Ontario, as Clerk.
The following Resolution was passed: .
Resolution No. 74: ~ovedby Robert G. Chater, seconded by
W.R. Carveth- This Counol hereby accept the application
of Bru<:eW. Collins 1,.I'-;.C..'1'., Bowmanville, Ontario,
for .the position of ,Clerk of the. Tovmship of Clarke,
effec~ive as soo~ ~~ can b~ arranged oat a salary of
$lO,50q.OO pe~ annum and that the necessary by-law
eqe set up.. Carried.
Acting Clerk H. DeWith was
copy of this Resolution to
tnen lnstructed to send a certified
Hr. Collins, i'nformin~g <him of ~his
( - . --
Ie was moved byW.R.
m~eting be adjourned
Acting Clerk 0
Carveth, seconded "by P.A. Gray that this
at 5:15 p~m.' .
~ a{1N ./j~
REG0Ln~( l'j,_,:~~rr'I~JG CF Tli=': C0VNCIL
at the T9~nshiplof Clarke
Tuesday, Apri+18~ 1972'at 1:30 p.m.
Council Chamber, Orono
.' I
Heeve J .',1: Stone
Deputy Reeve ~.R. Carvetn
Councillor R.G. Chat~~ .
Councillor F.A. Gray
'Councillbr 2.C. Copping'
Acting Clerk H. DeWith
. 'rne minutes 0:0:: the Regular Council meeting on April
4 and April 8, 1972 were adopted'as printed, subject to taking
out "Commi ttee" sentence I (1) \-.hicl1 read as follo\-Is "Special
Committee Heeting of the Council" this should be rei3.d as
follows: "Special Meeting of tfie'Council" on'motion by R.G.Chater,
seconded by F.A. Gray and carried. .
, ,
It 0as moved by W.R. Carveth, seconded by R.G. Chater
that delegat ons be heard. Carried.
Hr. J. Ochonski, Orono, appeared at Council meetinJ with
regard to diversion of awatercourse on Lot 29, Con 1, Parcel
16 To\.mship of Clarke. lCeferred to Road and Bridge Committee.
Hrs. .2dna Williaus, O'c!qerof 1'w~n Oaks fv,otel and U;r.
Julien Dabrcwski, owner.of Diana Motel.on Highway #115, accompanied
by their Solicitor appeared at Council meeting to discuss a
proposed new Motel to be built on the cornar,of Con. 3 and
Highway #115, Township of Clarke. ~his matter was referred to
The Planning Board. .
The following correspondence was,rGad'out by the Reeve:
1. Minutes of Committee of Adjustment dated Harch 27,
April 10 and Apr~l_ll, 1972 _ filed.
2. Minutes of Planning Board dated March 29, 1972 _ filed~
3. Letter from "Bruce W. Collins, A.tl.C.T." Bowuanv111e
that he accepts the position of Clerk of the Township
Of Clarke ~ filed.
4. H. .Devlith, Acting Clerk, presented to Council a dr2ft
copy of a By-Law to appo:i;nt Hr. Bruce .W.. Gol.lins, A.H.C..T.
as Clerk-Administrator for the Eunicipality of the
Corporetion qf the Township of Clarke. . .The .cOllncillo.rs
accepted the draft copy and instructed ~e Actin~ Glerk
tq prepare ,the required ,Uy-Law.for presen~ation at the
n,ext meeting ,of Council on ~lay 2,1972. Carried.
5. Letter from C.R. Lovekin B.A. LL.B., SOlicitor, Newcastle
re roa.cl closing between lots 34 and 35, Con 2., 'Township
of Clarke. 'rhe attached letter i.n reply fr.om the Acting
Clerk to S.R, Lovekin B.A. LL.B., was approved by
Council. - filed. . ,'.
6. Letter from !-1rs. Al'ice Chate"r, Orono re resignation as
Secretary of the CeI;;etery Board of the To\-mshi'p of
Clarke - rererred to the Chairman of the Cemetery Board-filed.
7 . Page andl\amin', SOlicitors, T'oronto reo: i'Iosport Park Ltd. tabled.
8. Public Library, Orono rc:"Budgec. for the year 1972-referred
to'Finance Committee ana ~re2surer. _
9. Department of Highways, Port Hope, Ontario re: 1972 Subsidy
AllocRtion-referred to Resolution No. 78.
10.. HO\J12nd Coombesa BO"lfnnanville. On-r"__ rp: Ci"lmn;:::;;nn- +-"n rr'li.c:p ~