HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/21/1972 Page 4 Regular Meeting of Council March 7, 1972 cont'd . No person shall within an RR-2 zone erect any building or structure witpin the area shown as "RESTRICTED BUILDING AREA" on Schedule "RR-2" hereto attached. , 0 3. This By-Law sh~ll become effective on the date hereof subject to receiving the approv~l of the Ontario Municipal , Board. . e Resolution No. 63: Moved by Robert G.Chater, seconded by E.C.Copping: This Council hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, March 21, 1972 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Orono or otherwise in special meeting at the call of the Reeve.Carriea. .~ Acting <;lerk d /1AJ A1~ Reev<!J REGUl_AR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL of the Township of Clarke Tuesday, March 21, 1972 at 7:30 p.m. Counyil Chambers, Orono . Present: , . Reeve J.W. Stone . Deputy Re<<ve W.R. CaJ;veth . ~o~ncillor R.G. Chater Councillor F.A. Gray , Councillor E.C. Copping Acting Clerk H. .DeWith The minutes of (the Reg~lar Council meeting on March 7, 19~2 were adqpted 1j.s printed, subject to, chilnging the name of Mr. Roy Foster to Mr. Ro~ Forrester on page ,1, .Sentence " "( , 28 which read as follows "Mr.' Peter Casp1J.ri, Mr. Roy Foster etc." should be read as follows "Mr. Peter Caspari, Mr. Roy Forrester etc" on motion by R.G. Chater, seconded by F.A. Gray and . <> . ~ carr~ed. . It was moved by W.R. Carveth, sec.onded by R.G. Chate~ that delegations be heard. Carried.' .' Nr. W. Vooys., pewcas tIe and' J. Hodg,e,o Hamil ton appeared at Council meeting to di scuss, 2 Bu'ilding units on Hr. J. Hodge property, Lot 29, Con 6. Reeve J.W. Stone requested Mr. W. Vooys and Mr. J. l10dge to write a letter to the Clerk and Council . , will discuss this matter in the next Council meet~ng on April 4, 1972. Walter discuss' the suggested a Pope, Auditor, Georgetown, met with Council to financial position of the TownshiR apd al~o' pollcy re Township employees. o Q -. The following correspondence was read out by the Reeve: 1. Department of Municipal Affairs,re Provincial-Municipal Employment Incentive Program 1971/72 requested by the Community Park Board, Orono. - Filed. 2. H. Best, Secretary-Treasurer, Clarke Planning Board re application File No. 71-16 Stevenson Lot 23 Con 1 and application File No. 70-8 Marvin Lot 32 Con 7. _ Fi]prl_ F age 2 i~e,]ul:]r Eeetin.s of Counci 1 darch 21, 1972 cant. d: 8. Ontdrio Municip~l Boardrc,T~le Corporfltion of the Township of Cavdn. - appe(:i1. agcLLnst197y L'';gl:a~ized ..\~Ee-?L:imen_t r~nd. t~e Equallzatlon l' act:or. Appolnbden t for h8arlng 0:1 L uesday, 4th of April 1972 at 11 o'clock at the Cgurt House,Cobourg. On a molion by CoQncillors ".~. Chater, seronded by F.A. Gray that Reeve J.W. StorIe attend the meeting. 9. The Gnt ::Jrio lollunicipal Board_: Appoint.men t of hearing on Thursday, 23rd of March 1972 at 10:30 o'clock in Township Council Chambers re: i\.ppe31 by Jean Goode. - Filed. 10. pepartment of L?-nds and :;?orc~sts rE::: Ov'Jncrship.- Lak(; Ontario _ Shoreline - Referred to Clerk. ~ 11. De~artnlent\of Municipal Affairs re: Township of Clar~e Restricted Area By-Law 1694 - Referred to Clerk. 12. Sandler, Gordon & Gleiberrr1an, Bdrristers -Solicitor~, ~oronto re: Cla~:'ke Fish & Conservation Club. Eefer to Clerk. 13. Commission on Post-Secondary Education in On.ario,Toronto re Public Meeting to discuss the Draft Report. - Filed. 14. John Layng re: Roads Township of Clarka. - Filed. The following resolutions were passed: Resolution No. 64:Moved by Robert G. Chater, secorlded by FoA. Gray: This Council hereby accept the tender,of Robert Young Construction Ennismore, Ontario, being the lowest, for Crushing 2nd delivering gravel, subject to the approval of the Department of Transportation and CornmunicQtions. Carried. HesolutiDn No. 65:Noved by ":,J.l~o C:n.~v, th, ::)econded by Robert G. Ch2.ter: This Council hereby accept thcot@nder of h.S.O. Construction Ltd., 100 Disco Road, Rexdale, Ontario, ~eins the lowcst, for the supply of refined used oil subject to the ,approval of the Department of Trailsportation and COffiQunications.0 Carried. :Resolution l'>Jo. 66:Nov\~;d by ~-<'obe:ct G. ChCit'2r, seconded ":Jy F.h.. Gray: This Council hereby accept and endorse the Police Village of Orono Resolution No. 72-15 dated ?ebruary 28, 1972. Carried. Resolution No. ,67:Hoved by Eobert G. Chater, seconded by F.A. Gray: This Council hereby instruct the Acting Clerk to advertise for applications for the position of Clerk of this Municipality to be received on or before April 4, 1972 at 12 'o~clock noon. Successful applicant to cornmence duties as soon as possible. The said advertisement to be advertised if I)Ossible in Oshawa Times, CCJnad~an State:'-3man, Orono .vJeeJ;:ly ':;'7,in;\25 and Peterborough Examiner. Carried. It was moved by F.A. Gr(::y', seconded by ~,,'i.H. Carveth "that the Heevc ann Acting Clerk sign the agrec;ment Ear the pl>~liminary work on a ,:\:Jater Works Project, .sche-dule "A" ba By-L~"v No. 17-13 bet\-Jeen Ontario Water Resources Commission and the Cor[)oratiorr o? tl1e Town- ship of Clarke. Resolution No. 68:Moved by W.R. Carveth, seconded by Robert G. Chater: This Council her2by adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, April 4, 1972 at 10:00 a.Ino in tIle Council Cham~er, Or()no, or otherwise in special meeting at the call of th2 Reeve. Carried. f(C)~;d I Acting Clerk 1, 'VtJ ;?C-~ Reevi