HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/07/1972 REGUL^,Z MEET THG OF THE COUNCIL of the Township of Clarke Tuesday, March 7, 1972, at 10.00 a. m. Council Chambers, Orono. ~ Present: Reeve..J.. w. Stone Deput,y ~Zeeve W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor R. G. Chater Councillor E. C. Copping Acting Clerk iI. DeWith The minutes of the Regular Council meeting on February 15, e 1972 Were adopted as printed on motion by R. G. Chatel', seconded by E. C. Copping. It was moved by R. G. Chatel', seconded by F. A. Gray that delegations be heard. Carried. l,ir. James B. McMullan, real estate broker; Mr. Irving Glei.berman, soliei tor; and dr. Robef't Hann, builder; repf'G sentat:i ves of Claf'ke Fi.sh and Conservation Club, discussed the proposed amendment to By-Law No. 1694 Whereby the ten fishing chalets, as originally proposed, would be replaced by one Club douse and five chalets. In respect to the CJ..ub douse, buildinc; 71067 dated August 10, 1971 and prepared by J\ssociates of Oshawalincludine; the plot plan counc5.1's considerat.ion.. R,eeve Stone statea council were awai ting a reply from the Ontario Municipal Board. plans, (project Advance Design Were presented for :t"Sr. Peter Caspari, Mr. Roy For';.'iCslf-'r' and Mr. E.Woodyard met with Council to d:iscuss the second water weJ..l of the Police Village of Orono. No further action was taken on the Resolution No. 72-12 of the Police Village of Urono ana the Agreement of the Ontario Water Resources Corr~ission dated February 23, 1972. Mr. Roy Foster, representative of the Ganaraska Resion Conservation Authority, met with Couneil to diseuss the Blldget for the year 1972-Township of Clarke's share - 4ii8,337.UO. 5. The i'ollowinG eorrespondenee was read out by the Reeve: IJiinutes of Clarke Planning Board meetings dated January 25 and February 17, 1972.-Filed. Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority Budget for the year .l972. -Referred to Treasurer. Letter from Miss Joan Beattie re resignation.-Referred to resolution. The t'ollowing rezone; ng applieat ions Were reec:i vea and referred to the Plannj.ng Board for consideratlon: A. S~ewart a. wood, Lot 5, Con. B.F., File No. 72-34 B. Dr. J. Cunningnar", Lot33, eon. 1, Fi.le No. 72-3:> w. E. ~:Zundlc, CJ~erk-^d.Tr.Ln.iscrator, Hampton re ]'\.leeting March 15, 1972 at 7:30 p.m. of the four Municipal Councils (Bowmanville, Clarke, Neweastle and Darlington)Referred to Clerk. .~........- 1. ., "'. " J. 4. Cou.ncil recessed for lunch at 12:30 noon and resumed session at 1:30 p.m. M. L. Ross, Road Superintendent, met with Council to discuss certain matters pertaining to the Road Department. It Was moved by F. A. Gray, seconded by E. C. Copping that the tenders be opened for the following: 'rRndRr~ fOI' CPUShRd p'r~vR]: 1. Fred Nelson & Sons Ltd., Keene, Ontario 2. Robert Young Construetion, Bnnismore, Ontario 3. Frank S. Coyle Ltd., Lakefj eld, Ontari 0 4. i1arnden & King Construction Ltd., Cobourg, Ontar:lo '5. Cedarhurst \.!uarries L. Crushing Ltd., 7901 Bayview Ave., Thornhill, Unt. . Page 2 Regular Eeeting Qf Council March 7, 1972 contld e Tpnders for' Priminc: 1. Miller Paving Ltd., Du,tt.onvil18, Box 56, Ontario 2. Armstrong Bros. Company Ltd., Box 1000, Brampton, Ontario 3. Harnden (;, King Construction Ltd., CObourg, Ontario 1'(-'> nd ArE; for Ro~d 0 oj J : 1. M.S.O. Construction Ltd., 100 Disco Road, Rexdale, Onto 2. Canitill Oil Serv:Lces, Box 40, Breslaw, Ontario .3. Ace Oi.l Serv:Lce Ltd., Box 2160; Std. B., Scarborough, Ont. 4. Harnden &. King Constructi.on Ltd., Cobourg, Ontario 5. 1":Lller Paving Ltd., Buttonville, Box 56, Ontari.o. Snowf'ence: 1. Durham Farmerls County Co-op, Orono, Ontario 2. Fawcett Metal Product Ltd., Box 304, Waterloo, Ontario 3. Lennox Snowfence Co. Ltd., box 91+3, Napanee, Onto Correspondence continued: 6. Application for '''''arble Fly Inspector from Mr. Lawrence Harris,-Referred to Resolution. 7. Departmene of A[;riculture and food, ParI iarncnt Bu.ildings Toronto re Viarble Fly Control Act-Grants will be 'discontinued as of March :)1, 1972.-filod. 6. Department of Transpor.tation and COlmnunications re Application for a develPpment road bet.ween Con. Lf and S, from Lot 9 to Lot 20 as business brought forward from February 1, 1972.-Filed. 9. Twin Oaks Motel and Diana Motel.-Referred to Planning Board. - 10. Copy of a letter ITom Township of Clarke to E. R. Lovekin Barrister & Solicitor re Kasper HollBn - Grant of Easement to Township of Clarke, Pt. Lot 3, Con. I.-Tablea. 11. Ontario Municipal Board, Toronto re Township of Clarke - Restricted Area By-Law 1694 - Clarke Fish and Conservation Club.-Filed. 12. Mr. Micklash re RighL-of-way, Lot 15, Con. 7.-Tabled. 13. Canadian Transport Commission, 275 Slater Street, Ottawa, re Crossing C.N.R. mileage 261.60 Kjngston Subd., and Glovers Road, Newtonville. -Filed. _ li+. E. R. Lovekin, Solicitor, Newcastle re Deed from Prairi.e Automobile Transport Ltd., Part_of Lot 29, Con. 'I.-Filed. 15. McClIntock, Devry &. fierce, Barristers & Solicitors, Don Mills re Offer to Sell-Mrs. Patricia Clare Vickery to the Township of Clarke.-Referred to Clerk. 16. E. R. Lovekin, Solicitor, Newcastle re Purch~se land from Mrs. Vickery.-Filed. 17. ~. Kay Lycett, B.A., Orono re Joe Feddema, Kendal, Lot 4, Con 7, re cutting down elm tree.-Tabled. H5. Department of Transportation and COImnunications re Final Subsidy 1972 Road Department.-Filed. 19. Letters from H. R. Best, Clarke Planning BOard re the following Applications, and respective amending by-laws: File #71-16 - J. G. Stephenson .file #70- 8 - J. Marvin Filed. . The following resolutions were passed: Rllsoluti on No. ')7 :Moved byE .C.Copp.ing, seconded byd.R. Carveth: This Council of the Corporation of tJ$ Township of Clarke accept with regret th", resignation of' Miss Joan BeattLe as of March 21, 1972. Carried. Rp.solut-ion No.')6:Moved by E.C.Copping,seconded byF.A.Gray: Re: 1972 Warble fly Campaign 1. The Inspector is hereby authorized to advertise all the facts of the 1972 campa.Lgn. 2. The InspectorLs hereby authorized 'to hire SOlDeone to SPI<W all cattle so requested at .251 per head on small herds not over 10 in nwnber and 2 for' .351 on all herds over 10 in number. 3. The Inspector iL; hereby empowered to be responsible for the collecti.ons mentioned in item 2 above. 4. All spraying is to be done under the direction and supervision of the Warble Fly Inspector. Carried. Page 3 Regular Meetinf; of Council r'Iarch '7,1972 contld Rl~so 1 uti on No _ Sq :Moved by \II .l{. Car\Teth, secolided by RobertG. Chater: Resolve that the applicatcion 01:' Mr. Lawrence IIarris, Orono, for the position of Warble Fly Inspector foi' the year 19'72 at ili2.50 per hour plus lO~ per mi,le' travelling expenses be and is hereby accepted as per applicatIon upon the recommendation of the Property and Finance Committee. Carried. R~sollJL-ion No.6o:MoVRdby F.A.Gr'ay,seconded by W.R.Carvetl1: This Council hereby accept the Tender or IIarnden & King Construction Ltd. bcing the lowest, for the supply of Prime and Surface Treatment, subject to the approval of the Department of Transportation and CommLulicatlons. Carried. Rp.~o-Il]t.i on No.61 :l'-'loved by W.l-~. Carvcth, seconded by F .A.Gray: This Council hereby accept 'the Tender of Durham Farmer'S County Co-operaLLve, bei nt: the lowest, for the supply of Snow Fence. Carried. Resolution No.62:Moved by RobertG.Chater,seconded by E.C.Copping: Resolve 'that the f'ollowi,ng Pay Vouchers be and are hereby authorized for payment by the Signing Officers of this Council: General Voucher #2 for February 1972 in the amount of :;';6,929.20 Road Voucher #2 for February 1972 in the amount of $22,5e3.21 Orono Police Village Voucher #2 for February i.n the amount of ilil,351.l3 Carried. e The following By-Laws Were given f'irst reading on motion by R. G. Chater, seconded by,X. A. Gray: The following By-Laws were f;i.ven second reaLUng on motion by W. R. Carveth, seeonded by E. C. Copping: The follOWing By-Laws were given third reading on moti:on by W. R. Carveth, seconded by r. A. Gray: Hy-L.::!'iri l~'o. 172q dhereas the i'iunic.ipal Council of the CorporaUon of the Township of Clarke deems it advisable to amena By-Law N6. 1653 as amended. NOW THEIl.EFORE the t!:un Lcipal Council of the Corporation of the Townshi,p of Clarke ENACTS AS FOLLOwS: 1. That, !.bp 1 of Schedule IIA" of By-Law No. Ib53 be amend.:,d by chant:=ing to RR-l the zone symbol of the lands so desj gnated on Scheciu.le try" hereto attached. That Section 5 of' By-Law ['0. Ib53 be amended by adding thereto the following subsec!':L on: 5.3 SPECI~L PROVTS10NS (a) forced Road Rl{-l In addition to the provi.sions as referred to in Section '), subsect,Lons 1 and 2 "hereof, the land so designatec,i RR-l on .schedule nyn as hereto attacrlcd shall be su,bjectto the following conditions: No person shall ~within an l<.R-l zone erect any buil.ding or st,ructure or-remove or place rill or any kj.nd below the top 01' the bank or within twenty-rive feet (25 I) of the top of the bank as shown on Schedule llyn hereto attached. This By-Law shall beceme effective oil the date hereof subject to receiving the approval of the Ontario Municipal rioard. C> c,. 3. By-L.::lW No a l'r~o WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke deems it advisable to amend By-Law No. 1653 as amended. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council Oir- the Corporation oi' the Township of Clarke ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That Map 2 of Schedule IIAII of By-Law No. 1653 be amended by changing to H...LCZ-2 ti'1.8 zone symbol of the lands so designated on Schedule "RR-2" hereto attached. ThaL Section 5 of By-Law lw. 1653 be amended by adding thereto the following subsection: 5.3 SPECiAL PROVISIONS (b) KingfsHit:l'hw;:Jv No.2 RR-2 In addition to the provisions as referred to in Section 5, subsections land 2 hereof', the land so designated ,(R-2 on Schedule "RR-2" hereLo attached, shall be subject to the following conditcLon: ') <'C. - Page 4 Regular Meeting of Council March 7, 1972 cont'd . No person shall within an RR-2 zone erect any building or structure witpin the area shown as "RESTRICTED BUILDING AREA" on Schedule "RR-2" hereto attached. , 0 3. This By-Law sh~ll become effective on the date hereof subject to receiving the approv~l of the Ontario Municipal , Board. . e Resolution No. 63: Moved by Robert G.Chater, seconded by E.C.Copping: This Council hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, March 21, 1972 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Orono or otherwise in special meeting at the call of the Reeve.Carriea. .~ Acting <;lerk d /1AJ A1~ Reev<!J REGUl_AR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL of the Township of Clarke Tuesday, March 21, 1972 at 7:30 p.m. Counyil Chambers, Orono . Present: , . Reeve J.W. Stone . Deputy Re<<ve W.R. CaJ;veth . ~o~ncillor R.G. Chater Councillor F.A. Gray , Councillor E.C. Copping Acting Clerk H. .DeWith The minutes of (the Reg~lar Council meeting on March 7, 19~2 were adqpted 1j.s printed, subject to, chilnging the name of Mr. Roy Foster to Mr. Ro~ Forrester on page ,1, .Sentence " "( , 28 which read as follows "Mr.' Peter Casp1J.ri, Mr. Roy Foster etc." should be read as follows "Mr. Peter Caspari, Mr. Roy Forrester etc" on motion by R.G. Chater, seconded by F.A. Gray and . <> . ~ carr~ed. . It was moved by W.R. Carveth, sec.onded by R.G. Chate~ that delegations be heard. Carried.' .' Nr. W. Vooys., pewcas tIe and' J. Hodg,e,o Hamil ton appeared at Council meeting to di scuss, 2 Bu'ilding units on Hr. J. Hodge property, Lot 29, Con 6. Reeve J.W. Stone requested Mr. W. Vooys and Mr. J. l10dge to write a letter to the Clerk and Council . , will discuss this matter in the next Council meet~ng on April 4, 1972. Walter discuss' the suggested a Pope, Auditor, Georgetown, met with Council to financial position of the TownshiR apd al~o' pollcy re Township employees. o Q -. The following correspondence was read out by the Reeve: 1. Department of Municipal Affairs,re Provincial-Municipal Employment Incentive Program 1971/72 requested by the Community Park Board, Orono. - Filed. 2. H. Best, Secretary-Treasurer, Clarke Planning Board re application File No. 71-16 Stevenson Lot 23 Con 1 and application File No. 70-8 Marvin Lot 32 Con 7. _ Fi]prl_