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Regular Meeting of Council February 1, 1972, cont'd:
2. The public games and sports named in this By-Law sha11 be
subject to the following regulations and control:
(a) Every such gWlle or sport shall be conducted in an
orderly and seemly manner;
(b) no such game or sport shall be cO~~enced before
half past one o'clock in the afternoon.
3. That By-Law No. 1700 be and is hereby repealed.
Bv-L;-tw No. 1727
Being a by-law to set day and hour for f'i,rst meeting of
Council and subsequent monthly meetings.
WHEREAS under the provisions of The Municipal Act, Council
may by by-law fix the day and hour at which the fi,rst meeting
of council sha1l be held in January of any year after, an
annual or biennial election, as the case may be;
NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Counci,l of the Corporation of
the Township of Clarke ENACTS AS FOLLO"~:
1. The first meet1ng of the Council of the Corporat:lon of the
Township of Clarke shall bemld on the first Tuesday of
January, after an annual or biennial election, at the hour
of 11:00 o'clock A.M.
2. The regular meetings of the Council sha11 be held on the
first Tuesday of each month at 10:00 o'clock A.M. and on the
third Tuesday of each month from 7:30 to 11:00 o'clock P.M.
3. Special meetings of the Council may be called by the Reeve
or the head of Council as may be required.
4. This By-Law shall take effect after the final passing
thereof and remain in force from year to year until repealed.
Resolution No. Sl :Moved by E.C.Copping,seconded byRobertG.Chater:
This Council hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday,
February 15, 1972 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber at Orono
or otherwise in spff'cial meeting at the call of the Reeve. Carried.
Acting CleWv-
C'i " "
, ~ A7;-vL<~
of tfw Township of CIarke
Tuesday, february 15, 1972, at 7:30 p.m.
Council Chambers, Orono.
Present: Reeve J. W. Stone
Deputy Reeve W. R. Carveth
CounCillor R. G. Chater
CounCillor F. A. Gray
Councillor E. C. Copping
Acting Clerk H. De'With
The minutes of ReguJar Council meeting of February 1, 1972
were adopted as printE,.d, subject to 1,hc," deletion on page 3,
s(;::~ntence 36, which reads as follows:Tfafler spending money for
property fencing and other expenses the Cemetery Board have a
deficit" on motion by R. G. Chater, seconded by F. A. Gray and
It was moved by F. A. Gray, seconded by R. G, Chater that.
delegations be heard. Carried.
Mr. Kasper Hollen appeared at Council meeting to d~scuss
Planning Board matters. Reeve J. W. Stone referred Mr. Hollen
to the Planning Board meeting on Th~rsdaY, February 17, 1972.
Also Mr. K. Hollen discussed tickets for sale for the Boy Scouts.
The followi n,~ correspondfmce W"iS read out by the Reeve:
1. Thank you note from W. R. Carveth.-rilc,d.
lA, MinuV,s of Committee of Adjustment dated January 31, 1972.-Filed.
2, Department of Treasllrer and Econom i cs re The ~iunj ci pal work s
Assistance Act Debenture No. 1 - $13,219.16 By-Law No. 1536
Loan #1.53, Payment received in fulL-Filed.
Page 2
Regular Meeting of' Council February 15, 1972, cont'd.
E. R. Lovekin, Solicitor re Part Lot 10, Con. 6-
Township of Clarke, Deplirtment o:f Public "^larks -
Forced Road.-Tab1ed.
McClintock, Devry & Pierce, Solicitors, Don Mills re
Offer to Sell- Mrs. Flitricili Clare Vickery to the Corporation
of the Township of' Clarke.-Referred to rpsolutLon.
Department' of Municipal Affairs of' Ontario, Toronto re Approval
of' the Additional Employment Incentive Prograrr 1971-72 for an
amount of ~5200.00.-Filed.
Len Mikulich re Thank you note.-Piled.
C. W. Rump, Secretary, Railway Transport Committee j'r
Newtonville C.P.R. Overpass, Township 01 Clarke.-Tabled.
3M Company, Don Mj11s re Maintenance IIgI'f'ement of the 3M
Model 209 lIutomatic Copy Machine.-Rcferred to Clerk.
Copy of a Jetter from Ontlirio ',vatrr Resources Commissi on
Toronto to Mr. K. C. Andrews, Srcretary, Ontario Municipal
~~)and1cr, Gordon [7' Glcibcrman, Solicttors, Toronto roc Clar'kc'
Fish and Conservation Club, Township of Clarke Restrict.ed Area
By-Law 1694.-Re:ferred t.o Clerk.
The following resolutions were passed:
r<e!'>o l11t.i on No 'i1 :Moved byW.R. Ca rveth, seconded by Robert.G. Chliter:
This Council hrreby aut.horize t.he Reeve and Clerk t.o sign
an Of'f'er t.o Sell between Pat.ricia Vickery and the Corporation of
the' Township of Clarke dated Frbruary 5, J 972. Car r ied.
Re!'>olut.ion No.'i2:Moved by W.R.Carvet.h,seconded by P.A.Gray:
This Council accept. the 1972 Road Expendit.ure Budgrt. as
pr(',sent.ed by M.L.Ross, Road Superintendent.. Carri,~d.
Resolution No.Sl:Moved by F.II.Gray,seconded by W.R.Carveth:
Resolve that. the Road Superint.endent, M. L. Ross, is hereby
author5 z~d to advertjs{-: for tc:nd':.-:.rs for:
(a) Truck - 30,000 G.V.W.
(b) Tractor with backhow and Tront. buckct.
(c) IVeed Spray,"r Carried.
The following By-Law was given first reading on motion by
W. R. Carveth, seconded by E. C. Copping:
The followini' By-Law was given second reading on mot.ion by
F. II. Gray, seconded by R. G. Chat.er:
The follow:ing By-Law Was gi,ven third r("ading on motion by
W. R. Carveth, seconded by R. G. Chat.er:
By-L"w No 172,"
A by-Law for permit.ti ng and regulat.ing th'e si ZP and mode of
construction of culverts siLuat'c,d on a Hignway.
'NIIEREIIS the Corporat. i on of t.he Townshi pOI Clarke deems it
expedient to regulate the materials us()d, wanner of cons1~ructj_on,
and paym.ent of cost foT" the construction of private dri1!eway or
t~ntrance culvert.s:
IIND ','IHEREIIS t.he authority :for t.he works herein arc t.o be
undertaken under the terms of Tt,e Municipal Act., R.S.O. 1970,
Chapter 284, S. 352, 5.5. 20, and amendments t.heret.o:
The Council 01 the Corporation of the Township 01 Clarke
'macts as ['ollows:
1. All pecsons requiring an ent ranee onto any road under th(-~
.jurisdict.ion of the Township of Clarke shall mak" appl iCation to
t.he Road SLperint.cndent or the Township of Clarke ror,t.ho supply
and inst.allation of entrance culverts.
2. The Road Superintendent or his agf~nt stlalJ determine if a
culvert is necessary in con;iunction with the' ent.rance apolied for.
3. The Building Inspect.or of the Township of' Clarke shall not .issue
a building permit. to an applicant until ne has received a cnpy of the
Ent.rance Culvert IIppli cation and Work Order duly completed.
4. Upon receiving a~appliclition the Road Superint.endent or his
agent. shall det.ermine the type and diameter nf' culvert. t.hat. shall be
5. No person shaLl install or allow to be installed any culvert
on a road in the Township of Clarke without. having made applicat.ion
under this By-Law and having secured t.he approval of the Road
6. No culvert. ot.her than t.hat. approved by t.ne Road Superintendent
shall be used within thf' Township and not. so as to r,'st,'ict the
generality of the forecoin!~ but for plJrooses elf clarificationl~he
Page J
E<.cgular Meeting or Counc5 J February 15, 1 C)?~~ cont f d.
t'equ iremcnts shaJJ be 5 nt er pt'ehd to pre elude "'le "se of
bo:iler pj~)CS, watf.~r rrain, wood plank. cuncr'c:Le tJlock or any
unsatisfactory matf~rial.
The minimum Si7,E; of a Cl11v8!'l that. TI'a.y be :~,nstalled shall
be twenty-i,wo feet (22' 1 in JcngLh by fIftt"eni nches (15") in
R. 'dhere a cu,Jvert.. in exc:css of 50 fCE~t Ln length is r'equestcd
the appJ.icant s}la~ll be reqlJired to pay th(~ snt,ire cost of
constrecti,ng as many calcl. basil1s as may be necess~ry in tIle
opinion of the Road S';pc'r'intendcnt to fac51i tat., surface
dr-aj.nac'C:: ft':JIT1 the roadway.
9. "~vriere a pe-rson has "Lnstal.l(;d or al1owc'd t~) b,--' instalJ,ed an\!
culvert othel~ t~iarl ttla~ approvel] by the Road Sup~rinLendent, thE!n
that person ~haJl bt~ notified of I~he condition and rcqu0sted Lo
remove the culvert. Should the removal of any unsatisfactory
culvert be not completed within JO days of receiving notifiCation
then the Road Superintendent may direct a Road EmpJoyee to remove
the culvert and the person shall pay the fuJl cost of such
10. \'/here a culvert has been installed in accordance with the
pr'ovisions of thi s By-law then the Township of CJarke shalJ
asswne aJl future mainLEmancc of such culvert.
11.. Where an ent~rance culvert is requir,::d the applicant shall
pay to the Township of Clarkf.' the cost of the culver-t together
with the instaJlation cflar'ges as follows:
(a) minimum installation charge is $44.00 plus th~ cost
of culvert pipe
culverts in excess of minimum size shaJl be charged
at the rate of $2.00 per lineal foot plus the cost of
cuI vert pj, pe
installations requiring more than J loads of gravel or
fi 11, th" appl i cant or owner shalJ be charged for the' cost
of the extra graveJ or fill
applications are subject to the here;nafter noted eond-
12. All
(al A non-returnable application fee of $10.00 shall
accompany each appl ication for entrance pc-rmit. IT the
application is compJeted and paid within go days, the $JO.OO
application i'ee wilJ form par't of the a;)proved cost.
(b) Permit applications will expire after go days from
date of :issue if approved c;ost has not been paid by applicant.
(c) Permit applications wi]] expire afb,r 1 year from datE'
of issue if approved cost is paid by applicant but cuJvert
not instalJed, save and except i ng where the installation i.s
delayed by reason of rc const cuet ion 01 stlb~i ect road.. Where
approvea cost of entrance has bepn paJd by arlplicanl and the
permit has expired, the approved .coost, less $10.00 application
fee, will be ret;ur'ncd Lo ttle appliCant.
(d) Entrance CuJvert Appl'ication and Work Orders are not
transferable except those that have b~en paid for and
irlstallation completed.
IJ. Any person who contravenes any provision of this By-law
shalJ upon convIction be liabJe to a penalLy not exc;eeding
$100.00 recoverable under The Summary Conv.ictions Act.
14. By-Law No. 1462 be and is hereby repealed.
Resolution No. 'ih:Moved by F. A. Gray, seconded by E.C.Copping:
Th:is Council hereby adjourn to meet again on March 7, J972
at 10 a.m. in the Council Chamber at Orono or otherwise in
speciaJ m~eting at the call of the Reeve. Cart'i~d.
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