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of the Township of Clarke
Tuesday, February I, 1972 at 10 A.M.
Council Chambers, Orono.
Present: Reeve J. W. Stone
Councillor R. G. Chater
Councillor F. A. Gray
Councillor E. C. Copping
Acting Clerk H. DeWith
As a matter of record, Deputy Reeve W. R. Carveth did
not attend this meeting due to illness.
The minutes of Regular Council meeting of January 4 and
Special Council meeting January 19, 1972 were adopted as
printed on motion by R. G. Chater, seconded by F. A. Gray
and carried.
The following correspondence was read out by the Reeve:
1. Minutes of Cow~ittee of Adjustment dated January 10 and
January 12, 1972.-Filed.
2. Minutes of Clarke Planning Board meeting dated January
6, 1972.-Filed.
3. Treasurer's Full membership in Association of Municipal
Clerks and Treasurer received by Henry DeWith, Acting Clerk-
Treasurer of Township of Clarke, Was duly noted by the
Reeve and members of Council.
4. Copy letter froIr. the Ontario Water Resources Commission
to Mr. E. R. Woodyard, Secretary, Police Trustee Board
of the Village of Orono re Proposed Development Water
5. Copy letter from Ontario Water Resources Commission
to Mr. Horace R. Best, Secretary-Treasurer, Clarke Planning
Board re Application for Rezoning By-law - File No. .
6. Bell, Gouinlock & Company Limited, Toronto, re issuing
debentures in 1972.-Filed.
7. Copy letter from Ontario Water Resources Commission to
Mr. Horace R. Best, Secretary-Treasurer, Clarke Planning
Board re Application for Rezoning Ochonski-File No.
70-4. -Filed. .
8. Copy of a letter from Mr. L. J. Mikulich, A.M.C.T., Clerk
to Mr. E. R. Lovekin, Chairman, Committee of Adjustment
re Mrs. E. Yeo, Secretary of the Committee of Adjustment
of the Township of Clarke.-Filed.
9.. Oshawa"& District Sportsmen's Association re Schedule lIJlll
Land Use and Roads plan, Clarke Planning Area, proposed
highway and head waters of Wilmot creek.-Filed.
10. Report to Council from HOrace Best re S.W.P. Lot 3, Con. 2
57 acres more or less, Township of Clarke R. 1-170.-Tabled.
11. Department of Municipal Affairs re refund of taxes on
Farm Properties.-Filed.
12. HaJiburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit
report for December 1971.-Filed.
13. Department of Trade and Development re Ontario Sales
Opportunity Mission Shcedule for the 1972/73 Fiscal year.-
Refer copy to Curvply Ltd., Orono.
14. The following rezoning applications were received and
referred to the Planning Board for consideration:
(a) W. Turanski, Lot 5, Con. 7, File No. 71-31
(b) Gerald M. Lukow, Lot 25, Con. 3 File No. 72-32
(c) Mr. and Mrs. V. Onjukka, Lot 31, Con. 3. File No. 72-33
15. Department of Municipal Affairs of Ontario re Approval of
the Employment Incwntive Program 1971/72 to renovate,
reconstruct existing rooms at Clarke Public Library.-Filed.
16. Ontario Traffic Conference re Traffic Training Courses.-Filed. .
17. Ontario Department of Education, Belleville, re Municipal
Recreation Statement 1970 and Application for Grants 1971.
18. Copy of a letter from E. R. Lovekin, Chairman, Committee
of Adjustment for Township of Clarke to Mr. Grant N.
Slater, 28 Upper Canada Drive, Willowdale, Ont.-Filed.
19. Chipman Chemicals Limited, Ham.ilton, re Warble Fly
Spraying 1972.-Filed.
Page 2
Regular Meeting of Council February I, 1972, cont'd:
Mr. H. Bohlmann, R. R. 2, Orono re Railway right-of-way
(westerly extension of Station Street in Oronok-Refer to
the Road Superintendent, M. L. Ross.
Department of Financial and Commercial Affairs,
Cemeteries Branch, Toronto, re Abandoned Cemeteries,
Township of Clarke.-Filed.
The Ontario Municipal Board, Toronto, re Restricted Area
By-Law 1719 - Mr. E..vilkin.-Filed. ,
Department of Financial and Commercial Affairs, Cemeteries
Branch, re Newtonville Presbyterian Cemetery, Lot 6, Con.
2, Refer copy to Mrs. A. Chater, Secretary, Clarke
Cemetery Board.-Filed.
The Peterborough-Victoria-Northumberland and D~rha~ qounty
Roman Catholic Separate School Board re 1972 levy.-R~fer
to Budget 1972.
E. R. Lovekin, Solicitor, Newcastle, re Invoice Feigman &
Chernos, Toronto, re balance $1874.9S - Mosport Peace
Festival.-Referred to Reeve J. W. Stone.
Department of Municipal Affairs of Ontario re Employment
Incentive Program 1972-72 for Improvement Community Park
at Orono for $2,SOO.OO.-Referred to Resolution.
C.P.Rail, Off'ice of' the DiYision Engineer, Smith Ealls,
Ontario re Bridge at mileage 150.86 Belleville Subdivision-
Referred to resolution and f'iled.
Lake Ontario Regional Development Council" Peterborough,
re Membership Fee 1972.-Referred to Acting Clerk.
Copy of letter from Clerk of Township of' Clarke to E. R.
Woodyard, Secretary-Treasurer, Orono Police Village re
legal survey for 3ation Street and Division Street, Orono.-
30. John G. White, 303 Chaplin Cresc., Toronto re Right-of-
Way in Lot IS, Con. 7,-referred to M.L.Ross, Road Superint-
31. E. R. Lovekin, SOlicitor, NeWcastle re Township of~ Clarke
Sale to Department of Public Works moved by F. A. Gray,
seconded by R. G. Chater authorizing the Reeve and Acting
Clerk to sign and seal the deed betweenfue Corporation of
Township of Clarke and Department of Public Works for $1. 00.
32. Orono Chamber of Commerce re Grant for 1972 for $500.00.-
No action and filed.
33. Letter from L. J. Mikulich to E. R. Lovekin re Kasper Hollen
Grant of Easement to Township of Clarke, part Lot "3, Con. 1.
Tabled. "
34. Association of Municipalities of Ontario re Fee for 1972-
$135.00.-Referred to resolution.
3S. Sandler, Gordon & Gleiberman, Barristers &- Solicitors,
Notaries as business brought forward from January 4, 1972
re Clarke Fish & Conservation Club, Restricted Area
By-law No. 1694.-Referred to resolution.
36. Kirby Centennial Public School, Orono, re Miss J. Beattie.
Nl~. . .
37. United Counties of Northumberland and Durham, Cobourg, re
a COmlnittee set up to act in an adVisory capacity in
pianning I!latters. -Filed. .
36. Durham Central Agricultural Society Financial Statement
39. Copy letter from Department of' Municipal Affairs to Becas
Development Ltd., Toronto re closing file on application
in Township of Clarke part of Lot 24, Con. 4, File T-19448.
Northumberland and Durham, Cobourg, re Proceedings of the
Municipal Council of the United Counties. -Piled.
The Peterborough-Victoria-Northumberland and Durham County
Roman Catholic Separate School Board re assessment rolls.
Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unlt re
approval of construction permits for buildings containing
permanent x-ray locations.-Filed.
The Cons~~ers' Gas Company, Toronto re an Interim Rate
E. R. Lovekin, So~itor, Newcastle re Township of Clarke
purchase from Prairie Automobile-Sawyer.-Piled.
ft 23.
. 41.
Page 3
Regular Meeting of Council February 1, 1972, conttd:
:Department of' Transportation and Communications 1'8 a
development road between Con. 4 and 5, Lot 9 to Lot 20.-
Ontario Good Roads Association Road Runner.-Filed.
Department of Transportation and Communications re 1972
Subsidy Allocation.-Referred to M. L. Ross, Road Super-
intendent and Filed.
Ontario Good Roads Association, St. Thomas re Ladies'
Convention COllL'I1ittee.-Filed.
Department of Municipal Affairs, Toronto re Additional
application for Employment Incentive Program 1971-72.
E. R. Lovekin, Solicitor, Newcastle"re Charles Grant
Gibson issued a Writ and Statement of Claim to Township
of Clarke re injuries suffered because of snow clearing.-
Referred a copy to Reeve J. 'II. Stone.
Department of-Transportation and Communication, Port
Hope re Annual Return Road Expenditure over"the year
Mr. J. Dabrowski on behalf of "Diana Motel and Twin Oaks
Motel protest the granting of a change in the zoning
by-l.aws of Lot 28 Con. 3.-'l'abled. See Delegations.
Council recessed for lunch at 12:15 noon and resumed
session at 1:15 p.m.
M. L. Ross, Road Superintendent, met with Council to
discuss certain matters pertaining to the Road Department.
It was moved by E. C. Copping seconded by R. G. Chatel'
that -delegations be heard.. Carried.
Mr. Williams from Twin Oak Motel and Mr. Dabrowski
from Diana !viotel appeared at Counci.l meeting to complain about
rezoning of South Lot 28, Con. 3 to building of a 20 unit Motel
and Restaurant by Nick Dyriw.-Tabled.
Mr. B. Kamin met with Counci.l with respect to Mosport
Pa:i'k Limited re Sunday By-Law for year round use.
Mr. D. Hamm and Lyall Lowery met wit"h Council for
financial support for the Cemetery Board Orono. ~
~V~~~M. Also it is necessary to purchase more
land. Reeve J. W. Stone suggested they present a financial
statement of the cost to purchase land and this matter will be
discussed further at the next meeting.
The following resolutions were passed:
Rp;<'lolutionNo.hO:!vioved by F.A.Gray, seconded by E.C.Copping:
That the Road Superintendent be authorized to call
tenders for Morgan Bridge, Lot 12-13, Con. 3. Carried.
Resolution NO.hl:Moved by Robert G.Chater,seconded by E.C.Copping:
That Reeve J.W.Stone be and is hereby empowered to order
the necessary supply of Warbicide Powder for the year 1972 from
the Durham Farmers t County Co-operative. Carried. ""
RC<'lolution No.h2:Moved by F.A.Gray,seconded by RobertG.Chater:
Council hereby resolve that the Road "Superintendent be
authorized to advertise for tenders for the following materials
and services:
Gravel Crushing
Gravel Hauling
Surface Treatment materials
Road Oil - Used
SnM Fence Carried.
Page 4
Regular Meeting of Council February 1, 1972, cont'd:
R"",olution No.L.1:Moved by B.C.Copping,seconded by F.I\.Gray:
Whereas the C.P.Rail Offi.ce of the Division Engineer"
Smith Falls, Ontario, have requested, in their letter dated
January 21, 1972, designated as File No. B-32-150,86,
approval of the Township of Clarke Councillors to reduce
the existing clearance of 15'-9" Railroad Bridge Lot 5,
Concession BF, to install a new span of different design
which will reduce the clearance between the top of the
road and the underside of the bridge to 14'-41" as outlined
in their said letter and as shown on Plan No. B-1-30$1-1
dated January 19, 1972.
Hereby resolve that this Council approve the new
installation. Carried.
Rp.solution No.L.L.:Moved by F.A.Gray, seconded by E~C.Copping:
The Clerk be and is hereby instructed to advertise in
the Orono Weekly Times, the Canadian Statesman for applications
for Warble Fly Inspector for the year 1972.
Applications to be received on or before February 25, 1972.
Applicants to state remuneration expected.
The Property and Finance Committee be and are hereby
empowered to consider and act upon the applications and
finally report their recommendation to Council for the necessary
action by resolution at the next regular meeting of Council.
Rp.sollltion No:L.S:Moved by E. C. Copping,seconded by Roberttj.Chater:
Resolve that the following Pay Vouchers be and are
- hereby authorized for payment by the Signing Officers of this
Counc i.. 1 :
General Voucher No.1 in the amount of $13,737.07
Road Voucher #1 in the amount of :,ji23,481.28
Police Village of Orono Voucher #1 in the amount of
~4,934.20. Carried.
Rp.solution No.L.6:Moved by F.A.Gray,seconded by B.C.Copping:
In accordance with By-Law No. 1342 this Council hereby
resolve that R. G. Chater and B. C. Copping be and are hereby
appointed to the Board of Management of' the Orono Community
Hall for the year 1972 together with the folloWing Orono
W. G. Watson Fred Graham Len Pears
and the following Heather Rebekahs for the years 1972 and 1973:
Gladys Gamsby Betty Major
It is understood that three representati,ves of the Orono
Oddfellows shall be appointed in the odd years and two
representatives of the Orono Rebekahs be appointed in the
even years to this Board of Management. Carried.
Rp.solution No.L.7:Moved byRobertG.Chater,seconded byB.C.Copping:
whereas the Ontario Municipal Board under date of November
4, 1971 have requested certain information regarding Restricted
Area By-Law No. 1694, this Council hereby resolve that no .
changes are to be made in the said by-law in accordance with
the suggestions as referred to in the Third Comments of Mr.
C. 1\.. Louis, Senior Planner.
It is further resolved that if' the Ontario HunIcipal Board
do not approve of the by-law as submitted, the by-law be
returned to Council where it will be given further consideration
and review. Carried.
Resolution No.L.B:Moved by B.C.Copping,seconded by RobertG.Chater:
This Council hereby becomes a member of the Association of
~junicipalities of Ontario for the year 1972 and the approved
fee of ~135.00 be pajd. Carried.
ResollJtion No.L.q:Moved by E.C.Copping,seconded by RobertG.Chater:
That the Clerk be authorized to make appli.cation to the
Department of Municipal "ffairs regarding tbe "Provincial-
Municipal Incentive Programme" particularly to the approval or
~2500.00 for improvement to Communicy Park at Orono, Township
of Clarke. I\.lso the Orono Community Memorial Park Board be
directed to implement a progra~~e whereby the monies may be
utIlized. Carried.
Rp.so'llltion No. SO:Hoved by RobertG.Chater, seconded byE.C.Copping:
This Council hereby resolve to hold regular Council meetings
twice a month, the first Tuesday commencing at 10:00 a.m. and
the third Tuesday corr.mencing at 7:30 p.m. till 11:00 p.m.
I\. by-law to be prepared accordingly. Carried.
Page 5
Regular HeeLing of Counci.l Februay'y 1, 1972, cont'd:
F. A.
The f'ollowing By-Laws were given first rea,Hng on motion by
Gray, seconded by E. C. Copping:
The following By-Laws were given second reading on motion by
Chatel', seconded. by F. A. Gray l
The following By-Laws Were given third reading on motion by
Copping, seconded by R. G. Chatel':
R. G.
E. C.
Bv-L::tw No. 1 72t.;
The Corporation of the Township of Clarke.
Being a by-law to authorize the sale of land. -
The Council of' the Township of Clarke enacts that the land
hereinafter particularly described, namely, all and singular those e
certain parcels of' lands and premi.ses sitllate, lying and being the
Township of Clarke in the County. of Durham, and province of Ont.ario
being coreposed of the north half of Lot 32 in the 1st Concession of
the said Township of Clarke, containing $3 acres more or less except
those parcels more particularly described as follows:
P~~CEL 1 All that portion of the north half of said Lot 32,
having an area of 0.46 acres more or less shown marked red on Plan of
Survey P-2001-9 register'ed in the Registry Office for the Registry
Division of' the West Riding of the County of Durham as Plan Number 605,
said parcel being more particularly described as follows: Premising
that all bearings herein are referred to the northerly boundary of
Lot 33, Concession 1, inthe said Township assumed to b~ north 71
degrees 46 minutes east; COl-ll-lENCING at the north:-west corner of said
Lot 32; THENCE south 1$ degrees 24 minutes east along the westerly
boundat'y of said Lot 32, a distance of 28.34. feet; THENCE north-easj~erly
;:256.52 feet on a curve left of 2934.79 foot radius, the chord
equivalent being 256.1,4 feet measured north 71+ degrees 23 minutes 30
seconds eastto a standard iron bar; THENCE north .71 degrees 53 minutes
35 se-conds east, 2$$ feet. to a sta.ndArd iron bar; THENCE north If) degrees
06 minutes 25 seconds west, 37.51> feet t.o A poi nt in. the northerly boundary
of said Lo~3?; THENCE south 72 degrees 06 ~inutes 05 seconds west ~long
the said northerly boundary, 54h.35 feet to the Point of Commencement.
PARCEL 11 All that portion of said Lot 32. having an area of
9.053 acres more or less shown marked blue on Plan of Survey P-2704-3
registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the viest
Riding of the County of Durham as Plan Number 588, said parcel being
more particularly described as follows:
Premising .that all bearings herein are astronomic and are referred to
the meridian through the intersection of the centre line of the divided
highway with the division line between East Whitby and Whitby Townships
in 7$ degrees 53 m.inutes 45 seconds west longitude; COW1ENCING at a
point in the west boundary of said Lot 32 distant 2234.22 feet measured
south 18 degrees 24 minutes east along the said west boundary from
the north.-west corner of said. Lot 3;2; THENCE north 73 degrees 57
minutes east 1314.44 feet to a point in the east boundary of said Lot
32, distant 2276.63 feet measured south If) degrees 24 minutes east along
said east boundary from the north-east corner of said Lot 32jTHENCE
south 18 degrees 24 mi.nutes east along the east boundary of said Lot
32, 300.26 feet; THENCE south 73 degrees 57 minutes west 1314.44 feet
to a point in the west boundary of. said Lot 32; THENCE north 1$ degrees
24 minutes west along the last mentioned boundary 300.26 feet to the
Point of Corrnnencement, be sold to Hr. Elford Stanley Cobbledick .for
the sum or four thousand two hundred and three dollars and sixty-three
cents and that the Reeve and C1erk are hereby authorized to execute
such documents as may be necessary, therefor, and to attach t,he Corporate
Seal thereto.
Ry-L;qw No. 1 ?26,
To declare Section 1 of The Lord's Day Act (Ontario) 1960-61
as amended by The Lord's Day (Ontarj.o) Amendment Act 1968 (No.2) to
be in force in certain parts of the Township of Clarke. ~
The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke ~ '
enacts as follows:
1. (1) Section 1 of the Lord's Day Act (Ontario) 1960-61 as
amended by The Lord's Day Act (Ontario) Amendment Act 1968,
Chapter 68, Section 2, is hereby declared to be in .force from
,January 1, 1972 to December 31, 1972 inthe following parts of
the Township of Clarke, namely:
Area No. 1 - Hosport Park
(2) The application of the said section of the said Act shall be
limited to the respective public games or sports in the foregoing
respective parts of the Township of Clarke as follows:
Area No. 1 - Motor Racing
Page 6
Regular Meeting of Council February 1, 1972, cont'd:
2. The public games and sports named in this By-Law sha11 be
subject to the following regulations and control:
(a) Every such gWlle or sport shall be conducted in an
orderly and seemly manner;
(b) no such game or sport shall be cO~~enced before
half past one o'clock in the afternoon.
3. That By-Law No. 1700 be and is hereby repealed.
Bv-L;-tw No. 1727
Being a by-law to set day and hour for f'i,rst meeting of
Council and subsequent monthly meetings.
WHEREAS under the provisions of The Municipal Act, Council
may by by-law fix the day and hour at which the fi,rst meeting
of council sha1l be held in January of any year after, an
annual or biennial election, as the case may be;
NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Counci,l of the Corporation of
the Township of Clarke ENACTS AS FOLLO"~:
1. The first meet1ng of the Council of the Corporat:lon of the
Township of Clarke shall bemld on the first Tuesday of
January, after an annual or biennial election, at the hour
of 11:00 o'clock A.M.
2. The regular meetings of the Council sha11 be held on the
first Tuesday of each month at 10:00 o'clock A.M. and on the
third Tuesday of each month from 7:30 to 11:00 o'clock P.M.
3. Special meetings of the Council may be called by the Reeve
or the head of Council as may be required.
4. This By-Law shall take effect after the final passing
thereof and remain in force from year to year until repealed.
Resolution No. Sl :Moved by E.C.Copping,seconded byRobertG.Chater:
This Council hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday,
February 15, 1972 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber at Orono
or otherwise in spff'cial meeting at the call of the Reeve. Carried.
Acting CleWv-
C'i " "
, ~ A7;-vL<~
of tfw Township of CIarke
Tuesday, february 15, 1972, at 7:30 p.m.
Council Chambers, Orono.
Present: Reeve J. W. Stone
Deputy Reeve W. R. Carveth
CounCillor R. G. Chater
CounCillor F. A. Gray
Councillor E. C. Copping
Acting Clerk H. De'With
The minutes of ReguJar Council meeting of February 1, 1972
were adopted as printE,.d, subject to 1,hc," deletion on page 3,
s(;::~ntence 36, which reads as follows:Tfafler spending money for
property fencing and other expenses the Cemetery Board have a
deficit" on motion by R. G. Chater, seconded by F. A. Gray and
It was moved by F. A. Gray, seconded by R. G, Chater that.
delegations be heard. Carried.
Mr. Kasper Hollen appeared at Council meeting to d~scuss
Planning Board matters. Reeve J. W. Stone referred Mr. Hollen
to the Planning Board meeting on Th~rsdaY, February 17, 1972.
Also Mr. K. Hollen discussed tickets for sale for the Boy Scouts.
The followi n,~ correspondfmce W"iS read out by the Reeve:
1. Thank you note from W. R. Carveth.-rilc,d.
lA, MinuV,s of Committee of Adjustment dated January 31, 1972.-Filed.
2, Department of Treasllrer and Econom i cs re The ~iunj ci pal work s
Assistance Act Debenture No. 1 - $13,219.16 By-Law No. 1536
Loan #1.53, Payment received in fulL-Filed.