HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/04/1972 (Special) r' c S~IAL JGE!I)JG:. OF THE Q:lUIfGIL of the 'l'ownah!p of Clarke . T\l;8ad..,-. J'~ 4t.h:,. 197~ at l<hoo ....". Couae::ll. ~.-enj Oreao,. Preaent 1 lleev.'J.. V. Stone ., . Deputy....v. W.... Cuvet.b ~uncj,ll.r'''. .G. 'Gbat.er ' Councillor F. A. Gr.y CouncUlor,s.C. COPP;l:llg aeeve J. W. Stone .cha.irecl the. ae:et:lng. The followin~ re.olutiona w.p....d' . - It..,,,] ut.i.... liIA_ '/"2IMovedD]' F....o'Gr.,-.:.ec.o1l.Cied. by B.G.Copping; , That Council meet in special .....10D to'con.1der the appointment of Mr.. H. DeVith. as ,4.'\;1l!.8 Cbrk f'ot- the Town.h:lp of Clarke and the necesaary ijrLalfDe 1'l'1Il...ated' fer :i. consideratieD. Carried. . ~;i C01i8:lcieratiOl.\ of' theClerk'S.Ppoiatment. By-'Lawl "'.A'uM",.. liIe_ 2/~;hMOT1tci by W., It.. C:ar",et.h,seconded 01' JlobeftG.Ghater: That Q~law .."'1' ,1?a.3. being a, by-law.to appoi.~ an act:lng Clerk for the 'l'ownsh:lp of' CU,Uk4h. be Z"ead a fir.t and second time. Garr:led. . , Ru..luti..~ RA_ V721M!:lved byB.C.~PPi_,second.d brF.A.GIlIr: , That brl.w.number 1723 be read a th:lJ'(l 'time '-.ndpasseii'!. Carried. . ~'" - " ",' B..L.v'.o~ 1?2~ , ~ ...brbw of the..cQrpoJ:"a1tiQn.of' .ti.. '1'ownshj,p lit Cl"rke '0, appoim.'an,ActiDC Clerk. . Whereas SectiOD 215 .ubsect1ol!!. 3,or the)lQ:lc:i,paJ.'Act, It...8.;.O. 1976. -Chapt.r . 2a/j.' and amenG.elill!!.ts theret.o aathor:l..s the Co_cil otc.. mun:lc:lpal;1,ty. to appo1nt an 4ct:lq' CleriC' FO t_pore.. "~' , . " ' .. '1'h.rel'fl'e the Mun:lcip.l CoW1-cH ef' the <;Orpor.t~o9- o:f tlM rewnahip o~ Clar~e .nacta as followsl 1. 'fhat He_:r ,..th be and is herellly appo~~"4tcl .t.ctil)lLClerk for tbe Corpol!&U'. of the '1'01!I]I,eM.p o:f~~ke.s ~f'J~-.arY' lat,.1974l. . .. . . .. . .. . . 2. That the duties and respon.ibilities of th.~tiag~erk ah.ll b. as follow.1 (a) '1'0 admin:lster the Du1..... atfdre of th" '.l\ownship of Clarke in accordance with the. po3,icbll u4. plana estabUshed .... appI'OYed:by the Ceu.cll. . . '4b)' To co_~nat..direct ~d :bl"fitadly supervise the impl_.tat ion of' all: prop.... approyedl:lY' eOlJDcil. :te)' '1'0 G\Od:lfy. all pol:lcy cl.ci.1-.... of .t;)1e Council and to deal With aatt.rs ~isiag in aCCOrdance. With .uch established 'f)Ol:1e:l_ without. fUrther reference. tEl COwicu .xcept to regW.arly report upon actions tak.l1~ . td.) . . The MtiagClerk shall perf 0"" ..3,1 duties to b. perf'ormed by a Clerk under Statutory ~\lth.rj,ty and shall hold.. of~ice .t the pleasur.of'Council or until such time. new Gl.rk or .Acting Clerk is appointed. whichever shall occur ~irst. te) That the .Acting Clerk ,)laU be paid a sum per annum. bi-w.ekly, epresa.d by a resolutt9n.ofCo.-cil. .' (f). . The Actlag Clerk. ehallno~ be. ~Usmisaed except by a brlaw . paned.. py a :rote. of not'l..athaB thPe~-f'ifths 'of' all the " .embers of' CoWUlil. at . duly conve.ed, me.ting of' CeWlcil .' (C) Ho part of th;Lsby~law .Wl b. .amended or repealed except by a vote of. not l..s than three-f:lftha of all member. ef'CoWUlil. '''e 3. That By-law Ho. 1709 be and :la, .1\8J'eby repealed."';)! .,. .,. . -TA;l.s. CouaciLhereby .asijourn ..etidY ~)tCloCk A.X. ..._---~........., ,. Acting Clerk to .eat agaia in recular a RlIe -1v ,#~ il':','.;. ~";; ,