HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/15/1971
-- - ,
. OronO:, OataMO, c_" ~
Monelay, December 6, 1971.
- .~
Minut_ . of" a Special _eeting, of~ Co~ciJ.~ held,;l.11 the-
Council__ Cha.mbers, - Township, H&ll.. __ MUnie1palOffieea, c Orono,--
Ontario on Monday,. December 6th, 1971 at 7:00 p.m.,. --, ,
All ~bers of Council_ p1"eaent., ',.
- -' ;::. -.
Reeve Stone chaired the meeting.
, .
The purpose of the special council meeting was to open
the applications received. '
Moved by Deputy- Reeve Carveth, ,
Seconeled by. Councillor R. G. Chatel'
that the applications for Clerk
be opened.
Carried. __
Reeve Stone proceeded to open the applications and the
following were received: , _"
1. Mr."Henry J.__B_~ Blackstock, Ontari~
2. Mr. Bruce Anderson, Oshawa, Oatario
3. Mr. W. R. Zeibart, Orono;, Ontario
4. Mr. Cecil E. Stannera, Kendal, Ontario
5. Mr. E. A. R. Out. 1'_. f.C~!..S.._P.et.N'borough~ .DQ.tario
6. Mr. H. DeWith, BGWlIlanville, Qo.t.ar6.o..
7. Mr. Paul J:~" Borchuk,_ Wh-itby., DQ.t.af'io.
- --
After Council diac~s.ed theapplicattons received, Reeve
Stone advised he waa apProacheel PYa Clerk-Treasurer of a
surrounding mUl!lic:\.~it.y udsa1elhet;hov.ght there might of
been an application, from him; Council agreed to interview
Mr. E. A. R. Outram of Peterborouch on Monday, December 13th,
197L at '1;30 p.mLin t.he Ct!IUlldl C~er8, T0!fR3h~p Municipal
Off:llles.,Counc.il, felt '/.IAUJye Stooe,shouJ,d9cmtll.ct, the,~1erlot-
Treaaurer who inquif'~earli.r to,." if he wp~ld still b~
interested.. ,
- .-~ - ..'
Reeve Stone read the Clerk's interoffice rePort to' .
Council regarding th.e Oc<l!ll;lmi,cal~. advantages of\j~ billing
by IBM Co. . COl;UlciL tabled tAe CIEll'!<' s. !'eport. --
~ , --'--
Tur" beiSlg no fJlJ'ther bllJli;n.olJS before the meeting, the
meeting adjourned at 10JOO p.m~
- -
.' ~.
< '9-1AJ--d/~
R91ere, /
Orono, On ario,
,Wecb1esclay. 1leeemb,er 15th,1971,
; Coune:t1 Mee1;'!ng.
M:tnuteB of the regular ..eting of Council held in the
Collllcil Chaaber. on WBdIlesday. Deceaber 15th, 1971 at 10:00
All ._berll of Council were prellent.
..RAteve $to.. c1laired the _.tiq.
Council rellolTed to BWJpend the regular rules of procedure to
&11_ Mr. J. $tutt, Clarke'lI repre..atative on the Bowmanville
M_orial Hospital. to :h.earhi. annual report. Please note. a
copy of hill report Was mailed to each __er of Co1Uleil on
December 16th, 1971. "eve $tone thaRked Mr. $tutt for his report.
Page 2
lleeu1ar Me..1o:l,Dg of' Council :o.ce~er 15, 1971 c.Gnt ',ch
. ,It ...
th..;1=;ilr..ume~.t4er~~_Cl:,cl~: of'_~uainea~.tCl\c~nailiier
'-- 't -. '- : ~....
Mcn'~~ DyB,.C. :COpping
Second.1ii ));r .~. A. Gra,t "
. 'l'Qt m:1nutn e~ to CO\U1CU','"
. m.eting ...e.er imd, 1971 -
ge adopted aa printed'. .
, Ca!"!" iec.l.
, '
< .-. -,- ~ .- . -
t l'
154/71 Monc.l byllobert G. Cuter ., vv
Seconded. gy VI. R.. Carveth . -
, thit ~the SJ)licial COuncil .-
. -,. . , . . minute.. .:r. .........1'22, -1"'1';" .
". -.. '. ,..' -. -
ge adopted as priatecl.J '
~'.~:"'-" ,._'~ - ~,,_.,~"",,'_...,.:..~,"..~
, )
\ I
15~7i MOnd by W. It.. C,l,rTeth '..
Se10nlied. p;rllobert _G~ 'C~at.er;"
tl1at t'h. S~cialCo\1Dcil ., . .
.inu~.s'of Dece~er 6, 1971 \
be 'adopted aa pt'intec.l.
- Carried.
t.~o~ni minutes were received and note..
Planning' Boarci.. ~tober 28. 1971
. eG.a1tt..e of' Adjwitment, November 1, 1971
PlanniD~.DoaJd.&Ce~cil; Heve..er la, 1971
Plaimi.ng '.Beard, ..veDtber 18, 1971
C~tte.of 4djuatment. .ov~.r 29, 1971
.. .. . \
.. 'Bula... a.ri.i~ out .r-~.TiVQ lII1.~"" ..~lec.l itA"
to Itolt :i.aelusive, De.cembei- 15" 1971 ag.nda,~v.nCll was ..
adTlaed. of the tollol(inga' '. : .
.... t. (. \ ,J
'a')' , ;ta",..,."rftil' 1,]"" ~MW'I"", ~l._--r~--' ..
.. ColoUlcil ordered thecor!:.ape~e.ce fr_ Drr cr.
. .. .1fo:i:'...~.-1If6ciical -()fi'icw~ "OfHea.ltk. .ciat-.. . ..v ~
~29..1971, f'ill!!c;l~' .
(b) ~., Pian &~~OD..~v*t~&n Clun '
CoUncil tag1ea the feliowiag' lett.ers" (a)
Ontario Municipal Board dat~~ .oYe~.r 4th,
J.97LWith Derrtm~nt of Municipa.l.Atfd~s COlIIIIl.nta
attached, (b Department ~f Mun:l.cipal:Affalrs
-dI1t'_)foveU.r2,'1~l,.~h -b-he-:h-- ..'.. Tnta
attacb.e<i and (C) Mr. IRLne Gleibermanj'Sol1citor
. ~ OD behalf of' Claf-ke: Fish r,. Conservation Clul3
dated Hovemb.r ?3,1971 adar....c;l to e.k.B.,
eOl Bay St.. 'T...t""Ii\.Co;;'*-~e:r-w,J%'e ..tDled.1 the
_tterwasrefej:orea't.tI the P1aDtl'1ng Board meeting
Thursday,'Dec.mb.r 16,'1971. .
(c r Ch/U'les G.. tag.on "riUs Clarke Twnahip re,
~._... i.'s f>.,'U!.h" - ~n~ 01....
Coaacil r"~l'ftd 'tV -table- -tUb __"er:-ud wait f'or
a r.eport f'rom the aclj.~t.r. ....~ the Writ of' SWIIIIl_S.
,.~~" i~nrf;:v~.~i~:~~;~:t: p"~n~ Y'" \ !
Seconded by "obert G. 'CA'at.r- .
That the Clerk be authorised to _ke
applicaUon ~o t~. Department of'. - .-.. '. .
. Municipal Aff,airs re.ariinc the"
wProvinc.ial-lflmicipal rn...u've" .
prolr....." p&rticitla.rl;r to tlt.eapproTal
of' 5,zoi.oa beillC Clark. TOwiU.hip's
sh~re ins..e. Ala~, ~he "oausv.~rint._d.ent
."g. d,ir~cted. '1<0' iDipl_nt aprocr...... ..reby
. the mODie. may' ge ut.:U1,..ci. The ltoa.
v,_ ," _. ~
Super;i~elld..nt b. alae direct.. to CO.
ol'dJ.nat. the.prop''-e he 'elJt&blish.a.
.AlSI:),' the C1:lirk be alltheriaea: to ~ppl;r, v
in. the ...nt. ~y ad.d.iticSnal hnlla are
availagl.. . tor UI,1s programnie frOM the
De.pai't;'ent ol"'Mun1C1pd AftiLirs. .
~ . CarrS:ild.
.', . (el
- ' (d.)
. .
Please note, S.. Delegations.
Page 3 . ~
Regular Me~t;1ng6f Coundil Deceder l5'~ 19'71' conttd' .
tfi) .~. c.~~"'~""l...li.- Ont:.-.~iB .~.."'1f".t:i.Jj "1~h,,.~'~,"_~~AA
,J' Council filed the letter 1'rom Mr. J .M.MC1:l:Hy. Clerk-
, .:,;,w Ad-inistrator. Town of 8oWlll&llvilledat.. December a.
~'" 1971 1'0 me.ting-of .reIW....nt"..t1vea oi--J(ov~lI.ber 17. 1971.
It) BAA.. Da"IJI_Jo~a~.._.- _St~itftYk.nt_-~t..t.'J11 - OPftno
- The Cler1creport.d "'1I.&t_., ,c.._par1t",Presiaent of
Becas DeveldpUats c..ued. hi.lii.tro advise that
negotiatioJj~or, the d.veJ:Opllient of this 'subdivision
~ll be gS%comjleted by February or March. 1972.
Council taQl~d thia -.tter until a 1'~,ther reply is
received. '. ' , , " \
(g) Re-arrangiJ)g )lori~.nt.for~1stian. Bethel. Lawrence
B.~k ~~~, L.~i~.'C,~.ri.~-
CouncH oraere4'the ,y"rd.'~lled together ~th the
approval.. " ' ,
(h) O_W~:R._t:_"., R.eA'nd w,,1' of. Q..-a'ftA
Council wa. infO,rmed that, the, ,Police\;::-te.. resolved
a motion establi,m!ng 'to endorse the 'SWII.rs annual
rate (71-15 'p,sse4Jl'oV'. 24/71)' ,
157/71 llGve4by'E; C. Copping
that Council 'of the Corporation
o~the T~ip ~f Cl4l'ke _.reby
endorse resolution 1'0. '71-75 of
the POli<<?e Trute.. of the n~ge
~of Ol'OllOi''p&a',''II'''~~tll..'~th 4,' of
vKOTeJ!lb.l"l'n:tl"eg.....i~(.t1Ie ,.It..C.
projEJct (..sf thesecc&Jld;wat4fr pt.o".iect.
" ' . c, , ' ,'oCarriltci; - ,7
(i) Agr45ement,*w.en 'OnUi"ioc..dGO....i>nm.'iit' of \e~da
~~. ,~_!~~.~..R~'O~, ~llU't.i'~ i~, ldJ~r ,~.f~_l,~.!,._
4u.neil Qrdered' ,iii agree'aent ,...'no1;.<< "'bytbe
Aiaoeiationof Ontario Mat~~.:add'aee...esi file4.-
(j) Mr. J. White. Lot 15. Con; .., .vhlprovement of!~ '
If.. "'bt:.-~f~w..<v; "','",, _c ," ,. .'. '. \
Thi. .'i1lIJ'e-C't:wa"",'f~'h1""COdichfl"l;t"t:.n ~, 197Z.
~ lltl: --!-~ft'.py "!~q~.t;,~"- _frt. t;,l l~r-l~,:- W~i ~~~i on
COuncil resol....a that the '.ti't'Gallerie. of Ontario
allowed to .e11 lottery ticket.'in'Clarke Township
"S \ a. repJ;ywiaye-C-.1Yf$d"fttOlli: t!te"'G-l1tt'lt"'!reuut-er 0
the United CoUDtieli~onthe,d1.pos:tt1on'taken by Co
, C.oeil.' " , -, > ,~ .
~i) '.lltIpartJl!iBt of Touri_ and ~'~ti.o~4ct - report
)Ir., Il,. .,,!t., Be" at., '8}iild.in8~pe, ~t, or,.'pre~ented hia ,
~ reixliot and. JI!1de verbal e~ ea~s o~ the report. Co
orae~e<<the r.pprt file<<. ' , ,
(.) . :t~;:V~~'to~;~~M.rn~~hflilberl&nd-DlU'h" lette
dated November 15.'1971 antA:Mr;I.! L~ \tindo_r of
., Tott~, Si:Ils;HUbiCki ~ ,,_oClatea dated November 2.
1971 Were ordered taDll!lcl'f'or'oOna'ide~at'1on !hl'197a.
fa:,) " 'Stf.io@~~ ~,.~~ttild'-.'~ll~""L~"'-' ,-.~'",:"
'., fii.s a_J.ct w:astabledtl)i" consid.ra1;ibn in 197Z.
(0) ; o~ Go' 1t _ ~ T - -_7~.b_'. '~"~~P~."'~ ea~Jt,,~i ~'P.' I'
'llUiinder<' oi'11:t'.'.'"cftTftt"i:'OJl'h.14"~" Zl ~.
197Z i~~_iYe. ~".. . '"\-
. ~.~ - ~ -~--
, '
n.l.Q'.t.iaB.~. - .~ _ _, _ _ _ .....:. -,. .
Mr. 1..- Yerr..-1;.er'" Chairiilan or the: OrOno Public Library
addressed. counci1.on' the, s~Dject_ of ,th.~ P~Vineial-Munioipal
ll'leenHY~ ProCr~-~ He" sud theBo~ 'WOuld like to make use
the aoni,jnlI' a",..j,J,..llble in j;hi-a progr... to-rthe flU'th.r iaprove
,9.1'. :t.lle Li.~r..J"Y." ltwaa' also aUgg,e'stef1' ano a;pplication be made
f:_.J'al-Prod~i&1 Muni~1p8.l Pi-ogr.... cra.ftt. The Clerk advi
he spoke Jr.Lth :the. 1Hl~.nt of ~~l.1:."paJ.Mfairs and it was
pointe4Lo~1; t~e J,'leat: pfOU..-e Cl~k. ~_.hip should particip
woald ,~ tJ:te ...:sJl8.c1.&l 'DevebpMJit' J;o*-"'P.i:'.lP'.... as it al10wa
project t,o b,l!l-IHilmpleted by 197a.'The Clnl: flU'ther Doted. appl
for th~_ PJ'~gr....e:~ill be. ree.ive.by~"Jiary 31st, 1972.
After discusains the vari....protr....s; it was agreed
application ,oea.a4e by t:he.Ozi.~Librar:rh~d under the Provi
Muaicipal .lncent;f.,ve Progr..-e to'the :Department of Municip&l
te in
hat an
Pap 4
Ie~ .!lt~of Coun~il:DeGe!llb,er 15" 19:71- centld,a,
, ..
1) theCl~..k informed. eOUel1~f the PJ"oc.e~s at the
.........at Itnie.... cQurt' belli :r_8Gq Dee_er. 14,. 19?1
in the ,COlmc.i1. C~.ra... MUnicipal. Orfi.... '. Co'-cll
re..d..-. p<< nt>ted . tile. Clerk' sreport . .' . ..
Bell, :reIepheDe .t.ppl~~at ~C)a) r..~re....eiD rate.l,L
C:OlUM:U orGereli. the rep.ort..f'rolll Bell Ca.aa..d.a date. KOTeuer
5-~oi.ther wi~h a letter.fr<<athe "'94i&tion o'f' ORtario
Ma7or. ami lee..... dat.a~JloYe~er 16, . tHad. . \ ,
c ~ 1p$/71 Me....dbJB. C. (:oppi~c' '.' !. .'_
Secoll..1i . lily F. ~. Gr47" :
Co~U' Au.by reeoDt~i-iias the .
oppos.it.iOD.to .~. proPfNed. inCr4tasein
tdep};u:J_ 1'".. ... set, out. in the. .
. Cl.rk r 8 .let~er dateel' Jlec~.r:9" .
1971... .- .' .
~ copy Qf t.his re!ioi..t,191l De'fe~cl
to the ....pc:iat.ion of Oatario Mt&y~ra.
amlRe.1.~.', . .'
. Carr.!ecl.
3) Clark. PuHc Librar7 1971 Cl"ut. "-
~..iJ... OI,'clere4 t~t~~cahoa fr~. the. ,1.:i.,rarJ'
Boare dated No~.r 15, 1971, fil.d. T~e r~Dder
< ' . of. th.. creat wa.acefl1l,lk~.d.. tor .:in ~uLY:o_h.!sr... .
.:;q.) .tJeal1>hdlllit IIOctoDer.l,97:J-w ""~rt -. fU!JIi... .
S} .. ~~.i.l: ~ce1 vecl the t~ri~ orr.cel11; ..Illi~ - for
. .e1.ctod repr...Atativ..t"r..... the iJ~..u. of. ltluD:leiP.&l
a...ar4}tleacl r..elY" tb,. tol.1#w::LII&a
J9H71Meved. >>y B.. C . Coppu.g , .
Seeoad... lly llob,.rt G-.CA,e,t,er .
the Clerk ....d.l't+fiye.copie. oft.~
;;$E""';qr(or .1...li:ed. .a.pr....nt...tiy~ii
prepared. loll" .tM a\U'.oa.u. of Mup,i;~ .~..
.lle....roh at. 908t.- ot, ,G. 5-0 ..e.b... .
Bllc:.h-llleldM" ::Coua9il' ~ceiv:e .. cew..,
. ~ bJ -1.e&aJ: .uryey, i:or St..t:ioaSt.reet ....~Yi-1lJ,\lIa ~~t. \.
. . ,"._~il\N1'-eI!1"8ii the c~Wlie..tifi)a. f'roll! Mzo...,.>,~. "1'ri8011
~.'- .f~ot.Ua S:talIHubj.oki ..apci.t.. LiJIlitsd. da~4i- Qct.,ber\,t!,
1971 to the P.oHce T~...t.e.v ~ '_
, "7l . ~aaat... CaDaQj.an )Cent.-al'Ueaith D.pc+.t;i..... . .'. \_.
.Couac1.~tabJ..d the ~c..t.ioa:tro..~. ."'..:c;euc~,
Preeid.nt 4f Caaad.iaa -Ifenta.l H..alth..80Cw..ti~, 4tlUl
__..el' 1971:1n re~to -the re.q,uelSthl"..AP'ant in pn~.
8) B.,.k"uptC7 01& BarlllQ-wBottrell .
The Clerk ..ddaad all lIl4l..aNr.7torlll8 .ha~ b..~ e,0Dp1et..
and. aullild-tted. to the .:I:r_te... c.uacil o):'cle~ ~~
.___:l.cation filed. ,,' . . .. \: ,
9) Mr.~. E. Martin, Ad...iniab.ator, ~part_nt, .of SQ,ci)l1
SerV!4iIe. 4at.dJ(o......Q22. 1971 re ,.lllpJ.-oyab~..;1a ~ark.
"reo.:l.viJ:IgWeltU'fi a_utaace.-flled.. ,
10)' MPFL. V. BeoJ.8a. DtJpartilent ot C~c..t:l.o~. "'-"ed
.. Sept....1' 24., 1971 re orono <l':1re .h~Ill..t .r~o. oo_uni-
c..tioa .78t_. CON ef' lett.r toW:i.lliUUl Blectren.tc.,
Osha....a. Oatario.-filed.. . .
11) W. M. Kelly, CensWIler.' -Ga.. Gated lio.ftJllber 1~~~l...9?1' re .'.
applicatiell for aJi i.JR.I:>11ll ~..t. ori.r,,"f.!l.d.
12) IIepuo1;aell'b of'MWlicipal,Mf'..ira.da-t.c1NoYeu.r 10, 1971
. ~riJ:r"'law 110. 1719 (lfllkin rallOaiDe by..law). Couacil
'd.:l.rie".d. the .Departlllent'.,en__t.,'t-o the Planning Bearcl
. forc.1Ulid.eratiol1.' '-
13) Mzo. H. '1l. Be.t, 'seer.1oaJ'y"Traaa\U'e:r,.C~arke P1anaing Board.
elate. lio..-mber 22. 1971 r. establi.biDg a aa1&r7 for
~GQ/71 MOv.db7 W. It; Cil1''V'eth .
.\ . Seco:r:uieel by;.llobetot G..chat.r
th..t Mr. H. It. Beat, hCJ;'otary,
e~arke l'laDDing Board. be .Paicll'QO.90
for hi. ..rv:l.ce. a. Secretary for the
year 19'11 which i8 iLac1uaed in V_ea.r
Number 11 liated Dece~er.15. 1971~ -
. . CarrieGl. -
\ -
Page 5
Regular Me~ting of Council December 15,1971 cont'd:
F. Iir E. Cheque Protector Policy dated'Deeemberl-o,'1-971.
Council ordered the policy filed. The Clerk advised a
statement will' be sent to the Township for the'
reconditioning of the cheque protec'tor.
W.' D. ltats. Superintendent ofSurveyiJ. Department of
Transportation' and eo_unica~tctn. dated November :30. 1971
re aSsumption of Highway (No.351. Council directed the'
Clerk to reply'onthtsmattercon behalf of the Corporation
statiag they '\lave no objection to the assumption'of Highway
(35) in question.-filed. ",','
Clerk's report on tlle ?ourth'Report of the'Select Co_ittee
on Election Laws,- April; 1911<. Council make any eo_ents on
the recommendations of the Select Committee to the Minister
of Municipal Affairs. -filed.' '
Ontario Department of ' Labour dated liovember 29. 1971 re
structural adlqucy of 'municipal- arena... Refer to Orono
Athletic Committee. Police Trustees and Durham Central
Agrieultural Societ~.
M. S.Fit:r;p.trick. Director-. Legal Branch. Department of
Public Works dated :November'ZO.' 1971 re purchase from Mr.
WIll. Reid for Department of Lands and Forests for extension
to Kenelal Park. "Filed. < c
Mr. < H.R. Best. <Building In8peetor. Monthly report, -{November
1971)~Filed. . "" <,
Mr. Po J. Ferrari. Tor-onto St_p Lim!ited dated November 23.
1971 re dog t.gs. - The Clerk aciviseel :the Toronto St amp < Company
placed the telephone n~r of the H~e:Soci.ty nearest to
our municipality (Whitby) and said' he will be returning same
to them 80 that thfj<pbone number< will not appear on the dog
tags as the Society would not be of assistance as readily if
the tags reeite1l. a phon. -number- within this area. He suggested
that when ttgs are b8i~ re~uestet:l early in January 1972.
receipts would be issued until S1aCA t'i8l the new tags are
available. Those' who have paid <and. have a receipt would
receive a tag. ence th& eorrected ciogtags were available.
Council' cencurree in oth& .clerk' s aei;i~n to be taken on this
Oatario Humane~ociety dated QotODer 26.197~re<Manic~pa1
Dog- Pound;s in Ontario. ' A copy.: 'bo BrianCaawe11. P!llWllikeeper.
J)i'rect-or< of Child lJe1fare. J)epart_ntof' Soeidand.. FalIIily
Services dated October 28. 19'71., f:Hed.,
Mr. D. S..Caver,1YrGeneral Manager. Oataria Water Reao~cea
, CoIIiIailtSi-oll dated Decembel'. 8. l"'~ re DeiCing SaltaJld Snow
DiilpOl!lil.l. ..aeferred t-o Road Superintendent.
, The'follow1ng 'M:r;oning applicati01'la were r$-Ceive. :and referred
to the Planning Board for cons;l!ieration;
(al, Mr. W.ll.Carveth -tn..,27),' " '
(b) Mr. H,., Von SchObeotdr H. '#... Kl1ehn (71-28)
(e) Mr. L. W. Secord (71"29)
-rd) Mrs. I.lteid.(7J....30) ". .. <
-Ple<aae not." As the a.pplJ,cati.oJUl ,fro. ,J.< V. ~~iotti and
Nick Dyriw were .omitted. j!rOJll t'he;~Dd,a ,ror cona:l,cieration of
COlmeil <th&applieations Will, he Rla~.<i on .the. ne.xt a,S&nda.
'Iussday. January~. 19?a~
" ~
X.v BUAift.A.
. "..
.' ,
Moved by W,'ll. Cal'veth
Se'conded by". C. c.pp:j.ng .. "
This, Coaneil hereby alltherbe the Traas\lrer
to atrikeoff the to:J,low:i.ng Aog '< tax arreara
in accordance :wit:h Schedule, MAM attached.
This Council hereby autjnar:\.... the Treasurer
t-.o-atrike off 1;-he,;toUowi~ tax~al .
BS 3-o6~
Donald Murray ,<' i969~1970
"a1ey '1'l'8t..- ." " 1969 ", <
Schedv.le "."~<~o ~.olution 161/n
J.,A. llarlel1.' "'5~00
<G. Miller 10.00
, 10:00
K. ~nt1lf.l.t1e:5.00
D. :Noden 5~00
,T. Wilaon 5.00
1"110 ",
Page 6
Jtegw.ar Meet~
a-034:""QS ,",
\ i~;
\ 4~~J-o.lr
\, : }
\ 5-0'11 - ,
162-71 .
o~ Council December 15. 1971 cont'da
L. Bristow 5.00 1970
A. Tho_on ~ , ,~OO 1970
,~K. St. ub:i.~t:on ' 10.00 1969
, 10.00 , 1970
'l). Nichol.on ,5.60 1970
'II: HendEfraon 1()~OO < 1970
D. "l'sbert , 15.00 1970
M. Buck. 5.00 1970
J. 'II. Suth$rJ;and10.00 , 1970 ,
'a., Bvan. 25.00 1970
C. MaChna1d. '5. at) '1970
H. Bar1Qw 5.00 1970
ii. My1.s 4.15 1966
~ , 5.00 ' c 1970
B. 'Powell 5~00 1:970
't. J. ' Wright " 5.00 "1970
-D. 80ricic 5.00 1970
R.. Cantrdl ) \ '-5.00 1970
D. SimPlllO~': ., 5.GO 1970
. 5.GO 1969
Ii ~ GU'f'ord K \
Car1U8 Smit .5..00 - 1970
"J. '>>Q"t' , 5.00 - , 1970
- tW: BaI'nell , 5.00 \ '196e
- " . , 5.00 \ 1969
, 1;. 'Courl1ce 1et.OO \ 1970
, <Al..x~Tho_on' 5.00 1970
C. Francis 5.00 1970
, \ -
Moved by :I. C. Copping
Seconded by F. A. Gray
'lhe Council of' the Corperat:l.on 'ofthe
, Tewnship of Clarke. hereby re..l.,.. cloaing
tihe f'Ql1owing allOwances in the TlNnship
- of Clarke a
1. The unopened road allowance between Lots 10
,and 11 in the Sixta Conee..ion of the To_ship
, of Clarke, Cout:r of' Durham," exhnd.ing from
-- the soutnerly :Mi.it of t.he .-aid Sixth Concession
to t.he nort.er17 liDdt t.hereof.
2.: The unopened. road. allowance bet.ween Lot.s 30
and3l in t.he Ninth Concession of t.he Township
of Clarke. County of Durhalra,exteDd.iq-from the'
southerly 1~t. of the s~id'Ni.th CoDee.sion to
the not'th.'rly limitthere.:r.' ,- -'. ,-.
3. That pert'ion of the Road- ~loyaac'eHt_
, Conc'es.ion 7 'au e. in the Townithip of Clarke,
''County of DUrn. f.r- the- weat:er1,.limit. of
. . 'Lot 35. Conce.s;ion- '1_ eawterly fOr 'II: clistance of
FoUr Hundred.anc- Thirteen,feet (Ul") fire or
-lesson thee urtlheHylim:l:t' of Lot3S.Concession
7 and a distance of Three Hundred an4 Seventy-
seven a,nd.lHatlte..n 'One-h\tJlChoecltha feet (377.19')
from t.he, .st.*l'1 1iDdt of 'Lot 3J. Concession S
on 'the southerly Ilmit of t.he said. Lot 35. COD. S.
"'. 'that. pertin 'ofllhe allowanee :rer read. lIetween
Let. 16 aDd 17.Cea~essiODS. Township of Clarke,
'ill the COwtlo,. Of' hrh_._e particw.ar1y
.dncrioe.das foll_sr " " -
'C-eneing' at a Point in the said: allowance for
road d.ist.utDorther1y ~ ,'lhousaad. ODe Hund.red
and Fi~tyteet (~,150') more or less :rrom the
nOrth limit .f the!' roaa al1_Wai:lee"betw.en COIlC..a$ilItB
7 and 8 the..e' northerly to the South liait of..
al10waace :tor l'aaa bet.Ween CODcessi.. 8 a:ad. 9.
Th. 'saill description t-e De, subject to the approval
tor cle.d.inga.ciatrar 'of' Jileed. De:ror. incorpoJlil;.ioll
:in the ealaDliqay-1aw.:t
Page 7 ,1
Rellular Meeting of Council December 15. '1911 cont ld) . ,
.NoTed bi lrl. R. Carveth
Secondedoy F. A. Gloa1 . ,. ,
Councllhereby declare ~Dday. December
27th asNBoxing D.,-tn lieu ot
Simday.hoember a(). 1971: .
. . Carl"ied;. :
Mr. W. Parnell. usessment COl8lssioner dated Deoe~er 9
1971 re .....se.sment of .Nobile Ho...~ Section 42 (1)(,3) "
uaes...ntACt 196$...69; 84.11 ,.20$. .....
". ' . "-.. ',. '.,. ."'-
Mr. .Il. J.Bur!{.e. of the Killborn Bngineering dated
. :o.C!!JIIb.er lOri. Ullage .0f>>ewcalaUeWater Supply Scheme
O. W.R.C. 6-02;L2-70 Property -Aeeesa.
Coueilreviewed the e_wtication troa Mr. Burke
, t<.ogSiher Wit,ll a plan of the. areaaf'tect.a . and reaol ved
. tll,t the Corpo,ratien,9fthe .To_;.hip Of'::Clarlte grants the
approval :to the .0. W.R.C. tor .tlle prOposed access road as
long, as the COrporation Will: BQt~ ~ liable for the
~o~truction and maiat.\!lIlaac. ot thiaroad.
BY-lqaws ,_ __ , , '
\ I . 1,66/71 Movelii 'b,- w. It.Car'Yeta
, " ~oncied by B. ,C. COpPing ....
t.h..t the brlaw,to raiae $7'5.000 to aid
in the oonstrllcti-oJl.of clra,j,nege worka
~-.~ t"h~:TUe~i,,~. AC.:t 'be now read
a "'hird time uCi .PM~ arid numbered
No. li14~Thii.bi~i'a"r~eived its
. :first &nd' 'se'coiid read~ on October 19.
).9.71..... '. . ..... ,
r Ca.Pried~: .
:l:h. By-Law 1f.i. the'n ree.a Jat'lliZ'd',t:l.m$a.nd tinally passed.
:. ...
" ,
. \'.' - .
Moved by E. C. C:opj~'
Seconded DY llobert G. l:hat;er
That the ~ouncll ott__ Corporation_of tile
T~hip ot ClarkelUireD1' appeals 't:t1.il -, _'
tollowinc'a88es...nta..de~suant.to' _'
Seotion ~(1)(3Vot The' ASsessment Act.
1968-69 (!!inl Z05r' re MObile homes' _
(a) Reid, :Williaa. 'Con~8~Pt.of So\l~ _
part tot 1 ($12.40 )' ..' ,
(t>) loluantr.ill. Bvan,Con.4.Pt. Lot Z9(ja40)
fc) Vanderveen. Filddi.Con;5.Pt.Lot ~7($(a90)
(d) Adama~Donald.Con.6.Pi~Lot 31t$1500)
fe) Allard. Juliaa.CQn.6. Pt. Lot 31($!JZO)
(f) Anton~lldis. Kike. Con;S.Pt.Lot ~4.($9Z0)
. Carried.' _'
Moved bj Depu.ty Reeve Carveth
Seconded by- ~Cl~c;j.l:l;or Copping _
That Council ,ot the',Coiy<>ration of' the' Township of
'C.larlce. M,J:,eby request. th-,~ 'Jepartment of Transportation
. ..and Co_unipati~ to r&vi~,and l'econa:i.der the
preVious application for,a development road between
Concession 4 and 5 fraalotNo. 9 to Lot Ko.20(being
ap~CI;x:i...tel'y Z~ll"s) in 'order to :i.mpleaent the
~l,"ogralllllltt as ~t out in the 'R.oads Need St udy . Also
a ',copyoftl1is re4.o1.ution ~beforwarded to Mr. Alex
Carrut.her.a.M.P. tor. 11:1,.. ;iBformation and assistance
'in tl1isapplication~ .... -.
, J::arr:i.ed.. .
. '. . C . . . BY"'Law N~. 11lJi. .' .. . ,
,a brlaw 'tCilrais~17,5~OO,O.-QD to aid
i,J!, ,the coastt-uctioft ot draiB..ge works
under '1;.. '%..ile J)ioa.~e .&.et,197l.
Page a
Regular Meeting of Council December 15, 1971 coat'a:
The Council, pursuant to The Tile Drainage Act, 1971, e~cts
as followst
1. The Corporation.JDa7. from time t-o time. sulfjectto the
provi~ioas of this by-law. borrow en the credit-of the
Corporation such sum not exceeding in t~e whole $75,000.00,
as may be determined by the council. and may in maaner here-
ina.:ft.r provid.e. iSSue d~bentW'..s of the. Corporatioa for the
amouat so borrowed as provide-d ia the Act, payable to the
Treasurer of Oatario at the Parliament Buildings, Toronto.
whiclL d&beDt!1l'es shall reserve the right to redeem the
elebeDtures at any time on payment of the whole aJIlout of
principal aBel interest owing at the time of such repayment.
2. Where an appli~at;iQp. for:'. a lol\,l1. .u~er.ttle Act is
approved by the Council aad the inspector of drainage has filed
with the clerk an inspection and completion certificate, the
council may include a sum. not exceeding the amount applied
for or 75 percent of the total cost of the drainage work with
respect to. which the loan. is ma.de,. in. a. debenture. payable to the
Treasurer of Ontario in accordaRce with the Act. and may approve
of the Corporation leneling the said sum to the applicant.
3. A special annual rate shall be imposed, levied and
collected over and above all other rates upon~ land in respect
of waich the money is borrowed. sufficient for the payment of
th-eprincipal and interest.s prOVided by the Act..
167/71 Moved by E. C. Copping
Seconded by F. A. Gray
that the following Dy-laws be read a first
and second time:
(al By-law Ko. 1713. a b~w toenter,i~to an
agreement with the Ontario water Resources
Commission~ ,
. (hl By-law No~ 1721. a py-law to authorize the
payment of .n annual allOwance, .and an
allowance fQr expenses for memBers of
Council. .
(c) By-law No. 1722. a by~lawtorearrange
monuments. markers, gravestones or other
structures (Xewtonvillel
The previously recited b,.-laws weretAen read a.first,
second time:
Moved p,. W. R. Carveth
Seconded py F. A. Gray
,that the previously mentioned py-laws
be now read a third time and finally passed.
The previously recited py-laws were read a third time
and finally passed:
By-Law No. 17).3
a Dy-lawof the Corporation of
. The -'fownlllhip of Clarke to enter
into an agreement with the Ontario
~ter Resources Commission.
WHR~EAS the CorporatiQn .of tAe T~WNSHIP OF CLAR~deaires
to execute an agreement with- the Ontario Water Resources
Commission for the carrying out of prel~inary work for the
provision of water suppl,. facilities in accordaneewith the
agreement attached hereto as Schedule _.u.
dD lIIHERY"S such an agrllement will-not be execu.ted until
the .n__.8ary- approval of the Ontario Municipal EQard has .
been "'Obtacined.
BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of the Corporation
of tu TOWIIlSHIP.. OF CL4RKE as.. follows t ..
1. That t.he Corporation enter. inw and execute an a&1"eement
with the Ontario Water Resources Commission for the carrying
out of preliminarywork for the proviSion of water suppl,.
facilities in accordance with the agreement attached hereto
as Schedule "AU.
Page 9
Regular Mee~ing of Council December 15, 1971 cont'd;
Z. The Reeve aJUiClerk are her"y au:thorized aM-directed to
execute, subject only to the approval of the:Ontario
Municipal Board, the agreement substantially the same as
attached hereto as Schedule .... .
3. This by-Law is subject to the -approval of the Ontario
.Municipal Board.
Schedule."~to By-Law No. ~713 of.the Corporation
of the Township of Clarke
OllTallIOW&'r-ER R'"R..~QIJRCES .~~S'T()lI
(hereinaf'ter called "theCosaission"l
- and -
(hereiuafter called.-the Municipality")
WH~AS the Ontario Munieipal Board has .given its appreval
to the Municipality entering into an agreAimentwiththeCamnlission
for the car1>ying out of preliminary work for the provision of water
supply facilities by the Commission for the Municipality, and has
authorized the Municipality to expend certain monies in connection
1. The Commission shall,
ta) retain Ccm,.-ulting Engineers 'for the ,preparation
of working plans ana specifications and call tenders; and
(b) carry out necessary iacidental work in preparation for
the ppoject which may include-surveying, acquisition of
options for preperty, and test boring;
all for the project described in Schedule "Bff attached hereto.
2. The Municipality shall give such assistance as may be required
in 'negotiationand ac~uisition of any aecessary land and easements.
3. In the event the venturesheuld fail as aforesaid, the
Municipality shall pay or reimburse the Commission all costs
incurred by the Commission as a consequence of paragraph 1 up
to and including the time- of final receipt of tenders and the
application for the approval of the Ontario;Municipal Board.
4. As and when the final approvals of the Ontario Municipal Board
are obtained from time to. time. fo:!:, ,the stages i.to which the
project described in Schedule _Bn attached hereto may be
broken-rOr the purposeo~ calling tenders, the Municipality
shall at such times execute Agreements with the Commission
substantially the same as the Agreement attached hereto as
Schedule "an for such stages.
By-Law No. 1721 .
a by-law to authorize the payment o~ an
annual allowance, and an al:lowance for
expenses for memotra of Couneil.
Whereas it is necessary to' provide by By-l.- authority to
an annual allowance for expenses for members of. Council,
Now Therefore, p~uant to The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1970,
Chapter 349 and Ulendments there...to the Council o~ the Township
of Clarke hereby enacts "'8 follows&
1. Section 211of''1'he'Mlmicipal Actprovilies the Head of
cOuncil may be paid such annual. remunerati on . as Council
may' de1:enaine and in accordance ,~ the policy of Council
his annual remuneration shaLl be $1500.00.
2. In accordanee with~he provisions of section 3ee subsection
1, the Deputy Reeve ahan be paid an aanual allowance d
$1000.00 and Councillors shall be paid an ann1l&1 a.U.awance
of $850.00.
3..The remuneration and allowances _10 out in paragraphs 1 and
- 2 shall be paid aUually.
Page 10
Regular Meeting of Council December 15. 1971 conttd:
4. In paying these sums it has been as~d that for the
purpose of al10Qating the totalamoUDt received for tax
purposes between remuneration or allowances and payments.
that the members of Council intend to claim ,one third
of the total consideratio.'reee~.eCa.an expense allowance
in accordance with the previsions.of Section 192 of The
MlUticipal Act.
5. That this by-law shall and herebY.Glome into- etfect from
the passing hereof.
6. By-Law 1"0. 168$ is hereby repealec.
By-Law No..17~
, .' .. A by-law of t.heCorporation of :the.. .
Township of ClarlC-et.o rearrange
mon!illlents. 'marker.. gravestone. or
other structures, 'eec.
,.~ .
WHEREAS the Newtonville Presbyterian Church Cemetery.
~ted on part of lot 8. concession 2, o~ the Township.of
'. Clarke. has Hen baken ovu by the to..ms1l.1.p.\.1n..aecorAaacIll, - .. .
with'Sec:tion'60 oiTRe Cemet:-eries Act. R.S.O. -l:96Q. Chapter
47.' and amenuents thereto}
.A.H,.. WHERP.&$l it has been found expedient f.or the' proper
:"illte~ce of the grounli tha1i' the mon\llllQatl.- markArJL,or. -..
other structures in the 'c_etery aha11 be moved ad re-erected
in a central location; .
BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED that the Municipal Council of the
Township of Clarke shall. unlier the authority...oLhcti..oA.6-3.,
.(2) of The Cemeteries A'Ct. B..S.O. '1960.' Cha.pter 47.-rearrange
the mon_nt.s. markers or other struGltureil as shoWl1in
SchealUe'wj.whereto attacheli.
ThiB by~law shall become effective, on the claioe.on which
it i8 appro"ed:by the Ont.ario Department of Fiuncial and
Commercial Affairs uncler Section 63 (3) of The Comet.ries
Act. R.S.O; 1960) Chapter 1+7.
'eowicil OGBCUrred. the Municipal Offices be closed - on
Frida,.,; 'Dee"er 24 and. Moad.ay. DeceJllber 27. in lieU. of
Christmas Day. Saturll.ay. Ilecember 25 and BoxiBg Day..S.n4ay.
December 26. .
Moveclby'Robert G. Chat.er , i
Seoondecl by F. A. Gray " ,
Resolve that the fgllow.iug Pay Votlchersbe anci
are hereby authorized.,for payment by th.Jigning
Of~ieers of this Council:
Road. Department. VOtlcher 1"0. .11 in the aJIU))Ult
of $34.545.13' . . -. ..'
General' Department Voucher No. 11 in. ta. _Ull_t
of $258.681.21+-
Orono Police Village VoUcher liJo. U in \;hlt
amount pf $9.94$.72
. ~Carried.
'Moved by E. C. Copping
. Second~d. by Y.'A. Gt-ay ,
" That t.he Cci>llAcil adjourn until- Tu..day.\
-January It,th at. 11:00 A.M. (ina~ .
. meeting) or ot.herwise in sp"ei:al :IIIet.il1&
at. the call of. tlJ8 Ree"'e. \ )
Thare being no further business before the me~t~~he
meeting ad.jotlrneli at5:15.