HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/06/1971 (Special)
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. OronO:, OataMO, c_" ~
Monelay, December 6, 1971.
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Minut_ . of" a Special _eeting, of~ Co~ciJ.~ held,;l.11 the-
Council__ Cha.mbers, - Township, H&ll.. __ MUnie1palOffieea, c Orono,--
Ontario on Monday,. December 6th, 1971 at 7:00 p.m.,. --, ,
All ~bers of Council_ p1"eaent., ',.
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Reeve Stone chaired the meeting.
, .
The purpose of the special council meeting was to open
the applications received. '
Moved by Deputy- Reeve Carveth, ,
Seconeled by. Councillor R. G. Chatel'
that the applications for Clerk
be opened.
Carried. __
Reeve Stone proceeded to open the applications and the
following were received: , _"
1. Mr."Henry J.__B_~ Blackstock, Ontari~
2. Mr. Bruce Anderson, Oshawa, Oatario
3. Mr. W. R. Zeibart, Orono;, Ontario
4. Mr. Cecil E. Stannera, Kendal, Ontario
5. Mr. E. A. R. Out. 1'_. f.C~!..S.._P.et.N'borough~ .DQ.tario
6. Mr. H. DeWith, BGWlIlanville, Qo.t.ar6.o..
7. Mr. Paul J:~" Borchuk,_ Wh-itby., DQ.t.af'io.
- --
After Council diac~s.ed theapplicattons received, Reeve
Stone advised he waa apProacheel PYa Clerk-Treasurer of a
surrounding mUl!lic:\.~it.y udsa1elhet;hov.ght there might of
been an application, from him; Council agreed to interview
Mr. E. A. R. Outram of Peterborouch on Monday, December 13th,
197L at '1;30 p.mLin t.he Ct!IUlldl C~er8, T0!fR3h~p Municipal
Off:llles.,Counc.il, felt '/.IAUJye Stooe,shouJ,d9cmtll.ct, the,~1erlot-
Treaaurer who inquif'~earli.r to,." if he wp~ld still b~
interested.. ,
- .-~ - ..'
Reeve Stone read the Clerk's interoffice rePort to' .
Council regarding th.e Oc<l!ll;lmi,cal~. advantages of\j~ billing
by IBM Co. . COl;UlciL tabled tAe CIEll'!<' s. !'eport. --
~ , --'--
Tur" beiSlg no fJlJ'ther bllJli;n.olJS before the meeting, the
meeting adjourned at 10JOO p.m~
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.' ~.
< '9-1AJ--d/~
R91ere, /
Orono, On ario,
,Wecb1esclay. 1leeemb,er 15th,1971,
; Coune:t1 Mee1;'!ng.
M:tnuteB of the regular ..eting of Council held in the
Collllcil Chaaber. on WBdIlesday. Deceaber 15th, 1971 at 10:00
All ._berll of Council were prellent.
..RAteve $to.. c1laired the _.tiq.
Council rellolTed to BWJpend the regular rules of procedure to
&11_ Mr. J. $tutt, Clarke'lI repre..atative on the Bowmanville
M_orial Hospital. to :h.earhi. annual report. Please note. a
copy of hill report Was mailed to each __er of Co1Uleil on
December 16th, 1971. "eve $tone thaRked Mr. $tutt for his report.