HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/22/1971 (Special) Page, 10 Regu1.ar MeetTng" of COOncil November- Z,' '1.971, continued: 147/71' 'I'loved by E. -C. 'Copping Seconded by ~. A. Gray this Council hereby adjourn to' mee't again on Wednesday, 'December 15, 1971 at 10 a.m. in the Council Chambers Cat Orono or oth'erwise in special meeting at the 'Call of the Reeve~. Carried. -'" There beind'no further busine'ss beIore the meeting, the meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m. " "Q~-,v/~ Reev/ '> , ,. . . < , ' , Orono, yntario, 'lviondils, November 22, 1971, Minutes of the special meeting of Council held in the Council ChaffibeT on Monday, November 2Zna, 1~71 at 7:30 p.rr. All meinbe.rs of Co'uncil were present. Reeve Stone cpaired the meeting. Council reviewed the report of 'the livestock Valuer and the report' from Dr. J. P. McNally," ,Bowmanville Veterinary' Clinic dated November 16, 19'71 re: Angus coW owned by Cedar Dee Farms killed by dogs. HI' .T,. Gretton, representing Cedar Dee Farms attended the Council meeting' to observe Councll' s decisioh on this matter . - 14$/71 I,foved by E. C. Cot)ping Seconded by Robert G. Chater that' the Treasurer be' authorized to pay Cedar Dee Farms ahamount of $215.00 for the loss of the , angus cow, in accordance with the Veterinar'ian's report dated ' November 16, 1971. Als'o a copy of . the Veter'inarian" s report and Councir's aecision be forwarded to the Llve Stock Valuer~ Carried. Mr.' 'Roy Foster ,Clarke's representative on the'.." Ganaraska Conservation Authority addressed COuhcil to a'dvise the Authority's act'ion'taken on the acquisition of the Herman Bamsey,property on'Rice Lake'. After Mr. Foster made his address Reeve Stone'thanked him forb'ringing Council up to date on this matter. Council discussed the method of financing Clarke's portion of this recent ac~uisition by the' authority. The two metho'ds were' by either debenture Or from current taxation. 149/71 Moved by F. A. Gray Seconded by Robert G. Chater that ~ouncil of th~ Corporation of the TownshiP of Clarke agrees to ra~se mon~es for Clarke's portion of the projec't acquis'it'ionby the Ganaraska Conserva~ion Authority of the Herman Bamsey property qnR~ce' Lake, by including in the succeeding,current taxat~on years the following: , ei) 197': - $1693 (b) 1973'~ $1694 (c) 1974 $1694 , Carried. e Page 2 Special meeting ofCoun~il November 22, 1971, cont'd , " Council felt the Clerk should attend the special meetingQn, ~uesday, Dscember7th, 1971 at the DepartwEnt of Munic~palAffairsOffice~ regarciing, the, Fourth Report, of the Select COlflTIlittee on 1;:lection Laws., The Clerk advised the deedS have been prepared for execution re: closing of Princess Street, Orono. He advised that Mrs. I,~ . Arnott' s deed will not, be registered until after November 30, 1971 as she has given a postdated cheque. - 150/71 Moved by W. R. Carveth Seconded, by E. C, Copping that the Raeve and Clerk be authorized to exeCute the deeds for the closing of Princess Street, Crono. Carried. The Clerk advised Council, theM1.1nicipal' OffiCe has had the use of a co~ple of photostating machines and he is now in a posi.tion to'recommend,iOne of them'to.be purchased as the previGus maehine n"eded a major' overhaul.. and Was not worthwhile using.,' ., 151/71 , .' Moved, by. Rob"rt G. Chater., Seconded by r. A. Gray, that" the Cliilrk be, authorized to,' purchase a Photostat machine from 3M Company in the amoimt of $6.77.00 -and that such payment for same shall not be made"unti1 early 1972, Carried. The Clerk advised he has applied for and seCured the position' bf Township Clerk with the Township ~f . North Du.mfries. He advised this decision was prGmpted by his family situation. After Council reviewed the overall personnel situation, thefo~lowing resolution was passed: 152/71 Moved by W.'R. Carveth Seconded by Robert G~Chate~ .' that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke accept, " with regret) the r"signation of',L: .J. ;''.ikulich, as Clerk, as of Friday December 31, 1971. Also the Clerk be , ,,-, --authoriz..d to advertise in the Orono Weekly, Peterborough Examiner, Bowmanville Statesman and the Oshawa Times for the position of Clerk, ,,-,_mploymant effective Monday, January 4th, 19'71'. Carried. There being no further business before the meeting, the meeting. adjourned at 10:30 p.m. '~ t , o ..-z.../-4/~- Reeve I( Clerk c :..- .--.-'- t, ~ , , ..~..'