HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/02/1971 Page 2 Special Meeting with Newcastle Council continued: It was agreed both Councils would meet in the future once this matter has been discussed with the Consultants.. There being. no f1.J.lt"'ther business before the special meeting, the meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. e- .f/W4I",~v- Reeve I' ~, e . - ClerK \ I G Orono, Ontario, November ~nd, 1971, Council MeetsLng. Minutes or the regular.-meeting of, CouDci-l ~ld hi the Caunc21 Chambers on Tuesday, November 2nd, 1971 at 10:00 a.m. All members of Council were present. Reeve Stone chaired the meeting. -Council\suspended tne rules of procedure to recei~e the report of Mr. J. R. uBui'ckll McLaughli:n, rep"esentative of Frank Cowan Insuranc~ Ltd..as it related to the individual claiins of Mr.CGibson, .Mr.. G.A. Wanless- and Mr. John ,Drewniak regarding damage done to their fences as 'a ~esult of municipal equipment used during sno~ removal in the Township of Clarke. After receiv~ng Mr. McLaughlin's presentation, it was pointed out the Township WaS_hot aware of the_action .taken by the <Insurance Company on these cJ..aims. Mr.. ~Mc.Laughlin said if any one of theee claims were paid then it would inevitably set a precedent for~uture claims~ theref~re, after each claim .' . had beenasseGsed i t.was, tile. In'surance companies pOlSit ion the claims be dehied. , -Council diTec~e~ the Clerk tOe write Messrs. Gibson (solicitor) Wanl~ssand Drewniak that contact had b€enmad~with the Insurance Companies and- it was Cl>nfirmed the claims\ have been denied. Council then proceeded ;to deal with matters on the Agenda commen~,ing. with - thQ- co:nsidera"'tion. of the minutes ~ \ ) 13$-/71 , 139/71 -e , 140/71 . Moved by -E. C. Coppin@f Seconded by F.A. Gray .That the minutes of the regular Council meeting held Tuesday, Oc.tober .5, 1971 be adopted as printed and distributed. Carried. . \ , , Moved by Robert G. Chater Seconded by-W. R. Carveth That the minutes of the special Council meeting held October 19.,-1971 be adopted as printed. Carried. Hoved .by F. A. Gray Seconded by W. R. ,Carveth. That the~minutes of \he meeting with Newcastle Council.on October,27, 1971 be adopted as printed. Carried. ., .- Page Z Regular Meeting of Council November Z, 1971, continu~~: The following minutes were received and noted: (a} Committee of Adjustment ~~October 13, 1971 (~) Special ,Planning Board ~ October 7,1971 (c} Special Planning Bo~'d, Council and Committee of Adjustment - September 21, 1971. Business arising out of previous minutes entitled "A" to "L" inclusive, November 2, 1971 agenda, Council was advised of th~ following: (a) Ont,;:!IY'io Goorl Ro~rl~ A~R()('d~ti'on - C()nf'AT"An~p. - Confirmation of lodging at Royal York - received and noted. Rp-p'i on~l' r70ve'~n~Ant, - -' UnitRrl Count; A~ nT NOY"tll- llmhAY"l;'JInrl ~nrl Dllr-h.:=lm The Honourable Dalton Bales, Minister of Municipal Affairs l~tter dated October 15, 1971 acknowledging To,vns~ip of Fl~rke'sr~solution No. 131/71 passed on Octob~r 5/71 regqrdiqg Clarke TO\Vllship's position on Regional Goverrunent was received and noted. ]'/if .T..Wf:1it.o Lot, lh. C()nqt7~~ion 7 - _re~qu..est' for improveme~t of Si~eropd was received an~ table~~ DAD;=tY'tm'Pnt, of' I-:IA~lt.n RAP1;1~t.ion..R"- P1Jhli~ S~mminf: Pool ~ .... The Clerk advised a by-law for fencing of swimraing pools is available and the matter should be discussed during by-law cons'ideration. . , 01""01'10 YOllt,h TA~~t,,...P' ~JP'"ht, - O~t.obpY'~O/?l-rpo"W!1 H~ll The Liquor, Control ,Boare!' s app.rov,al ,to hO,ld tIlls event was received and noted. ~ '.- . - _. ~ .Toint Pl~nninp' OrI7:=!ni7.~t.ion ~- NAw("'::::!.q,tlp.F<:, Cl~'p::'!>~ !vlr. E.Cornies, Department of J-1ullicipal Affairs, lette~ dated October $,.1971 re: meeting with ~ewcastle was r:eceived and filed. Snp(" i :=ilRO;'JId RxnAndi t.llT"A Bv-LAW I\:o 1 '711 Hr.c C.. R. Wilmot, Director... Munic:i.Pal, Branch, Pepartment .of Transportationa~d Communications datep October 6" 1971 was receiyed and filed. Rp7.on;n~ A~~li~~tion - M_ Y_M~llon.P~rt Lot 19. Con. 1 Mr. H. R. Best, Secretary, Clark.e Planning Board. dat.ed o.ctober 13, 1971 <lPd.11r. G. J. Smit,h, 3tolicitor for ]vir. M. V. Mall,on :\'Fere received and filesJ.. Tci T~ Dp;q; n~0'A Bv.,T~~~ ,l\J'n 1 71 ~ _.... ",- Information regarding the applications be~ng made to Ontario Municipal Board before third reading Was received and noted. T()wn~hin of' Cl;Q-rk'p -, P1"'~'iriA ~"'J~tnm()hilp. L~.Rr.:";=tt:L~~ Keith Hp.nrlp.-r~on fir. E. R. Lovekin" TO\Vllship Solicitor~ dated October 5, 1971 with de~d attac~ed",was received and filed. Ont,::.r-i 0 :OP-D;:!rt.m~nt. of TnllT"; 9JT1 ~nrl Inf():rm~t i on-RA POll 1 :=:tt, i on ~ The Clerk advised.he .has not received the report from Mr. II. .R. Best.Zo.ning Administrator, but hoped to have h{s report available by the December 15, 1971 Council meeting. .. .. Arldition~l W~tP-~WO~kR P~OiR~t 9h-0211-?1 The Clerk advised the Police Trustees may not be in attendance~tQ addre~s Council on the .subject of the additional water ,tower ~n O~ono, as they may be satisfied with the information received that any revenues obtained during tQe period of repayment of this projec~, could reduce the annual consumption rate. This ,matter was referred to by-laws. (b) (c) (d) (e} (f} - (g} (hL (i) (j} (k} (1) e ....,. .-~' . ' On a motion moved by Councillor W. R. Carveth, delegations be heard, seconded by Councillor t. Copping. qarried. Mrs. S. D. Holmes,together withth,e following residents of the Leskard area, addressed Council on th,e proposed street lighting for Leskard: l} 2) 3} . 4) 5) 6} ]vir. Eric Law - Mr. and Mrs. E. Newell Mrs.. Ken Gimblett Mrs. C. Martin Mrs. 1. Brandt Krs. R. Sutcliffe ~- e Page 3 Reg~larlvleetin& of Counc,il Novemb~r 2, ~197).) continued: The delegation re<:iul';'st,ed ,Council to increa,se the mill rate to cover the cost of ~hi~~treet lighting. Council felt this could not be done as it,may~set a,precedent for others to make the same request. , It was agreed the delegation meet with Mr.W. R. Area Manager, Ontario Hydro~ Bowmanville, to review with the possibility of revising or am~nding it to favourable solution. . ..... " .....,. " ~ Please note: A meeting has been. arranged with Mr. Walters on Monday, November 8, 197~, at p~OO y.m. in the Leskard Church Sunday School. room. Walters, his report a ":more New Co~resDondp-ncp. , 1) Association of Ontario ~~yors and Reeves, ?ep~emper 2e~ 1971 re: Agreement between the Prc:.rince of Ontario and Government of Canada r,elativ'eto ap'atenlent, of, 'po.llutiop ,in the. lo~er Great Lakes. -CoUllfilrequested a ,copy of this agreement be sent to each member to review. 2) '),loX',. W. D.' Porter', Director, Census Divisiom, c.,nsUJ;; of ;Canada, October 7, 1971 re: 'prelim~",ary.count of . population. -filed. ", 3) Dalton Bales, Minister of Municipal Affair.s' re: pamphlet on Ontario Residential Property Tax Re~uctiop system fpr 1971.-Filed. 4) Dal~on Bales(~iniste!'of Depa~t8ent of Municipal Affa~rs, September 29" 1971 re Vaiidity of Titles of Land.-filed. 5) Ontario' Planning Newslettei-- Septemb~r 197J.'.-Filed. ?) Mr. C. J. Williams, Director, Depa~tmentof Social and fami;Ly, Services, October 7, 1971 reo: Gener.al ~lfare Assistance Introductory Course November.22-December 3.~Filed. 7) Annual Report - bepart~ent of Social and Famiiy Servic~s and Statistical Supplement March 1971.-filed. 8) Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit report ,for Septe;nber 1971. -Filed.', . 9) Russell G. Honcy, M.P.~ Northumberland-Durham. October 18, i971're: results'of guestionnaire.-Fi,led. .. 10) Mrs. J.: Conover, Lottery ~dmini"'trator, !or!,. G?-llyrie s ef Ontario October ie, 1971 re: Lottery.-Filed. . .' .P+ea'('e note:, A C?py of letter was sent to Chamber'of Commerce. 11) Central Lake .Ontarj,o, Conservation Amhority re: liotice of .. ". . -. - ,,- , ~ . <- Apportionment of Levies: (a) Harmony Valley Conservation..Area Dam and.Bridge (b) Cranberry Marsh Conservati;n 4rea See vouchers. . 12). Dalton B?le;>, ~lir1ister' of' Department of l,:un'idf~i Affairs October 21, 1971re: Provinci?-l Municipal EmploY;nent Incentive Pr9gram.-Tabled~ ,Council also tabled the letter from ~~. R. E. Sims of Totten, Sims, Hubicki Associates Ltd. dated October 4, 1971 re: Municipal' Complex, '. ~ The Clerk Was instru..ctyd ~o investigate th~,possibilities of applying the f~n~~ ~n this progr~~ towards an additionL swimming pool iIl,Orono. ,,' 13) Mr. J. 1'i,. JvicIlroy, Clerk-Administrator, Town of Bowmanville, October $, 1971 re: representation to Committee to meet on . .. - ~ Wednesday, November 17, 1971 re: studying Conservation Act. CouncillorChater said if Council approved, he would be willingt.:>. attend this meeting. Council concurred in Councillor Chater.attendjng and also suggested Reeve Stone be the alternate member. The copyoof,a letter frpm.Nr. J. r':. McIlroy to Mr. D. ~. Pli~z~ Clerk, Township of Pickering, dated October ZG, 1971 was ordered fi;Led. - . ..,' ,It.) Mrs. J. W. Bosch, ~Z6 Harwood Avenue, S., Ajax reo rezoning application (October <:5, 1971{. - Referr'ed -Co l?la..'-lning Board. l~) ]V~. K. Symons, County Clak-Treasurer, October 5, 1971 reo apportiOTImtTlt of Liability for County Rate.-Referred to Treasurer" .' < ". - ,"' I 16) Mr.,C. G. Gibson, Lot 19, Con. 4, Claim against the To~ship.- damage to.4"f'nce by snow .plow.-see delegations. l~. M. Ross, Road Superintendent, addressed CoUncil informing them of two (2) Offer to Sell Agreements having been made, namely, (al Prairie Automobile Ltd, Lot <:9, Con. 7 and (b) Henry and Joan Goschl, Lot 16, Con. 3. He explained why the lands are required. Page 4 Regular Meeting of CmmciJ: November- 2,--'1971, continued; 141/71 Moved 'by E. C. Copping" Seconded by T.A. Gray The Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign the following Offer-To Sell Agreements ;- Prairie Automobile Transport Ltd., Lot 29, Con. ~ Henry Goschl}i~Joan Gosdhl, 'Lot 11: Corr.::;;r~ ' V I Ca-rried. - Adopnnnm 1 i ~t of' r.()""l""p.~Don(L'=~nr.:p. 1-) l~r. Ii. R. Sest, Building Inspector's report for the month of October 1971.-Filed. 2) Hr.' H.B. McGill, Livestock Commissioner, Departnent of Agriculture and Food, Oct"ober 19, 1971 re; Monies paid out due to sheep losses caused by dogs. The Clerk brought Counc'il,'s attention to the report of the Livestock Vll:luer dated October 27, 1971. ;The LiveEtockValue~rs re~ort re Cedar Dee Farms was tabled until report-from Veterinarian is rece~ved. t 3) Ontario Municipal Association News notes and minutes legislative bulletin.-Tabled. 4) Diamond Triangle Committee, October 25; 1971 re; meeting at-Greenwood TOWer Motel, Port Hope, Fri~ay, November 12, 1971 at-6;30 p.m. Reeve Stone said he would like to attend this-meeting. Council concurred Re"ve Stone r s' attendance. -- 51 - Mr. E. R; Lovekin dated Oc'tober 26, 1971 re; Toi-mship of Clarke purchase from Haluska. - Council felt-the conditions as set out-in the Offer To Sell Were to be adhered to, in that,thcy set out the terms between both parties notwithstanding the correspondence that has taken place. The Clerk was"instructed'to write the Township Solicitor accordingly. 6) Hr. E. R. Lovekin dated October 2$,'1971 re;- Earry Wade and Clarke-Township. Reeve Stone read a letter from Nr; R. C~ Honey, M.P., Northumberland-Durham, dated-Cctober 20, 1971 re;the valuation of the Wade property in connection' with the "grade separation project". Council directed a copy of the report be made'available to ~~. R. L. Windover of Totten, Sims, Hubicki and Associates Ltd., of Whitby for their files. Mr. E. R. Lovekin's letter dated October 1$, 1971.-Filed. After having discussed the matter, eouncil-resolved the following resolution; 142/71 Moved byW. R. Carveth Seconded by E. C. Copping the Council of the Corporation of the Township of , Clarke accept the'amount of $13~202. being the- new evaluation of the Wade, property,~in connection with the "grade separation project.~ Carried. 7) - Northumberland-Durham E.M.O., July 1971.-Filed. $)'-- Ontario Good Roads'AsBociation dated Octobe~ ZS, 1971 re; long service recognition.-Filed. 9)' Mi:>. F. H. Hogle, Superintendent- and Secretary-Treasurer, Peterboroug~ VictorIa) Northumberland and Durham County Roman Cathoiic,Separate Scho'OlBoard dated October 29, 1971 re: quarterly payments to School Board.~Referred to Treasurer. 10~ Miss G. Lloyd~Jones, Acoountant, Central Collection Services, Departnent of Treasury and,Economics October 2$,.1971 re; Tile Drainage Borrowing By-Law No. 1714.-Filed. The Clerk advised this letter was sent in error. ,- e ',v J Page: 5 Regular Meeting of Council November 2, 1971, continued: \' ) Np-w Busd nP-S8 143/71 ,~- Bv-L:=tw~ 144/71 Moved by F. A. Gray Seconded by Robert G. Chatel' that "the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign the petitiO"n for interim payment under the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act on expenditures' in 1971 and be forwarded to the Department of Transportation and Communications. Carried. Moved by W. R. Carveth Seconded by F. A. Gray That the following by-laws be read a first and second time: (a) (b) a by-law to constitute and appoint a Committee of Adjustment. a by-law to rearrange monuments, markej,"s, graveston.es or o'"ther structures, etc. (Christian Church) a 'by-law to re-arrange monuments, markers, gravestones or other structures, etC. (Bethel .Cemetery) a by-law to rearrange monuments, markers, gravestones or other structures, etc.(Lawrence's Cemetery) a by~law to rearrange monuments, markers, gravestones Or other ;structures, etc. (Lawrence's Back Church Cemetery) a by-law for requirlag owners of privately owned outdoor swimming pools to erect and n~intain rences and ~ates around such. 8winuning pools. . Carried. (c) (d) (e) (f) The By-Laws were read a first and second time. , , Council, at this point, considered the by-laws. It was agreed the by-law bo enter into an agreement with O.W.R.C. re: new well, should not be considered as no word from the Trustees has been'received. Council directed the Clerk to advertise a notice re By-Law Mo. 1720, fencing of pools, in the Ilowmanville State(.nnan and Orono Weekly Times. Such notice to inform the public such a by-law is in effect. ' 145/71 e Moved by Robert G. Chatel' Seconded by W. R. Garveth That the following by-laws be read a third time and numbered: (a) 1712, a by-law of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke to constitute and appoint a Committee of Adjustment. (b) 1715, a'b~-law'of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke to rearrange monuments, markers,gravestones or other structures, etc. (Christian Church) /.' Page 6 Regular Meeting of Council November 2, 1971, continued: (c) 1716, a by-law of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke to rearrange monuments, markers, gravestones or other structures etc. -'Bethel: Ce~etery) , Cd) 1717, a by-law of the Corporation of the Township of Clar'ke to rearrange monuments, markers, gravestones or other structures, etc., (Lawrence IS Cemetery) (e) 1718, a by-law of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke, to rearrange ,monuments, mar~ers, gravestones or other structw'es etc~LawrencesrBackChurchCemeterv) (f) 1720, a by-law of the ,,' Corporation of the Township of Clarke for. requiring owners of private;Ly owned outdoor swimming ,- pools to erect and maintain fences and gates around such swirmning poO-ls. Car'ri'ed. The by-laws were read a ~hird time ~nd finally passed: e . ' By-Law No. 1,.712 A by-law of the ~orpoFation of the Township of Clarke ,to constitute and appoint a. committee of adjustment. ~[ERE.S it is deemed expedient to constitute and appoint a committee of adjust~ent a~ provid~d by The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 349, Section 41 (l).., NOW THEREFORE, the Counc,i,l of the' Corporation of the Township of Clarke enacts as 'follows: 1. That the fOllowing p~rsons who, not being members of the Councilor employees a.f the ~lunicipality or of a local Qoard thereof, shall constitute and are hereby appointed as members of the Committee of Adjustment: (a) Vw. E. F. R. Osborne, R. R. No.2, to hold office until January 1, 1973. (b) Mr. E. R. Lo~ekin, Newcastle, to hold office until January 1, 1974. (c) vIr. r;. Schoenmaker, Orono, to hold office until January 1, 1975. By-Law No. 1715 A by-la~ of the Corporation of the To\~ship of Clarke to re- arrange monuments, ,markers, gravestones or other struct~r~s,e\c. WHEREAS the Christian Church Cemetery, situated on part of lot 28, concession 5, of the Township of Clarke, has been taken over by the townshipi~ accordanCe with Section 60 of The Cemeteries Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 47, and amendments thereto; AND WHEREAS it has 'been found expedient for the proper maintenanqe of the ground that the monuments, markers or other structures in the cemetery. shall be moved and re-erected in a central location; BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED that the Municipal Council of the Township of Clarke shall, under the authority of Section 63 (2) of The Cemeteries Act, 'R.Q.O. 1960, Cnapter 47, re-arrange the monuments, markers or other stractureS as shown in Schedule "A" hereto attached. ' This by-law shall become effective on the date on which it is ap~roved, by the On~ario De~artment of Financi~l and Commercial Affairs under Section 63' (3) of The Cemeteries Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 47. tit ,I Page 7.;. ~ "' i,. ..... ...... Regular Meetingo~ Council November 2, 1971, continued: ~ - '- ~, By-Law No. 1716 , " ~ t;, <:, t ~ A by-lawco~ the Corporation o~ the Township o~ Clarke tOe rearrange =onume!lt.$~ markers, gravestones or other struct- ures, -etc. ~.... ~ ~ ,. ~ . ,-") e , , - WHEREAS the Bethel Cemetery, situated on part o~ lot 2$. concession 3, o~ the Township o~,Clarke, has been taken over by the township in accordance with Section 60 o~ The Cemeteries Act, R.S_O. 1960, Chapter 47.,antt amendments thereto; _ ,(. AND W'nEREAS it .has ,been,.found expedient .~or .the proper maintenance o~ the ground that the monuments. markers or other structures in the cemetery shall be moved and re- erected in a central location; " BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED that the Municipal Council o~ the. Townsh::i:p of Clarke shall, ,,,nder ,t.hea-uthority o~ Section 63. (2) of The ,Cemeteries Act, Ri,s.O. 196'0, .Chapter 47, !'e-arrange. the n;onument7s, markers or otherstructure.s as shown in Sched;;.le HAW hereto attached. This by-law shall become effective on the date on whIch is:la approved by the Ont!l,rio Departm~nt of Financial and Commercial Affairs und~r.Section 63(3) ofTh~ Cemeteries Act,R.S.O. 1960,.Chaptel"-47_ ~ cBy-Law No. 1717 ~ A by-law of the Corporation of .the Ta-Wrlship df GUarke to J r~arrange monumen-t..-s, markers; grave stories or oi;her struct~- ures, etc. ,. , . ~ ,. ~IEFXAS the Lawrence's Cemete~Yi situated ~n part of lot 21, concession 5. of the Township.o~ Clarke, has been taken ~Ver by the township in accordance with Section 60 of TheCsmeter'ielil Act. R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 47, and amendments thereto; AND WHEREAS it has been IOun~ expedi~nt ~orthe proper mainteriance:of the ground that the mon~~ertts, mark~r$ or other atructuU<ilS in the cemetGlry shall be movedcand re- erected in a central 10cat.i6n; BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED that the Municipal Council of the TOWnship Q~ Clarke shall, under the aut'horit:y Qf, SectioGn &3 (2) of The cCemetcries Act, R~S.O. .1960, Chapter 47. re-arrange the monuments, markers or other structures as shoWn. in 5chedule "AW he:r<eto "attached. This by-law shall bec6.mee.~f.ective on the date on whieh'it is approved by the 'Ontario Departrnento~ Financial and Commer-cial Affairs under Section 63 (3) of The Cemeteries Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 47. c- By-Law No. 171$ .~~ . c A by-law o~ theCgrporation of the .Township ofClai'ke to 'l"e- C c arrange ~monurfie:ritsJ '-mar-kers,. .gravestoneS or.other.struct-.. ures; etc.c .: \ , .e WHEREAS the Lawrence's Back Church Cemetery, situated on part ~flot 34, conces$ion:7. ~f the .Township of'Clarke, has been -taken OVel" by the tOWnship in accordance with Section 60 o~ The Cemeteries Act, .R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 47, and amendments thereto; , c AND WHEREAS i~.has been ~oundexpedient for the proper maintenance lil~the ground that the.monuments,.milrkers or other structures in the cemetery shall be moved and re- erected in a central location; Page e Regular Meeting of Council November 2, 1971, continued: , , BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED that the Municipal Council of the Township of Clarke shall, under the,autho~ity of Section 63 (2) of The Cemeteries Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 47, re- arrange the monuments, mark~rs or other structur~s as shown in Schedule "A" hereto attached. This_,by-law shalJ. ,become Etffecti Vie on the date on which it is approved by the Ontario Department ,of Financial and Commercial Affairs under Section 73 (3) of The CEtmeteries Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 47. , .~ , By-Law No. 1720 - <- e A by-law ,of the COPPQrationof.th~ Township of Clarke for requiring owners-of privately_owned outdoor swi~ing pools to erect and maintain fences and gates around,_ such swimning pools. ' , ~ , WHEREAS Section 354-(1), ,24 of the Municipal ,Act R.S.O. 1970 ChapteIl 2e4 and ameIldments thereto,authQri:oes ,Councils, of local municipalities to pass Qy-laws for.requiring ~meros of privately-owned outdoor swimming pools.tn erect and maintain fences and ,gates around such - sWimming cpoolsand for prescribing the height and description ,of, and the manner of erecting.and maintaining, such f~CQF and gates; AND WHEREAS the Council,o~ the. CQrpQra~ion Township of Clarke deems it necessary to pass such NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED, AS.a by-l~ of Corporation of the Township of Clarke as fOllows:- 1. In this By-law (a) "enclosure" shall mean a fance, ,wall or other structure, __:i,ncluding ,doors and gate s s}Jrrounding a privately-o-wned QutdOQJ:: sTllillll!!ing,pool to restrict access thereto. (b) "privately-owned outdoor swimming pool" shall mean _any privll,tely-owned 'bOdy of wa.t""r.lQcated Qutdoo~s, _ containad in pa:ct ,o.r in .whQl~ :.bO[ _'" , ,artificial means.and which the depth of wate~, at;, any point qan exceed ,le <inche~and ,ul>~d or capable of being used for the purpo~"" of SWimming.. wading, diving,or.bathing._ (c) "feIlce" shall mean a barrier constructed of chain link metal design:or of wood, stone, metal or other materialQf equivalent degree.. of strength.. . _ _ . (d) "gate" shall mean a ,swinging, or,slidine; ,barrier , ,use_d,to fill. or close an.access an4,~nc.ludes_:" a door. ' -- (e) "building Permit" s~all mean and i~clude a~y,' permit required ,l:;ly law :!.lJ. _ connection with ,the construction of i'l swimming pool and arty necellsary build~ng or acce~sory.builging or wor~. _~ Enclosures:. ,(. .. " ~ - ..- (a) The owner of a privatelycowued outdoor swimming pool shall erect and main~~in an~adequate enclosure surrounding the entire swimming pool area sufficien~to mak~,such body OL water not readily accessible tosmal~ chi+dren. (b) No person shal.l fill a,private+y-owned outdoor swimming poo~ Withwate~.or,maintain such pool filled with water until an enc+Qsur~,complying with the requirements of this by-law has been e~ected around the ~wimml~g pool. . , {c) Such enclosure, :j,nclu(U"g..gatel? therein, shall c extend,fromthe ground to a heigl}t of not.lese than five feet. (. , .,~ .. _, (d) A fence, forming part of such ~n91osure, shall meet the following requtrem~nts: (i), every fence shall not_be lessth~~ 60 , __ inche s in, he ight " '_ Qfthe a by-la.w; the 2. e , Page 9 Reg~lar Meeting of Council November 2, 1971, continued: . . ~ l.' '- ,~,- (ii) every fence shall be so constructed that all horizontal 'or 'diagonal structurhs bf the fence snalY be located on the inside or pool side of the fence. (iii)' every fence shall be so~ constructed that it cannot be use~ in a manner similar to a ladder. (iv) every fence snal~~be constructed to have the only meIDs of entry by gates or doors. (v) each gate shall have a minimum height extending from the ground or rloor level of five feet supported by substantial hinges and equipped with self-closing and a self-latching device placed at the 'top ap.d on the inside of the gate _ .., (vi) the use of barbed wire in any manner or any device for projecting an electric current in connection with or through any such perimeter fence is prohibited. (vii) a dwelling house, building, or accessory building may be utilized to enclose ~1Y pool and such 13. dwelling house, building or accessory building shall be deemed to be a sufficient enclosure to satisfy this by-law and no fencing as otherwise required in tbis by-law shall be necessary. (vi~l) no fence' shal~ be required where the top of the outside wall of a privately-owned swimming pool '1~s at least 5 fee't aoove the 'level of the ground abut'ting the wall '1ncf so const'ruc't~ed and ID4intained as to provide access only to gate or g'ates coristru'cte'a inv accord'll.nce' with paragraph (d) section 1., , 3. No person shall construct a privately-ownea SWimmlng pool in the Township of Clarke without first obtaining a 'building' pe'rmit :f'or the po001 requiredfen'ce .an'a i'r' apJ.'li,~able ~hc ,d,,":,c'iling bouse,~ buildi~g, or a~cessory bu~ld~ng conta~nln~such pool. " 4.'T'he prov1si'ons or-tnis By-:la,w sh.all' app'ly to a'll' v pri vately"'-owned swinL'1ling pools in 'the, Townsrlip riot"'ith~ standing their' date. of construction..' ,~ v~, v " 5. No bui~ding permit .ass~c~~te~ w!th the ~ons~ru~tion o~ any prlvately-ownea sWlmmlng pool shall be lssu~d untll full and complete Dlans oT the said swimming pool showing its' Si;,c'e iocation,. elevation' and drainage system shall' be filed in the office of 'the Building Inspector. 'The owner of the01ands on whlch the swimming pool is located shall e'h't'er intb an Agreement in writing with the Corporation of the Township of Clarke agreeing.to save harmlesp the'Township~rom all claims or liability arisfhg fro!!'. the construction and for maintenance of the said 'swimming' pool ana. the drainage thereof. 6. This by-law shall'be enrorced by any person or municipal ..officer duly aut!lOrized and instructed by ,the Corporation , of the Township of Clarke in that behalf.v , v , , '7. Any person Who :::on1;ravenes aIlY prov'1sioh T,n 'tnis 'by-law shall,~pon conviction thereof, be ~iable to a fine nut e~ceed1ng' $300'. 00 exclusive' of costsanCl such~ fine may be' collected under the provisions of ~he ~lunmary , J ~ _ L~_ ~ _ ~ ~~ - .u G9nviction$ Act. 'i ~ $. This by-law shall t'ake eI'tect as or the day of lts final passing. ' , '~e ~ ~ !,;oved by Robert G.: Chater "\ , S'e conde cf' by F. A. '&ray v 'Resolve that~the~ follOWing Pay You;che'rs be 'an'd are ~erebyautnor~~ed'for payment by tne S'ign:fng"officers of this v C6unci'1:' .Co G~ 'General' Voucne,r#l(r for October 1971 in the' amo'unt or- -$il ,$$7 .24 ~oad Departmen~' Voucher #10 for October 1971 {n 't he anlount of $17,424.93 Orono Police Village Voucher #10 for vctober 1971 in the amount of $1,222.12 Carried. v 146/71. '. v . u (.. Page, 10 Regu1.ar MeetTng" of COOncil November- Z,' '1.971, continued: 147/71' 'I'loved by E. -C. 'Copping Seconded by ~. A. Gray this Council hereby adjourn to' mee't again on Wednesday, 'December 15, 1971 at 10 a.m. in the Council Chambers Cat Orono or oth'erwise in special meeting at the 'Call of the Reeve~. Carried. -'" There beind'no further busine'ss beIore the meeting, the meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m. " "Q~-,v/~ Reev/ '> , ,. . . < , ' , Orono, yntario, 'lviondils, November 22, 1971, Minutes of the special meeting of Council held in the Council ChaffibeT on Monday, November 2Zna, 1~71 at 7:30 p.rr. All meinbe.rs of Co'uncil were present. Reeve Stone cpaired the meeting. Council reviewed the report of 'the livestock Valuer and the report' from Dr. J. P. McNally," ,Bowmanville Veterinary' Clinic dated November 16, 19'71 re: Angus coW owned by Cedar Dee Farms killed by dogs. HI' .T,. Gretton, representing Cedar Dee Farms attended the Council meeting' to observe Councll' s decisioh on this matter . - 14$/71 I,foved by E. C. Cot)ping Seconded by Robert G. Chater that' the Treasurer be' authorized to pay Cedar Dee Farms ahamount of $215.00 for the loss of the , angus cow, in accordance with the Veterinar'ian's report dated ' November 16, 1971. Als'o a copy of . the Veter'inarian" s report and Councir's aecision be forwarded to the Llve Stock Valuer~ Carried. Mr.' 'Roy Foster ,Clarke's representative on the'.." Ganaraska Conservation Authority addressed COuhcil to a'dvise the Authority's act'ion'taken on the acquisition of the Herman Bamsey,property on'Rice Lake'. After Mr. Foster made his address Reeve Stone'thanked him forb'ringing Council up to date on this matter. Council discussed the method of financing Clarke's portion of this recent ac~uisition by the' authority. The two metho'ds were' by either debenture Or from current taxation. 149/71 Moved by F. A. Gray Seconded by Robert G. Chater that ~ouncil of th~ Corporation of the TownshiP of Clarke agrees to ra~se mon~es for Clarke's portion of the projec't acquis'it'ionby the Ganaraska Conserva~ion Authority of the Herman Bamsey property qnR~ce' Lake, by including in the succeeding,current taxat~on years the following: , ei) 197': - $1693 (b) 1973'~ $1694 (c) 1974 $1694 , Carried. e