HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/27/1971 (Special) ~=o_..,. Page 3 Special Meeting -of Counci<l Oct{)Ger'-' 19, ~197-l~,c()ntinu:e<i: ~~. Council briefly discussed the r.eport ~bf Mr. W. R. Walter, Manager, Ontario Hydro, dated October 6th, 1971 re: proposed street lighting systew for~.the Bamletof Leskard 'and directed the Clerk send a copy of same to Mrs..:S.) D. Holmes. The Clerk advised he would send her a copy of the report. - - -~ - ~ -~.- - ~ - Th~e Clerk was instructed too obtain_ the informationfrDm c the minute book re: Mr. Gibson complaint about tbe.snow P~QW damaging his,fence and-bring ittQ.Council's attention on Tuesday, November 2, 1971L~ .~ , ~ -- ,.' c.-' _ ~__' '_ a " . Yl.J. ji~~ . .R6'!7 ..' '," .' ,- ::- ,- J. '_'. , , , " .october 27,-1971, - Special.Meeting.with Newcastle Council Minutes.of the sP'i'cial meeting of Counc;tls'" ,Clarke and Newcastle held. in Newcastle Council Chamber <:mcWednlilsday , October 27,1971 at,e p.m.. Present: ~C1~rkR Reeve J~ W. Stone Deputy Reeve W. R. Carveth CouncillopR.. .G;~Chater ,Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor:E. C. Copping Clerk' L. J. Mikulich ~N4.-w~;:t~t'e Reeve.D"J..Cunninghaxn, Councillor E. Hoar. Councillor F. Couch' Councillor A. Gray Councillor Mrs. M.Brereton Clerk Mrs. J. McCullough Also present Mr. E. A. Gomme, Planning Administration (Head) Community Planning Branch, Department of Municipal Affairs ~ c Reeve Cunningham chaired the meeting. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the application made by the Village of Newcastle to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for designation as a separate planning area. After Reeve Cunningham welcomed those present, he turned the meeting over to Mr. Gomme,D.M.A., who initially called this specIal meeting. Mr. Gomme reiterated the application before the Minister and discussed the pros and cons of a joint planning board. After answering questions from both Councils, it was agreed the matter be held in abeyance until such time as Mr. Gomme could discuss the feasibility of combining the almost completed Official Plan for Clarke Township' and the proposed Official Plan for the Village of Newcastle. t1r. Gomme would be in contact~ with each municipalities Planning Consultants. a....... w" The Village of Newcastle have retained Mr. Roger Treumner, Triton R~anning Consultants of Toronto and Clarke Township have retained Mr. John E. L. Farrow of Municipal Planning Consultants, also of Toronto. Page 2 Special Meeting with Newcastle Council continued: It was agreed both Councils would meet in the future once this matter has been discussed with the Consultants.. There being. no f1.J.lt"'ther business before the special meeting, the meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. e- .f/W4I",~v- Reeve I' ~, e . - ClerK \ I G Orono, Ontario, November ~nd, 1971, Council MeetsLng. Minutes or the regular.-meeting of, CouDci-l ~ld hi the Caunc21 Chambers on Tuesday, November 2nd, 1971 at 10:00 a.m. All members of Council were present. Reeve Stone chaired the meeting. -Council\suspended tne rules of procedure to recei~e the report of Mr. J. R. uBui'ckll McLaughli:n, rep"esentative of Frank Cowan Insuranc~ Ltd..as it related to the individual claiins of Mr.CGibson, .Mr.. G.A. Wanless- and Mr. John ,Drewniak regarding damage done to their fences as 'a ~esult of municipal equipment used during sno~ removal in the Township of Clarke. After receiv~ng Mr. McLaughlin's presentation, it was pointed out the Township WaS_hot aware of the_action .taken by the <Insurance Company on these cJ..aims. Mr.. ~Mc.Laughlin said if any one of theee claims were paid then it would inevitably set a precedent for~uture claims~ theref~re, after each claim .' . had beenasseGsed i t.was, tile. In'surance companies pOlSit ion the claims be dehied. , -Council diTec~e~ the Clerk tOe write Messrs. Gibson (solicitor) Wanl~ssand Drewniak that contact had b€enmad~with the Insurance Companies and- it was Cl>nfirmed the claims\ have been denied. Council then proceeded ;to deal with matters on the Agenda commen~,ing. with - thQ- co:nsidera"'tion. of the minutes ~ \ ) 13$-/71 , 139/71 -e , 140/71 . Moved by -E. C. Coppin@f Seconded by F.A. Gray .That the minutes of the regular Council meeting held Tuesday, Oc.tober .5, 1971 be adopted as printed and distributed. Carried. . \ , , Moved by Robert G. Chater Seconded by-W. R. Carveth That the minutes of the special Council meeting held October 19.,-1971 be adopted as printed. Carried. Hoved .by F. A. Gray Seconded by W. R. ,Carveth. That the~minutes of \he meeting with Newcastle Council.on October,27, 1971 be adopted as printed. Carried. ., .-