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Regular Meeting of Council October 5, 1971, continued:
Moved by Councillor Copping
Seconded by Councillor Chater
This Council hereby adjourn to
meet again on Tuesday, November
2, 1971 at 10 a.m. in the Council
Chamber at Orono or otherwise in
special meeting at the call of
the Reeve.
There being no further business before the meeting,
th~ meeting adjourned at 5:20 p.m.
Orono, Ontario,
Special Council Meeting,
Tuesday, October 19, 1971.
Minutes of a special meeting of Council held in the Council
Chambers on Tuesday, October 19th, 1971 at 7:30 p.m.
All members of Council were present.
Reeve Stone chaired the meeting.
The meeting was called to consider two by-laws (a) Wilkin
rezoning by-law, and (b) a by-law to raise $75,000. for the
construction of tile drainage, The Tile Drainage Act 1971 etc.
Moved by F. A. Gray
Seconded by R. G. Chater
That the following by-laws be read a
first and second time:
(a) a by-law to amend by-law No. 1653
re: Wilkin rezoning app~ication.
(b) a by-law to raise $75,000 to aid
in the construction of the drainage
works under the Tile Drainage Act,
The by-laws were read a first and second time.
At this point, Council agreed to receive Mrs. E. Wilkirls
comments on the rezoning by-law. Mrs. Wilkin suggested an
addition to the by-law be made by adding "billiard room"
to the non-residential permitted uses. Council felt no_addition
could be made to the by-law unless Planning Board had considered
this suggestion. Mrs. WilkinS felt the by-law was in order.'
Reeve Stone advised the Tile Drainage by-law requires two (2)
readings this evening and the third reading will be considered
once the O.M.B. have given their approval;
Moved by W. R. Carveth
Seconded by E. C.Copping
that the following by-law be read
a third time and numbered 1719, a
by-law to amend by-law No. 1653, re:
Wilkin rezoning by-law.
The by-law was read a third ,time and finally passed.
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Special Meeting of Council October 19, 1971, continued:
By-Law No. 1719
A By-Law to amend By-Law No. 1653
(Wilkin l
Whereas the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the
Township of Clarke deems it advisable to amend By-Law No.
1653, as amended.
Corporation of the Township of Clarke:
1. That Schedule "A" Zone Maps of the By-Law No. 1653
be amended, by.changing to "C-l" the Zone Symbol of
the lands marked on Schedule"A~ hereto attached, as
"Zone change to CIM.
Z. ,.No person shall within C-l Zone use any lot
alter or use any building or structure, for
except the one or more of the following C-l
(al Residential Uses:
- a dwelling unit in a non-residential building
(bl Non-Residential Uses:
- a dairy bar
- a coffee shop
- a restaurant
That Appendix Z of BY-Law No. 1653 be amended by adding
the folloWing for -C-l" classification:
Lot FT'ontPI P'P- :." Minimum 75 :feet
Lot AreA: Minimum 34,000 square feet
Set B"ck: 1. Minimum distance from centre
line.of Township Road 93 feet
Z. Minimum distance from centre
line of: County Road 80: feet
Minimum Z5 feet
or erect
any purposes
uses, namely:
Dwel]in~ Unit - Floor Are~: Minimum 600 square ~eet
exclusive of halls
Loc~tion of Dwelljn~ Imit: Within Non-ReSidential
building and above the
f.irst floor.
4. This by-law shall become effective on the date of passing
subject to receiving the approval of The Ontario Municipal
According to the ReviseQ rules of procedure, from the
O.M.B., a resolution of council should be passed stating the
rezoning by-law i~ in cOl').for,m5ty with the Official Plan.
Wilkin Rezol1ing by-law:-
138/71 Jl.joved by F.A.Gray
. Seconded by R. G. Chater
that the Council of the Corporation
o~ the Township of Clarke certify
that by-law No. 1719 is in conformity
with the Official Plan which is being
proposed and considered but not approved
at the time of passing of same.
Council 'considered the letter fro.m Mr. K;." Symons, Clerk-
Treasurer of the Unit ed Counties, dated October 7, 1971 ,re: Mr.
W. Hale, Lot 12, Con. 3, Township of Clarke, application for a
licence to operate a salvage yard. If there was any objection to
the grantlng of this licence then an objection could be made
within 15 days. ,"
Council also cons"idered the letters from Mr.E. R. Lovekin,
Township Sblicitor, dated Oct.ober 6, 1971 and Mr. H. R. Best,
dated October 1$, 1971.
After Council reviewed the reports no objection w'ould
be lodged, at this time, as the matter would be before the
Committee of Adjustment for authorit~ to continue the use
of the land, in question, for the same purpose as it was used
up to the day of application to the Committee.
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Special Meeting -of Counci<l Oct{)Ger'-' 19, ~197-l~,c()ntinu:e<i: ~~.
Council briefly discussed the r.eport ~bf Mr. W. R. Walter,
Manager, Ontario Hydro, dated October 6th, 1971 re: proposed
street lighting systew for~.the Bamletof Leskard 'and directed
the Clerk send a copy of same to Mrs..:S.) D. Holmes. The Clerk
advised he would send her a copy of the report.
- - -~ - ~ -~.- - ~ -
Th~e Clerk was instructed too obtain_ the informationfrDm c
the minute book re: Mr. Gibson complaint about tbe.snow P~QW
damaging his,fence and-bring ittQ.Council's attention on
Tuesday, November 2, 1971L~ .~
, ~
c.-' _ ~__' '_
a "
. Yl.J. ji~~
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, ,
, " .october 27,-1971, -
Special.Meeting.with Newcastle Council
Minutes.of the sP'i'cial meeting of Counc;tls'" ,Clarke and
Newcastle held. in Newcastle Council Chamber <:mcWednlilsday ,
October 27,1971 at,e p.m..
Reeve J~ W. Stone
Deputy Reeve W. R. Carveth
CouncillopR.. .G;~Chater
,Councillor F. A. Gray
Councillor:E. C. Copping
Clerk' L. J. Mikulich
Councillor E. Hoar.
Councillor F. Couch'
Councillor A. Gray
Councillor Mrs. M.Brereton
Clerk Mrs. J. McCullough
Also present Mr. E. A. Gomme,
Planning Administration (Head)
Community Planning Branch,
Department of Municipal Affairs
Reeve Cunningham chaired the meeting.
The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the application
made by the Village of Newcastle to the Minister of Municipal
Affairs for designation as a separate planning area.
After Reeve Cunningham welcomed those present, he turned the
meeting over to Mr. Gomme,D.M.A., who initially called this specIal
Mr. Gomme reiterated the application before the Minister and
discussed the pros and cons of a joint planning board. After
answering questions from both Councils, it was agreed the matter
be held in abeyance until such time as Mr. Gomme could discuss the
feasibility of combining the almost completed Official Plan for
Clarke Township' and the proposed Official Plan for the Village of
Newcastle. t1r. Gomme would be in contact~ with each municipalities
Planning Consultants.
The Village of Newcastle have retained Mr. Roger Treumner,
Triton R~anning Consultants of Toronto and Clarke Township have
retained Mr. John E. L. Farrow of Municipal Planning Consultants,
also of Toronto.