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Special Meeti!1g of Council September 2;1, 1971, continued:
. \ ~ .
, ~
Moved by F. A. Gray
Seconded by Robert G. Chater ','
that Council of the' Corporation', or ~ '
the Township of Clarke 'hereby grant;s the
approval of the Orono Youth Theatre
to )1se the Township Hall for a ~'.,
MaSquerade Dance onSaturd~y, 'October
30, 1971, this approval being given
in otder to faci+itate the application
-for a Liquor permit frQni the Liquor
Control Board of Ontario:
II -,
j; \.
1< "
, ,
Councillor Chatel', Chairman, of the Finance Committee,
advised approaches have been made by the Leskard ar~a
residents to the Ontario Hydro in BO~anville to request
a survey oj!: costs for street lighting'in the Le$l;:ard area.
As Council felt the Onbario Hydro Power Commission
have the 'available facilities to conduct such a surVey
the following resolution was passed:
, 12$/71
Moved by Deputy Reeve W; R. Carveth
Seconded by EounCillor B. 'C. Copping
Council agree 5;n principle in requesting
the Hydro Electric Power COrmllisS:l9n
Office in BOWmanville to carry' out the
necessary survey of street lighting
costs in the Le'skard 'area"pa~icularly
(al from the LeskardSchool~o the ~
Newell property and (b'l 'from the Ifewell
property to the Battam property.
Carried. C
~ --~,
There being no 'further 'business'befoie tftentee'ting,
meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.~. in order to receive ihe
initial presentation of Mr. John B.L; Farrovirai' '
Munici'pal Branning Oonsultams Co; Ltd. 't:>f' the- Clarke
Official Plan. , ,
\ )
. 'Reev,#
Or'ono,~ Onta 0, \
Regular Council Meeting,
October 5, 1971.
Minutes of the regularmeet!lng of Council, Tuesday
October 5th, 1971, held in the Council Chambers,
Orono, Ontar~oat 10:00 a.m.
, All members of Coun'cil Were pre'Sent with the exception
of Deputy Reeve Carveth, who joined the meeting in the
Reeve, Stone chaired the meeting'.
Con's'iderat'ion of' Minutes
129/71 Moved by Counc illor' Copplng
Seconded by Councillor Chatel'
that the minutes of the 'regular
Council meeting held Tuesday,
September'7~ 1971, be adopted
as printed. '
Carried .'
Moved"by Councillor Gray
Seconded by ConncillorCopping
that the minute.. of' th<t'spee:tll.l'
Council meeting (held Tuesday, .
September'~l, 1971 be adopted
as printed.
, ' ,
, ,
, .
Page ;::
Regul~r Meeting of Council October 5, 1971, continued
The Committee of Adjustments minutes of September e, 1971
were received and noted. The September IS, 1971 meeting
.of the Committee of AdJustment were mailed aut Thursday,
October 7th, 1971.
Business arising aut .of previaus minutes entitled "au to
"k" inclusive, October 5, 1971 agenda, Cauncil were advised
of~the following:
(a) Department of Transportation and Communications dated
September 20, 1971 re: . approval of by-laws numbered
1707 and 1710, - received and noted.
(b) Mr. U. Ruegger, part Lot 9, B.F. 'Cori~~MB" re defective
fencing erected by Township and dangers resulting
Cauncillor Copping informed Council of the present
condition of this fence. Reeve Stone reiterated the
direction Council pursued in'June; namely, the wark
be commenced. Mr. M. Ross, RoadSuperintende~t,
advised the work 'has already been completed. Council
directed Mr. Ruegger be advised the work has been
completed and a ietter from him be requested ne is
satisfied the fence is in good condition. It was. also
suggested Mr. B. Dean, Fenceviewer for the Tawnship of
_Clarke, and 'Mr.M. Ross, ~Road Superin1;;endent, attend
at Mr. Ruegger's property and confirm whether or not
the fence is'in a satisfactary condition and ta confirm
same with the Clerk.
(c) Township .of Clarke - By-Law 1694 - Clarke Fishing &
Conservation Club. '
The correspondence from the Ontario Municipal Board
dated September '9 'together with the Department of
Municipal Affairs dated May 3 and Mr. J.B.McMullan's
letter dated September 21, 1971 were received and
filed. Cauncil felt if the Ontario Municipal Board
asked for a reconfirmatian of ,their opinian'then a
letter ,could be sent. ., .
(d) Improvement of 'Siaeroacf :... Lat 16, Can. 7-(Mr.J .White)
Reeve Stone infarmedCouncil .of the past history of
Mr. White's request, befare Council, to improve the
sideraad west of Lat 16, Con. 7. Council felt this
should be left with Reeve Stone. The ~uest was
tabled until-the Reeve looked into this matter further.
(e) Future .of Local Gave rnme nt - Regianal Gavernment.
131/71 Maved by Councillar Carveth
See,onded bY.~ C-auncillor Gray
Whereas~ the Mtnister .of Municipal Affairs has
asked tar brie~s fram lacal municipalities by
November 1st, 1971 regarding the .Fu,ture .of , .
, 'Local' Government in the' Oshawa Area as. nated
'. "- - ~ - ~ ~ - --
in' his letter dated. June. II, 1971.
And Whereas the .Council .of the Corporatian .of
the Township or Clarke Ci'8sires to submit their
COl!lIle nts 1:00 the Minister.' ... ".
Naw Therefore the Council oI the" Corporation
of the Township .of Clarke hereby agreesJ in
principle, to remaining in the"'proposed Regional
Government for the-Unitea Counties of North-
umberlanaana Durham rather" than the propased
Regianal Government for the Oshawa area.
, . . ~~ .., 'Carried.'~
(f) Extension of " Orona tree Nhrsery\~ Transfer of land
The Department of Public Works letter dated September
10, 1971 was receiv:d~d [ped;.. " , \_
(g) Becas Developments Ltd. - Subdivisian Agreement
l1r. P. Caaparl. President of Becas"Develapments dated
Septembe:r;~'Z;.i971,;'e,"COtl~ult.mti~~fees far Sunnydene
Estates n9~ ~eingpaid u~t~l ~gr~em~nt executed, was
tabled. ,
The Clerk was instructeg t~'determine the status .of
this subdivisian particularly to the completion .of the
subdividers agreement.
Page 3
Regular M_eeting of Council October. 5. 1971. continued:
. . - ~ t. ...- ... .
8y-Law 1711 - Supplementary Road Expenditure - 1971
. The Honourable Charl.es MacNaughton, lVdnis\;er.of
Transportation and ~ommunications dated September
2$/71 re: special maintenance subsidy allotment
of $9.000.00 was r.eceived ar<d. filed. ' . '.
Joint Planning Board meeting' - Clarke and Newcastle
. Mr. E.. Corn'ies of the Department of MuniCipal Affairs
, dated' actober, 1971 - was fil.ea.. . .
Council suggested,meeting~dnesday.actober27th.
1971' if it were agreeable to Newcastle' CoUncil and
the Department. The Clerk was instrQcted to check
where the meeting will take place. .
/ldditional Water Works Project' - Orono
Councll concurred. the necessary by-lroOr' and' resQlution
. " . ,,- _. . . - ~ - .. t
:be presented to. the next meeting. November 2.1971
and a copy of. the Ontario' Water Resources Coll1ll1.ission
'letter dated September 27. 1971 be sent.to the
Police Trustees for their informatibn~
Damage done to fences by Township Snow Plow ~ Claim
by Mr. G. A. Wanlesa . .
_~~. M. Ross. Road Superintendent, repo~ted to ~ouncil
on this subject. '
132/71' Moved QY Councillor Carveth -
, _ Segohded l;Iy Councillor Chater'"
'. Council request Frank Cowan Insurance-
. COmpany Limited to repOrt'on-the claim
ml'l.deby Mr, G.A. wanless regarding the
damage done to his fence by the township
Snow plow and a copy of this request be
.given to.M:i-: E. MiUson. 'I.'wp. Insural?-cr
agent .AJ,.so Mr. Wanle ss be. advised .
accordingiy. ' -
Carried; ,0
, .
, '
6. . Delegations
, ,
an amotion by Councillor CoppiRg deiegations behe~rJ.
seconded by Councillor Chater. 9arried~,;;,.
.~ - - -. - - . \ j
Mr.. & Mrs. E.Wilkin addressed Council on the subject
-~f their,rezoning application, Council Was ~dylsed the
Planning Board had recommended their application to Council
subject to the comments of the ToWnship Solicitor i.o.
, . - --,' ' . _' -' . ~ . I
regards to including specific restrictions .in the re~oning
--: - t, . '--- .,.. .. '-- ~.... . ~ - '.
by-law. Mr. Wilkin expressed concern for the delay in
.' . . ' t ~
proc.essing his application. " '.' . .
_ '. Reeve Stone said the Township SoHcitor.$ rema:&ks
should go. to. Planning Board before passing ~yby-law for
re~oning so that the points raised in the Solicitor's
t' ,-. . ' ,- -.... \ - .- . "- . - -",. \
lett~r may be endorsed by. the Board as they have been
appointed to ensure proper planning to~ the ~ownship of
Clarke. The necessary by-law to"beconsidered wnen.the
Board has met and.considered'the solicitor I s coinments.'
.Mr. and Mrs. Wilkin acknowledged th~ywould wait .
until Planning Board met to discuss th~ issue. Theywere
.. -' " - - . . ';. . . . ~. .. -
advised once the Planning Board recommends to Coyncil,
,then a meeting could be hi.d to expedite this by-law.
'" - .- '. , ' . \ ~
Mr. K. Hollen addressed Council on the subjectiof
the road allowance along the lots which he oWn~ (Lots)
2 and 3. Con. 1) He said there was difficulty' obtaining
a building permit to erect structures on-, these lots . ail
the road allowance is not considered. to be '4. public road
in accordance with the Department of Highway-$tandards.
It was agreed that once Mr. Hoilim provides the
. Corporation With monies in the amount of $1;0'00'.0'0' then
~ fm-ther d.iscu.ssions woulc:l take place OIl this matter.
-, Please 'not.eL Mr. Hollsn. in speakintl;With ~~. Ross,
Road Superintendent; was advised the improvement to this
-road allowance would cost approximately $1.0'00;00. 'He
further obtained a quote in the ~ount_of $1~700.00.
.. . e ~
, (
'-- '--',
Page 4
Regular I,feeting of' Ctluncil' Oct'oher<- 5, '1'97r,' continue1i-:
- Mr. A. Pitze addressed Council em'the sUbject Of) the
Fenceviewers AWa1"d !nade' in -o-ctober 1970. 'l1e explained he
would be'erecting hisportiorr of thefence'withha week or so
and' asked Council- for guidance and' direction as 'to whether
or not Mr. Bogdanovic must e1"ect his portion immediately.
'Cnunc-:Ll directed Nr': Fitze' to the Fenceviewers 'in order
that they may direct the portion of-the fence which Mr.
Bogdanovic must erect, to pe-taken Care-of immediately.
,PleasB note;- 'A reminder' Was' sent to I1rc. Bo'gdanovic
on Oc~ober 7, 1911 by registered mail.
Mr. Price of'Canadian Rubber Dealers and, Brokers Ltd.,
addressed Councir on the subject of the 'Hale Wt>ecking'
property, partlcularly- questloning the USe a's it'related
to the Zoning'By.Law.' Council received Mr~-Price's
presentation and suggested he contact'Mr.H. Best, Zoning
Administrator, to clarifrthe matter.
7. New Correspondence
(l~ 'Mr. D. W. Kingdon', General Manager;'Lake Ontario Regional
Development Council dated Sept~mber 1. 1971're luncheon
etc., Campbellford,'Wedhesday,' September \29. 1971. -Filed.
(Z) Ontario Gobd Roads AssociatloIl'''"'Conference
Mr.-M. Ross; Road'Superintend~Ilt;~was instructed to
complete the application for accommodation to the Ontario
Good Rbads~Association as he isa member of the Association.
Accomlllodation-wasbooked for'Reeve Stone, L.J.Mikulich.
-DeputyReeve Carveth etc.
{,) The Great Pine RidgeCTOurist COuncil - Conference
Topic -'Campsites and Trailer Parks. Council directed
Reeve Stone, Clerk and Building'rnspector to attend this
conference.' ~
The Great Pine Ridge Holiday Land Reporter dated August
1971. -Piled.
Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves
Resolutions'presented at the Association's conference in
North Bay.-Filed~
(6) 1971 Fire Prevention Week
cCouncildirected,the-Clerk to insert a Proclamation in the
0rono Weekly~Times declaring October~3-9, 1971 as Fire
Prevention Week. - ~
(7) The Ontario Munic ipal Association ~memorandum re c
European Local Governmen~ Study Tour. April 29-May 24.
1972, inclusive:-Plled;-- -
($) Council received and noted the information ' from the
efficeof~the'Registrar General~that L.J.Mikulich has
-been appointed Issuer of Marriage Licences.
(9) .~~; Geoffrey Bonnycastle, elerk of the-Peace, 'dated
September IS, 1971 re October l~ meeting - local Selectors
of Jurors.-Piled.
(10) Haliburton, Kawartha, pine Ridge'District Health~Unit report
for'Junei July and August 1971;-Filed.
(11) Haliburton, Kawartha. Pine Ridge 'District 'Health Unit re
Municipal By-Laws;-Lot-Approval-for Private Sewage Disposal.
-rlIed. - _
(12) 'Ontario Department of Tourism and-Information - Regulation
Refer to Zoning Administrator for his comments.
The eorporation"of the Town-of Whitby
re~ Whitby'Storm Damage - Relief Fund.-Filed.
Department of Health, Public Health Eng'l.neering Service
re Public Swimming Pools' ,
Council directed the elerk to check'thepossibility of
enacting a by-law controlling the fencing of'swimming
pools. ,
(IS) Central: L-ake-Ontario eonservatlon Authorityre Notices of
Apportionment' of Levies re Heber-:9own, -Long Sault and
,_c, Enniskillen Conservation -Areas. -tiled. ,- - ,.
06)- Township of Darlington '
'Notice'of application to amend theirCBy-law 2476 - no
(17) y~. M. D. Trewin. Director, Subsidies Branch, Department
of Municipal Affairs re 1971 residential property tax
reduction system.-Filed.
/ .
Page 5
Regular Meeting of Council October 5, 1971, continued;
(18) Mr. W. M.Ke11y, The Consumers' Gas Company re
Application to the Ontario Eriergy Board.-Filed.
(19) Mr. E. R.Lovekin, Durham Central Agricultural
Society re 1972-73 Racing Dates.-Filed.
(20) Mr. W.!I.E.Seeley re part of Lot 34, Con. $
Mr. M. Ross, Road Superintendent advised his
machinery is in this location as it is removing
top soil from lands owned by the Township. Council
directed Mr. Seeley be advised no major works of
any kind are contemplated.
(21) G. L. Rooke, MacMillan, Rooke, Avery & Forbes dated
September 10, 1971 re accident on County Road No. 11.
Council directed the co~munication to the Insurance
Agents for their information.
(22) Mr. II. R. Best, Building Inspector monthly report
for September 1971.
Council suggested the Building Inspector reviSB the
monthly report form to include last years statistics
particularly ~s it rel~teS to each month.
(23) Charles MacMaughtoni M~nisterof Transportation
and Communicatdons rc changes .Cin The Hj..ghway
Improvement Act.-Refer to Clerk.
,,( 24) Central Lake Gn-t.i:r€io. Conservation ,Authoc:bty moved
-of-ficel'fto69 Kin@. Street East, ,Osl1awll, Ol1:tari'o.
For information only and filed.
(25) Mr. and Mrs.. G..R.Hart:mann, CedaJi-valley cResort,
Lot 12 north re 125/71.
C.ouncil directed the .Clerk ami Road SUJ'ffi-rintendent
to reply to Mr. Hartmann's enquiry.
::-_ c:.. '-/
Deputa-tion.s - Road' Super.inb'endent.
t ~ .
'- t.. - ::., '- - ~ '-'::...
Mr. M. Ross advised the Stop and No Parking at any
time Signs have bee:n- ere.cte.d in the. ,Droper. :!\pcll-tions re
By-Law No. 1710. ~. ~c,
He suggested,'a li'sk of(, roads, -allowances etc. that
could be closed.:. Council directed t'he Road Superintendent
and Cl.ark ,hook int.o thi:s roattrter. \.)
. .
1.33/71 ,
'-, ~
. .Moved .by..counci.llor Copping
Sec.ond.cd by Deputy Reeve Carveth
that the Roads Superintendent be
authorize,d to. purchase a "one-way"
snow plow.
, .
New Business
-Cou'ricildirected~ the Cle"rk t-6 o~r~de'r' copies_ of the
187-GFence View.ers :I\ct. as. 'rioted in thJe'::'Muriicil(il.'l "World ~',
Se;:otember 1,:::71."
.' -: the' Cle.rk respectfiiIl-.oy requ';sted Councll to 'allocate
approxi'inately $50.0.0. to the~ municipa'l bUi'lchngbudgetfor
the r.",novlI.t 19n of the Clerk's office. This amount t 6 be
~llsed':(orthe placement o.f Ii door. be"t:\.ireen Clerk' sOffice
and'ha'Uway: Council airected the~ fundstCo "be taken from
monies already 'allo~cated for theremodelli:ng erf' the .~. ~
Building Inspector' s.c:ffice as set. out in mqtion #96
passed June $, 1971. . ' , . ,C\ ~
~..,.. . ~ c~;::
Moved by CCotfncfllorChater
Sec~l1ded by Councillor' Copping
Resq..1ve that t"he 'foTIowing Pay Vouchers
"be and are'l:rez'eby authorized for payment
by the Signing Officers of this Council:
General Voucher #9 for September in the
.amount of $102,676.$1,
Road' Dept. Voucher #9 for September in
the amount of $21,656.36
Orono Police Village Voucher #9 for
September in the amount of $2,0.59.15.
:: -
f,.-_ .
Page 6
Regular Meeting of Council October 5, 1971, continued:
Moved by Councillor Copping
Seconded by Councillor Chater
This Council hereby adjourn to
meet again on Tuesday, November
2, 1971 at 10 a.m. in the Council
Chamber at Orono or otherwise in
special meeting at the call of
the Reeve.
There being no further business before the meeting,
th~ meeting adjourned at 5:20 p.m.
Orono, Ontario,
Special Council Meeting,
Tuesday, October 19, 1971.
Minutes of a special meeting of Council held in the Council
Chambers on Tuesday, October 19th, 1971 at 7:30 p.m.
All members of Council were present.
Reeve Stone chaired the meeting.
The meeting was called to consider two by-laws (a) Wilkin
rezoning by-law, and (b) a by-law to raise $75,000. for the
construction of tile drainage, The Tile Drainage Act 1971 etc.
Moved by F. A. Gray
Seconded by R. G. Chater
That the following by-laws be read a
first and second time:
(a) a by-law to amend by-law No. 1653
re: Wilkin rezoning app~ication.
(b) a by-law to raise $75,000 to aid
in the construction of the drainage
works under the Tile Drainage Act,
The by-laws were read a first and second time.
At this point, Council agreed to receive Mrs. E. Wilkirls
comments on the rezoning by-law. Mrs. Wilkin suggested an
addition to the by-law be made by adding "billiard room"
to the non-residential permitted uses. Council felt no_addition
could be made to the by-law unless Planning Board had considered
this suggestion. Mrs. WilkinS felt the by-law was in order.'
Reeve Stone advised the Tile Drainage by-law requires two (2)
readings this evening and the third reading will be considered
once the O.M.B. have given their approval;
Moved by W. R. Carveth
Seconded by E. C.Copping
that the following by-law be read
a third time and numbered 1719, a
by-law to amend by-law No. 1653, re:
Wilkin rezoning by-law.
The by-law was read a third ,time and finally passed.