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Regular M~eting of the Co~ncil
of the Township of Clarke
Tuesday, September 7th, 1971 at 10,00 A.M.,
'Council Chamoers' "
'Present:' 'Rei;!ve:'J. W. Stone
Deputy Reeve W. R: Carveth
Council1orR. G.Chater'
Councillor F.' A. Gray' '
Councillor E. C. Copping
Clerk H. DeWith .
Also present Mr. L. J. Mikulich, A.M.C~T:
Minutes of regular Council mcieti~g August 34d,' ,1971 were
adopted as printed 'on motiort by' CounCillor Chate'r'll.nd', seconded
Councillor Coppirtg. Carrled. '
123/71 -Moved by CounC'illor Cah'etn
Seconded by Councillor Cnater' ~"
That ':this Council he'reby acce'pt,
v.<ith'regretC, the"resi'gna'tio.ri dated'
September-' 3, 19"71' of nen'r'y De\l/'ith'
as Clerk of the Town'shiPof 'Cl,frke,
to tJ-e'come effBct'i Ve 'on t'oday' .,
(September 7, 1971)
Moved by Councillur Copping'
. Secortdedby- Councillor Gray
thatL'. J.' Mikulich be'appointed
'Clerk of the' Township'uf 'Clarke, to
commence his duties 'on Tuesday,
September 7, 1971 and the necessary'
appointment by-law be prepared and
considered by Council~
, . Carried. .
Consi~eration of the Clerk's ,appointment by-law~-
,The Clerk's appointment by-law was given ~irst and-
second reading on motion by Councillor ,Gray and seconded by
Councillor Copping.
The hy.,-law\\as given its third reading subject to '~hedeletion
of item "C" W)ich reads as follows: "to have general control of
all Township employees and cause the statutory duties of such
officials a,s are appointed ,pur,suant to statute to be fulf-il.ledl'
and ,by ,dele,ti,ng "1629" and inserting "1635," under Section 3 of'the
bY-claw, on a mot:ion by Councillor Copping and s.eco.nded by .
Councillor Chatel". ", Garried.
...., -' .. u t - - ' - - ~
By-Law NQ. 17Q9
A by-law to appoint a Clerk for the
municipality of the Co,r.per,ation. .
of the Township of C,l.arke.,
wHEREAS Se'ction ,215 of the Municipal. Act, R.,s.O. ,1960, Cha.pter
:2.49, ,authorizes, the, Co~:nc,i;L of a JIlUJlicipality tl)_~pP.Qintc ,1l,Glerk.
THEREFORE the Municipal C9uncil of the Corporation o~~the
Township of Clarke $'nac~s a,s follows: - , ' , ,., ' , "
1. That Lennard Joseph Mikulich be an~ is hereby apP9Jnted Clerk
for the T'ownship of'C:larke as' of September 7th, 1971.
2. That the duties and responsibilities of the '~lerk shall be as
ta) To ',rdllfi'riister 'the business affairs of the Township of
Clarke in accordance' with the policies and plans established and
approved by the Council.
(b) To co-ordinate, direct and broadly supervise the implement-
ation of all programs approved by Council.
(c) To have authority to recommend to Council the appointment,
employment, suspension or dismissal of Department Heads and
employees below the rank of Department Heads, subject to their right
of appeal to Council in respect to any suspension or dismissal.
(d) To codify all policy decisions of the Council and to deal
with matters arising in accordance with such established policies
without further reference to Council except to regularly report upon
actions taken.
(e) To receive all communications necessitating Councils action
and to submit same to Council together with his recommendations thereon.
Page 2 Regular Meeting of September 7, 1971 continued:
(f) To attend all Council meetings with the right, with
the consent of the Chair, to speak but not to vote thereat.
Provided, however, that the duties and responsibilities
as set forth above, shall in no way be deemed to empower the
said Clerk to have, perform do or direct any act or matter
that would encroach upon the Legislative powers of the Council.
(g) That the Clerk may require and obtain from time to
time reports respecting departments or positions of Department
Heads and other officials.
(h) That the Clerk shall perform all duties to be performed
by a Clerk under statutory authority and shall hold office at
the pleasure of Council.
(i) That the Clerk shall be paid a sum per annum, bi-
weekly, expressed by a resolution of Council.
(j) That the C~k shall not be dismissed except by a
by-law passed by a vote of not less than three-fifths of all
the members of Council, at a duly convened meeting of Council.
(k) No part of this by-law shall be amended or repealed
except by a vote of not less than three-fifths of all members
of Council.
3. That By-Law Nos. 1635 and 1636 be and is hereb~ r~pealed.
The Oath of Office was teken by L..J .Mikulich as Clerk.
The following correspondence was read out by Reeve Stone:
1. Minutes of the Committee of Adjustment meeting dated
'August 9, 197I.-Filed.
2. University College - Certificate to L. J. Mikulich
Reeve Stone presented L.J.Mikulich, with his certificate
congratulating him on his accomplishment.
3. ,Township of Clarke Planning Board:-
The applications for rezoning properties in Clarke Township
from the following persons were referred to the Planning Board:
1. Helen Bathie, Port Perry
2. Merrill D. Brown, Bowmanville
3. Mary Thompson, Orono
4. , Prairie Automobile Transport (R.Sawyer)
4. Orono Youth Theatre re appreciation of donation.-Filed.
5. Hartwell and Katy Lowery.-Filed.
6: Mrs. E. Walkey, Newtonville re Weed Control.-Referred to Clerk.
7. Newtonville Presbyterian.Cemetery.-Filed.
8. Building Inspectors Report for month of August, dated
September 3, 1971.-Filed.
9. Mr. W. A. Starke, R.R.No. 1, Orono dated August 30, 1971
re objection to overnight trailer camp in his area.-Filed.
10. Mr. A. J. Forsyth, Supervisor, Municipal Projects Division
of Project Development, O.'~.R.C.j,dated August 6,1971
together with the Police Village resolution numbered 71-55
dated August 23, 1971 re Water Works Project #6-0233.-Filed.
Orono Hydro Electric Commission, Mr. M.W.Downs, Manager,
dated August 25, 1971.-Filed.
Ontario Municipal Board, Mrs. M. Frazer, Acting Secretary
dated August 6th, 1971 re financial information.-Filed.
Mr. B. J. Kamin, Executive Secreta~, Mosport Park Ltd.
dated August 19, 1971 re The Players Grand Prix .- Sunday,
September 19, 1971.-Piled.
Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority - statements
for 1971 re maintenance Flood Plain, Heber Down Conservation
and Administration programme.-Referred to Treasurer.
The copy of a letter to Mr. F. Daulby from Peter Caspari
(Becas Developments Ltd.) dated August 2, 1971 re road
construction along Concession $ in Clarke Township.-Piled.
Mr. H.'Norton, Director, Department of Agriculture and
Food dated August 14, 1971 re Dog and Cat pounds in
Department of Treasury and Economics dated August 16, 1971
re Tile Drainage Act.-Referred to Clerk.
Department of Municipal Affairs dated August 6, 1971 re
Bill 122 - an act, respecting the age of ma .~ority and
accountability.-Referred to Clerk.
O.A.P.A.D.S. - Regional Gover~~ent
A copy of a letter from the Honourable Dalton Bales,
Minister of Municipal Affairs dated June 11, 1971 to Mr.
R.E.Sims, Executive Administrator, Oshawa Area Planning
and Development Study was given to Reeve Stone as he would
be in contact with Mr. A. Carruthers, M.P,P. to determine
whether a reply to this letter is required from Clarke
Township Council.
- 17.
Page 3 Regul~r Meeting of September 7, 1971 continued:
20. Mr. K. Reinegger's letter writing on behalf of Millson Farms
dated July 22, 1971 re culverts and road repair.
125/71 Moved by Deputy Reeve Carveth
Seconded by Councillor Chater
that Mr. K. Reinegger be advised the
Council of the Corporation of the
Township of Clarke agrees to repair
the road and driveway culverts on
parts of lots numbered 12 & 13 on
the 4th Concession (100 feet past
the gates of the Millson property)
as set out in his letter dated
July 22, 1971 and the work to be
carried out in the early fall.
.21. Mr. M. Lunn, Secretary, Orono Fish & Hunt Club dated
July 31, 1971.-Filed.
22. Ontario Sheep Breeders & Producers Association dated
August 30, 1971.-Filed.
23. O.A.P.A.D.S.-Filed.
24. Great Pine Ri.dge Toulist Counci 1. -Filed.
25.. Fire Marshalls News. -Filed.
26. Central Lake Ontario Conservation dated August 24,
27. Association of Ontario Housing Authorlties Conference -
Sudbury - October 17-19, 1971.-Filed.
28. N.B.C. news.-Filed.
The following correspondence was considered during Mr. M.
Ross, Road Superintendent's attendance before Council:
(a) Department of Transportation and Communications
dated August 6, 1971 re second advance payment of
$59,450.-Filed. .'
(b) Department of Transportation and Communications dated
August 26, 1971 re advance payment of subsidy.-Filed.
(c) Department of Highways of Ontario dated August 9, 1971 re
additional subsidies for Road and Street Maintenance ,-Filed.
(d) Mr. J. White dated May 10, 1971 re Right-of-Way re Lot
15, Concession-7.-Tabled.
(e) Mrs. S. Seneco, 246 Windsor Street, Oshawa dated August 9,
1971, re dust - Lot 35, Concession 6.-Filed.
(f) Russell Honey, M.P. dated August 17, 1971 re H. Wade'
Overpass, Newtonville Bridge.-Filed.
(g) Department of Transportation and Communications - Audit
report for 1970.-Filed.
On a motion by Councillor Copping delegations be heard,
seconded by Councillor Gray.
Mrs. S. D. Holmes, a resident of Leskard, addressed Council on
the subject of street lighting in Leskard. Council received the
petition as presented by Mrs. Holmes and directed the matter to the
Finance Committee for consideration.
Mr. E. Millson, the Township's insurance agent, addressed
Council on the subject of the insurance' coverage on the Arena in
Orono. Council concluded the insurance be sustained on the arena
and continue to be paid by the Corporation in the amount of
approximately $105.00.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Carveth
Seconded by Councillor Copping
that the Road Superintendent be
authorized to purchase the necessary
"Unopened Road" Signs.
Under the order of new businesq Council resolved to meet
on Tuesday, September 21, 1971 at 8:nO p.m. together with the
Planning Board to hear the report from the Planning Consultants
on the Official Plan for Clarke Township.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Carveth
Seconded by Councillor Copping
that the following by-laws be
read a first and second time:
(a) Restricting Parking
(b) Supplementary by-law in the amount of $15,000.
to provide for the 1971 expenditures on roads in
the Township of Clarke in the County of Durham.
Carried. .
Page 4 Regular Meeting of September 7, 1971 continued:
Moved by Deputy Reeve Carveth
Seconded by Councillor Copping
that the following by-laws be now
read a third time and numbered 1710,
a by-law restricting p!tt'king and 1711,
a by~law to provide for the 1971 expenditures
on roads in the Township of Clarke in the
County of Durham in the amount of $15,000.
By-Law No. 1710
Restricting Parking
WHeREAS the Municipal Act being R.S.O. 1960 Chapter 249
provides that the Council of any municipality may, subject to
the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act, pass a by-law
regulating traffic within such municipality;
AND ~{EREAS Council of the Corporation of the Township
of Clarke has deemed it advisable to establish regulation of
traffic within the Township of Clarke;
The Council of the Corporation of the Township of
Clarke hereby enacts as follows:
For the purpose of this by-law:
Prq"k or p,.rkin,., when prohibited, means the standing of a
vehicle, whether occupied or not, except when standing temporarily
for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or
unloading merchandise or passengers.
St~eet or Hifhw~y includes a common or public highway, street,
avenue, parkway, driveway, square, place, bridge, viaduct or
trestle designed and intended for, or used by, the general public
for the passage of vehicles.
Vehicle includes a motor vehicle, trailer, traction engine,
farm tractor, road-bUilding machine and any vehicle drawn,
propelled or driven by any kind of power, including muscular
power, but does' no't include a motorozed snow vehicle, the cars
of electric or stearn railways running only upon rails.
St~nd or St~ndin~, when prohibited, means the halting of a
vehicle, whether occupied or not, except for the purpose of and
while actually engaged in receiving or discharging passengers.
When properly worded signs have been erected and are on display,
no person shall park or stand a vehicle on the highways or parts
of highways hereinafter described:
Commencing at a point in the south east corner of Lot 27,
Concession 5, distant westerly therein 200' from the south east
corner of said Lot 27, thence westerly along the northerly
limit of the road allowance between Concession 4 and 5, 340'
to a point.
Thence north westerly 160' along the northerly limit of the
abandoned C.N.O. Railway to a point, said point being the
westerly.limit of the 'No Parking Area'.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this by-law
shall be subject to a penalty of'not more than Ten Dollars
($lO.OO)for the first offence and not more than Fifty Dollars
($50.00) for every subsequent offence, exclusive of costs, and
all such penalties shall be recoverable under the Ontario
Summary' Convictions<Act. ,
This by-law shall become effective when
(1) properly worded signs have been erectied and are on
(2) approved by the Department of Transportation and
By-Law No. 170$ is hereby repealed.
~ '- ..
Supplementary By-Law No. 1711
A By-Law to provide for the 1971 expenditures on '
roads in the Township of Clarke in the County
of Durham
WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act requires that the
total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by
by-law and that the by-law be submitted to the Minister of
Highways for approval.
Page 5 Regular Meeting of Council 3eptember 7, 1971, continued:
THEREfORE the Council of the Corporation of the said Township
enacts as follows:
(1) The sum of $15,000.00 is hereby estimated as the
expenditure upon the construction and maintenance of the roads
and bridges under its jurisdiction during the year 1971 as follows:
Con~trll ct,; on MA i ntenRnce Tnt.A 1
ROADS $15,000.00 $15,000.00
TOTALS $15,000.00 $15,000.00 ...
(2) The said monies shall be expended under the supervision ~
of the duly appointed township road superintendent and on work
performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act.
(3) The clerk shall transmit Triplicate copies of this by-law
to the district office of the Department of Highways, Ontario,
not later than March 31st of the said year.
(4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be
obtained before any expenditure is authorized or work
commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures or
monies raised in a subsequent year.
126/71 Moved by Councillor Gray
Seconded by Councillor Copping
resolve that the folloWing Pay
Vouchers be and are hereby
authorized for payment by the
Signing Officers of this Council:
General Voucher #8 for August in the
amount of $8,938.06
Road Voucher #8 for August in the
amount of $30,353.09
Orono Police Village Voucher #8 for
August in the amount of $1,632.37.
There being no further business before the meeting, Council resolved
the following motion:
Moved by Deputy Reeve Carveth
Seconded by Councillor Chater
that this Council hereby adjourn
to meet again on Tuesday, October
5, 1971 at 10 a.m. in the Council
Chambers at Orono or otherwise
in special meeting at the call
of the Reeve.
Orono, Ontario.
Special Council Meeting
September 21, 1971
Minutes of a special meeting of Council convened in
Cler~ Office, Municipal Building on Tuesday, September 21,
at 7 :30 p.m.
Reeve J. W. Stone
De~ Reeve W. R. Carveth
Councillor R. G. Chater
Councillor f. A. Gray
Councillor E. C. Copping
Clerk L. J. Mikulich, A.M.C.T.
Reeve Stone chaired the meeting.
Council considered a request from Mrs. L. R. Sawyer,
Director of the Orono Youth Theatre to use the Town Hall on
Saturday, October 30, 1971 for a masquerade dance. The request
is made as the Liquor Control Board of Ontario require the
approval from the owners of the establishment where the event
will take place.