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Page 4
Regular M'eetingof Couneiil.~July 6, 1971, continued;
ReAalut.ion No,10?;Moved by W.R.Carveth,lIeConded byE.C.Copping:
TM,jJ Council hereby authori~e the Reeve and Cleric to sign
an Offer to Sell between FrancesC. Wotten and Arnot N. Wotten
and the Corporation of the ,Township of Clarke dated June 21.
1971. Ca'rried.
c R""o]j>tiQ"No,10R:Moved byW'.R.Carveth,seconded by'RobertG.Chater:
The Reeve and Clerk are hereby e~powered to sign an
Agreement between Walter J. Hale, 'Hales Disposals, and the
Corporati~n of the Township of Ciarke for the operation of a
township garbage disposal, sUbj4ct to the approval of Waste
Management'Branch.. Department of Energy and Resources Management.
The C~uncil'hereby accept the quotation in the amount of
$4000.00 per year. Canted. .
Re..ol "t.i on' No ]{)q:Moved'byRobert 'G.Chate!', sec()nded by' P .A. Gray:
In accordance with By-Law No. 1352 the following pe~sons
De and are hereby appointed to the 'Orono Community Memorial ~
Park Board for the year'l~l: "
1. ,Sterling Mather ~ ,"". " ,
2. H. M. Mercer
3. oS. B.Rutherford
4. E. H. 'Samuel
5. Miss Alma Cutt.erl
6. W. R. Carveth
7. J. W.' Stone Carrie'd.
R....el "tion No 11 o:Moved by RObertG.Chater,seconded: .byF .A.Gray;
, This Council declare Civic Holiday, August Z, '1971 as a'
legal holiday~ in the ~ownship of Clarke. Carried.
R....olllt.ion No 111 :Moved by E.C.Copping, seconded by W;R.Carveth:
~ This Council hereby inS'truct the' Clerk to advertise ';for'
applications for the' posit'ion tlf Clerk of this MunicipUity to
be received on or before July 26, 1971 at Sp.rn. ..,.
Succesliltul. applicant to commence duties as soon as possible.
The lil<l.id advertisement to be advertised twice, ifpolilsible
in Oshawa Times, Toronto Star, Canadian Statesman, orono
Weekly.Times,'Peterborough Examiner. Carried. .
Re..olution No,]121Moved by E.C.Copping, seconded byRGbertG:Chater:
Ruolve that'tn.e follOWing Pay Vouchers be and are. hereby
authori~ed for payment by'the Signing Officers ofthi.Council:
General Voucher #6 for June in the amount.of$103,OI7.el,
Road Voucher #6 for June in the amount of$6e,901.S7 J,
Orono Police Village Voucher 16 for June in the amount of
$4,6Z2.Se. Carried. " -. '-
Reso] nt.don No']] '1 ; Moved by F; A; Gray ,seQond~d by RobertG ~ Cha'Cer:
This Council hereby adjourn to meet agaXnon'Tuesday,
August 3; 1971, at lOa;m: in the Council Chamber at Orono or
otherwise 'in speCial m6eting at the Cal~ of the Reeve. Carried.
~ " f/)U.~~
Reeve I.. .
TueSday, August 3.1971, at '10 a.m.
'CoWlCil Chamber,..Orono.
, ,
, "
Present: Reeve J. W. Ston,e
Deput"y Reeve W: R. Carveth
Councillor R. G. Chater
Councillor F. A. Gray
, ~ Councillor E~ c-. Copping~
,. . Clerk H. DeWith
Minutes of, regular council meeting of July 6, 1971
were adopted' as printed on motion by R. G: Chater, seconded
,'-- - . t (
by F... A. Gray. Carried.
The f.ollo~izi.g correspondence was r,ead out by the. Reeve:
Minutel3 of Committee of Adjustment meetings o.ated July .
'5 and 12, 1971.~Filed. L ' .
MinutCils of Clarke Planning Board me~etings dated Jurie 17,
June 23 and July 15, 1971.-tiled.
, .
Page Z
Regular Meflting ofeop-ncil [lugu.st 3, J. 97J.... cOJltinuep.:
: 3 ~' O,sh,awa Are.a P~Nng and..... Dev!!llopm!!lJl~ S~up.y ~e.:t?<:1r~;i,~j;;;ion
of the .!it udy .anp.copy o,fe Mini,st,er' s l~t ter, as .1lu.:!iIlEl ss
broug?t forward, frgm J~ly..6,1~71..;.-Tapled., ,,',' ','
4. application ~or Cab Licence by. A~bert John Mu~ke.-
,- Referred to'Re'solution.' ., '.. ,~, '. ~. ,
E. ~ichard.Loveki~ re St~ Georges Ce~e~erYl,Ro~~~.a*~Rwance
between Lots 34, and ;35, Con. fiTownstlip of. CJ,i!.rk~.-
Referred to resolution. ,
E.Ricllard'Lovekin re R6(id Closil1g,addit1on' ot' ~RQ&d. ~
'allowance to St. Gel:I1'ges' Cemetery.-Referred to resolution.
7. Copy letter from Mrs. Ellen M. 'teo; SecretarY-1r~cq:lurer,
Committee of adjustment for.the TOwnship of C1arke.~ '
to Melvin a. Morassutti Esq. reFantini - Mor+ey purchase
part of Lot 1$, Con. Z, Twp. of Clark e.- Ibacres mo~e
orless.-FilEid.' . - .,,' ',., ' ',' ,.'
$; '~Copy letter from t: R: Lovekin. t'oDepartmerit of Financial
and'Commercial~Affairs re NewtonvillePresbyterian ' ,
CemeterYl part Lot $, Con. Z, Township ofCiar~e,
County of Durham.-Filed. ' " '
E. Richard Lovekin re Newtonville Presbyterian~emetery
Part of Lot $, Concession Z, TownshiJ? of C1arkEl and'
letter from Department of Financial and Commercial
Affairs re approval of transfer of oWner~hip'of
Newtonville Presbyterian Cemetery to the Township of
Clarke .-Filed. . , . '.' ,
10. Georgia F. a:rid 'Lura Edwards re -protest 'land on}1Qrgan'(s"
Road beingu13e~das' a traile'r Ca,plP ....;CoJ>y tOPlannin,g " '
Board. ' , , '
11. .,'Copy, letter frOm w.s. Patricia VickerY.l'Clara !').lid' F ;W.
Drbwlei to Mr. Horace' B~st', Chairman~ Planning' Board.-:-Pi.led.
10:. 'L; E.' Palin arid P. VandefIlIg".le' re obje~tion to land 9Il
Morgan's RO,ad being, used as a trai1e,r' park. -Fil!l<;l,., ,
'13. Pet'1:Uon'l'rom Patricia' Vickery' and ~7 otper Stgpedc
, peti tio~ets: re' objection ~o estg,h1.is~nt, of an overnight
traller camp site ~>n part,or;r.ot 11), COIl. 3.,f;lled. ,"
14. CO~[ letter from D~partme~t~of Muni~ipa*~A~f~ir~YtQ ,
Mrs. Ellen M. 1eo, Secretary-Tr~~surer"Comm~t~~e gf
Adjjistment for' the Township of ,Clarke, al~owing fQt:"
the 'maxiliiumY amount of #?O.OO~iIl.the fee charg~dby ,/J,
C<immitt~e of adjustment .-Filed. ' _ ' "
15. Ontario Municipal'Board re 'Financial Information - Form
15-1971. -Referred to Clerk . ,. ,. ' " . . ' .
,+6. Hamilton's Insurance Services reIn$urance commiss~o~ ,-
partiCipati'on.';'Filed. ' ",.,",',.,. , '" '
17. Department of ~ner.gy a,ndRe sour'ce s Manageme,nt lW~~.te .
Management Branch, re ~ertificate of approval No. '
.31140Z;';'Filed.' ,,' . , . '.
1$. Durham Central agricultural Society request Friday
afternoon, September lOth, 1971, a half holiday for the
school children in Clarke TownshiP in'conjunction'with ,
Orono Fair.-Referred to resolution. . ,-,
19. Foundation of Canada Engineer~~orporation Limited
re Planning Consulting Services.'~ngineer:tilg Services,
Municipal Services, Water Treatment and Sewage T,reatment. -Filed.
ZO. Department of 'Treasury ,'and Edonorllics' re', The Tile Drainage
Act, '1971. -Referred to -Clerk. '
Zl. Department of Trade and Develo~nt re Equalizatiqn of
Industrial Opportunity Program;-Copy .to "Mr: Samue! arid'
filed. ~ ,~ .
ZZ. Unemployment' Insurance Commiss-ion r'e special b'ulletin
to employers, July 1971, reUrtemployment'Insurance Act
(as amended). -Filed. ' ". . . ~
Z3. Southam Building Reports re advertising of tenaers.-Filed.
Z4. Report' tb Council' from 'Building 'Inspector. -riled. ,
Z5. 'Mr. Ma~v~n Lurln,' Se~retary, Orono Fish and Runt Club re
opposition to building of chalets in' :Lot 'SZ, 'Con. 7. -Tabled.
<:6.: Department of': Municipal Affair,S re pub1icationj"Provincial
AsSistance' to Municipalities, Boards' and-Comm:j.s-sions".
-Referred to Clerk. ' - " ..
Ontario' Planni~' Newsletter JUne' 197:L. -F'i'1ed'. ,.
Proceedings of the Thirty-ninth annual'~onvention' of the
Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities.-Filed.
0:9. Manufacturing Opportunities Bulletin No.ll~ dated July 1971.-Filed.
: . Council recQssed fOrl"nch at 1<: noon and Itesi.uned session
at 1i30. . .... .
30. K. SYmons, Clerk-Treasurer. United Counties ~fNorthumberland
.and Durham re C<9PY of ,draft ,zotling by:-la.w prepa,red fora
rural municipality by Municipal Plann~Consultanta .
Comf.t8.ny Ltd. -Request 4.c.opies for councill~s.and fUed.. .
31.:' K;o.nrad Reinrgger for, Mill son Farmsre . condition ..Gf'- sidaroad
'between Lots 12 &- l3 joining the 4th and,5th con~e",s.ions~-
Referred to the Road ~ Bridge for Road ~spection.
32. Mr. John G. White re righj; -of -way across:' property in
Lot 15. Con. 7 as bu.siness brought f.orward from July 6.
i 1971. -Tabled. .
33. C.Grant Gibson re part Of Lot 19. Con. 4. Simpson sideroaU
and dliJl1!l.ge t'o fencing'7Filedh.
34.' Mrs. t. Baird letter to M. L. Ross re improvedconQition of
road by their property.-Filect.
35.E. R. Lovekin re purchase fr~m wm. Nixon~ part Lot 35.
Con. 6 and Deed #49503. -Filed. . ." .'
:36. ~. R. Lovekin re Purcha..se from Marvin. Lot 34, Con_ 6
and Deed #50131. -Filed. . . .' . .
37. pepart~ent of Transportation and Communications re
. purchase of 3,0..000 G.V.W. .Truck.-Filed.. ". c...
3$. Copy letterfrom,E. R. Lovekin to Mr. M. Ross repurchase
from Prairie Automobile. Transport -. Sawyer. Road.. part of
Lot 29. Con. 7.-Filed.
39. Copy letter from C. .W.Rl.\IllP to G.P..Miller, Canadian
Pacific Railway Comp,my -re (:rOBsing. mileage .160.46
Belleville Subdivision. Third ConcessiorrRoad, Township
of' Clarke, Ontario. -Filed. ;.." ." .'
E. R. LOvekin re Township of Clarke and Maluske.-Filed.
Offer to Sell between Keith J. ~enderson and the Corpgation
of the Townspip of Clarke.-Referred to resolution.
42. Application for Rezoning, File No. 71-19, Benjamin L. and
Betty June ~gi."'Refoarre~ to Planning Board. .
43.' Application for Rezoning, File No, 71,..20. Bernard Callanan.-
Refer to Planning Board.
44. Dorothy E. Stark resignation:as DeputyC18rk.-Ref~rred to
resolution. ..'
45. ~orace R. Best.application for Building Inspector. .By-law
enforcement' o'ff'icer. Zoning Administrator. -Referred. to
.. . . t
resolution. ..... ... .
46. Ontario Water Resources Collllltissionrecertificate of approval
#7";0106-71-006 for. improvements to the Police Village: of
Orono Water System to serve the ,Be,cas Developments Limited
Subdi:iision."; Filed. .: .
47. L. J:' Mik ulich application for the po'sition of Clerk.-
Referred to resolution... '. . .
~he following reso1utipns were passe4:
ResolutionN9_ JllJ.:M.oved by RobertG.Chater..seconded byE.C.Copping:
Thi$C~uncil hereby accept the application of L.J.
Mikulich :ror the position of Clerk of the Township ef'Clarke
effective as soon as can be arranged at a salary Of ,$J..Q..ooo. QO
per annum.. ,Carried. . . , . .'
RAsolutioll. No.l1'l:Moved by F.A.Gray.seconded by W.~.Carveth:
This Council hereby accept the applicationof.~erace Best
as Building Inspector" Zoning. Adn!inistrator and. By-LaW ..
Enforcement Officer, dated July 5.1971 for,a salary of $5,735.00
peraimum al:1d a mileage uofiSoo.oo. per year . Carried.. . ....
RAso1uti on. No. 116:Moved by F .A.Gray,seconded J;>yRobertG.C.hater:
This. Council hereby accept . with regr"et . the resigl1i3.tion ,
dated June FJ. .1971 of Dorothx E...Stark as Deputy Clerk. take
effect on Friday September 3.1971. Carrie.,d... .
Resol utionNo .11 ?:Moved by.Rl3bert G.Chater. seconded .bY .W.R.Carveth:
This Council hereby accept the AppliCation for Cab Licence
from Albert Jo1).n'Munneke to ope.rate.a cab for hire at All1ert fS
Texaco. .Carried. ., . , ....
Resolutipn No. 11 B:Moved .by F.A.Gray.seconc!ed by E.C.Copp;i.ng:
This Council hereby set .afine or penalty in the amount of
$5.00 in ac~ordance with By-Law No, 1708. restrict~ng parking,
and in accordance. with Section.7 and 7a of ,T1:\e Highway .Traffic
Act. Carried.
Page 3
Regular Meeti~g of Council Au~_st 3. 1971 'continued:
I. ~-- ,
Page 4
Regular Me et ing ,efCeuncil August. 3, 1971. centinued: .
Rp.sol11t.ion Nn llq:MO-ved by FPank Gray, seconded by RoberbG.Chater:
This Council hereby resolve that they have no objectioni
add:lIlg to' the St. ~orges Cemetery, one ~lf of the 'WlO'penedRoad
Allewance between Lets '.34 and' .35-, Cencessien 2-,'Clesed by By-Law
#1654 dat~d Nevembar 4, 1969,..Carried. '"
R....nll1t.inn Nc> 120:Meved by F.A.Gray,-&ecend-ed hy RebertG.Chat'er:
T,his, C.QJ,Ulcil hereby. declare Friday afternoen,September ,10, ,
197~, Ore~.Fair Day"a Civic Helidayte pre vide a lega~ public
scheel heliday in the, Tewnship ef Clarke. The' Clerk is hereby
instructed'to refer certified copies of this reselution'te the
North~berland & Durham County Beard. of Education'and the Durham
Central Agricultural Seciety and finally to' publicize Council's
deci!'1ion once only in the.Oll'ono Weekly Times. Carried.' .
R",.ol11tion No 121 :Meved by W.R.Carveth,seconded byE.C.Cepping:
This Council hereby.authorize the Reeve and Clerk to' sign
and seal an -Offer to' SelIN between the Corporation ef the Township
of Clar4e ~nd Keith ~..Henderson, R. .R. I, Whitefish dated
29 July 1971. Carried. .'
RAso111tiop Na 122:Moved ,by E.C.Copping, .secended by RobertG:Chater--:
Resolve that the follOWing Pay Vouche~s-be and are-hereby
authorized for payment by the Signing Officers of this Council:
General Voucher #7 for ,Julytn.the amount ef' $ao,193.93
Read Veu~her #7 for.July in the amount of $16,577.3$
Orene Pelice V~llageVoucher #7 fer July.~n the amount of
$1,255.70 Carried. ' . , , -
The fellowing;.. b<y-laws were gi venfirst 'and secend rEli ding
en metien by f'. Jl.. <>-ray anl;i E., C. eopping:
The fpllowi{lg by-laws. were- given third reading on motion by
W. R. Carveth and R. G.. Chater: t-
Bv-LRw No.17g? .~
., Designating Through. Highways,
WHEREAS_ the Mun:icipal Act being R.S.o.. 1960 Chapter- 249
provides that-the Ceu:Q.cH~ef. any.munieipalit.y may, subject to' the-
provisions of the Highway Traffic Act"Chapter-172, pass a by-law
designat:r.ng.through h~ghwaysj- --,
AND WHEREAS clause 26 of subsection 1 ef sectien 1 efThe
Highway, Traffic Act pr_ovidesthat: - _ -
"through highway" means any highway 0'1' part ef a highway
designat~d as.such by the Minister or by by-law e~a
municipality -approved by the Department. 'and every -Such
highway shall be marked by a stop sign or yield right-ef'-
way sign in ,compliance with the regull'ttiens' ef the Depart-
ment j. . "
AND WHEREAS section 65 '(a) -of The -Highway Traffic Act,
provides fer the erection ef step signs at int~rsections en
highways under.;i.ts. jur::tsdiction; -'
NOW THEREFORE the Council ef the Corporation ef- the
Municipality ef Clarke enacts as ~ollows~
1.; The i'oJ.lowing. high1lta.ys 0'1' parts of' highways under- the
jurisdictien.of the Municipality ef Clarke ar.e,designat~d'as
through highways: "
(1) Cencessien Read No.3, frem the east side ef Previncial
HigAway NO'. 35 &ll5,tethe,westsideofMergan~s'Road
mere particularly described as fellows:-that part of'the ,
read allowance between CenClessiens Z and 3 in,the Township
ef .Cl.arke . lying- between the e'asterly- limit af . Highway NO' ,35-
~ 115 and extending in.an easterly direetientothe
easterly limit ef Let 17. " . ,
(2) Cencessien Read Ne~ 5, frem the,east.sideef Provinc:ial
Highway,Nei 35'& 115 to' the east side ef the side~oad
between Lets 2Z & 23, mep& particularly described as
.fol1ows:-that .part-ofl the road allowance between- - - -
ConC-El'ssiena- 4 and -5 in the -Township ,of Clarke ly:i,.ng between
the- easterly limit of' Highway No.- 3-5& :1,15- and extending
in an easterly direction to the westerly limit of, .Let 22. .
2. The 'designl'tt'~n in secti-onlr. ef t-hi-s by-law o:r. a highway_ or,
part of a high.way asa through highway shall not include, any
intersectien-thereenwhere the read intersected is a ,King's
Highway or where traffic control signals are installed.
3. This by-law shall become effective when '
(1) preperly werded signs have been erected and are en display
(2) approved by the Department ef Transport.
Page 5
Regular Meeting of Council August 3, 1971 continued:
Bv-L;:.w No a ,) 708
Restricting Parking
WHEREA5the Municipal Act being R.S.O. 1960 Chapter Z49
provides that the Council of any municipality may, subject to the
provisions of the Highway Traffic Act, pass a by-law regulating
traffic within such municipality; ,
AND WHEREAS Council of the Corporation of the Township of
Clarke has deemed it advisable to establish regulation of
traffic within the ~ownship of Clarke;
The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke hereby
enacts as follows:
Por the purpose of this by-law:
Park Dr Parkin~. when prohibited, means the standing of a vehicle,
whether occupied or not, except when standing temporarily for the
purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading
merchandise or passengers. .
Street or Hi~hwav includes a common or publiC highway, street,
avenue, parkway, driveway, square, place, bridge, viaduct or
trestle, deSigned and intended for, or used by, the general
public for the passage of vehicles.
Vehicle means every device in, upon or by which any person or
property is or may be transported or drawn upon a highway,
except devices moved by human pOwer.
Stand. when prohibited, means the halting of a vehicle, whether
occupied or not, except for the purpose of and while actually
engaged in receiving or discharging passengers or merchandise and
when in obedience to a police officer, signal or sign, and llstand\ng~;..
shall have a corresponding meaning. /, "-..,1
When properly worded signs have been erected and are on display,
no person shall park or~eave a vehicle standing on the highways
or parts of highways hereinafter described:
Commencing at a point' in the"so1.ltherly limit of Lot Z7, Concession
5, distant westerly therein ZOO'T~om the south east corner of
said Lot Z7, thence westerly along the northerly limit of the
road allowance 340' to a point.
Thence north westerly 160' along the northerly limit of the
abandoned C.N.O.Railway to a point, said point being the
westerly limit of the 'No Parking Area'.
any person violating any of the provisions of this by-law shall
be subject to a penalty of not more than Ten Dollars ($10.00)
for the first offence and not more than Fifty Dollars ($50.00)
for every subsequent offence, exclusive of coses, and all such
penalties shall be recoverable under the Ontario Summary
Convictions Act.
This by-law shall become effective when
(1) properly worded signs have been erected and are on display
(Z) when approved by the Department of Transport.
Reso]uti on No. l21:hloved by E. C . Copping, seconded by RobertG .Chater:
This Council hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday,
September 7, 1971, at 10 a.m. in the Council Chamber at Orono
or otherwis in special meeting at the call of the Reeve. Carried.
;,!]A 9' or=-
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