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Special Committee Meeting oi Couneil'June~21, 1971 continued:
The said advertisement to be aaTeptisedtwice, if possible
in the Orono Weekly Times, Canadian State'8man, The Newca$'t'le"
Reporter. Carried. ' . . .
It was moved by.F. A. Gray sec_dedbyE. C. Copping that
this mee ing be adjourned at :8;30 p.m. Carried. '
... . ... ~~.J~
. ,.Reev. . .,-
. ~ -' - ~ ..
Tuesday, July 6, 1971, at 10 a.m.
eouncil Chamber, OrOno; ~
Present: Reeve J. W. Stone
Deputy Ree.ve'W. R. Carveth
CouncillorR. 'G. Chatel'
Councillar 'F. A. Gray
-Council:t.or E. 'C. Coppi:ng
Clerk H. DeWith
Minutes of regular council meeting of June 8, spe:cial
meetings of June 11 and 21, 197J:', ""er'e adopted as printed on
motion by R. G. Chatel', seconded by F. ~. Gray. Carried.
It was moved by W. R. CarV'etli, 'Sec"Onded byE. 'C. Copping
that delegations be heard. ' .' ,
Mr. James Stutt, representative to Memorial Hospital, met
with Council to report on changes in emergency department, new
ambulance, land purchase and sUmmer doctor. Mr. Stone thanked
Mr. Stutt.
H. E. Millson from Mill son' Insurance Agency and Mr. R.R.
McLellan of Frank Cowan Insurance Co.;'met wlth Council'to
discuss township insurance. Mr. Millson presented a report
with regard to 1971 Insurance~' . :
Council recessed for dinner at 12:30 p.m. as gnests of
Mr. Millson and Mr. MCLellan at the Dutch Oven Restaurant. Mr.
Ross and Mr. DeWith also were guests.
The following correspondence was read out by the ~eeve;
1. Minutes ef Committee of . Adjustment 'meetinlAMa.y Jl, 1971
and June 7, 1971.-Filed.'
2. Police Village of Orono Resolution No.. 71-J5 dated May
26, 1971 re undertaking of a second well for the Orono
, Water System.-Re,ferredto Resolution No. 10J. --.'" '"
J. Ontario Water Resources Commission letters dated May 11,"
June 7 and June 28, 1971 re Township of Clake (Police
Village of Orono) proposed water works'project.-Filed.
4. Ontario Water Resottrces Commission re Commission's
preliminary certificate of approval #6-0000-00-710801
~or the .extension of the Orono Water System.-Filed.
5. Copy letter from Ontario Water Resources Commission to
Duncan Hopper & Associates Limited re Township of Clarke
Police Village of Orono proposed booster pumping station.-
Filed. . ,
6. Copy letter frOM Ontario Water Resources Commission to
Mr. J. Fice re ,:Township of Clarke, Water Quality Problem'
Ganaraska River.-Filed. .
7.' Copp:letter from Totten Sims Hubicki to Ontario Water'
ResoUrcesCo:mmission 1'e Township of Clarke, Pol<i.ce Village
of Orono, Construction of a Second Municipal Well.-Filed.
8. Copy letter Trom Totten Sims Hubicki to Ontario Water
a.esour~es Commission re Police Village -of Oronof'orapproval
to construct awatermain -en'Somerville Road- in Orono. -Filed.
9. Indenture between Walter 'iL Hale, carrying on business as
Hales Disposals and the"municipal corporation of' the
T'OWnship of Clarke a-ecepted by Council subject to 'the
approval of the Department of Energy and Resources Manage-
'ment. .-Filed. " .," '" '.. . :
10. -Mr. JohnG. White re right-of-way across property in Lot
15, 'Con,v-ra$ bU$iness brought forward from, June 8, .1971.-
T'abled.' -
11. Letters from Mr. A. Martens'dated June 9 and June 14, 1971,
re right-of""Way acrossc Lot 15, 'Con . '7.-Referred to' Clerk.
Page "
Regular Meet:i;ngof Couna,il Jul.y 6, 1971, continued:
1". c::.Depal>'tment_ofMunicipal AffaiI'sletters dated-Ma.y3-
and-May 1:7, 1971~re Townshipo:t:Cla.rke Restricted-Area
By-Law No. 1694; Ontario MuniciPal Boa~d re'ToWnSh~p of
Clarke-Restri.cted Area-BY-Law1694;Co-py-lett.el'-fl'om
Cl;Lfford _Westgate to Department.-of- MunioipalAf':fairs,
COl'lllllunityPlanning Branch, ore O.M.B. File R49S"-71
Clarke Fishing & Conservat,j.on Club, Part Lot 32. Con. 7,
Township_of Clarke- Ontario;Copylett.er:from J,B.
,McMullan Real Estate LimXted to Mr; Alex-Carruthers,
M.P.P. re Clarke Fishing-&Cdnservation Club as business
brought :forward :from June 8, 1971 and letter from, .ltlex
Carruthers dated JuneZS, 1971 re Clarke Fishing &-
Conserv.ation Club, l'e~ -from Sandler,- Gordon & '
Gleiberman re Letters Patent Incorporation Clarke Pish
and Conservation Club and our letter to the Ontario
Municipal_Board to proceed with the application re By-Law
1694. -Tabled. '
13. agreement betweenc The, Orono- Youth Theatre iind the' ~-
Co_uncillors of the Township of ,Clarke. -Recei ved. -
14. Oshawa Area flanning and Development Stud.yre termination
of the Study.-Tabled, copy of Minister's letter to each
member,of Coun~il. -
15. Science ReSearch Associates-re,publication of "Regional
GQvernment in OntarlO~.-Filed. _
16. Qs;nt.ra1 Lake Ontario._Conaervation Authorityre Town of(R.G.Chater
B~nville-Dissatisfaction with Apportionment,-Fi1ed. to attend.
17, ~partl1lent o:f the PrinieMini-Bter re our reso-lution' No.
$4 dat&d May 4, 1971 endorsing the resolution passed by
the City o:f St. CatharinN withI'egardto the delaying
of local government ref~rm.-Filed.
1$. , ,Ontario Municipal -Recreation Associationre application
for ~mber8hip,-F~led.
19. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority minutes of
June 8-. 1971. -.Filed. '
"0. Hal.iburtcOn, Kawart,ha, Pine Ridge Di:strict Health 'Unit
reports for April and May 1971. -Piled. '
Repert to Council :from Building ,Inspector. -Filed.
Horace R. Best re application File NO', 71-14, Ben & BettY(Refused)
.~i, Amendment to lily-Law to permit a Body:Repa..ir Shop.-Fi-led.
~3. Horace,R. Beat re application File NO.-71-15, aaroid D. Brown
Amendment to By-Law to permit the exteasion-o:f a non-
con:forminguse (Garage in an R.R. Zone)-Filed.(Re:fused) ,
~4. HoraceR.Best re Application File No. 71-16, J. George
~tephenson, Amendment to By-Law to re-aone ;:from "Ai'- tQ
~R;R.Kfor further processing.-Filed. ' _ ~
Z5. Horace R. B~st re application File No. 71-9, Michael V. '
_Mallon, Amendment to B~-Law to permit'over-night, trai~
camp for :further processing.-Filed.
,,6. New -Pol:i:cies and InsuranC'El -Review-1971 front Mr. lL Millson,
-M:tllsGn Insurance A ency. -Piled. ' , ' "
"7. Ontario Hydro re bo8klet of the Commissions" opera.t-ioti.
during1970.-Filed. ' ,
,,$. Diamond Triangle Committee motion to request the Govern-
ment -oc:f,the Provinc'eof Ontar'io to prelilerve:thewater:fl'ont
are - of,: Lak-e Ontar-io- between Cobourg and Port Hope. -Re:ferred
t~ ~. ResOlut'ion No. 104. '
"9. Application for Rez-oning part o:f LClt 6, Con. 3-from ,
AgricULlure to OpehSpace to be'used asa camping and
'Conservation Area by-Alton &- Valerie--Smith.-1W:ferreu to
the Planning Board. _0 - " -
30.-Department of Tran-sportation and'Col1)1Uunications-re 1971
Subsidy Allocation, Rerer~nce By-Law No; 1701 with- supporting
st.atement of Proposed Expendi {lure. -:-R.ferred to i.esoltltion. ~,
31. Department of Transportation and Communications re ,
CEintract No. 1056 -cSawyer's Road Culvert; -Pil-ed.
3~. McGibbon, Bastedo & Armstrong recPart.Lot 9,BF Con~ "BK
ToWnship o:f,Clarke -,Ulrich Ruegger re fencing.-Ra:ferred-
to the Road-and Bridge-Committee. _
33. Canadian, Transport. Commission re letters ,dated April ~,_
June 17, 1971 re Crossing, mileage 160.46, Belleville
Subd., Third Concession Road and $16,000 grant :from the
Railway Grade Crossing Pund.7Re:ferred to Resolution No. lei.
34. Fred Beaucage re Po4aon Ivy Weed Control.-Re:ferred to Road
Page 3 '" ,
Regular Meet:i:ng of Counqil J:ulJ 6, 1971.. cQJltinuedi .'
Fra~cis .G, DaulbY'.re cOlllpletion 'of Road .along C01l..c.ession
If ot.: 1;.he ~J..arl{"l 'l;'oWJ1ship 'bJt Pe.te~ Caspari,. -Referred to
CIEl.rl( ,to .foJ"W/l.rli a" copy to MI-. P~ter., Caspar,i. '
Canad~/l.n Na,tiQIm:l Railways' re,/l.utomatic cJ"oss:l.ng,-
,ProteqtiQn/l.t Glovers ltoad. -R,e.ferred ,to.Road Superintendent.
Town@ip ot.: Da,rl.iI4gt..on J'e, pll-ttual boundary road being
u~~d M. a garbs,ge, d1.llllp. -:Rei'err..ad.to the 'Clerk.,..
Onta,r;loGood R,oa..ds As,S.oc::lAtion re' .cert:i.fic.ate to mark
~he. attenqp.nq.e of, our, munJcipal:lty;'aroaciemployee. at
the 1971 u~.S.Anders,op"_.Road School.,-:Recaiv.ed.
39'- ,Copy~ 'lett,er Jrom Bea,udoill. ,Pepper&- Van Camp re Wobten
and Town,ship,of c;;J.a.rke and P:t:f'e..r To Sel.l between
Township of Ctarkea.nd Francl!ls ;\;; EUld..Arnot. It.Wotoon.-
Referred, to R.esoluti;en and, i'iled... .,. , " ,
"Departmen~ of Hi ghway11l re 197J. Roa.dBxpanditure- By-:Law
Number 170;1. -Referred to. Re-so-lution No... 10Z., '
'Police Village of Orono Resolution No. 71~44 dated June
Z$.c 1971..-Moved, by W.R.Carveth., seconded. by E.C~Copping_,
that t!te ~r~!iSUrer pay to the Canadian Impel"ial Bank
of C~mmerce. Q:rono the sum of $7.600.00, being, the-,'
.:annual,paymept for the Police; V:j.llage ontheJTerm Lean.
42. Minutes of Road Board meeting June Z$. 1991'. "'Aceepted
on '!lotion by F.. A; Gray. . secondadby W.R.Cal"vetlh ,.'
, , Mr. U. Ruegger appeared at, ,CotUlcil. meeting -with l"egard
.to .f~ncing.onchis property and. correspondence under ,item 32.
This matter-was referred to the RaadcandBridge-Committee~
, .. ~Mr. Alf P~rin /l.nd Mrs. ,Patricia Vickery ,met 'witaSouncil
and objec1(ltd toZoni~ .Am~ndment.Applica:tion ,File 71"-9 -to
permit over';'night trai.lE!r ,camp; Council advised Mr>Perrin
and Mrs. Vickery to attend, t.henext .Planning Board meeting.
~ . ,Ben Angi a.ppear.ed. Jl.t Co\U1ci~ ere his :Zoning-Application
File No.'71";i4. Council advised Mr. AngLto"re-apply and
attend the next Planning;Soard mee.ting... . ,'-
Mr.' Robinson met with Council with rega-rdto hlis -property
in Lot 7. Con. $, whe" he wo:uld like', to,have, a new culver,t
entrance establ'ished and QuH.d ,a. hou,se and garage. 'Referred to
the Road and Bridge C~>II11ll;lttee for inspect'ion re Nlbuilding.'road,"
,The fgll9wing re301J,ltions.were passed:
Rescilutioij N<'l 101:MQyed byE..C. Copping. seconded by W.1LCal'veth:
. ' ,Thi!=, Councilhe~~by a,CcePtthetenderbeing that~of - "
MacDonald Ford Sale IS ~ (Osh<lw~) Ltd., at the tend.er, price of.
$12.673.'.3 fora FOI'd\trucksubject to.the.approval of the.:
Department. ,of T:r;ansportatiqnand COIMIAAic,ation. ,Carried.
RASlOlll1;.~o:r:l. :bin 10~:~0V'~d"by JL G. --Gopping. ,seconde4 by W.R.Carveth:
This Council reql.!e~tt&e De:RaXtment of Transport;atiorr
and CommUl'J:ica,tio:q ,t.oapprovethe ,t;t'ansfer.of $Z't.OOO.OOcfrom
Road Construction,-to R;oad Maintenance-.. as per attached. revised
Road Programme. Carried. ~ ". ' ,
RARnlut;on No l0'11Mpved by ,F.A.Gray"secoI!ded by E..c.Cop.Ping: _
, "This 'Council hereby accept and':endors.e, the ,Polic~V;ll:t.age
of Orono Resoluti<m No. 71-3.5 dated May 26. l,97l, j:'equ,e'sting the. '"
O.W.R.C. 'l;o'unae-rtake'tbe f'inancing of a second well for the_
Orono Water System~" Carried." . . '.., . , _
RAsol ~',ti on" ~o' 1 OJ...:MovedbyW.Ie Car.vethl~ec.ondedliy.R,obeJ;'tG.'<=hater I
'.' ,Thu Council, support the, piot~.op. pas~edon K:l.Y :J,2~_197l
at the' Annual Meeting of' the Diamond Triap.gle, COmDl;lt!;ee as ~t
out in thei;- letter,~ated June,7. 1971.' Cilrrie9c." " " .
RAaolutiQP No.]OC:;:l'1ove~ bYc~.C:Coppi!lg,l ~ec'mded by, Ro!?e..tG'.Chater:
Thi's Councilresc,lve that in r~spect of Insy.rance, pre@iums
paid on all Insurance Policies' carried by the Corporation pf the
Township of Clarke with Mil~son In~ur~nce ~ency that $0% or all
cOllllllisSio~s be' paid to MilJ..son~~uraI1ce A~eney a~dtherema.tning
ZO% ofco~~~sions be diyided equal~~El.moI1gthe ,other agenci~s
in the municipalj,ty. ,Carrj,{ld.", " ,
RARnlu:!;; on i\9.) 06:Movec;l by. W~R,Carvep~, seccanded by E.C,Copp:j,u.g1
, This, Counc:i.l hereby accept the grant from the ,Railway
Grade Crossing Fund in the amount or-$16.eOQ.OQ ,as stated in
Order No. R-2349 and Railway!ansport.Com,mittee.Canadian
Transpopt Co~ission.,letter dated April 2$, 1971. Carried.,
.. ~
Page 4
Regular M'eetingof Couneiil.~July 6, 1971, continued;
ReAalut.ion No,10?;Moved by W.R.Carveth,lIeConded byE.C.Copping:
TM,jJ Council hereby authori~e the Reeve and Cleric to sign
an Offer to Sell between FrancesC. Wotten and Arnot N. Wotten
and the Corporation of the ,Township of Clarke dated June 21.
1971. Ca'rried.
c R""o]j>tiQ"No,10R:Moved byW'.R.Carveth,seconded by'RobertG.Chater:
The Reeve and Clerk are hereby e~powered to sign an
Agreement between Walter J. Hale, 'Hales Disposals, and the
Corporati~n of the Township of Ciarke for the operation of a
township garbage disposal, sUbj4ct to the approval of Waste
Management'Branch.. Department of Energy and Resources Management.
The C~uncil'hereby accept the quotation in the amount of
$4000.00 per year. Canted. .
Re..ol "t.i on' No ]{)q:Moved'byRobert 'G.Chate!', sec()nded by' P .A. Gray:
In accordance with By-Law No. 1352 the following pe~sons
De and are hereby appointed to the 'Orono Community Memorial ~
Park Board for the year'l~l: "
1. ,Sterling Mather ~ ,"". " ,
2. H. M. Mercer
3. oS. B.Rutherford
4. E. H. 'Samuel
5. Miss Alma Cutt.erl
6. W. R. Carveth
7. J. W.' Stone Carrie'd.
R....el "tion No 11 o:Moved by RObertG.Chater,seconded: .byF .A.Gray;
, This Council declare Civic Holiday, August Z, '1971 as a'
legal holiday~ in the ~ownship of Clarke. Carried.
R....olllt.ion No 111 :Moved by E.C.Copping, seconded by W;R.Carveth:
~ This Council hereby inS'truct the' Clerk to advertise ';for'
applications for the' posit'ion tlf Clerk of this MunicipUity to
be received on or before July 26, 1971 at Sp.rn. ..,.
Succesliltul. applicant to commence duties as soon as possible.
The lil<l.id advertisement to be advertised twice, ifpolilsible
in Oshawa Times, Toronto Star, Canadian Statesman, orono
Weekly.Times,'Peterborough Examiner. Carried. .
Re..olution No,]121Moved by E.C.Copping, seconded byRGbertG:Chater:
Ruolve that'tn.e follOWing Pay Vouchers be and are. hereby
authori~ed for payment by'the Signing Officers ofthi.Council:
General Voucher #6 for June in the amount.of$103,OI7.el,
Road Voucher #6 for June in the amount of$6e,901.S7 J,
Orono Police Village Voucher 16 for June in the amount of
$4,6Z2.Se. Carried. " -. '-
Reso] nt.don No']] '1 ; Moved by F; A; Gray ,seQond~d by RobertG ~ Cha'Cer:
This Council hereby adjourn to meet agaXnon'Tuesday,
August 3; 1971, at lOa;m: in the Council Chamber at Orono or
otherwise 'in speCial m6eting at the Cal~ of the Reeve. Carried.
~ " f/)U.~~
Reeve I.. .
TueSday, August 3.1971, at '10 a.m.
'CoWlCil Chamber,..Orono.
, ,
, "
Present: Reeve J. W. Ston,e
Deput"y Reeve W: R. Carveth
Councillor R. G. Chater
Councillor F. A. Gray
, ~ Councillor E~ c-. Copping~
,. . Clerk H. DeWith
Minutes of, regular council meeting of July 6, 1971
were adopted' as printed on motion by R. G: Chater, seconded
,'-- - . t (
by F... A. Gray. Carried.
The f.ollo~izi.g correspondence was r,ead out by the. Reeve:
Minutel3 of Committee of Adjustment meetings o.ated July .
'5 and 12, 1971.~Filed. L ' .
MinutCils of Clarke Planning Board me~etings dated Jurie 17,
June 23 and July 15, 1971.-tiled.
, .