HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/21/1971 (Special)
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~egular Meeting q~ Council June 8, 1971, continued:
THENCE North 16 degrees 22 minutes West 97 feet 9 inches to
~ . . ,
a point; ". ,
THENct South 74 degrees 50 minutes West 12 feet to a.point;.
THENCE Souj;;h ),6 ,degrees za ;l{Iinutes I:;ast to a point. in the
northerly limit o~ Ch~rc;h .Stre~t; . . . .
THENCE East along the northerly limit of Church Street 12
~eet more or less to the place o~ beginning~
Re"oh,tion No.q~:MQved by l'I.a.Carveth,seconded by. :R.obertG.Chater:
. ... This CoUncil' hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday
July 6, 1971, at 10 a.m. in the Council Chamber at Orono or
otherWise~i S~eCial meeting at the call o~.the Reeve. Carried.
-p~',. ,. ,O/WAL
Cl'erk' " Reeve/"
Friday, June II, 1971 'a~ 7 y.m. .
Council Ch:amber, OronQ.
Present: Reeve John W. Stone
. Deputy Reeve W. R. Carveth
Councillor F. A. Gr~y ,
Councillor R. G. Chater
"Councillor E. C. topping
Clerk H. DeWith
'Special meet,1ng o~ Council was called by the Re.eve ,to
cons~der the' following business: . .
.. . "'.' ,. t, . . " -
1. . Horace Best re resignation as Building Inspector, By-~w
En~orcement O~ficer and Zoning Administrator of the
Township of Clarke.-Referred to resolution. . ,
The following resol1ltion was passed: .
Resolution No. q9.: Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded by F.A.Gray:
This Council hereby accept, . with regret, the resignation
o~ Horace Best' as Building Inspector, By~Law Enforcement
O~~i6er and Zoning administrator of the Municipality as 'of,
July 12, 1971. Carried..
... . -.', ,
It'was moved by R. G. Chater, seconded by F. ,Il.. Gray that
this m~e~ina b~ adjourned at 8 p.m. Carried.
~~:~,~" ,', ' '. ,
-=~ '/J~~~~
C~&rk , Reeve ,tI .
Mo.nday, JunE! 21, 19T!- 'at 7:}0 p.m.
. Council Chamber, Orono.
Present: Reeve John 1'1. Stone
Deputy Reeve W. R. Carveth
Councillor F. A. Gray
Councillor R. G. Chater
Councillor E. C. Copping.
Clerk H. DeWith "
- .' ..' {
Special meeting of Council was calls4 by the lieeve
to consider the ~ollowing business: l. .
1. Reeve,~p'uty ~eve and Councillors discu~sedin a .
.com,mittee meeting of the Councillor,s the.~es,ignation
of ~ora-ce Best as Bu~'ld~gIl1spector, By-Law EnforCement,
OffiCer and Zoningadmi~~8tr~tor as Qf J~ly l~, 1971.
",At 8:15p.m. Reeve John W,.Stone called in the m~eting
the'Clerk H. DeWith ~ in,struct.himto advertise ~or
applications for 1<hepoaition o~ Bui,lding In8Pf!Qtor,
By-~w Enforcement O~ficer and ,Zoning AQmini8trator.
The,:Collo..,ing resolution Was passed: .".. .
Re~olution NoX~Movedby W.R.Carveth, secol1de~ byR.G.Chater:
. . This Council heI'e,by i.n&tru~t theCle.rk to !ldxertis~ ~or.
appliC~ions for ,the position o~ Building Ins~ectior" ~oni~
Administrator and By-Law E~orcement Officer of th~.Munic~pality
,t9 be,received on or bafore,JulY 5, 197~. .
Successful ap~ieant to commence duties o~ or be~oreJulY'"
9.' . . . ,." f,.. """'.
11::, 1971.
Page 2 ,
Special Committee Meeting oi Couneil'June~21, 1971 continued:
The said advertisement to be aaTeptisedtwice, if possible
in the Orono Weekly Times, Canadian State'8man, The Newca$'t'le"
Reporter. Carried. ' . . .
It was moved by.F. A. Gray sec_dedbyE. C. Copping that
this mee ing be adjourned at :8;30 p.m. Carried. '
... . ... ~~.J~
. ,.Reev. . .,-
. ~ -' - ~ ..
Tuesday, July 6, 1971, at 10 a.m.
eouncil Chamber, OrOno; ~
Present: Reeve J. W. Stone
Deputy Ree.ve'W. R. Carveth
CouncillorR. 'G. Chatel'
Councillar 'F. A. Gray
-Council:t.or E. 'C. Coppi:ng
Clerk H. DeWith
Minutes of regular council meeting of June 8, spe:cial
meetings of June 11 and 21, 197J:', ""er'e adopted as printed on
motion by R. G. Chatel', seconded by F. ~. Gray. Carried.
It was moved by W. R. CarV'etli, 'Sec"Onded byE. 'C. Copping
that delegations be heard. ' .' ,
Mr. James Stutt, representative to Memorial Hospital, met
with Council to report on changes in emergency department, new
ambulance, land purchase and sUmmer doctor. Mr. Stone thanked
Mr. Stutt.
H. E. Millson from Mill son' Insurance Agency and Mr. R.R.
McLellan of Frank Cowan Insurance Co.;'met wlth Council'to
discuss township insurance. Mr. Millson presented a report
with regard to 1971 Insurance~' . :
Council recessed for dinner at 12:30 p.m. as gnests of
Mr. Millson and Mr. MCLellan at the Dutch Oven Restaurant. Mr.
Ross and Mr. DeWith also were guests.
The following correspondence was read out by the ~eeve;
1. Minutes ef Committee of . Adjustment 'meetinlAMa.y Jl, 1971
and June 7, 1971.-Filed.'
2. Police Village of Orono Resolution No.. 71-J5 dated May
26, 1971 re undertaking of a second well for the Orono
, Water System.-Re,ferredto Resolution No. 10J. --.'" '"
J. Ontario Water Resources Commission letters dated May 11,"
June 7 and June 28, 1971 re Township of Clake (Police
Village of Orono) proposed water works'project.-Filed.
4. Ontario Water Resottrces Commission re Commission's
preliminary certificate of approval #6-0000-00-710801
~or the .extension of the Orono Water System.-Filed.
5. Copy letter from Ontario Water Resources Commission to
Duncan Hopper & Associates Limited re Township of Clarke
Police Village of Orono proposed booster pumping station.-
Filed. . ,
6. Copy letter frOM Ontario Water Resources Commission to
Mr. J. Fice re ,:Township of Clarke, Water Quality Problem'
Ganaraska River.-Filed. .
7.' Copp:letter from Totten Sims Hubicki to Ontario Water'
ResoUrcesCo:mmission 1'e Township of Clarke, Pol<i.ce Village
of Orono, Construction of a Second Municipal Well.-Filed.
8. Copy letter Trom Totten Sims Hubicki to Ontario Water
a.esour~es Commission re Police Village -of Oronof'orapproval
to construct awatermain -en'Somerville Road- in Orono. -Filed.
9. Indenture between Walter 'iL Hale, carrying on business as
Hales Disposals and the"municipal corporation of' the
T'OWnship of Clarke a-ecepted by Council subject to 'the
approval of the Department of Energy and Resources Manage-
'ment. .-Filed. " .," '" '.. . :
10. -Mr. JohnG. White re right-of-way across property in Lot
15, 'Con,v-ra$ bU$iness brought forward from, June 8, .1971.-
T'abled.' -
11. Letters from Mr. A. Martens'dated June 9 and June 14, 1971,
re right-of""Way acrossc Lot 15, 'Con . '7.-Referred to' Clerk.