HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/11/1971 (Special) - Page 6 ~egular Meeting q~ Council June 8, 1971, continued: THENCE North 16 degrees 22 minutes West 97 feet 9 inches to ~ . . , a point; ". , THENct South 74 degrees 50 minutes West 12 feet to a.point;. THENCE Souj;;h ),6 ,degrees za ;l{Iinutes I:;ast to a point. in the northerly limit o~ Ch~rc;h .Stre~t; . . . . THENCE East along the northerly limit of Church Street 12 ~eet more or less to the place o~ beginning~ Re"oh,tion No.q~:MQved by l'I.a.Carveth,seconded by. :R.obertG.Chater: . ... This CoUncil' hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday July 6, 1971, at 10 a.m. in the Council Chamber at Orono or otherWise~i S~eCial meeting at the call o~.the Reeve. Carried. -p~',. ,. ,O/WAL Cl'erk' " Reeve/" SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP 'OF CLARKE Friday, June II, 1971 'a~ 7 y.m. . Council Ch:amber, OronQ. - Present: Reeve John W. Stone . Deputy Reeve W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gr~y , Councillor R. G. Chater "Councillor E. C. topping Clerk H. DeWith 'Special meet,1ng o~ Council was called by the Re.eve ,to cons~der the' following business: . . .. . "'.' ,. t, . . " - 1. . Horace Best re resignation as Building Inspector, By-~w En~orcement O~ficer and Zoning Administrator of the Township of Clarke.-Referred to resolution. . , The following resol1ltion was passed: . Resolution No. q9.: Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded by F.A.Gray: This Council hereby accept, . with regret, the resignation o~ Horace Best' as Building Inspector, By~Law Enforcement O~~i6er and Zoning administrator of the Municipality as 'of, July 12, 1971. Carried.. ... . -.', , It'was moved by R. G. Chater, seconded by F. ,Il.. Gray that this m~e~ina b~ adjourned at 8 p.m. Carried. ~~:~,~" ,', ' '. , -=~ '/J~~~~ C~&rk , Reeve ,tI . , ..,S1'tC1:AL COMMITTEEMEETI~G OF 'T~ COUNC:I:L ,OF THETOWNSH;J:POF CLARKE Mo.nday, JunE! 21, 19T!- 'at 7:}0 p.m. . Council Chamber, Orono. Present: Reeve John 1'1. Stone Deputy Reeve W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor R. G. Chater Councillor E. C. Copping. Clerk H. DeWith " - .' ..' { Special meeting of Council was calls4 by the lieeve to consider the ~ollowing business: l. . 1. Reeve,~p'uty ~eve and Councillors discu~sedin a . .com,mittee meeting of the Councillor,s the.~es,ignation of ~ora-ce Best as Bu~'ld~gIl1spector, By-Law EnforCement, OffiCer and Zoningadmi~~8tr~tor as Qf J~ly l~, 1971. ",At 8:15p.m. Reeve John W,.Stone called in the m~eting the'Clerk H. DeWith ~ in,struct.himto advertise ~or applications for 1<hepoaition o~ Bui,lding In8Pf!Qtor, By-~w Enforcement O~ficer and ,Zoning AQmini8trator. The,:Collo..,ing resolution Was passed: .".. . Re~olution NoX~Movedby W.R.Carveth, secol1de~ byR.G.Chater: . . This Council heI'e,by i.n&tru~t theCle.rk to !ldxertis~ ~or. appliC~ions for ,the position o~ Building Ins~ectior" ~oni~ Administrator and By-Law E~orcement Officer of th~.Munic~pality ,t9 be,received on or bafore,JulY 5, 197~. . Successful ap~ieant to commence duties o~ or be~oreJulY'" 9.' . . . ,." f,.. """'. 11::, 1971. ,