HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/08/1971
Tuesday, June B, 1971, at 10 a.m.
- , ", -.0 . " Council Chamber.. OrollQ.
Presenc: Reeve J. '11: Stdne
Deputy'Ree~e W. R. Carveth
Councillor R. G. Chater
Council1or'F. A. Gray'
Councillor 'E. C. Copping'"
Clerk H. DeWith _
, ~
Minutes of Regular Council Meeting of May 4; 1971 were
adopted as printed on motion by W. R. Carveth, seconded by'
R. G. Chater. Carried.
The folloWing correspondence was read out by~the Re~v~
1. Minutes of Commi'ttee' of AdJustnient dated May 10, 11 and
17,' 1971.wFiled:' ," '-' , ' '
2. Minutes of Clarke Planning Board dated March 17, APr.il IS,
May 20, 197L -Fi'1ed. ' ' ,
3. Resignation bt Joan Mitcherl, Bookkeeper, accepted on
mot'ion by '11: R. 'Carveth, se'cond'ea by F.A.Gray., Carried.Filed.
4. Wal:ter J. Hafe, !,ale:S Dispo:sals~ re quotation't,o oJ>e'r.&te
a waste disposal.-Referredto resolution arid Clerk to make
up contract bet~en ~ownship & Hales, subject to approval
of Department o:f'-Ene~gy and'Resources Management. C,ontract
to have a 6 months cancellation period. " ,
5. Mrs'. Ellen M. Yeo,Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of
~..iustment re .Iito'tion passed' at Coliunittee :meeting, June 7 , " '
1971, with regard to salary of the Secretary-Treasurer.-Filea.'
6. Mr. John G. White re right-of-way across property in' Lot
IS,' Con. 7.wTabled. " ,', .<
7. Township oT Clarke Recreation tommittee requisition ~or
,!.jl~' year 197J,.,:1'11ed.' '
B. .9'p~ario Water_,&lsources Cominission letters dated May 11' and'
.&y 26, 1971,_Nld Copy letter from Ontario Water-B-esourc,es
~2~ission to.P.Pncan Hopper' & Associates L~itea~ and Copy
~~,!.ters from~2~ten Sims Hubicki to Ontar10 Water Resources
~.?JlIIIlission ~~st May 14 arid'May 19, 1971 re TOwnship of
fl~rke, Polic~_~illage of Orono proposed water works
9. G. C. Wade, O.B.a. Executive, rEI ~teur Baseball Week in
Canada.-Moved by E. C. Copping, seconded by F.A.Gray that
Reeve sign Public Notice supporting amateur-Baseball Week
in Canada; ,
10. Lee & Klymas' letters dated June 4, 1971 and one received
June 1,1971, re Bankr~ptcy of Donald Joseph Murray,
Furniture' Discount Barn.-Filed.
11. Frank Cowan Company Limited re Inaurance Claims Committee.-
Referred to Clerk to answer that claims service is
12. J)epartment of Financial And Commercial Affairs re Annual
Return on the Receipt and Investment of Perpetual Care
Funds.-Referred to the Clerk: '
13. Northumberland and Durham Assessment Office re assessing
of all mobile homes connected to'water,'sewage'and'hydro
systems.-RBferredto Clerk.
14. Application for Amendment to Zoning,By-Law, File NO.71-13-
Eric Jam&s'Wilkih, Kendal.-Re~erred'to Planning Board
15. Barber and Kelly re Joseph Ge~rgeStephenson Application
for, Amendment to Zoning By~Law, File No. 71-16.-Referred
to Planning Board. '
16. Application for ~endment to Zoning'By-Law, File No~71-14-
Benjamin L. 'and Betty 'June Angi, Newtonv:Ule.-Referred to
Planning Board. " " ,,'
17. Application foi-Amendment to Zoning By-Law, File No. 71w15- -
Ha,rold Bro~, Kendal.-aeferred to-Planning BoaI'd.
lB. Application for Am~nd1ilent to Zoning'By-Law, File No.-71-9-c
Michael V. Mallon, Orillia.-Referred to Planning Board,
19. Department of Municipal Affairs'letters dated May 3,1971
and May 17, 1971 re Township of Clarke Restrict!d Area
Area By-Law No. 1694.-Taoled;
20. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority re Lamprey Eel
Control Program.-Filed.
Lunch 'r'ecessfr'olll 12 noon till 1:30 p.m.
,.."..... .
':. -' -.~-_..--.".
Page ~
Regular Meeting of CouncilJ~ 8. 1971 continued:
: ,
21. Invitation from Bureau of Municipal Research.
City ~f Oshawa. to attend a one-day seminar.-'
~;e. Copy fpom Horace R.. Beat to Mr. John Blumbergs
re Licence to operate a cab for hire within the
Township of Clarke.-Filed.. .
".3. . Ontario Water Resources ColllllU.s;[.on re Standard
DraWings for Sewer and Watermain'Appur~enAnces.-Referred
- to" Clltrk. . .
24. Department of TradE> and Development re Co_unity Industrial
. Spokesmen.-Referred to the Clerk.
25. Ontario DE>par~ent of Agriculture and F~oc1. News Announce-
~. ment.-Photostatic copies to all councillors and filed;
;e6. Horace R. Best, Secretary-Treasurer, Clarke Planning .
Board re application File No. 71-10; Peter ~eddema and
others, W.K.Lycett. B.h.. Age-at, parts of Lot 29.
Con. ;a.-Filed. .
27. Copy let.t.er from Northumberland and Durham County Board
of Education re School and ParkPlanning.-Filec1..
2a. Association oC bntario Mayors and Reeves re Convention
program.-Filed. -
"9. Copy letter .fromD.M. Robertson, District Representat:i.ve
Tourist ES'tablishaent, I'e Mr. Jr. M. Rudes. Mosport. Park,
camping establishment licence applicatio~refused.-Filed.
.30. Central Lake Ohtario Conservation Authority letter dated
May 17,1971 re Ontario Regulation 10$/71 re.~ill,
Construction, an~.Alterations to Watercourses.-Fi1ed.
Central Lake' Ontario Conservati~n Authority letter dated
June I, 1971 re Ontario Project S.W.E.E.P:.-Referred to
M. L. Ross and filed.
.31. Ontario Muni~ipal :Board re Township of Clarke-Restricted
Area By-Law 1694.-Tabled.
32. . eopy.1etter from Clifford. Westgaee to Department of
Municipal Affairs, COllllllunity Planning Branch, re' O.M.B.
File R495~-71 Clarke Fishing & Conservation Club Part
Lot..3", Co~. 7, Township of Clarke -Ontario.-Tabled.
.3.3. CopyletteJ:' from J. B. McMullan.Real Estate Lilnited
to Mr. Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. re Clarke Fishing &
Conservation Club.-Tabled. .
34. Copy letter frOm E. R. Lovekin to Mr. J.S.Allan.Inspector.
DepartJnent 'Of Financial and COIIl. Affairs, Ce,m.terie$
Branch re Newtonville Presbyterian Cemetery, Part of Lot
e, Cancession 2, Township of' Clarke.-Filedi,<anG referred
to By-Law. ~
Report to Council fromBUil.dingrnspector for Months of
Jan. 1- Nay .31, 197L"FiIed.. .
A.M. Spriet and AlIIlII$ciates Limited re Engineering &
Planning Services. "Filed. -,
37. . . N'oI>t.hwaberlarid and Durham Couaty BOard 0$ Eduoa:\;:ion '
re Joint Meeting. June .16, 1971.-J. Stone..H. DeWith
and W.R.Carveth to attend.-Filed.
38';~ -1le~rtment of lIreasury and Economics re Tile Drainage
Seminal'. -Referred to :'ClcfJrk to file .
39. Robert A. Edmunds. UniWd Cc:runties of NorthWlloerland
and Durham re U.C. Road N'eedsStudy 197Q-1979.-Filed.
M~ L~ Ross appeared at CGuncil meeting to present road
department matters. .
It was moved by E. 'C. Copping. seconded byR. G. Chatel'
tl-"hat ttenders be opened. ~ . '. - 0,
The fOllowing tenders were received for COntract No.
Wl056.... Sawyer~s Road ..culver'\;.:
1. .' L&rsen-GriJ:lsConstl'uctioriLtd.. Box .ZSO, Cobourg,Ont.
2. Codan Contracting Lilnited, 59 Fourth St., ~Or.illia,Ont.
.;t.. ~ .W. G. KellyConstrUct>i.onLimit~d, Bl::lx../.i.7,1:iebringyille.
The tenders were dealt with by Resolution"
40. Mr.' G. R. Brown,ing, Distt'ict Mun.i.c.ipaJ. EnC1;ineer re: beinat,
transferred to oSault Ste., Ma.rie. p.iatrict :affecti ve ..funel.
1971.<-Referred to Clerk tp wri:te.a letter :to l'fr. arQWIling
t;hanking him for co-o~ationwith Council and .~o/!.cl
41. Department of Highways re proposed Culvert Installation-
Lot ze/~9. Con. 7 - Sawyer Road.-Filed.
Page 3
Regular Meeting of CouncilJiibSte, 1971 continued:
t :: .
4Z. Mr. E._~. Samuel, Chairman, Orono Youth TheatI'e, re
further use of the Town Hall by the Orono Youth Theatre.-
Referred to Clerk tO,have agreem~nt prepare~.
43. Department of Highwaysre Township of Clarke purchase of
Front End Loader.-Filed. . . ,
44. Department of Highway@ re~own.hip of Clarke,contract.re
Dust..Laying.-Filed. '
45. Department of Highways re Branch Memorandum 0~-11-11-Excess
Loading of ~otor Vehicles.-Filed. ,
46. Copy letter from D~part~e~t of Highways ~tario to J. W.
Sbone, Reevef re Ratepay~rs Meet.ing.-FiJ,ed,.
~~." Department ofl!ighwaysre aclvanc.e payment, of .l!H.1.bsidy.-Filed.
~ Canadian Tran~ort Commissa on I'e ,Tow~s~p ~Qadlevel
crossing, mile Z~1..60 r<;~ngston SUbd.,. LCNR and mile 15Z. 90
Belleville Subd., CPR.-Piled.
t ~ ~'"- .. ~ ... t'" ~ .. t '-
49. Miss Lallie Stewart conveying thanks t.o the -R.Qad. Dapartment
for exc~llent,service~ during wi~ter.-Piled. ,.
50. Cana~iian 'tr,ansportCommission r,e G.ro~sing, lIIicleage 160.46
BellevVle Subd., Third Con. Road, Twp. of Clarke, Ont..
CP.-Tabled. '
51. Department of Transpo,rtation apd ~ommimications reo Jfighway
No. Z - Newtonville - Miss A. G. Nesbitt.-Referred to
t . r.esolution'. ... t
,2. Department of Highways r"e W.P" 831-70-01, Intersect.ion. of
Hi~hway 35 & J,15with Township Road between Lpts Z4 & Z5, Con.
7, at_Kirby, tlistrict 7, Port Hope.-Piled. .
53. . Russeli C. Honey, Q.C., M.P.LJiouse of COllllllons, re Canadian
Transport.. ~OJ)l!D-~s~iS>n and Newtonville Grade Se:paration. -Filed.
54. Copy letter from E. R. Lovekin !;o Beaudoin, Pepper. & Van Camp
re Wotten anfl. Township of Clarke,-Filed. .
55. Blake, Cassels & Graydon le~ter addressed to-Reeve John Stone
re insurance claim - Mr. C. G1bson~ Lot 19, Con. 4.~Referred
.t~ Cler~ to answer Blake, Cassels ~ Graydon that letter is
being r~ferred to Millson Insurance .Agency. ,
56. .Depart.~nt of Highways re Subsidy on fipe.-FiJ,ed..
It was moved by P. A. Gray,.seconded by E. C. Copping that
delegations bt:! heard.. ,
Messrs. C. Wt:!stgate and J. .McMullan met with Council with regard
~o~ClarketFishi~g.and Conservation Club andcorrespondeDce under
Item3? and 33. ,This bus~ness WaS tabled. 't.o next Council meeting.
Mrs. H. l!. Barlo"," and Mr. 1!.0yFor,re.ster representing Orono
Youth Theatre,.appea~d at Council wit~ r~gardto the,T4eatre and
correspondence under Item 42. Clerk WAS instructed-to have an
a~eement,prepared between CorpQrationandOr~o Youth Thea~re.
Messrs. Whitmee & Diony.ssiou &Rpeareq at Couacil.meeting with
regard to correspondence under Item:26 re applicatioIl fqr amendment
to Zoning By-law. Mr. H. R. BesG .was ,aalled in to explain Planning
Board's deCisiQn. Messrs. Whitmee & Dionyssiou, were adviseq to
attend next ~laIp1ingBqal!'4 Il!-eet-\ng. . '
Mr. Don Pollock met ,with Cquncil with regard.t~ moving a trailer
from Zegil's trailer camp to,pro~rty Qf S, Ball. This matGer
was tabled to the next .Council meet~ng after ~"~. Best was called
in to explain the relevant By-laws. . . .
.Mr .~:l.te appeared at Council meet~II,g wi1rh regard to corr.esp-
ondence under Item 6. This matte~ was referred tQ M.. L., Ross and
tabled awaiting his reply. . i
The :t:ollowing resolutiops wer,ft R/lBl!\ed:
R....ol"tion No. R?:Moved by RobertG.Chate.r,seconded byP.A.Gray:
This Council hereby approve of ~he remedial measures proposed
by the Department of Transportati.-on and ,Communications, with regard
. to ,Highway 1\0. 2 - Ne~onvilleand MUs A. G. ..Nesbitt's property
.ent~ance. Ca,r.ried. , " " . ' ,
RA=lution No_ B8:Mo;ved by W.R.Carveth, ,seconded, by. E.C.~opping:
This Council her.eby accept the tender of W. G. Kelly
Construction Limited, P ~O. Box 47 , Se.br,ingville, .Ontari.o, in. the
~otal tender amount of $7,791.50,. for the construction of Sawyer's
Roaa CulvlK't, Contraot No. Wl056, TownahicP ofClar.l(~. subjec::t to the
approval of the Depa~tment .Qf Transportation and Communicat~on.Carried.
. Rasal ut.i.... Ho .t'~~hMoved 1;>y E.C.Copping,secGlnd..d byF .A,GJ:'.aya
. On.t~1II recommendation,of the .Aud:l,tor, WaJ.t.er Pope,
COUlloiJ. hel"eby write-off taxes againat the.Clarke Public
Library for 1970, Roll No. 9-070, in the amount of,
. $36$.1.3. "Carr ied . . .
Ra....1..!:.i.... No.QOaMoved byE.C.Qopping, seconded by F.A,Gr",ya
This Council hereby recognize "~enior,Citizens Week"
June aOooz6, 1971" as set out by the Province ofOntario,Carl"ied.
Reo^lutionHo.Ql:Moved byF.A,Gray,seconded by E.C.Coppinga
This Council hereby certify that ByooLaw No. 1694 is
within a aunicipality not affected by an official' plan at
this time'. Carried. .
ILuolut.ion No.Q2:Moved by Robe~tG.Chater,seo~mded byW,R.Carveth:
.. .
This Council accept., with regret, the resignat~n,of, . ,
Mrs. JOi:tn Mi,tchdl as bookkeeper, UQf July lQ,1971.Carried.
ReAolut.ion Ho.Q~:Moved by E.C.Copping,&.econded by~.A.Gray:
" This- Council ,hereby hire Joan Beattie.~wtonvi11e If,R.l
. a.s,.ooo,kkeeper ata sali:try,of $70.00 per week to begin", ,
.dutiel3 on June 14, 1971, for a probation periop. of Et mont'h(l.
Carr~d. " .
lO....olution No.ql..:Moved by F.A.Gray,secondedbyRobertG.Chater:.
R.sol ve that the.. folloldng employees rebei vethe 'following
salarc7 and wage increases retroactive 'to January., 1, 1971:
H.DeW:ith - $1,000.00 per year-increasing salar~,to $9750.00
Mrs.D.:Stark-$290.00 per year increasing salary to $5900.00, .
H. R. Best-ia75.00 per year increasing salary to i5735.00 Carried.
Re....., utin.. NQ_q<; :Moved by E.C.Copping,seconded,byW .R.Carveth:
, ResQlvethat. the Road Superintendent" M.L.Ross, receive
the following salary increase effective as of January l~
1971~ "$1,000.00 per year, thereby increaaingthe annua~
salal'yto $9750.00 suoject tp the approval of the'1le.partinent
of Transportation and Communication. Carried.
Resolut.ion No.q6:Moved by ,Robert G.Chater,seconded,byl'.A..Graya
This Council hereby authorize the Clerk to have the office
of the Building Inspector remodelled' as per the .proposed
recommendation giiren to the Finance COllll.llittee at. an .esti1ll8.ted
cost9f $460.00. '. Carried. '" ' ' . " ,
R....altdrin.. No <;l?:Moved by RobertG.Chater'~seconded by F,.A.Gr,llY;
. Res~ve that the follOWing Pay Voucher,s be and ,are herebY
au...thoriised fo"r payment by the Signing Officers of tlUs
Cou.ncil: ,'.., '.
General Voucher 15 for May in the amount, of $2,9,929.72
Road, VlIIucher 15 for May in the amount of $41,754.25 '
Orono Police Village Voucher #5 for May in t~e amount
of' $6.,0$0.90 Carried. . . '
The tOllowing By-law was given first rea~ing on motion'
by W. R. Car~th~ seconded by E.C.Copping: ,
: Thee following By-Law was given second,readin~on motion."
by R. G. Chat..:r, .seconded by F .A~Gra.y.:-
The following By-Law was given.third reading pn motion
by R. G. Chatel', seconded by E.C.Copping::
Bv,....t.aw:-tlB__: "'706
, 'A By.Law cfthe Township' of Clarke. regarding the
maintenance, management" regulation) ~ontrol and totking
,over of ill certain cemetery.
WHEREAS the former Presbyterian Cemetery in, the hamlet
of ...wtonirille in the Townahip has beenu.nused for, over
thirty years, and is nowiu a poor state of repair, and
can be considered abandoned;
AND WHEREAS the Newtonville cQngregation of the ~resbyterian
Churc. in Canada was at itsreques.t diss.ed on theJ.,;3th
day c;rr:$eptember, 1955a.nd the church abutting tlle c8Dletery
is no longer an existi~ congregation of Presbyterian Church
in Canada! .
AND'lIIHJUl.&AS extenaive discussionsha.ve been carried on
with The Department of 1'inancia~ and CoI!u\lercial Af:fai~s
Ce~teries Branch and Measrs. Cassel&j B,rock. Barristers
and. Solicitors, of Toronto who act. for, Presbyterian Chur~!i.~ ".
in Cahild.a; ,h
Pac. It
Regular Meet;ing of Co~cil~ $, 1971 continued a .
q .,
Page 5
Regular Meeting of. Council June 8, 1971, c~ntinued:
'AND WHEREAS Presbyterian Ch\l1"OR in Canada,has. Agreed t-o._pay
the Township the sum of $2,105.72 which :funds are::fundsheld as
a result of the sa~e of the church buildi~g proper.but are being
treated as cemetery trust funds; -
AND WHEREAS following extensive negotiations bet-ween.the
Corporation of the Township of Gla:-ke and the;Trustee-Board.of
the Presbyterian Church in Canada through their Solicitors it
has been agreed' that upon payment of the sum mentioned-above
the 1?ownship.w:l:ll assume the :lands described fu11y in.Appendix
"A" to this By"Law under their power to assume abandoned cemeteries _
with the necessary approval by provincial authorities;' ..,
AND WHEREAS the said cemetery has been commonly .referred
to as Newtonville P:-esbyter:l:an Cemetery and i9part of Lot 8,
Concession 2;
BE .:r.T THEREFORE ENACTED b-y the Municipal Council of the
TownS'hip of Clarke that: . ., .
1. ~he Cemetery henin described in Appendix "A" hereto attached
shall, according to the provi&ions of The Cemeteries Act, R.S.O.
1960, Chapter 47, be taken over by the eaid Township of Clarke.
ti.;L AND -SINGULAR that certain par.cel or tract :of.J.and 4l1d prE>>llises
situate1:ying and being in the Township of. Clarke in the County
of Durham an4 Province of Ontario being composed of part of Lot
Number Eight (8) .in the Second Concellsion of. the. Township o:f .
C1ark~ said parcel or tract being more part~lllarXy described
as follows; .. .
PREMISING that the bearing of the. westerly limit of sUdLQ.t. $
is Northl6 degrees Wes~ and all bearings. herein being related
COMMENCING at a point in the westerly. limit of the sa;i.d -Lot in
line with a :fence running easterly; said point being distant
North 16 degrees West in said limit 70Q~eet 2 inches from the
south westerly angle pf the. said Lot; .
THENCE North 74 degrees ID minutes East in and along said fence
265 feet 10 inches. to its intersection with a fence running
northerly and southerly, said intersection being the PLACE OF
BEGINNING of the parcel hereinafter described; .
~HENCE North 18 degrees 9 minutes West in and along the satd.
fence a distance of 29 feet 3 inches to an angle in the same.
THENCE North 74 degrees 50 minutes East in and along fence 132
feet to an angle in the said fence;
THENCE south 16. degrees 22 minutes East in and along fence a
distance of 205 feet 9 inches to a point in the southerly limit
of the said parcelJ
THENCE South 74 degrees 50 minutes West 1~3 feet. to a.point in
the line of an old fence running northerly and southerly there-
THENCE Northerly 176 feet 6 inches to the place of beginning;
TOGETHER WITH A RIGHT-OF-WAY over the lands and. premises more
particularly described as follows:'
ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land.. and .
premises situate lying and being in the Township Of.c:J,.a,rk~iB
the County of Durham and Province of .Ontario being compesed of'
part of Lot Number Eight (8l in the Second Concession of the
said Township of Clarke said parcel or tract. being more particularly
described as f'ollows:-
PREMISING that the bearing of the westerly limit of sa~d Lot 8
is North 16 degrees West and all bearings herein being related
thereto; c
THEN COMMEN€ING at a point in the westerly limit of. the sa,id
Lot in line with a fence runninK easterly, said point being
distant North 16 degrees West in said limit 700 feet 2 inches
from the' south westerly angle of the said Lot; ~
THENCE North 74 degrees 10 minutes East in and along ~aid ~
fence 265 f'eet 10 inches to. its intersection with..a fence
running northerly and southerly; .
THENCE North 18 degrees 09 minutes. Bast in and along fence 29 reet
~3~"hGs t'O an angle in' same. -. ,~
THEHCE North 74 degrees 50 minutes East in and along fence J3Z
f'eet to an angle in same; 0
THENCE South 16 degrees Z2 minutes East in and along fence a distance
f 303 feet 6 inches to its intersection with the existing north limit
~f a street or road known as Church Street, said. intersection being THE
PLAeE OF BEGINNING of the parcel hereafter descr~bed;
".~_ .I '
Page 6
~egular Meeting q~ Council June 8, 1971, continued:
THENCE North 16 degrees 22 minutes West 97 feet 9 inches to
~ . . ,
a point; ". ,
THENct South 74 degrees 50 minutes West 12 feet to a.point;.
THENCE Souj;;h ),6 ,degrees za ;l{Iinutes I:;ast to a point. in the
northerly limit o~ Ch~rc;h .Stre~t; . . . .
THENCE East along the northerly limit of Church Street 12
~eet more or less to the place o~ beginning~
Re"oh,tion No.q~:MQved by l'I.a.Carveth,seconded by. :R.obertG.Chater:
. ... This CoUncil' hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday
July 6, 1971, at 10 a.m. in the Council Chamber at Orono or
otherWise~i S~eCial meeting at the call o~.the Reeve. Carried.
-p~',. ,. ,O/WAL
Cl'erk' " Reeve/"
Friday, June II, 1971 'a~ 7 y.m. .
Council Ch:amber, OronQ.
Present: Reeve John W. Stone
. Deputy Reeve W. R. Carveth
Councillor F. A. Gr~y ,
Councillor R. G. Chater
"Councillor E. C. topping
Clerk H. DeWith
'Special meet,1ng o~ Council was called by the Re.eve ,to
cons~der the' following business: . .
.. . "'.' ,. t, . . " -
1. . Horace Best re resignation as Building Inspector, By-~w
En~orcement O~ficer and Zoning Administrator of the
Township of Clarke.-Referred to resolution. . ,
The following resol1ltion was passed: .
Resolution No. q9.: Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded by F.A.Gray:
This Council hereby accept, . with regret, the resignation
o~ Horace Best' as Building Inspector, By~Law Enforcement
O~~i6er and Zoning administrator of the Municipality as 'of,
July 12, 1971. Carried..
... . -.', ,
It'was moved by R. G. Chater, seconded by F. ,Il.. Gray that
this m~e~ina b~ adjourned at 8 p.m. Carried.
~~:~,~" ,', ' '. ,
-=~ '/J~~~~
C~&rk , Reeve ,tI .
Mo.nday, JunE! 21, 19T!- 'at 7:}0 p.m.
. Council Chamber, Orono.
Present: Reeve John 1'1. Stone
Deputy Reeve W. R. Carveth
Councillor F. A. Gray
Councillor R. G. Chater
Councillor E. C. Copping.
Clerk H. DeWith "
- .' ..' {
Special meeting of Council was calls4 by the lieeve
to consider the ~ollowing business: l. .
1. Reeve,~p'uty ~eve and Councillors discu~sedin a .
.com,mittee meeting of the Councillor,s the.~es,ignation
of ~ora-ce Best as Bu~'ld~gIl1spector, By-Law EnforCement,
OffiCer and Zoningadmi~~8tr~tor as Qf J~ly l~, 1971.
",At 8:15p.m. Reeve John W,.Stone called in the m~eting
the'Clerk H. DeWith ~ in,struct.himto advertise ~or
applications for 1<hepoaition o~ Bui,lding In8Pf!Qtor,
By-~w Enforcement O~ficer and ,Zoning AQmini8trator.
The,:Collo..,ing resolution Was passed: .".. .
Re~olution NoX~Movedby W.R.Carveth, secol1de~ byR.G.Chater:
. . This Council heI'e,by i.n&tru~t theCle.rk to !ldxertis~ ~or.
appliC~ions for ,the position o~ Building Ins~ectior" ~oni~
Administrator and By-Law E~orcement Officer of th~.Munic~pality
,t9 be,received on or bafore,JulY 5, 197~. .
Successful ap~ieant to commence duties o~ or be~oreJulY'"
9.' . . . ,." f,.. """'.
11::, 1971.