HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/04/1971
Present I Reeve J. W. Stone
Deputy Reeve 'd. :R. Carveth
Councillor R. G. Chater
Councillor F. A. Gray ~
Councillor E. C. Copping
Clerk H. DeWith
Minutes 'of Regular Council Meeting of April b, 1971,
Special Budget Meeting of April 12, 1971, Special Meetings
of April 20 and April 29, 1971, were .ac;lopted as printed on
motion by F.. A... Gray, secc:ulded by R. G... Chater. Carried.
The following correspondence was :read out by the Reeve)
Nancy Knox, Secr~tart, Burham Co~ty Jun~o~ Farmers,
re receipt of donation to their club.~Filed.
Minutes of Committee of Adjustment dated April 5, 1971.-Filed.
3~~Dep~rtment.ofEnergy'and Resources M4nagement re inspection
of disposal site located in L~t~~, .Co~cession 3..~T~bled.
Walter J. Hale, Hales Disposals, re application for township
waste disposal as business'b~o~~forward frQm April 6,
1971.wIt was moved by W. R. Ca~ve~h, seconde~.by R. G. Chater,
that Council offer M.r. Hale J35.Q.0 ..QO. ~abled. ,
Bernard J. Kamin, Mosp'<>r~ PlI,rk Limited re in'{itation to
race on 13th June, 1971.-Referred.to C~erk. ,
Mr. B. Samuel, Chairman, ~ono Youth Theatr.e,request for
specifiC days to use :t~e Townehip ~all.~Referred.to,Cl~erk.
,E.. .H. Samuel,. ,Cilai.rman Qf ,the. Board, O.rono Youth Theatre
request to use the Township Rallfor th~presentati~n ~f
small performances,~rom June 15 to .August 30, 1971 as ?uSineSs
brought forward from. Apri;L 6, 1971..wFj.led.
Mrs. Ellen M. Yeo, Secretary-Trea.sUr~r, COlllltlittee of ..
Adjustment, Townsh;!.p of, Saa!,~, {or ~.. RichardI.o.vekin,
Chairman, r~ application 1~$e-71, Will~PerryI~in ~
Etta Irwin.-Referrl'd~o ~he. PJ.~ing Board. .
W. K. Lycett re ApPlicahon f~r~u:oning from Mr. ,!lnd ~s.
William P. Irwj.n. -~ferred to. th~ PJann~~ Board. .."
.10....s... G. Gray, A~tingC~erk-'J:re"!lUJ'er, Vil1~ ot: Newca!'tle
re Application to t.he Ontario ~ici~l Board to!, appr?val
of Land Use By~laws.~Filed. ,~" ~
Thursday, April 29, 1971, at_ 7 p.m.
Council Chamber, Orono.
..... . .
Present: Reeve~. W. Stohe .
Deputy Reeve W. R. Carveth
Councillor R. G. Chater
CounCillor F. A. Gray
Cound.llor E". C. Copping
Engineer D.H.O.,Dow~sview, H. Smith
Clerk H. DeW1th
Special meeting of Council Was called by Reeve Stone
to consider the following business:
Road closing of intersection o~ Highway 35/115 with
Township Road between Lots Z4.and 25; Concession 7 at
Kirby, District 7, Port Hope. Mr;'H~ Sl!Iith,'P.E.,'.
Department of Highways, Functional Planning Sect~on,
Central Region, Downsview 46~, Ontario, m~t with Council
.to discuss the hazards of th~ ~bove interaect!onand .
Couneil and Mr. Smith came to the decision not to close
the said road but to reconstruct the ~n~ersection. .
12 petitioners interested in the proposed road
closing were also present. Mr. H. Smith told the Council
that he was not in a position to discuss this matter
with the petitioners. Any discussions should be referred
to Mr. D. P. Collins, P.E., Port Hope.' ReeveJ.W. Stone
explained the results of the meeting to the petitioners.
.ee"\:t,o:;;i .t~45 p.a.
~. . . ~<JA\'-4~D~
Clerk Re~{f . ". . :
TlJE.sDal, May~, 1971, at.lO.a.m.
Council Chamber, Drono.
. ....- - ~.~.
Page 2
Regular Meeting of Council May 4, 1971, continued.
: 0:.. l:, ......
11. Clarke Public Library re renovation to library in
. Tewnsai~Building in lieu of'rent for the year 1970.-Filed.
12. Department of Municipal Affairs re Clarke Planning BOard .
. -Filed. .
13. United Counties of Northumberland and Duthamre'Provincial-
MunicipaiEmployment Incentive Program-1971.-Filed. .
14. Ontario Water Resources CCllIIIlIission--l"eWel1.St.tistics.-Filed.
15. T4ti#en Sima. Hubicki copy letter to E. R. Woodtard.Police'.
Trustee Board reestimated cost of proposed second.w.ll
ia.Orone.-Referred to Resolution.
16. . E.1U"ohard Lovekinre Prine... Si;reet Deeding.-Fned~
17. hpartment of Agriculture and Foed. .re Warble Fly .
Control Act forms.-Piled.
18. ~caJii DevelQpments Limited. re Police V:tllage .o';f OrODO,
Ontario Water Resources C_issioD and 83 houaing
'subdivision on Taunton Road as business brought ~orward
:f"rom.6 AprU '1971. -Filed.. .
19. Memori-al HOffpital1970 Annual Report.-Filed.
20. Copy letter< trom .Horace R. Belt re Parcel of land 200' x150"
part of Lot 29, .Concession'6 .and road allowance.-Referred
. .to.Road Superintenderit.. . . .
21. Bureau .Qr Munici~l Reaearch subacription request. -Filed.
22. Russell C. Honey, !l.C. M.P. 1"8 Canadian Transport
Commission as bUiliness- brCilttght forwa:rdfrom April 6, 1971.-
Filed. :
C~uncil recessed for lunch at ~2 noon aDd re.~dses.ion.
at 1.)0 p.m.
M. L. kiNs appeared at Council meeting to discuss road
department business and apen tenders.
:rhe blove welcomed Teacaer D. Moffat and 25 e:hild1"8n from.
the Orono Public School. who. attended Council meeting ~uring the
afternQon.as oeser vel's" < <
!i&. J~ek layer appeared at Council meeting to !ii.CU88 duage
on his proPerty in Lot 32, Con. 9. . <
23. Horaee R. Beat, Secretary-Treasurer, C~ke Planning'Board
: reApplication No.. 70-6"Ma.ple. waf Drum R coitditi'OMra Co.-
FUea.... .. e ,
24. Lake'Ontario Regional Development Council r~ invitation
~ Fifteenth Anniversary Confer.nce..Fi1ed~
25. Haliburton, Kawarthil,PiD.e Ridge District Health Unit
rejlort for March 1971. -FUed. '. . :
26. BureaU. of~Municipal Reseai-ea re invitations to COUncil
to attena& one-day Seminar Saturday, May 15~ 1971 at the
City a&1l, Oskawa.-Piled. '
Z7. Sandler, Gordon &- Gleiberman 1"8 Clarke Fish and Consei-vation
ClUb ,Lot <32 " Con. 7. -:tiled. '. --'. . - .
2e. The Consl11ilers' Gas Company're magazine on airpollution.-Piled.
Z9. . Canada. 1lepartment (;If Agr:rculture Trad.e Memorandum re
registration status ~'Pest Control Product. Cantaining
2,4,5~T. -Referred to the Road Superintend.ent. v . '
30. cl)jjpar-tment af Mun'icipal Mf<<irs reProvincia1:'.Mlomicipal
hpl.oyment Incentive protr_and Federal"PrQvinc:tal
Spec'ial Development LoansProgram.-Fileci. .
.3J:. . Dep&",mentof Municipal Affairs reFederal-Provincial
Mu1Ueipal.. Spec ialDevelopment Loan-a Program. -Fileci.
32. Aas_ia;tion of Ontario Mayors and Reey,.. re Proposed
principl..s . of the Ama.lsamatianofThe i.s.ociation of
Ontario Mayor. and Reeves and the Ontario MuniC":ipal
u_cia:tlon.-Filed. < :
.3.3. R. E. Sims)... Eng., Executive Administrator,.O.A'.P.A.D.S.
reamendment of the study program.-Filed.
34. OMA<lIclnute leg.islative bu.lletin re 1971 budget for .
OntariO. -Filed. . .
35. City of St. CathariMs reque8tIng our endorsement to their
. relilol\ltion re regional goyer_eat. -Referred to Clerk- -for -,
resolution to. endorse. - ., ,.
36. E. RiehardLovekin re ,Taxi BY.law JOM -BIWBberga'&a .buaine..
brought'rorward from April 6, 1971.-Referrea to H~ R. Beat.
37. . 3am.sFeilders reque8t.forBy.law go__ing Food. Vending
Vehicles a8 bU8ineS8 brought forward from April 6, 1971.-
Referred. to By-Law.
3$. H. E. Millaon re Insuranu quotation on 17 July 1970 ancl _
our billing for photostating Wawanesa Policy Jlo.S9764.-Fil~!;_,
Page 3
Regular Meeting'o~ CounCil'MaY4~ 1971, continued:
lfr. John DreWnaik re ~ence" daiaage elaim. ;"Re~eM'edt9 ~ lload
Superintendent.' , , '
40. ' 'Departmento~ agricUlture re damage claims due, to rQ~ds:ide
spray. -Filed. " ' l, ,
41. -,' DePartment of'Uighways re: COIlDll1.U1iclltions Equipment Purchases
_ by'MuniciPa:l1ties.-Filed. ,',",',",," ,- ,
'42., ,- 'Department o~ Highways 're Teiide~. ~o~ ~Truclc &-Fro~t~~nd:
-. toader;-Filed: ... , -, ",' ~ _ ..
, Depar~merit o~ -H:i.ghwa~s _ r~.T~eh~p "of' 'C+a~k. ,CoJl,t~et re
Crushing &-Deliveri~Gravel~dSereen~~ ~d.-filed. ,
Copy letter tromStrt~e-~-Strike~t~'Mr. R~ Foster re .
Maluske arid TOwnship o~ Clarke.-Fi1ed. .'
Copy letter ~rom E. -ll., Lovekin :toStiJ;"i~e 1t,Il4 ~tr~ke ,re ,
~ownshi~, o~ elarke and Malu~~e~~~iled. " '
Mr. G. A. w..nless re ~enee da.mag~, elaim.-Referred to Clerk.
Copy letter ~rom Beaudoili, I"e'pper r,. ,Van CaJIlp to E. JU,-clwrd
Lovekin re Wott.en and Township of Clar~e. -:rileq. ,
GoPY,' lette'I"~r()1R 'E. -a:~Love~int_o Beaudoin,rep~r: &-,Van.
'Camp .r,e ,Wottenand Township of. ~J,~ke_...-F,iled.
E. ItichardLovekin re Township .o.fCla,!:"}te and Maltlllke as
buAi~ess brol1(ht ~o~rci ~r~om .wrll 6, ,1971.-Filed.
Copy letter from ~ ~_ R.o Love}t;l}1 tP.,13tr,ike ,~ S~ikere
Township o~ Clar!(e and Malu..Jte, -Fileq.
Thll f'ollowing resolutions were passeci: .
Raaol:ut.inn Nq 6q;Mov.ed by E.C.CoppiD6, ..ee~nded. by F.A.(2raYJ.
This Council hereby accept the tender of' Durham,F<U"me1"~
County Co-operative in the amount of' j3E>96.00 ~~r~e~Oin.g ,
materials; subjectto'the approval of the Depart~ntof Highways~ Carried.
RAAolll~ion N9.?O:Moved by W.a:Carveth,seeonaeq,by RQoert G.Chater:
_- This Council hereby a~cept the tender C)~, lllunicipal c
Spraying and Oiling Company, Rexdale, Ontar~p, ~or.tbe supply
and ..haulingc and application af u/JI!!d oil at the prie.epf .0,135;
per gallon, subject to the approyal.of.tl,1~ Department of
Highways. Carried. " _- . . .
R....~ ~ ,to i on,a; ?l dlllvedby 'W,~ R. (:arveth~iM~on4ed (by E.C; Coppiflg:
This Council~hereby accept the lowest tender bei~ that
of BquipmentSales and, Seryice LiJ!1it~at t.bet.ender pric~, Qf
$18,585:00 for a Four' Wheel Drive l"~ont Enc:l Loader subject to
the approval o~the Department Oriiiih.~s:. ea.rri~d; , " ,
R..olution 1(p.?2IMoved by W.R.Caz:veth,~con<!.ed:by RobertG.Chater:.
This Council hereby.authorbe, the, ~eve ,and Clerk to
.sip an Offer~,To sell;, be\ween Ru~sell '~bs~e -and EVa Ma;l1;!.s~e
and the Corporation of tneTownship t!f' C:la~e4llted (APril~Z..
19.71. Carril?d. . ". , .. , '
haohition No.?~:Moved by F.A.Grll.y',~ecoAd,ed .by.E'tc::..COPpi~'
" _ This .Council hereby authorize the ReeVe and Clerk, to
sign an Offer To S811between Mal:"Y H. Mi!.rvin and Jero_ Mi!.l:"vin
and the Corporat:j,on of the T,ownsh:l,p of ,Clarke dated April. .
17, 1971. Carrie,d. " . .', -, -- "
a...olution No.?!...Moved by RobertG.Chat.er,~eeond.edby W.R.Ca~eth:
._ " L _. ," _ __"_
This Council ~reby ~uthorize ~he Reeve and Clerk to sign
an Offer To Sell between Prairie ,Autolllobile Transport 'Ltd., a.n.ci
the Corporat.ion o~ .the Township o-f CJ,arke ciatedAPrii ~O, 1971. ~ried.
R....oltJtiop..~_?<;:Jol.oved by ~.C.Copping.... s,ec,Q-!ldEldbyF.~.GN.Y:
Thi,a, .c:ouncil he.reby authorize the Ree.yec and Clerk,to. filip"
an Of reI" T,Q Sellbet~n William Henry N;xon and Helen Viola
Nixon and the C.orporatilon of the Township o~ Cla.rke. Carried..
haol uti 01'1 !io .?b:Moved by W .R.Carveth,secoJl!l.ed by-~obertG.Chater:
, . T~i!,.. ~o~c+-.l~ herel:lY authorJ,.u ~!le Rel've &Pc!. ~lerk t-,o "
sign an O~f'er To Sell. betwe8~ the>Corpora:tlon o-f the Township
o~ Clarke and the Departmento~ f'u.blic Works for all ri,ght,
title, and interest in the travelled road eonsi'ting of 1.397
acres as set out in Plan No.634-11zL and desipa,t"d.alil Part 1.
and part; i::, pe~ng- Part of LOt- 10,' Ccmgessiol1' VI,' i~ the,' Township
of Clarke, County of Durham. Carried. ,__' ,
RaAnlllt i on No. ??:Moved. bY~QbertG.Cha1;.,r, 8econd~d" by ;F. A, G.:ray.!
Th:1.& Council. hereby-ij,ccept ,and' end.orli!ethe Po:!,ice .'
Village otOrono Resoluti.on No.n-~4c;la1;.ed April .l4,!97~. Car~ied.
Page ...
Regular MeetiJig or Council May.... 1971continuecl:
R....dll1tion lio.?B:Moved byE.C.CoppiIlg.seconded bit.A.~ay:
This Council hereby authorize the Treasurer to write-'of'f .
1-0...3 10.00
1-050 15.00 .
1-0'56-01 15.00
1-173 5.00
1-~~4 5.00
1"~39 5.00
~-06~ 10.00
IG-l~l < 5'.00
~-loO 5.00
;:;-;;:14'"10 5.00'
3-033-()l 5.00
.3-~~9 5.00
3-1::40 5.00
3-1G90 '::0.00
4""075 "5.00
5"'039 10.00
5-078 10.00
5-1::~6 5.00
5-~61 5.00
5-336 5.00
6-191 5.00
704()30 '10.00
7-066 10.00
7-:1.31 5.00'
8"OQ~ 5.00
8-:171 < 5.00
8-173 5:00
9-060 5. bb
10-005 . 5.00
10-010. ".00
. 11G15.00 Carried.
Rssolution No.?q:Moved 'by R~ber~G.Chater.aecondsd by W.R.c&rveth:
That the Clerk-Treasurer be authorized to attend the
annual Clerks and Treasurers Convention at. Dela.'wana IDn;'
Hone1H~bour during June 1971, and all reasonable expenses
paid. 'Carried.' .' '<. ..
RAgoJution No.~:Moved by E.C.Copping.second.ed by F;A;J;rai=' .
That this Council authorize the pa~ntof' I~o.oo -
1971 _mbership f'ees. for. tke Clerk-Treasurer. to the.
ASsociation of MUnicipal Clerks and Treasur&rs of' On~ario.
Carried. .
Basoluhion >>o.R]:Moved by W.R.Carveth.seconded byRobertG~Chater:
This Council authorize .the Road SuPerintendent to. call
tenders f'or a culvert on Lot <::8-<::9. Con. '? Sawyer Rd.. Carried.
Ra...l~t.,."..lfo.B':Moved by E.C.Copping. seconded by P.A.Gray:
This.CQuncll hereby auth"'.e the Road Superintendent
to pav.'~he parking lot east. of' the Township,Hall as soon as
pos.ibl.~ Carried. -, <
R....olat;~..~ Jl".B"hMovedby F,.a.Gray.secomled by E.C.Copping:
Thi8CQucll herebY resolve that in lieu of' reimb\irs..nt
:from /;;ouneuto the Clarke. Library Board for remo<ielling of the
room previously known as ,the Library. the ren,tal of $700tO,O
due frGm <the Library to the' Council from Janu.a.ry 1 to augu.t 1.
1970 sb.ill be considered as being pa;id inf'ull. Carri.d.
~...l lit. i 01\ ~ c Bl..sMovedby V1.R .'Carveth, seeemled <by RObertG. Chater:
T~is<C9ucil'hereby endorSe the follriing resolution'as
approved by the Cou.ncil of the City of St. ~at~r;iI1" 01'1
April 13th, 1971: . HWHEREAS a form of' regional.gQvei'~.~t wu
established inthe~Niagara ar.ae~f'.ctiTe January lat1970j
AID' 1IIIIRl!~AS the regional structure appea.r'- to have: cei"tain
basic f'ault.. which make it intlff'icient and impi"actic-al .tnd,
in implementatioI;l,. has resulted in inequalities. duplication
and I'apidly increlj,sing .costs; , . -
aNDWIiEREAS the Provincial Gov.rlUllent has incUcated: its
intention to establish forms of' regionai goverlUllent in other .
areaS of' the province and' this Council is gravely concerned.
believing that this action is premature, having parti~ular regard
,. , ".. ,', " "
to the ract that regional government qas not ,prove.. tn...t it ean
work effieiently. economically and benefiCially) ,
the following dog tax
Peter Franchi
E. G. Hay
Jim Szelvasi
Robert D. Elliott
Ross Swales
John Veldhuis
Dennis Mullen
Gordon .1(;. Stade
Robert Watson
Jas~ O'NliI!ll
Garnett Dwetta
\lftn. , Burns
Deiter Schaef'fer
W. B. Archibald
DonAld Webster
Dirk Woudstra
Paul Benn'tt '
lvison Tamblyn <
Joseph HeY-les
\lftn. Watson
David We.t
\11m. BUll
Alexander Joncas
'Jolui. Oc4eJi
St.arling Swerdfiger
L. Farrow
~J"ay Alldread
-Jllij"... Jean Atkins
wm.:- Jl.rD1strong
r -
Page 5
Regular Meeting of .Council May 4, 1971 continue~.
: t. ~ - "
NOW THUEFORE BE IT RE/:iOLVEDthat the COl\l1cil of the City
of St. Catlra:rines hereby 'petitions 'the government' of the .
Province of Ontario to withhold t~e implementation of regional
government in other areas until the r~g10nar structures
that exist in Niagara and other parts_ of Ontario have undergone
a critical and detailed enmination, .~o provide essential' ,
information to assist in the' plannin&. of future local govern~
ment reform; ,
AND FURTHER that a copy of thiS'resolution be forwarded
to the Honourable William G. Davis, 'Prime Minister of Ontario;
to the Honourable Dalton J1:. Bales,' Mj,p.ister of Municipal
affairs; to the Honourable'Robert S. ~elch, Minister of
Education; Mr. Robert M. JOhnston~ M;f~P.; Mr. RobertNi~on;
Mr. Stephen Lewis, and also the C9unc~ls of all regional .
municipalities in Ontario a.nd to the Councils of other"
incorporated municipalities in Ontari91 and to the ASsociation
of Ontario Mayors and Reeves." Carried;
R.....olut.ion No_~".Moved by E.C.COpping; 'secon~ed by F..a.Gray. '
Resolve that the fOllOWing Pay Vguchers be and are hereby
authorized for payment by the Signiu,!L Officers of this Council:
General Voucher 14 for aprilin the lllJ!ount of $"4,699.14
Road Voucher 14 for April in the amow.lt of $13,115.72-
Orono Police Village Vouch~r 14 for April in the amount of
#",708.46. Carr:ie~. '. . .
R.....ollltion No,86:Moved by W.R.Carveth~ seconded by RobertG.Cfulter.
This Council hereby adjourn to ~et again on Tuesday,
June 8,1971, at 10 a.m. in the Counc~l Chamber at Orono or ,
otherwise :in spec:ial meetiIlg at the 0411 of the Reeve'. Carr:ied.
It was moved by F. A. 'Gray, secol.lded by Robert G. Chater
to open the tenders for the followingl
Four Wheel Drive Front End Loadel:
Supply, Haul and Application of_used oil
Fencing materials _
The follOwing by~laws~re read a f:irst time on motion'
by F. a. Gray, seconded by'W.R. Carveth: ,
The'tollowingby-1aws were read a secon~. t'imeon motion
by E. C: Copping, secon~e~ by Robert G. Chater. .
The< following by-laws were re'ad a third time and finally
passed on motion by F. A. Gray, se'conde~ by Vi ..R. Car.veth.
~-L.r.,,:_~o_ l?Gh " . "
1\ By-2aw to license, regulat'e'ahd governlawkers and' pedhrs.
WHEREaS The Munic:ipal act provides no license shall be
required. for hawking, peddling or' selling ~ods, wares or
merchandise; ,
(a.) to wholesale or retail dealers in similar goods,
.at-es or merchandise,' or ' , . :" "
_ (b) :if the goods, wares or_lIIlilrchandise are grown~
produCed or manufactured' in Ontar:io and are hawked,
'peddled 0.1' sold by the grower;~producer or'manu~acturer
or his agent or employee havi~ written authority'so to
do, in the municipality in which the grower, producer or
manufacturer resides" or '. ".
te) . if'the goo.ds, wares'or mer6handise are-grow.n 01'""'-
produqed by a 'farmer resident in Ontario who of'fers
for aale or sells only the produce of'his own far., or
(d) if' the goo~s, wares or merchandise are hawked,
peddled or sold by a person who pays business "tax in-the
lI1lllii~ipaHty;or by his employee, or by hi~agent, or
le) if the goOds, 'wates or mer6hand:ise ari~1tked, --
peddled or sold by an agent of the growet', producer or
manufacturer, acting on behalf ofa deal,r~who pays
business tax :in: the municipality in respect,.ofpremises
lisedfor the sale of such goods, wares or merchandise.
(f) by persons who sell milfor cream or fluid milk
'products to the consumer - or to any person for resale.
AND "\1IHEREa.I 'a license issued w;der this bt-lawshall be
valid only from the date of its issue until December 31st
of the year of its issue; .' , .
AND WHEREAS :in a prosecution for a breaqh .of this by-law
the cinus o.f proving that he does' not fOr .AJ'ly"of the reasons
mentioned in paragraph 1 'above, requireto~eI1censed, shall
be "upo.n the pers~n_ charged,
Page 6
Regular Meeti~ o~ Council May 4. 1971 continued:
..ND WHEREaS the licensee s1\all at all t1me.. while carrying
on his business have his license with him and snail upon
demand exhibit it to any muniOipal or peace otficef, and i~ "
he ~ails to do so shall. u.nless the same"ilS account..a for
satisfactorily, incur a penalty o~ not less than $1.00 or
more than $5.00; , , -
~ aND WHEREaS if a peace of~icer demands the productfon
, of a license by any person to whom this by-laW applies and~the
, demand is not complied with, it shall be the duty o~ the
peace officer and he shall have the power to arrest such
person witho,u.t a warrant and to take him before' the neai-est 0 -
justice of~he peace, there to b~ dealt with 4ccordfng~to law;
THEREFOaE the Council o~ the 'C()r~Cf1'ation of the TOWllShip
1. That every person who goes from place to pl.c~ or to a
partictl.lar. 'place with goods, wares or merchand.ise 'for sale
within 'the 'Township o~ Clarke, or who carries and exposes
samples, p~tterns or specimens o~ goods, wares ,or merchandise
which ~s td be delivered in the municipality afterwards,
shall gbtai~ a license for so doing ~rom the Clerk.
2. That the respective license ~ee for a license issued
under this By-law is hereby established and set forth in'
Sched.~e ~^U ~ttached hereto, and no license shall ~e issu.ed
, unless, 'and" 'IUltil the proper ~ee has been paid.
3. any perllon who contravenes any provision of this By-law
. shall upon conviction be liable to a penalty not exceeding
$100.00 recoverable under The ~ummary Convictions Act.
SCHEDULE ...... TO BY-LAW NO. 1704
, It, l" :
The License Fees are $35.00, ~or non-residents
, , . '$lO.t>O,' for residents
t Bv-Law NOA
Being 'a
du.ring the
year 1971.
waEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of
Clarke has in accordance with ,the Municipa~ Act considered
the -estilllates 'csf' the municipaJ.it-yand of, the Boarcls and
" Commissions of the municipalitTand it is necessary that the
following sums be raised by means of taxation for, the year 1971.
Executive &- Legilia.ati\Ve .5-,0,50.00
AdmiiListrative Z3,~00.00
Committee of .a.djustment 7,0.00.00
Other General Goverml1ent 5,000.00
Convention&.Delegation ~penses255.00
Clarke Planning Board 12,500.00
Claro ~re=&t-i.n <Colllillittee 550.00
Clarke Publie:1.ibnry , .6,1$1.00
Clarke c.....to.ry,.Eoard, 1, 500 .00
Fire Protection - Shared Operating 17,715.00
,. Direct- Township Cost 2,600.00
Deatruetion of Pests-Warble Fly 1.300.00
Other Protection, Livestock ~Doga 600.00
Public Works:
M.W.A.P. '1 Loan
< M.W.A.P.- lliI. LGan,
Regular Twp. No. 1701
Ragular O.P.V. No. 1701
Noa Subsidised eXpenditures
Sanitation -Garbage Expense ,
Building ~napector&Zo~ng&-Adminiatrato~Salary
Direct Welfare
Recreation &- Co~ity Services (Twp.Hall)
Sundry Grant ' ,
Dog Pouncl & Dogcatcher
Debt Charges~PrinCipal Memorial Hospital
-Interest Memorial Hospital
Interest and Bank ChArges
Discount for Taxes
Taxes Written Of~
. y~law to adopt the estimates of all sums required
ye&r and to str:ike the rates of taxation for the,
3,085.01 -
, 7,600;,00
_ ;.\,696.77
Page 7
Regular Meeting af Cauncil May 4, 1971 centinued:
Capital Ex~enditure from Revenue:
Fire Truck & Radio. - Shared
Central Lake Ontario. Autherity
Reserve - Replacement af :Equipment
- Warking Fund
Previncia1 Subsidies
. PublicWorks~Regular Twp. No.1710
-Regular 0.P.V.Ne.1710
Warble Fly
Federal Grant Past Office
Licences & Permits Trailers
Plumbing & Sewage Permits
Building ~ermits
Cemmittee af Adjustmen~
Dog Tai'
Interest, Tax penalties
Rents, Twp. 'Hall .
Planning Baard
. 500.00
2Ao 00 .
.214,630 . 00
Tot;ll !II
-~nA""~ ,
Pnbl-i~ Wn-rkA
Expenditure Applied en General,
and Public Werks
Deduct Revenue applied en _
Federal and Public Werks
456,'143. ZZ
AN)) WRJRtAStheAssessment RaIl made .in 1970 and 1,1pen which the 1971
taxes are to. be levied and was finally revised by the. GrantafRevisian;
AN:!) ~IlEAS the a.DlOunt of ASl!IJI,Ssment enti:tled to. benefit, hereinafter
referred. to. aa residential and.. farm, and the _eunt a~ asaesSlll8nt net
entitled to. benefit, hereinafter 1lllf'errecl to. aSC911Q11ercial and business
freJll Unconditienal ~ants in a.ccordancew1th Sectioll ~9j;.and 297 ef' the
. Municipal Act, is as fallews:
Asses~ent entitled to. Benefit
. (~sidential and Farm)
. Mlle.sment nat entitled to. Benef'it
. (Cpmmercial and Business)
. ANpWHEREAS the estimated ameunt ef'
127,546.75 which is the equivalent af'
~nti~led to. Benefit;
. ~D WHEREAS the Assessment ef each of' the AAdies J:pr Jfhj,Ch ~t is
necel!sary to. levy rates is as f'ellows: Residential ~ommercial
~ &- Fa-rm . r... Bua;nt=!!:Rs
Nertpumberland&Durham Beard af c ..
. Edupation - Elementary ." 4,036,.n9.QO. 1,002,940.00 5,041.219.00
Peterbereugh-VidD.~ Narthumber-
. land &Durham Reman Cathelic
Separate Schaal Baard
Narthumberland &DurPam Beard af'
Educatian-Secondary 4,151,239.00 1,002,9#0.00, 4,154,179.00
THEREFORE the.Co~cil af the Carperatian af' the Townshipef Clarke
enacts as fallows: , ' .
1. That the above,estimates be adopted and levied. therefore in the
manner.as set ou~ hereinafter and there shall be levied and cellected
upon, the assessable lands, buildings and busines.8es within ~he,
Cerporatien af the Township ef'Clarke the fOllOWing. mille rates far
the y~ar 1971:
the Uncanditiona~~~t .is
6.636 Dlille on th~_ Asses,sJllent
. n2;960.~o.o
Page 8
Regular Meeting of Council May 4. 1971 continued:
~.Township Residential & Farming
3.Township O.P.V.Commercial
4.Township B.P.V.Residential
& Farming
Counties Rates
Education: Northumberland &
Durham County Board of Educat-
ion and P.terborough~Victoria
Northumberland & DUrham Roman
Catholic Separate School Board
Elementary~ Commercial ~.~93;98
- Resiaentia1&Farm ls1.c64.80
- Residential&Farm
Clarke Section ,0::
, , Port HoP.
Secondary . . C01lIlIleraial
Ganaraska.Auth'Grity ,
Durham Federation '
Police Vi1lag. o~ Orono '
-Commercial 3,969.38 2~S..Q98.00,. 17.634
-Rellidential&Farm ' '1?,04Z.,43 681;:.910",.00 17.:634
O.M.W.S. Frbntage&Cbnnection 9,411.40 --- --.
Police' Vill~of, Orono- , '
-Traffic Control 4,ib6.84 ~08,ooe..9Q ;4.~
Street Lighting-Ne"tonville '<;:Sl..71 , l?~..3aO.oo ,'1.460
-Xehdal 'i76~.74 '. 56,2.95.00-' 3.144
Line Fence Act ,126.00 . .-'" ---
Local ImprovftJllent 1369 ' '194.70' ..... .--
Farm Tile~~inate-J.Barnoski 505.49 ---' ' , ---
. , & . Barnoski - . " 73.97 --- ---
F.Obrist 1'23.29 ' --- ........
'!I.Gibson '5.39.15 -....... ' -....
, R. A.Morrow ::3;aU.55 ...--' " ---
Total Tax Rdl.197l 72fh'1+b-.61 " ,
2. The taxes shall'become due and ptyableon'the 30th day of June' 1971
but may be paid in ~ equal instalments on the 30th day of JUIllt 1,971 and
the 30th day of November 1971 provided that upon failure tamake' payment
of one or all instalments.the whole ahall become due, anel. payable forthwith.
3. There shall'be imposed a penalty for, non-payment of,taxeAl on d,ue date
or any instalment thereof, the amount' of '1:(" (If the amoUnt due, and unpaid
on the first day of'default, and ~' lldl:litional ~nalty ~fl% "hall be'
added on the first day of each calendar month there.fte):> in which default
continues, but not after the end of the year in, which. t,be taXes 'are' levied.
4. There shall be allowed a di.<;ou.n1;~of Z-i% on, the third in.'ta~t
only if paid on or before JUne 30. 1971.. ' . '_
5. The colle~tori. herePT authoriled:to.ail or ~ause to be'mailed the
notice of taxes due t.othe'addre... ofthe);"ellid~rice or place of bu.iness
of the person to whom such notice is required t.o b. given, _
6. All current. t.axes, shall be paid into'thebranch off'i~es'o!"the
Canadian ImPerial a&nk of' Commerce' at ,GroDo and Newcastle. (All tax
arrears shall. be paid into tne office af the TreasUrer at orono.)
7. Where at.enant. of laIid owned by the ~rownor in,whie:hthe Cr~ has
an interest, haa been'employed either'within or outside the,municipality
by the same emploler.for not less than 30 days.s~4h,.ployer ,~ba11 pay
over to the .collecter tin demand out of' any wac... . salary. or other' . ,
remunerat.ion due to aucnemployee the amount ~hen payable'fortaxe$ under
this by-law and such payment ahall relieve the employer, from any
liability to the' em:\?loyee 'for the Qount' pdd. _ ' , , "
8. The cohct.erand t.reasure.r are ,hereby empoWered t.o.'a.cceptpa.rt
payments from,tiJi..e to .tim~ on ac couIlt ' of_any', tax.. d.~:' ,",
9. This by\"law,.hl!,ll come into force and eUect., upCinthe . date of
the final reading thereof. .
Meeting adjour~e~ - see Resolution No. 86.
$ .38,828..32
':3.4&4.96 ;
37.715.71 '
2,984..30 '
* 777.8~.00
, 6$'0;:.910.QO
.- -'
4.3;!',OO .
'4;151.299;00. '
5.1S"l+. 179. 00
11(":1 11 Rajl1ul
, 40.953
.~ "~'/W~~
RSevetf . ,,' , '