HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/29/1971 (Special) Present I Reeve J. W. Stone Deputy Reeve 'd. :R. Carveth Councillor R. G. Chater Councillor F. A. Gray ~ Councillor E. C. Copping Clerk H. DeWith Minutes 'of Regular Council Meeting of April b, 1971, Special Budget Meeting of April 12, 1971, Special Meetings of April 20 and April 29, 1971, were .ac;lopted as printed on motion by F.. A... Gray, secc:ulded by R. G... Chater. Carried. The following correspondence was :read out by the Reeve) Nancy Knox, Secr~tart, Burham Co~ty Jun~o~ Farmers, re receipt of donation to their club.~Filed. Minutes of Committee of Adjustment dated April 5, 1971.-Filed. 3~~Dep~rtment.ofEnergy'and Resources M4nagement re inspection of disposal site located in L~t~~, .Co~cession 3..~T~bled. Walter J. Hale, Hales Disposals, re application for township waste disposal as business'b~o~~forward frQm April 6, 1971.wIt was moved by W. R. Ca~ve~h, seconde~.by R. G. Chater, that Council offer M.r. Hale J35.Q.0 ..QO. ~abled. , Bernard J. Kamin, Mosp'<>r~ PlI,rk Limited re in'{itation to race on 13th June, 1971.-Referred.to C~erk. , Mr. B. Samuel, Chairman, ~ono Youth Theatr.e,request for specifiC days to use :t~e Townehip ~all.~Referred.to,Cl~erk. ,E.. .H. Samuel,. ,Cilai.rman Qf ,the. Board, O.rono Youth Theatre request to use the Township Rallfor th~presentati~n ~f small performances,~rom June 15 to .August 30, 1971 as ?uSineSs brought forward from. Apri;L 6, 1971..wFj.led. Mrs. Ellen M. Yeo, Secretary-Trea.sUr~r, COlllltlittee of .. Adjustment, Townsh;!.p of, Saa!,~, {or ~.. RichardI.o.vekin, Chairman, r~ application 1~$e-71, Will~PerryI~in ~ Etta Irwin.-Referrl'd~o ~he. PJ.~ing Board. . W. K. Lycett re ApPlicahon f~r~u:oning from Mr. ,!lnd ~s. William P. Irwj.n. -~ferred to. th~ PJann~~ Board. .." .10....s... G. Gray, A~tingC~erk-'J:re"!lUJ'er, Vil1~ ot: Newca!'tle re Application to t.he Ontario ~ici~l Board to!, appr?val of Land Use By~laws.~Filed. ,~" ~ $. 9. SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL or' THE TOWNSHIP OF cLARlCE Thursday, April 29, 1971, at_ 7 p.m. Council Chamber, Orono. ..... . . Present: Reeve~. W. Stohe . Deputy Reeve W. R. Carveth Councillor R. G. Chater CounCillor F. A. Gray Cound.llor E". C. Copping Engineer D.H.O.,Dow~sview, H. Smith Clerk H. DeW1th Special meeting of Council Was called by Reeve Stone to consider the following business: Road closing of intersection o~ Highway 35/115 with Township Road between Lots Z4.and 25; Concession 7 at Kirby, District 7, Port Hope. Mr;'H~ Sl!Iith,'P.E.,'. Department of Highways, Functional Planning Sect~on, Central Region, Downsview 46~, Ontario, m~t with Council .to discuss the hazards of th~ ~bove interaect!onand . Couneil and Mr. Smith came to the decision not to close the said road but to reconstruct the ~n~ersection. . 12 petitioners interested in the proposed road closing were also present. Mr. H. Smith told the Council that he was not in a position to discuss this matter with the petitioners. Any discussions should be referred to Mr. D. P. Collins, P.E., Port Hope.' ReeveJ.W. Stone explained the results of the meeting to the petitioners. .ee"\:t,o:;;i .t~45 p.a. ~. . . ~<JA\'-4~D~ Clerk Re~{f . ". . : REGULAR. MEETING OF T$ COUNCIL OF ThE TO'dNSHIP OF CLARKE TlJE.sDal, May~, 1971, at.lO.a.m. Council Chamber, Drono. . - 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. A., y~' ~. . ....- - ~.~.