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Tuesday, April 6, 1971, at 10 a.m.
Council ChamDer,~Orono.
Pre.entaReeve J. W. Stone
Deputy Reeve W. R. Carveth
Councillor R. G. Chater
Councillor F. A. 'Gray
Councillor E. C. Copping
Clerk H. DeWith' .
Minutes of regular meetings dated March 12 and 129 and
special meetings dated March 10 and 29, 1971 were adopted as
printed on motion by R.G. Chater, seconded by E. C. Copping,
Carried, with the following change made in the minutes of the
special meeting dated March 129, 1971: .
'All other employees, after working for 1 year, will
receive~O~an hour, etfective April 1; 1971' is hereby changed
to read 'All other"empioyees, after working for 1 year, will
rece-! ve 2.9' an hour, increase. ' ". .
The ~ollowingcorrespondence was read out by the Reeve:
1. . ~inutes ur"the'eommittee otAdJustment dated March $,
Z. Minutes of special meeting of Clarke Planning Board
dated March 10, 1971 and regular meeting dated March
~e, 1971.-Filed.
Walter Pope, Auditor, Georgetown, met with. Council and
pr.esented the Audit Report for 1970~ He explained the report
by stating that the financial position of the Township was
excellent but the Orono Police Village was in poor shape and
would have to cut down their expenditures for the next ~ years
to meet the payments on their outstanding loans. Mr. Pope
also stated that the Orono Police Village should pay interest
on the Orono Police Village defictt carried by the Township.
Messrs. E. R. Woodyard and R. C. Forrester were also present
at Council meeting and the Treasurer explained. to them. that
the Orono Police Village Road Budget for 1971 was reduced from
$11,450.00 to $11,100.00 due to a decrease in subSidy from the
Department of Highways.. ~
3. United "CQunties of Northumberland and Durham, Clerk '.s
Office, ~e 1971 levy.-Filed.
4. ~orthumberland and Durham County Board of Education
letters dated March 112, .1~7l ~ March 16, 1971 re
1971 levy.-Filed.
5. Mrs. Alice Chater, Secretary., Cemetery Board of the
Township of Clarke, requisi~on for 1971.-Filed.
6. Municipal Planning Consultants Co. Ltd. reproposed
Official Plan, Township of Clarke.-Filed.
7. Orono . Chamber of Commerce request to appoint one
member o~Council as a repreaeneative to the executive
of the Chamber for the year 1971.-Referred to the Clerk
to notify. the Chamber that Re_ J. W. Stone be
e. . Hales Disposals, Walter J~ Hale, re application for
township waste disposal as business brought forward
. from March Z,.1971.-Tabled.
9. E. Richard. Lovekin, B.A., LL.B., re Road~Lot 6, Con. 6-
Little~-Referr.d to accounts.
10. llailway Transport C~itt.ee,Cana.dianTransport
CommiSSion re Crossing, mileage 160-46 Belleville
Subdivision, Third ConcessioD Road. Townuip of Clarke,
Ontario, CPl.-Referred to the Road and Bridge Committee.
11. Ontario Department of Highwa~s re memorandum for
Municipal Clerk re report of expenditure and subsidy
for the year 1970.-Filed.
112. Railway.Transport COIIIlIIittee, Canadian.Transport
Commission re Crossing mile 160-46 Belleville Subd.,
Third Cone. Road, Twp. of Clarke, Ontario, ..... business-
brought forward from March 2, 1971.-Filed.
Council adjourned for lunch at 12J15 on motion by R. G.
Chater, seconded by W. R. Carv.th and resumed session at 1:30.
Page 2
Regular Me~ting of Council April 6, 1971, continued:
Delegations were heard on motion by R. G. Chater,seconded
by F. A. Gray. ,. , ,_ c '. .
Mr. Walter Hale appeared at Council meeting to discuss
the Provisional Certificate of Approval for a Waste Disposal
Site on his property at ~ot 12, Con. 3. and correspondence
under Item $. . .
Mrs. Barlow, Mrs. Sawyer and Mr. E. Samuel representizig
The Orono Youth Theatre, met with CQuncil to request ..the .
use of the Township Hall and correSpji)MenCe under Item 27.
13. Copy letter from G. P. Miller, Canadian Pacific to C. W.
Rump,_Railway Transport Commi~tee, re File No.. 26727.703
. Crossing, mileage 160:fii; Belleville Sub., Township. of .
Clarke as business brought forwar~ from' March 2,1971.-
Filed. .. . .
'--. . '- -..
14. Railway Tr.ansport Committee," Canadian'fransportCommission,
re TQwnship'Road level crossing, mile 2$1.60 Kingston .
Subd., CNR and,Mile iS2.90, Belleville Subd.,CPa.-Filed.
IS. E. Richard Lovekin re Xownship of Clarke an.v~uske as
business brought. forwara from March 2, 1971.';'Tabled.
16. Copy letter from E. R. Lovekin to Honey, Brooks &
Harrison, Barristers & Solicitors; re-proposed Road
Closing between Lots 34'& 35 in the Township of C+arke.-Filed.
17. Department'of Highways re,Surface Treatment Seminar.-
Refe~rea to the Road and Bridge Committee.
1$. Department of " Highways re, g-r~vel Purchal!le.-filed.
19.' M. L. Ross, Road Supt. request for salaryincrease.-Referred
to the Road and Bridge Committee.
20. ' Department of Highways re Road Superintendent By-Law
Number 1692 repealin~By-~ NUmber 163l.-Filed.
21. Department of Highways re:toWnship of Clarke ~y-Law
Number 1693.-Filed. .'
22. ' E. Richard Lovekin Re Clarke Township purchase from
Montreal Trust Company.-Piied. " ,
23. Copy letter from E. R. Lovekin to Mr. Arnot R. Wotten
re Wotten arid Township Of Clarke.-Piled.
24. . Police Village of Orono Resoiutionllo. 71;"21 dated
Ma'rch 22, 1971 re C!-ppointment o:f Mr.C. J. Watson as
a Dog Control' Officer.-Piled. , .
2S. Department of Treasury and Economics re The Municipal
Works Assistance Act Debenture 1>10. 1 '- 149,124.$6 .
By-Law)l'o. ~SlS - Loan' ~. 'llia..-Filed. ",'
26. Department of Highways re W.P. $3l-70-01, Intersection
of Highway 3S/11S with Township Road between Lots 24 &
2S; Con. l' at Kirby, District '7, Port Hope as business
brought to~ward from March 2, 1971.-Referred to
resolution.: " .. ,
27. E. H. Samuel, Chairman of the Board, Orono Youth Theatre
request to use the Townabl.p Hall for the presentation
of small pertormances from June IS to August 30, 1971.-
. -. ..... . {. .- .
%abled. " .
. 28: );>011ce Trustee' Board of the Village of Orono"re their
resolut,ions 71-12, 71-13,.71;-14 re Ro~d Budget, Fire
Budget and request to ~8tab1ish ~ spec~al rate tor
Trattic Control as business brought torward from March
2, i971.-Filed. ..'..,. .' ... .
29. Hydrology Consultants Limited re Waltte Management Act,
1970.-1lef'erred a copy to each council member.
30. W. Kay Lyeett ietters date4 March 16 and April I, 1971
re Application for Re-Zoning Parts of' Lot 29, Con. 2,
Clarke.-Referredto Planning Board. ." .
3i. Village of' Newcastle re'Mr. Blumberg's application
for ,renewal of' taxi licence in Newcastle.-Reterred a,
copy to By-Law Inspector.
32. Russell C. Honey, I.!.C. M.P. re Canadian Transport
COmDdssion. -Tabled. .
33. E. Rich~rd Lovekin re Taxi By-law John Blumbergs.-Tabled.
~4. Winnif'red McKay re part Lots 9 and 10, Concession S,
request for rezoning to R-l Residential.-Ref'erred to 'the
Planning Board.
Page 3
Regular Meeting of Council ,6 April 1971, continued:
Municipal 'Planning Consultants Co. Ltd., re Official
Plan, Township of Clarke.-Filed.
Hamiltons Insurance Service re affiliation of Mr.
James H. Hare with Hamiltons Insurance'Service and
moving to Main St-ree-t Of "Orono.-Filed.
Application for Amendment to Zoning By-Law ~o. 1592
by E. A. Timoll.-Referred to the Planning Board.
Co-ordinatedArts Services re Lottery for Performing
Arts Organizations..Filed.
Department of Municipal Affai-rs~opy letters to
M.D.-Brown dated'March 25 and April 5, 1971.~Filed.
James Feilders request for ~-;'law governing Food .
Vending Vehicles.-Tabled.
Kiwanis Club o:f ,Belleville Incorporated re QUinte
Area Police-Community RelationsSeminar.-Filed.
Beeas Developments Limited rePoliee Village of Orono,
Ontari~'Water Resources Commission and 83 houslng
sub4ivision on Taunton Road.-Tabled.
43. . Canadian National Railways re copies of Plan S:07673
dated 17 February 71 re Glovers Road, mileage 281~6o,'
Kingston Subdivision.-Filed.
M. L. Ross attended at Council meeting to discuss
certain matters pertaining to the Road Department.
The following'resoiutions were passed:
Resolutien No_-~Q:Moved byW.R.Carveth,seconded by RobertG.Chater:
-This"Council hereby accept the Audit Report for the
year 1970 as presented by Walter Pope, Auditor, Georgetown,
for the Township of Clarke. Carried.
Resolution Ho" 6e.Moved by E.C.Copping,seconded byW.R~Carveth:
This Council authorize M. L. koss, Road Superillte~d~nth
to call tenders for a truck and front end 10ader.~~~t~Cot~~igh~a;~~r~~~~i~a.
R....olution No_ 61 :Moved by F.A.Gray,seconded by E.C.~Op);hngt .
Resolve that the Township of'Clarke"change to Daylight
Saving Time -to be effective on April: 24, 1971. Carried. '
Re..olution No. 62~Moved'by W.R;Carveth;seconded by BebertG.Chater:
The Reeve -and -Clerk are hereby authorized to sign, on'
behalf of the Township, 6 copies of Plan SD 7673 aated 17
February 71 showing proposed'crossi~protection, Glovers
Road, mileage 281.60, Kingston Subclivision. Carried.
a...... 1 uti on .No_ 6'!:Mcived -by F.A.Gray,'seconded by E.C.Copping:
In accordance with ey-.Law "Ho. 1561;' a by-l'aw regarcling
the appointment of the 'Clarke .Planning Board being a board "
with jurisdiction over the Clarke P~anning Area, this Council
hereby appoint the following persona~ an additio" to
Resolution No. 5 dated~anuary 5, 1971, item 4:
4. Mr. Edward R. Woodyard who shall hold of'f'ice until
the 1st day of January 1972. .
on the recommendation of the Police Village of' Orono" in their
re.~lutiorr N9.71-17 dated March 5,1971. 'Carried.
ll.....ollltinn No. 6L.:Moved by Robert G. Chater,seconded by F.A.Gray:
The Clerk and Reeve are hereby authorized to sign an
Agreement between Mr. and Mrs-: A.' Ri"tchie and the Corporation
of the Township of Clarke. Carried.
Resolut;nn No_ 6~:Moved by E.C.Copping,seeonded by F.A.Gray:
This Council concur with the petitionor J.E~Carscadden
and 3' other signed petitioners re proposed closing to
through traffic of the Clarke Township road, between-Lot 24
and 25 of'the 7th Concession :from County Road 9 to Hwy. '
115 &'35. Carried. . -
Resolution No.66:Mov~ by RobertG.Chater.seconded 1:iy F.A,Gray:
Resolve that the following Pay Vouchers be and are .
hereby authorizei-for payment by the Signing Officers of
this Council: ,"
General Voucher #3 for Marchin'the amount of' $103,77.3.42
Road Voucher #3 for March in the amount'of $21;030.69
Orono Police Village Voucher "'3 for March in the amount '
of $1,827.12. Carried.
Page 4
Regular Meeting 'of Council 6 April 1971; continued:
, -
The follow1ng By-Law-was rltad a first time on motion
by R.G. Cha~er, seconded by E. C. Copping:
The following By-Law was read a secoad t.ime on motion
by W. R. Carveth, seconded by F: A: Gray:
The following By-Law was read' a'third time, on !Rotion
by W. R. Carveth, seconded by E. C. Copping:
Bv-Law Va. l?Q] . .
Being a By-Law to toepeal By-Lawlfo: 1702 respecting
the 1971 expenditures on roads in the Township of Clarke.
WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the ~ownship
of Clarke, after due deliberation, have deemed it
expedient t" repeal By-Law No. 1702; _
NOW THEREFORE BE rt ENACTED By the Council of the
Corporation df ~he Township of 'Clarke: '
1. TliAT 'By-Law No. 1702 be and the sue is h~r.by repealed.
R....olution No. {j.?:Moved by W.R:.Carveth,seconded by RobertG.Chater:
This Council hereby adjourn to meet again qn Tuesday.
May 4. 1971, at 10 a.m. in the Council Chamber at Orono
or otherwise in special meeting at the call of the R~eve.
Carried. I
, 'Ree~
April 12. 1971, at~.JQ.~m.
Council Chamber, . Orono.
Present:Reeve J. W. Stone
Deputy Reeve W. R. Carveth
Councillor R.' G. Chater
Councillor F. A. Gray
Councillor,E. C. Copping <
Clelrk H. DeWith "
Special meeting of Council was-called by the Reeve
to consider the following business:
The follOWing resolution was passed:
R..olutionNo.6B:Moved by Robert G.Chater,.econded by
This Council hereby accept the Budget for the year
as presented by the Treasurer. Carried.
~eting adjourned at e o'clock.
G:::::. . .
< '
; .. jk ,)I:";. j
Reeye r' . ~ v.
< Tuesday; April 20" 1971', 'at 7:30 'p.m:. ,
. ' c. :.. Council Chamber, Grono:_-
, Presenut- Reeve J. 'W. <Ston*' ' :c. . ,v, c,
Beputy Reeve W., 'R'o Carveth' <
Councillor R. G. -cbater
. Counc.H'lor 'F. A.' Gray "
Councillor i>..C. Copping'
Road Superintendent. M. 1;'.. lWss.
Clerk H.~DeWith'" -, J
Special.eeting c)t Council wa.8 'CatJ.led ,by" -tihe- Reeve-
t-o-'C01lsichir the I''Ollowing 1ll.l.ltineas: .:. , , , . "
It- wd '1i1oveU bT II.' G. Chahr," seeondedby .W.R,.Car....th
to open tenders: . . .
1. Equipm"nt Sal.s and Service Ltd.,
1030 M,art:ln Roaa:, Rexdlll.le, Ont.
Fedquid Incorporated - ,
123 Eaatside Brive, hront'O, Ont.
3. " Crothers' Ltd. ,- .
One Crothers Drivej-Teronto,' Onto
Capital C.nstruct~.n ~uipm~' Ltd.
2 Itoya:l Cr.st Road, R.exdale 610-, ~nt.
Wabc,o Equ-ipment Ltd." BG'1 3$-,: Paris:, Onto Wabco.Sceop mobile
Trotter InduSctriallquipment Ltd. J ehn . Deere
Box 523, Peterborough, Onto
Meeting ad Gurned at 9:30..
~ ,
. Hoagh'