HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/29/1971 (Special)
Monday, .March ~9, 1971 .at 7:30 p.m.
. Councij. ChaJllber, Oro'llo. . -
Present: &eeve John W. Stone .
Deputy Reeve, W. R; Carveth
Councillor R. G. Cha~er
Council19r F. A. Gray
Councillor E. C. Copping -
Clln'k H. DeWith
Road Superintendent M. L. ROBS
Special meeting of Coun~il was called by the Reeve
to cons:id-er th-e i'oll'owing business:' -.
The follOWing 'resolutions -werec ~sl!ed:
R....olution No. -"i'hMoved by W.R.Carveth,secondecr-by E..C.Copp:ing:
"rttis Counc'il a-ceept 'the '1971 Road Erpeitdi~ure Budget-
as pt'esEmted by M. L. Ro'Ss,~ Road 'Superintementc. 'Carried.
R....ol uti on No. "ik:Movecf- by 'E.C.Copping, seconde!i' byW.R.Carveth:
Thill Councilre'qu'est the DepartmentC o~ HighWays 'of. 'Ontario
to transfer subsidy of $16,200 from Construction to Maintenance.
R.."ollltion No."i"i:Moved by RobertG.Chater,seconded by W.R.Carveth:
This Council hereby accept the tender of Robert Young
Construction, Enn'ismore, being the lowest, for crushing and'
delivering gravel, subject to the approval of the Department
of Highways. Carr-ied.-
R.."olution No."i6:Mov~ by W.R.Carveth,seconded by RobertG.Chater:
This Council hereby accept,the tender of Harnden & King
Construction,Ltd., Cobourg,' being the lowest, for the supply of Prime and
~~tre~!l.t, subject to the approval of the Department of Highways. Carried.
_ !t~ R.."olution No."i7:Moved by F.A.Gray,lIeconded by E.C.Copping:
This Council hereby accept the fellowing tenders, being
the lowest, for the supply of:
Gasoline & Diesel - Texaco ellAada Ltdq
Furnace Fuel - Orono Fuel & Lumber. Carried.
R....olution liIo.'i8:Moved by E.C.Copping;seconded by'-F.A.Gray:
This Council hereby accept the-tender of DurhaJII Farmers'
County Co-operative, being tAe lowest, for.the supply of
Snow Fence. -Carried.
The following by-laws," .were gi:ven f:1rst reading on motion
by R. G. Chater, seconded byI'. A. Gray:
The following by-l~s we~e given second reading on motion
by.. B. Carveth, seconded by,E. C. Copping:
The following by-law8were given third reading on.moticm
by W.R. Carveth, seconded by,.. G. CAater: c
By-Lllw No _ 1 701
A By-Law to provide for the 1971 expenditures on reads in
the Township of Clarke invthe County of Durham
Whereas The Qighway Improvement Act req_ires thatthe.~ota1
expenditure on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that
the by-law be submitted to the Minister otWighways for approval.
Therefore the Council of the Corporation of the said Township
enacts as follows: . .
(1) The Sum of $290,000.00 is.hereby estimated as the.
expenditure upon the construction-and-maintenance of the roads
and bridges under its jurisdiction dur~ng the year 1971 as follows:
Construction, . Maintenanee . Tot.al
$ 90,000.00 $109,000.00. $199,000..00
20,000.00 5,OOa.00 25,000.00
35,000.00 nil 35,OOO~00
,. I
Bridges & Culverts
Hew Machinery
Superintendence &
, Overhead 15,000.00 . 16{000.OO 31,000.00
Totals $160,000.00 $l~:OOO.OO $290,OOO.~0
(2) The said monies shal~ be expended under the supervision
of the duly appointed township road superintendent and on work
performed in accordancewith The Highway Improvement Act.
.. '(3) The' clerk shall transmit Triplicate. eepies of. tAis .
by-law to the district office of the Department of Highways~
Ontario, not later than March 31st of the said year.
(4) The approval of the OntadD Municipal Board shall be
obtained before any expenditure is authorized or work
commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures or
monies raised in a subsequent year.
Page 2
Special Meeting of €he Council March 29, 1971, continued:
Bv-Law :No. 1 ?02 . .
. A By-Law to provide tor the 1971 expenditures on roads
in the Township of Clarke in the County of Durham _
Whereas The Highway Improvement Act requ~res that the
total expenditure on roads be proviaea for annually by
by-law and that the by-law be submftt"ed \;0 the Minister of
Highways for approval.
Therefore the Council of the Corporation of the' said
Township enacts as follows:
(1) The sum of $290,000.00 is hereby estimated as the
expend~ture upon the construction and maintenance of the
roads and-bridges under its' jurisdiction during the year
1971 as follows: . ,
Bridges & Culverts
New Mal\:hinery
Superintendence &
Overhead 15.000~OO 16.000.00 31.000.00
Totals $133,000.00 $157,000.00 -J290,000.00
(2) The said monies shall be expended under the
supervision of the duly appointed township road superintendent
and on work performed in accordance with The.HighwayImprove-
ment Act.
(3) . The Clerk Ilhall transmi,t Triplic.ate -copies. of this
by-law to the district office of the Department of Highways,
Ontario, not later than March 31st of the said year.
(~) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall
be obtained. before any expenditure is authorized or work
commenced whi~ will be financed by the issue of debentures
or mon~es raised in a subSequent y~ar.
Mee~~~rned at e:~5 p..m. . '. ./-;-:-.
- ~ . j9~) AZI<r>A12 ,
Clerk Reev~
Monday, March 29, 1971 at e:~5 p.m.
Council Chamber, .Orono.
Present: Reeve John W. Stone
De,putyReeve W. R.. Ca,rveth
Councillor R.G. Chater
Councillor F. A... Gray. ~.
'Councillor E. C. Copping
Clerk. H. D.eWith
Regular meeting. of Council, was caJ.l.ed by the Reeve
to conaider the follOWing business:
-A delegation of Df.)(.Robertaon and Wilf J. Haddad,
reprennting the Department of Touri.. & Infor.mation,
met with Council j;o ~iscuas Mosport Par.k Ltd. aDd licences
for tent-trailer camps. .
On recO!lllllendation, of'1hl: Road and ~ridge COllDl1ittee,
the .Coullcilautl1orizeeil tne followiag wage increases:
Foreman, Grader operatprs, )(eel1anic"Truck Drivers,
~apG~ere_,employ~~ More,~han pn.,year, torece~ve
20;' an hour retroactj;veto Jpuary1,19?i..
All. ,tl1;;Mremploye.., id'ter l!(orlcinc for 1 year,' .will
reCeive 20;' aft 110ur eff.ct~YeApril 1,19(1.
:AlL _p1oyeea l"'orkiJlC'1.00 hours or more lhl.ring a 2
. , wuk period to receive time and a half.,
Meet'iag'adj...ed at 10 p.m.
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