HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/02/1971
Page 8
Regular Meeting of Council February 2, _~971~continued:
1. That that part of Lot Number 29 in the Fourth Concession
of the Township of Clarke des~ibed under Schedule "AI< in Indenture
of ConveyanQe dated the 9th day of September, 1970. from
William Perry Irwin and Etta Irwin as Grantors to the
Corporation of the Township' of Clarke, as Grantee., 'is hereby
assumed and 4edicated as a public Highway which is hereby.
named "Irwin Road" .
R"'''oll1tiO~ No h6:Mo;ved by \'l.R.Carveth,seconded by RobertG.Chater:
this Council hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday
March 2, 1971 at 10 a.m. in the CoUncil Chamber at Orono or
otherwise in special meeting at the call of the Reeve. Carried.
Tuesday. March 2, 1971 at 10 a.m.
Council Ch~ber. Orono.
Present: Reeve J. W. Stone
Deputy Reeve W. R. Carveth
Councillor R. G:. Chater
Council19r F. A. Gray
Councillor E. C. Copping
Clerk H. DeWith
Minutes of meetirgheld February 2, 1971 adopted as printed
on motion by W. R. Carveth, seconded by F. A. Gray. Carried.
. t -.
The following correspondence was read out by the Reeve:
1. Minutes of Committee of Adjustment dated February 8, 1971.
-Filed. . .
2. Minutes of Clarke Planning Board meetings dated January 21,
February 18 and February G5, 1971.-Filed.
3. Ganaraska Region Con?erv~tion Authority re Budget estimates
1971 and Clarke Townshipts share of levy.-Filed,referred to Budget.
4. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority re Budget
estimates 1971 and Clarke Township's share of levy.-filed
and referred to B~dget. .
5. Applicati9n for Cab Licence from John H. Blumb~rgs.-FiJed.
6. Hales Disposals, Walter J. Hale, re application. for ~ownship
waste disposal.-Tabled.
7. Ontario Telephone Service Commission copy letter to
Central Community Telephone Limited re approval of By-Law
No. 16$6.-Filed.
8. Continen~al Telephone Syste~ re approval of By-Law No.
16$6 by Ontario Telephone Service Commission as Order No.
9. Canadian Mental Health Association re receipt of our
donation in support of their work.-Filed.
10. The Orono Horticultural Society re receipt of township
grant.-Filed. .
11. The Salvation Army re receipt of township donation.-Filed.
11:::. St, John Ambulance receipt for township donation.-Filed.
13. The Great Pine Ridge Tourist Council receipt for 1971
membership and member certificate.-Filed.
14. Copy letter from Horace R. Best, Zon~ng administrator, to
Mr. Harold Couch, Newcastle re Waste Disposal,Site.$outh
part township Lot 16, Concession 2. 3 acres, 'To~shipof
15. Copy letter fr~m Horace R.Best. Zoning Administrator, to
Mr. W., J. Hale, R. R. 1, Orono re Waste Disposal Site
Applications. -Filed. .
16. Thank you note from Frank Gray.-Filed.: 4IIl
17. Ontario Municipal Board re By-Law Number 1694 invoice ,.,
for tar,iff fee .-Filed.
18. Petition from members of the Road Department re wage
increases.-Tabled and meeting to pe set up as S~ecial
meeting of Council.
Page ;::
Regular Meeting
of Council March ~, 1971, continued:
. '-
19. Copy letter from Russell C. Honey, Q.C., M.P.,
to Mr. Timoll ~e permit to build a camp for Mobile
Hbm~s.-Filed. ' .
;::0. Report from Northumberland and Durham County Board
of Education~-Filed. '
~l. Dep'artment of Highways re W~P. $31-70-01,Inte'rsection
of Highway 35/115 with Township Road between Lots ~4 &
~5, Con. 7 at Kirby, Dlst~ict 7, Port Hope.-Tabled.
GG. Russell C. Htmey, Q.e.', ~1.P.~ re Canadian Transport
C-ollim:ission and payment or subsidy. -FileU. '.'
G3. E. Richard Lovekih re TOWnshil' of Clarke and Maluske.-
Tabled. .
G4. Canadian Transport Commission re Cros'sing mile 160.46'"
Belleville Subd., Third ~onc. Road~ Twp. o~Clarke.-Tabled.
G5. Departmeht of Itighways re ~quipment Rental Schedule.-Filed.
~6.'Cbpy letter from G. P." Miller, Canadian:'Pacific to C; W.
Rump, Railway Transport Committee, re File No. ~67~7.703
Crossing, mileage 160.46 Belleville Sub., Township of .
Clarke.-Tabled. '
Council 'recessed for lunch at 12 noon and ~esumeQsession
atl:JO p.lli.
27. Copy letter from~ E:'R. 'Lovekin to Slake, Cassels & Graydon
re Wanless sale to the Corporation of the Township of
Clarke.-Referred to Clerk.
;::$. Department 'of. Hignways re Contract Reviews. of . Municipal
Contract s ;-Filed.
;::9. Morrison '& Richardson Ltd. re IJual'ity U:tilit'ies Ltd. J
.S-eptember 1'970 'insurance c1'afm.-Referrea. to the Clerk.
30. Ontari.o Good Roads A'ssociatfoll 're 1971 lIe..8. AnGerSOn"
Ro'ad School. -Referred to the Clerk .
31. Ontario Good Roads Association re 1971 'iT .'J.Mahony"
Road School.-Referred to the Clerk.
32. Department of Highways re Suriace'Treatment Semlnars.-Filed.
33. POlice' Tru.stee Board ,of the Village of 'orono re the'ir
res'01utions71-12 J 71-13 ,and71-14 re Road Budget..
Fire Budget~na'request to eStablish a ~pecial rate for
34.' Application ':f'roni' J. Lyall Lowery for Warble Fly" ~Iris peetor
, for 1971.-Filed. ' ~~. " L, , .
35.~ Ontario Munic.ipal Personnel Association A in'cr'eases'in
sa~aries and benefits' granted 'to municipal '~r'e fif~'teI?
-F11ed. . . .
36. The Ontario Humane' Soc iet"y reO ZooGs. -'Referred- 'to 'Clerk'''. .
37,. Department of Municipal Affairs re ':'1970 'MuniCipal 'Pinan~cial
C Statements 'and '.the Re'port 'oftne 'Auditor tllere'on.-Tabled.
3$. Requisition from Horace R. Best, Secre~ary~Treaatirer,
c, Clarke Planni.ng boara, for' I971.-Referredto finance.
39,. Nortl1umberlan'd 'aIid 'Durham Assessment' 'Of'fice I'e~.additioml
assessment and .copiesof Building Permits .~Filed. .
40. Northumberland and Durnam Department of Social Services.-
Filed. _" _
4l.Page and Kamin re by-law permitting motor raCing on
Sundays during the current year.-Filed. '
4;;:. Iiorace R. Best, Secretary-Treasurer, Clarke Planning
',Board re proposal to prepare an Official Plan. -Filed.
43. Copy letter fro~ 'Ontarlo Water ResourcesCommi~Sion'to
w. Zegil, Newcas~le Trailer Park re Township of Clarke,
Newcastle Trailer Park Water'Works.-Filed.' '
Lf4. Department of Munj:cipal'Affairs re ClarkePlarting Board,
'one member 'still tore appdinted.-Ref'erred "toCle'rk. '
It was moved by R. G. Chater, seconded by'F; A.Grayt'hat
delegations ,be heard. Carried. , . . ,
Messrs. 'J . Qchonski and M. BrOwn met withCoUIlCil to
discuss Mr. 'OchonSki'S subdi~~sidnproposed for'p~rt of Lot
;::9 Con 5 ~ " , " , ,~,,, " ., c -,
J ." r ,- ,
Mr. Maurice O'Neill appeared at Council meeting to' ,L
'request ~oil for'road past ilis 'property, Lqt' 10 '-Con.' <t .
tQ keep ,ctust ,controlled in ,1971. . ' "'" . ~. " "J'", ,
'.. M. 1:. ,Ros,! . niet 'w'ith Co-uncn t;o discuss vceI"tain rcla matters.
CoUncil congr<it~ulatedJvi. 'L. l?-oss ,on 'being elected'to th.e
Ont'arfo Good Itoads Associatron B'oaf'd: of' Direct<rs ~, ,
.. It was mo';eaby,W;"R.Carveth, 'sec'Onded by't:. C:C'opping
that rdgistratron f"'ees De paid Gfor bruC>e -HancDckt6' at-tend
T.J . Mahon!! Road School and Tor1C L.Ross to 'a:ttend C.S.
Anderson Road School.
Page 3
Regular Meeting of Council March 2, '1971', continued:
The following' 'r'esolutions' were passed:
Rp.sollltion No. L.7:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded by' E.C.Copping:
This Council hereby resolve that Resolution No". 160 dated
October 16, 1967 be and is hereby rescindad.
This Council :t'urtper resolve that the Contract for Janitor
Service of the Township'Hall' at Orono between Mr. Wayne
Kennedy for ~uilding Maintenance'Company arid this municipality
be terminated' as of April 2, 1971. tarr{ed. '"
Resolution No.L.$:Mov~' by W'.j{.t:ar\r"eth,s~conded"by E.C.CoPI:!ing: e
_ Resolve that the application of V.r. J. Lyall Lowery'for
the" position of Warble Fly Inspector for the year ~971' at"
$2.50 per hour plus 10~ per mile travelling expenses be and
is h~reby accepted as per application upon the recommendation
of J;he Property and Finance'Cominittee. 'Carried.
Rp.solutionNo.l.J.q:Moved by RobertG.Chater',seconded by F.A.Gray:
. "Rp-: "lq?r W~rhlA Flv C;:.mn,qip-n. . " .
1. . The Inspector is hereby authorized to advertise' all the
Tacts of the' 1971 campaign. '
2,. The Inspector is hereby authorized to' hire ;omeone to
spray all cattle so requested at, 25~ per' head on 'sj'nall
herds not over 10 in number and 2 for ,35~ oh all herds
~) over 10 in number. . . , .
3. "The Inspector is hereby empowered to be reSp,.?nsible for
the collections mentioned ln ~tem 2 above.
4. all spraying is to be done under the direFtion and
supervision of the Warble Fly Inspector. Carried.
Rpsnlllt.ion No.'iO:Moved by E.C.Copping,seconded byw.R,Car'veth:
" Thi's Council" hereby becomes a: member of the association
of Ontario Yayors and Reeves for the year 1971 and the
membership fee qf :tti45'. 00 be paid.
The Reeve be and is hereby authorized to attend the
me~tings of the said Association with reasonable expenses
allowed or to deegate someone to attend in his stead or
to delegate any other p?rson who ~shes t2 attend, Carried.
Rp.sol\ltion No, ')J :Moved by RobertG,Chater,seconded byF.a.Gray:
Resolve that the follOWing Pay Vouchers be and are herehy
authorized for payment by the Signing OfTicers of this Council:
'General Voucher #ii:. fOr February 1971 'in the arIl,ount of $15',710.00
Road Voucher #8 for February 1971 in the' amount' of $14,$35.70
General we~fare Voucher #3 for ~Brch 1971 {n the amount "
of $3,$60.12
Orono Police Village Voucher #ii:. for February in tbe amount
OI $1,~57.71. Carriea.
T~ follOWing by-laws were given first reading on motlon
, by r:. a. Gray~ seconded by W. R, Carveth:
'~hefollowing by-~~ws were' given, second reading on motion
by 71'1. R. Carveth, second"ed by R. G'. Chater:
, The follo~iing by-laws were given third reading on mot"ion
_ by F, A Gray" seconded by E. C, Copping': -
!3V"';LAWNo If)qq
Being a By-Law to repeal By-La~s No. 1695 and 'No. 1696
respecting 'the appointI1l.ent of a Road Superintendent, for" tbe
Township of ClarKe .
wHERt:aS the Coun'cil of the Corpor-ationof t'he Towrtshi'p
of 'Clarke-,7 after dJ-edeliberation, h"ave deemed it expe'dient
to repeal By-l:aws'~o, 1695 and No. 1696;
NOw TlfLREFOREB~ IT t:N..C'l't:D by the Council 'of the"
Corporation of the Township of Clarke:
'rH.liT tly"'Law No. 1695 a'l.d By-Law No, 1696 be and the same "are
hereby repealed.
Bv-Law No. ]"700
To declare bect ion 1 of 'l'he Lord's "Day ,"ct (Ontario) _
1960-61 as amended by The Lord's Day (qntarioY Amendment
act 196$ (No.2) to be in force in certain parts of the
Township of Clarke. " ,
The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke
enacts as follows:' "
1. (1) Section 1 of The Lord's Day act (Ontario) 1960-61
as amended by The Lord's Day act (Ontario) Ametldment Act
196$, Chapter 6$, Section 2, 'is 'hereby declared to be ~n
force from January 1, 1971, to December 31, 1971 in the
f~li~wing parts of th~ Township of Qarke, namely:
area No, 1 - MosportPark
. , -
(~) The app~icatlon of the said sectiob of the said
Act sball be limited to the respective publis:ii'>ames
or sports in the foregoing respectlve parts bf the
Township of Clarke as follows': ' .
Area No. 1 - Motor Racing
~, The public games and sports named in this By-Law shall
be subject to the following reguLat~ons and control:
(a) every such game or sport shall be conducted in an
orderly and seemly manner;
(b) no such game or sport shall be commenced before
half past. one o'clock in the afternoon.
3, That By-Law No'. 164$ be and is hereby r.epealed.
Resa' ;it'; on' No, "i<::Moved by W .R. Carveth. seconded' oy. E. C. Copping:
This Council hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday.
April 6. 1971. at 10 a.m. in the Council Chamber at Orono
,or otherWise in special meeting at the calI' of'th.eReeve.
carried'~Q.-' /J
,. ~!!!b.
. Present: Reeve J. W. Stone
,Deputy Reeve W. ,8.. Go.ne11h
Councillor R. G. Chater
Councillor F. A. Gray
Councillor E. C. Copping
Road Superintendent M. L. Ross
. . Clerk H. DeWith
Special meeting of Council was called by the. Reeve to
consider the following,business:
It was moved b~R. G. Chater~secon4ed by F. A. Gray
that tenders be ope~d. earried.~
Tenders for Crushing and.Delivering Gravel:
Harnden &- King Construction Ltd.... Cobourg
Robert Young ConstructiQn. Ennismore
Frank S. Coyle L~ted. Lakefield-
Fred Ne~son and Sons.Lt4.. Keene
Tenders for Pr1ming:
Harnden &- King Construction Ltd., Cobourg
Miller Paving Limited. P.O. Box 56. Buttonville
R. E. Law Crushed Stone Lt<i., Box 156. Port ColbQrne
Tenders for Fuel:
Murphy Oil Co. 7$ Bond St. Oshawa
OrQJlO Fuel &- LWllber Ltd.. Orono
!aperial Oil Co.,1150 Finch Ave. W. Dqwnsview
Petrofina Canada Ltd. (D. ,Ten~ant)
Texaco Canada Ltd. (B..Skelding)
Tenders for Salt:
Can. Salt Company Ltd.. Windsor 2555 Highway, 122 Mississauga
DOmtar Chemical Ltd., Postal Station "0", Toronto
T..DCiers for .Chloride: ,.
A.llted Chemical, 100 Queen.St.Toronto 1$
Tenders for Snowfence:
Ora~eville ,Farm &- Bldg. Supply Ltd.. OrangejllHle
:Durham Farmers Co-op, Orono
Meeting adjourned at 9 p.m" '
Page 4
Regular Meeting of Council March ~, 1971. continued:
Tv.esday. Mareh16. 1971 at $ p.m.
C~uncil Ch~er. Orono.
9-rx> --U l!-7/L< /
. )