HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/02/1971 (Special) Present~ Reeve J. W_ Stone Deputy Reeve,W. R. Carveth Councillor R. G. Chater Councillor E. C. Cooping Clerk oHo DeW:l.th ~,'" Minutes of meetings held Janttary 5 and January were adopted as printed on motion b~ W. R. Carveth,. by R. G. Chater. Carried. _ . The following correspondence "was read out by the Reev€!: l~ Ontario Department of Transport ~e approv~l of, By-law ' No. 1690 of the Township of Ciar~e.-Filed. '" Copy letter from E. R. Lovekin to-Municipal Planning Consultants re proposed Fishing Club, T9wuship of Cla~ke 'as business brought forward from October 21, 1970.~Filed. Roy C. Forrester, Chairman, Clarke Public Library Board request for remainder of their levy for 1970 as business \ brought forwa~d from ,!c.l:ober 6, 1970.-Filed. . 4. E'. Richard 'Lovekin letter to Sunnydene Estates Limited re completion of Road as busine~s bro~ht forward from 21 October 1970.-Filed. D~partment of Municipal Affairs re municipal Election provisions report as business brought forward from June-2, 1970.-Filed. Creighton, Drynan, Murdoch & Victor re Boisvert.-Referred ~ ~ '- .. to resolution and filed. The Muscular Dystrophy association of Canada request for donation.-Referred to resolution and fil1!ld. iN. Kay Lycett re Deed to Township of Cl'arke of Irwin Itoad- part LOot 29, Con. 4,.Clarke.-Referred to by-law arid filed. Ganaraska Regi6n.Conservation 'Authorit:)' re acquisition of_the Ball's Mill property in Baltimore.-tl1ed. 0 10. Page and Kamin re Mosport Park Limiyed as business brouggt forward from October 6, '1970_-Filect. ' 11. Copy letter frqm E. 'R~ Lovekin to Mr.. Arnot R. Wotten re,Wqtt~n and Township ,of Cl~r~e.~Filed. 12. Department of Highway~ re Ro~d.Superintendent By-Laws.- o Referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. 13. Department of Highways re 1971 Normal By-Law and Road Programme.-Referred to Road Superintendent. Council recessed for lunch at 12 noon and resumed session at 1:30. e 6. $. - 9. "') SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TbwNSHIP OF CLARKE Friday, January12, 1971 at $ p.m. Council ChamberJ Oror~~ Present: Reeve John W. Stone Deputy Ree.lTe, W. R. Carveth Councillor R. G. Chater Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor E. C. Copping Clerk H. DeWith Special me~ting of Co~ncil Was called by the Reeve to consider the folJowing busi~ess: ,_. 1 Bill Hale met with C9~ncil to discuss a waste disposa~ site. . Solicitor E. R. ~ovekin appeared at Council with regard to the Clarke Fishing & Conaervation Club and a proposed agreement and by-law. Council approved th~ Application for Cab Licence Forms, and authorized that a letter enclosing an Appl~cation Form be sent to Mr. J. Blumbergs. . The\following resolution was passed: ReSOlution No_1?:Moved by W.R.Carvethlsecond~d by RobertG.Chater: This Council hereby authorize the Clerk to transfer $3,$00.00 from the Reserve for replacement of equipment to the overexpenditure of the Road Department. Carried. Council adjourned at 10 p_m. rJ~' . Clerk. t(!!;:. rlJ~/~ Reer' REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL' OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLAaKE Tuesday, February 2, 1971 at io a.m. Council Chamber, Or ono. 12, 1971 secondEid I I I 2. 3. 5. 7. Page 2 Regular Meeting of Coun~il February 2, 1971 'continued: 14. Ontario Plann~ng Newsletters'~ated October and December 1970.. -Filed. 15. Reports of the Building Inspector for the months' of October, November and December i970.-Filed. 16. Ontario Department of Trade and' Development re 1970 Annual Industrial Directory.-Referred to the Clerk. 17. The Canadian Arthritis and Rh~umatism Society request for donation.-Filed. 1$. The Great Pine Ridge TouristCo~ncil re Canadian National Sport smen 's Show. -Copy to Chamber of Commerce.' 19. The Great Pine Ridge Tourist Council re Travel Guide 1970- Filed. 20. Lake Ontario Regional Development Council re distribution of folders at Tra~l Shows.-Filed. 21. The Ontario Building Officials Association re resolutions passed at the annual conference.-Referred to the Bb.ilding Inspector. 22. Ontario Department of Trade and Development reOntario Sales Opportunity Mission Schedule for the 1971/1972 Fiscal year.-Filed~ : 23. Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves re ihcrease in Bell Telephone rates.-Filed. 24. Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves acknowledgement to revewal of membership.-Filed. 25. Department of Municipal Affairs re 1970 Financial Statements - Surplus.-Filed. 26. Memorial Hospital re Annual Meeting.-Filed. 27. Ontario Depar~ment of Transport re Motorized Snow' Vehicles Act, 196$.-Filed. 2$. The Ontario Ass"ciation of Rural Municipalities re annual convention.-Fiied. 29. Department ef.Municipal Affairs re a study of reference plandeve3..opment-in the Counties of Peterborough, Victoria, Northumberland and Durham.-Filed. : 30. Lake Ontario Regional Development Council request for names of two appointed repres~ntatives~-Council appointed. Robert G. Chater and W. R. Carveth:-Filed. ' 31. Diamond Triangle Planning Committee meeting February 9, 1971 Coldsprings Comm~nity Hall.-Filed. 32. Report from Horace R. Best re Jdhn Blumberg and Taxi Licence.-Instruct H. R. Best to ta~e further p~oceedings. 33. Ontario Water Resources Commission re Clarke ~ownship Project' No..6-0130-64,~1971 proposed operating budget.-Filed. 34. Copy letter from'H. DeWith to the-Trustees of the'Police Village of Orono.-Filed. ..' 35. Minutes of eommitt~e of Adjustmentr dated January 11, 1971. =Filed. ' .. 36. 'Department of Municipal liffairs f'e<1970 Fat'm 1'!1x Reduction Program. -Filed.' " 37. Department oflHghways re VI.P. 831-70-01, Highway 35/115 Intersections with Township Roads at Orono, K:irby'and . .. the 8th Line.~Filed. 38. Department of Highways re Municipar'Construction Contracts. --Filed. 39. Department of Highways re subsidy on Subdivision Roads and streets under The Highway Improvement Ac~.-Filed. 40. Roy'C. Forrester, Chairman, Clarke Public <Library request for advaqce payment from 1971 budget. Payment, to be made after March 1. 41. E. Richard Lovekin letters dated January rl and February 2,1971 re sp6t zonjng amendments and The Fishing'Club' Situation Part Lot 32, -Con. 7;-Piled,"see by-laws. 42. Edward R. Woodyard, Secretary, 'PoLice Trustee Board of. the'Village of Orono enclosing resolutidn No. 71-1 appointing Roy C. Forrester, Inspecting Trustee and certified copies of By-laws Nos. 2 and 3 respecting parkirtg in the Police Village:-Filed. " It was moved by R;'G, Chater, seconded by W. R~ Carveth that delegations be heard. Carried; - - , Page 3 .;iRegular :Meeting of Coun~il Febru-ary Z, 1971 continued: e '1S ~,~ollen appeared at Co~ncil me,eting to qisquss proposed road in Lot 3, Con.. 1. This matter was :("eferred to M. L. Ross to discuss this road in the spring with Mr. Hollen, who is to build this proposed road uP,to D.H.O. standards. B. Kamin met with Council with respect to Mosport Park Limited re Stinday By-Law for. year round use and also requested permission to have a year round Heliport Licence. W. Zegil met the Council and presented a sketch plan of his trailer camp with regard to the Trailer Camp By-Law and.a letter from H. Best, By-~~w.Enforcemen~O~ficer. Council advised Mr. Zegll to present a.mo~e detailed plan showing size and dimensions of trailer coach lots. Mes~rs. R. M. .Dickson and,R. For,ester, representing th~.Clarke Library Board, pres~~t~d the 1971:b~4get to Council and also request under item 40 of correspondence. Solicitor E. R. Lovekin appe.ared at Council to present a By-Law to amend Zoning By-Law Numb~r 1653,wi~h :r:egard to Clarke Co~~ervation and Fishing Club and.correspond~nc~ under item 41 of correspondence.' . " . M. L.-Ross met with Council to open t~nders for i ton truck and to discuss other road department matters. - - - _ l,. It was moved by E. C. Copping and seconde~ by W.R. Carveth that the tenders be opened. Carried. . , " ,.TJ::e following tenders~-:ere received: 1. :Sea-:ay Motors. (1965) Limite~ 2. Bramley Motor Sales Ltd., 3. MacDonald-Ford Sales, 4. J-Mar Equipment Company, 5. Roy Nichols Motors Limited. The tender forms were referred to M. L. Ross for checking and . " then referred to resolution. The finance Committee were authorized to check into the " . <- cleaning of the office and snow removal from the sidew~lks, Wayne Kennedy to be asked to attend the March meeting of Council. It was discussed in Council meeting th~t whenth~ T~wnship require legal advice with regard to v~olations of the Townsbip by-laws, all lega~ fees in~ol~ed in said vio~ations.b~cJ::arged to the violator and further that the ~iolator be advised of same by registElred lette:r. . The following resolutions were pas~d: ResollJtiolJ ~o.17:Moved .by E.C.Copp:i.ng~s~conded by RobertG.Chater: The Council hereby accept the lowest tender being that of MacDonald Ford Sales Ltd., _Oshawa, at tende~ price of $2'730.' with t:rade-in, for toe supply of a ! ton truck subject to the approval of the Department of Highways. Carried. Resolutjon No.38:Moved by E.C.Copping,secondedbyRobertG.Chater: This Council hereby agree with the decision of the-Clarke ,Planning Board in their letter to Creighton, D;ynan, Murdoch & Victor under date of October 17, 1970, re Application by L. J. Boisvert #70-1. Carried. '. R~..ollltjcn No.1Q:Moved by. RobertG.Chater, seconded byE.C.Copping: Council hereby resolve that the Road Superintendent be authoriied to advertise for tenders for the following materials and sepvices: ~ ~,. . Q ~ .vel Crushing Hauling Pit run Priming and Surface Treatment . Snow Fence Fencing ~terials Chloride Salt for winter sanding Carried. Relsolution No./J-O:Moved by RobertG.Chater,seconded by B.C.Copping: In accordance with By-Law No. 16$8 this Council hereby make the following appointments for the year 1971: A. That W. R. Carveth be and is he~eby appointed as Chairman 9f the Road and Bridge Committee. ' B. That R. G. Chater be and is hereby appointed as Chairman of the Property and Finance Committee. . C. That W. R. Carveth be and is hereby appointed as Chairman of the Planning Committee. D. That W. R. Carveth be and is hereby appointed as Chairman of the Fire Protection Committee. The said appointments shall be effective on the passing of this resolution up to and including December 31, 1971 or until their successors shall be appointed by order-in-council. Re~ution No. ~ dated January 5, 1971 is hereby repealed. Carried. '" .e Page 4 - f~ Regular:Meeting ef Counail February 2r 19~1 continued: RAsollltion NO.hl:Moved by RobertG.Ghater,seconded by E.C~Copping: The Clerk be and is hereby-in~t~ucted to advertise in the Grono Weekly Times, the Canadian Statesman and-the Newcastle Reporter-for applications for-Warble Fly Inspector for <theyear 1971. Applications to be received on or before February 22, 1971. Applicants to state remuneration~expected. The Property and Finance Committee be and are hereby empowered to-consider and act upon the applications and finally report their recommendation to Council For the necessary-action by resOlution~at the next regular meeting of Council. Carried. RAsoluti-on.No.h2:Moved by E.C.Copping,seconded by RobertG.Chater: That Reeve J. W. Stone be and is hereby empowered.to~~ order the necessary supply of Warbicide Powder for the year 1971 from the Durham Farmersl County Co-operative. - Carrfed.- Reso~tion No.hl:Movedby E.C.Copping,seoonded by Robert@.Chater: This Go~ncilhereby-re3olve that the Muscular Dystrophy Association Of Canada'be and is hereby grven a'grant in the amOmlt. of $25.00. Carried. - <.- Resolution No.bh:Moved by'-W.R.Carveb-h,seconded by l'tobertG.Chater: The Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized t'o. complete an agreeme.ntwith Mr. Brian Gaswe1:1 i'n respect to-By-I,aw'No. 1673, a by-law to license and regulate-the keeping'of dogs in the Township of Clarke. ~- .- . Resolution No. 96.dated July 7, 1910 is herebY'Tepealed. Carried. ResoluiYhm No. - h,),Moved by Ro.bertG.Chaber,seconded by W.R.Cqrveth: u - Resolve -chab-.the following~Pay'Vouchers be and are hereby authorized fer-payment by the Signing Officers of-this council: General Voucher #1 ~or'January 1971 in the amount of $9,794.60 Road Voucher #1 for January 1971 in the amount of $23,761.46 General Welfare Voucher for February 1971, #2, in the amount of $4;092.06 Or~no Police Village Voucher #1 for January in the amount of $2,96$~66. Carried. - The following by-laws were read a first time on motion by W. R. Carveth, seconded by E. C. Copping,. The following by-laws were' read a second-time on motion by W. R. Carveth and seconded by E. -C. Copping: The following;by-laws were given ~hird reading and finally paased on motion by'W.R~Carveth'and seconded:b~.R.G.Ghater: Bv-L~w NumoRr 1(;q2 Being a By-Law to re~eal By-:r.aw Number 1631 aPlXlinting a Road-Superintendent for the Township of Clarke in ~e County of Durham. NO'", THEREFORE' BE <IT AND- U .IS HEREBY ENAG'PED: ~- That By-Law No. ~631'of the Corporation appointing a-Road Superintendent fo~ the road ~ystem of the municipality is repealed. That this By-Law shall not come into..force and effect until the Minister of Highways for Ontario has given-his consent in writ-:rng-to the enactment-of.this By-Law repeali>ng By-Law Ne, l63l-pursuant to subsection 2 of section 75 of The Highway Improvement Act, R.S.0.v1960, Chapter 171. Bv-LRW Numhp.l"" If)Q'1 A BY-l a'" to appoint a Road Superintendent in the Township of Clarke in the County of Durham - WHEREAS it is desirable that the laying out and supervision of all work and expenditure upon improvement and maintenance of roads within the exclusive jurisdiction of this Council shoUtl be under the supervision of a Road Superintendent, acting under its direction. , ..~. AND WHEREAS. it is the desire of this 80uncil to take advantage of The Highway Improvement-Act and to receive the Government grant:as provided in the said Act. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council ef.the municipal corporation of the said township and it is hereby enacted. 1. That Merrill Leonard Ross, Brooklin, On~ario.is appointed Road Superintendent in the said township to act as aforesaid in accordance with the ~ovisions of the said Act-from.the First day of January 1970 and during the pleasure of the said Council. -- - - e e Page 5 Regular Meeting of Council February 2, 1971 continued: e 2. That it shall be the duty of the superintendent to lay out and supervise all work_and expenditure on roads within the exclusive jurisdiction of this Township Council in accordance with'the provisions of the Highway Improvement Act. , .' 3. That two certified copies of this by-law be ,forwarded by the clerk without delay to the district 'office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of High,,,ays Ontario. 4. That this by-law shall not come into force until approved by the Minister of Highways, as provided in the Highway Improvement _Act. Bv-Lr:iW No A 16QL. A By-Law to amend Zoning By-Law Number 1653 . WHEREAS the Municlpal 'Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke deems it a~sable to further ~end By-Law Number 1653, as now amended. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke ENACTS as follows: 1. That Section 9 of By-Law Number 1653 is, hereby amended by c adding thereto the following subsection 9.3: "9.t SPECIAL PROVISIONS (a) "os-:'~n- Part of Lot 32, Concessi'o~ 7 That part of Lot 32, Concession 7, which is designated "Agriculture" on Schedule "A" to By-Law 1653 and is now shown on $chedule "D-l" shall be used for no purposes other than those uses of a Conservation and Fishing Club, suoject to the following provisions: (i) no building shall be used for permanent human habitation; (ii)not more than ten (10) buildings shall be erected for use as Fishing Chalets; . (iii) the location of all buildings or accessory buildings shall be as agreed upon between the parties and as illustrated on Schedule "'B-1" except that should any relocation of any building or accessory building prove necessary for reasons not now anticipated then the new location shall, after approval by the Ganaraska Conservation Authority be trea~ed as a minor variance, and submitted for approval to The Committee o'f Adjustment. , (iv) all chalet sewage systems shall be approved in w~ng by the Medical Officer of Health for the Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit: all ponds shall be of the "bottom type return" 'construction: anti seeping collars shall be fitted on all inlet and outlet pipes: stop valves to seal off ponds tnat become too 'not shal~ be fitted and all work shall be subject to tile approval of the local representative of the Agricultural Engineering Extension Service of the Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food. 2. That Schedule "A" to By-Law Number 1653 is hereby amended by deleting the zone symbol "Au from the lands shown on schedule B-1 attached hereto and substituting therefor the zone symbol O.S.-l. 3. That Section 1 of By-Law Number 1653 is hereby amended by adaition thereto the following subsection 1.3: 111.3 The Site Plans hereto annexed as Schedule "B-1" are included in and form part of this By-Law" 4. That Dy-Law Number 1653 is hereby amended 'by adding at the end thereof Schedule "B-1" which is attached hereto. 5. This By-Law shall become, effective on the date hereof subject to receiving the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. e , Page 6 Regular Meeting of COuncil February 2, 1971 continued: Bv-L!?wNo.lnqc; Being a By-Law to repeal By-Law Number 1693 appointing a Road Superintendent for the Township of Clarke in the County of Durham. NOW THEREFORE BE IT AND IT IS IffiREBY ENACTED: That By-Law No. 1693 of the Corporation appointing a Road Superintendent for the road system of the municipality is repealed. That this By-Law shall not come into f;rce and effec~ until the Minister of Highways ~or Ontario has given his ~ consent in writing to the enactment of this By-Law repe~ing ,., By-Law No. 1693 pursuant to subsection 2 of sectron 7i of The Highway Improvement Act, R.S.O.196o, Chapter 171. Bv-LAW No-. 16q6 ~ -"- , - A By-Law to appoint a Road Superintendent~in the Township of Clarke in the County of Durliam. ' wHEREAS~it ,is desirable that the laying out and super- vision of all work and expenditure upon improvement and maintenance .of roads within the exclusive jurisdiction OI this Council s~ould be under the supervision of a Road Superintendent, acting under it s direction. . AND WHEREAS it isthB desire of this Counc~l 'to take advantage of The Highway Improvement Act and to receive the Government grant as providBd in the said Act. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council$f the municipal corporation of the said township and it is hereby enacted. 1. That Merrill Leonard Ross, Brooklin, Ontario is appointed Road Superintendent in the said township to act as aforesaid in adcordance with the provisions of the said Act from the First day of January 1971 and 'ctu'ring the pleasure of the said Council. ' 2. That it shall be the duty of the superint~ndent to lw out and supervise all work and expenditure on roads within the exclusive jurisdiction of ~hisTownship Council in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Improvement -Act. 3. That two certified copies of this by-law be forwarded by the clerk without deLay to the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways Ontario. 4. That this by-law shall not come into force until approved by the Minister of Highways, as provided in the Highway Improvement Ac~. Bv-L.::!w No.1 hq? " Being a By~Law to provide that in the yea~ 1971 and in each succe,eding year a levy be made before the adoption of the estimates for th'e 'year. ~nEREAS the Council of the Township of Clarke deems it expedient to make a levy in the year 1971 and each succeeding year before the adoption ,of the estimates. THEREfORE The Council' of the Township of Clarke ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That in the year 1971 and in each succeeding year, before the adoption of the estimates in any such year, a levy shall be made on the whole of the assessment for real proper~y according to the last revised assessment roll a sum not exceeding 50 per cent of that which would be produced by applying to such assessment the total rate for all' purposes levied in the p'eceding year on residential and farm property of public and separate 'scrroal supporters. 2. That in the year 1971 and in each succeeding year, before the adopt{on of the estimates in any such year, a levy shall be made on the whole of the commercial and industria~ assessment according to the last revised assessment roll ... a sum not exceeding 50 per cent of that which would be ,., produced by applying to such assessment the total rate for all purposes levied in the preceding year on commercial and industrial assessment of publiC and separate school 'supporters. 3. The respective amounts to be levied'forc~971 under the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this by-law are: Residential and farm $228,316.44 Commercial and Industrial $ 6,.1QO.22 Total $291,506.66 PSl,ge 7 Regular Meeting of Council February 2, 1971 continued: e 4. The rate to be levied for 1971 under the provisions of - paragraphs 1 and 2 of this by-law to produce the amounts set out in paTagraph 3 to this by-law is 40% of 141.803 mills on residential and farm and 40% of 157 .3!fl mills on commercialcand industrQal. 5. The dates for payment of taxes under thIs by-law shall be as follows: Due Date of 1st Instalment:/' March31, 1971 Due Date of 2nd ~nstalment: June 30, 1971 Due Date of 3rd Instalment: November 30, 1971 6. In default of payment of the firs~ ~nstalment of taxes or any paTt thereof by the day named therein for the payment thereof, the remaining instalment or instalments shall forthwith become payable. 7. A percentage charge of one per centum (1%) shall be imposed as a penalty for non-payment of end shall be added to every tax instalment or part thereof remaining unpaid on the first day following the last day of payment- of each such instalment and thereafter an additional charge of one per centum (1%) shall be imposed and shall be'added toe every such tax instal- ment or part,thereox remairtlng unpaid on the first day of each calendar month in which defaultccontinues up to; and including December of this year~ - 8, It shall be the duty of the Tax Collector immediately after the several dates named in section ]0; to co'l'lect at once by distress or otherwise under-the provislon~-of the statutes in that behalf all such tax instalments or parts thereof as shall not have been paid on or before the respective dates provided aforesaid, together with the said percentage charges as they are incurred. ~ 9. The tax collector not later than-l'4 days' prior to the date that the first instalment is due shall mail or cause to be , mailed to the address of the residence or place of business of each person'a notlce setting out the tax payments required to be made pursuant to this by-law, 'the ..espective dates bY'- which they are'to be paid to aVoid-penalty an~ the particulars of the penalties imposed by this'by-law for late payment . - lO.~axes shall be payable t~ the Corporation of the Township of Cla rke and shall be paid to the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Orono-or N~wcastle brahches,'at~par. li.The Collector and Treasurer be and are hereby authorized to accept part payment from time-to time- on account of any taxes due and to give a rec~ipt for such part payment, provided that acceptance of any such part payment shal'l not affect the collection of any percentage- char~-imposed and collectaole under section 5. in respect to non-payment. of - taxes or of any instalw~nt thereof. 12.When tenants of lands owned by the Crown- or irlwhich the Crown has an interest are liable for payment of taxes 'alld - where any such.tenan~'has been employed either within or outside the municipality by the same employer 'fo'r not les6 than thirty days, such employer shall pay over t~- the COllector or Treasurer on demand out of any- wages, salary- - or other remuneration due to such~employee the amount then payable for taxes under t'his by-law and such payment shall. relieve the employer-~rom any liability to the employee for the. amount so paid. c, Bv-....~w No. l(;QS WHEREAS Will~am Perry Irwin 'andcEtta Irwin have by Indenture dated the 9th day of September, 197d ~rante~ and c~nveyed to this Municipal Corporation a parcel of land composed of part of Lot Number 29 in ~he,Fourth Concession of the Township of Clarke for the purpose of ~ public highway;. - ~ AND WHEREAS the land so conveyed has been properly pre~ared and graded for road purposes to the spec~fications of~the Road Department of this l--lunicipality; v NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Township- 01' Clarke hereby enacts as follows: - Page 8 Regular Meeting of Council February 2, _~971~continued: 1. That that part of Lot Number 29 in the Fourth Concession of the Township of Clarke des~ibed under Schedule "AI< in Indenture of ConveyanQe dated the 9th day of September, 1970. from William Perry Irwin and Etta Irwin as Grantors to the Corporation of the Township' of Clarke, as Grantee., 'is hereby assumed and 4edicated as a public Highway which is hereby. named "Irwin Road" . R"'''oll1tiO~ No h6:Mo;ved by \'l.R.Carveth,seconded by RobertG.Chater: this Council hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday March 2, 1971 at 10 a.m. in the CoUncil Chamber at Orono or otherwise in special meeting at the call of the Reeve. Carried. ~;J.' e cerk . jrk~- Ree'!f' ~ - REGULrlR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Tuesday. March 2, 1971 at 10 a.m. Council Ch~ber. Orono. Present: Reeve J. W. Stone Deputy Reeve W. R. Carveth Councillor R. G:. Chater Council19r F. A. Gray Councillor E. C. Copping Clerk H. DeWith Minutes of meetirgheld February 2, 1971 adopted as printed on motion by W. R. Carveth, seconded by F. A. Gray. Carried. . t -. The following correspondence was read out by the Reeve: 1. Minutes of Committee of Adjustment dated February 8, 1971. -Filed. . . 2. Minutes of Clarke Planning Board meetings dated January 21, February 18 and February G5, 1971.-Filed. 3. Ganaraska Region Con?erv~tion Authority re Budget estimates 1971 and Clarke Townshipts share of levy.-Filed,referred to Budget. 4. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority re Budget estimates 1971 and Clarke Township's share of levy.-filed and referred to B~dget. . 5. Applicati9n for Cab Licence from John H. Blumb~rgs.-FiJed. 6. Hales Disposals, Walter J. Hale, re application. for ~ownship waste disposal.-Tabled. 7. Ontario Telephone Service Commission copy letter to Central Community Telephone Limited re approval of By-Law No. 16$6.-Filed. 8. Continen~al Telephone Syste~ re approval of By-Law No. 16$6 by Ontario Telephone Service Commission as Order No. 1:::$09.-Filed. 9. Canadian Mental Health Association re receipt of our donation in support of their work.-Filed. 10. The Orono Horticultural Society re receipt of township grant.-Filed. . 11. The Salvation Army re receipt of township donation.-Filed. 11:::. St, John Ambulance receipt for township donation.-Filed. 13. The Great Pine Ridge Tourist Council receipt for 1971 membership and member certificate.-Filed. 14. Copy letter from Horace R. Best, Zon~ng administrator, to Mr. Harold Couch, Newcastle re Waste Disposal,Site.$outh part township Lot 16, Concession 2. 3 acres, 'To~shipof Clarke.-Filid. 15. Copy letter fr~m Horace R.Best. Zoning Administrator, to Mr. W., J. Hale, R. R. 1, Orono re Waste Disposal Site Applications. -Filed. . 16. Thank you note from Frank Gray.-Filed.: 4IIl 17. Ontario Municipal Board re By-Law Number 1694 invoice ,., for tar,iff fee .-Filed. 18. Petition from members of the Road Department re wage increases.-Tabled and meeting to pe set up as S~ecial meeting of Council.