HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/12/1971 (Special) Present~ Reeve J. W_ Stone Deputy Reeve,W. R. Carveth Councillor R. G. Chater Councillor E. C. Cooping Clerk oHo DeW:l.th ~,'" Minutes of meetings held Janttary 5 and January were adopted as printed on motion b~ W. R. Carveth,. by R. G. Chater. Carried. _ . The following correspondence "was read out by the Reev€!: l~ Ontario Department of Transport ~e approv~l of, By-law ' No. 1690 of the Township of Ciar~e.-Filed. '" Copy letter from E. R. Lovekin to-Municipal Planning Consultants re proposed Fishing Club, T9wuship of Cla~ke 'as business brought forward from October 21, 1970.~Filed. Roy C. Forrester, Chairman, Clarke Public Library Board request for remainder of their levy for 1970 as business \ brought forwa~d from ,!c.l:ober 6, 1970.-Filed. . 4. E'. Richard 'Lovekin letter to Sunnydene Estates Limited re completion of Road as busine~s bro~ht forward from 21 October 1970.-Filed. D~partment of Municipal Affairs re municipal Election provisions report as business brought forward from June-2, 1970.-Filed. Creighton, Drynan, Murdoch & Victor re Boisvert.-Referred ~ ~ '- .. to resolution and filed. The Muscular Dystrophy association of Canada request for donation.-Referred to resolution and fil1!ld. iN. Kay Lycett re Deed to Township of Cl'arke of Irwin Itoad- part LOot 29, Con. 4,.Clarke.-Referred to by-law arid filed. Ganaraska Regi6n.Conservation 'Authorit:)' re acquisition of_the Ball's Mill property in Baltimore.-tl1ed. 0 10. Page and Kamin re Mosport Park Limiyed as business brouggt forward from October 6, '1970_-Filect. ' 11. Copy letter frqm E. 'R~ Lovekin to Mr.. Arnot R. Wotten re,Wqtt~n and Township ,of Cl~r~e.~Filed. 12. Department of Highway~ re Ro~d.Superintendent By-Laws.- o Referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. 13. Department of Highways re 1971 Normal By-Law and Road Programme.-Referred to Road Superintendent. Council recessed for lunch at 12 noon and resumed session at 1:30. e 6. $. - 9. "') SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TbwNSHIP OF CLARKE Friday, January12, 1971 at $ p.m. Council ChamberJ Oror~~ Present: Reeve John W. Stone Deputy Ree.lTe, W. R. Carveth Councillor R. G. Chater Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor E. C. Copping Clerk H. DeWith Special me~ting of Co~ncil Was called by the Reeve to consider the folJowing busi~ess: ,_. 1 Bill Hale met with C9~ncil to discuss a waste disposa~ site. . Solicitor E. R. ~ovekin appeared at Council with regard to the Clarke Fishing & Conaervation Club and a proposed agreement and by-law. Council approved th~ Application for Cab Licence Forms, and authorized that a letter enclosing an Appl~cation Form be sent to Mr. J. Blumbergs. . The\following resolution was passed: ReSOlution No_1?:Moved by W.R.Carvethlsecond~d by RobertG.Chater: This Council hereby authorize the Clerk to transfer $3,$00.00 from the Reserve for replacement of equipment to the overexpenditure of the Road Department. Carried. Council adjourned at 10 p_m. rJ~' . Clerk. t(!!;:. rlJ~/~ Reer' REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL' OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLAaKE Tuesday, February 2, 1971 at io a.m. Council Chamber, Or ono. 12, 1971 secondEid I I I 2. 3. 5. 7.