HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/05/1971
Tuesday, January 5, 1971 at 11 a.m.
Counc,il Chamber,
Present: Reeve John W. Stone
Deputy Reeve W. R. Carveth
Councillor R. G'. Chater
Councillor F. A. Gray
Councillor E. C. Copping
Clerk H. DeWith .
_Reverends B. E. Long and T. Snelgrove
The declarations of office .of the members of Council
were signed and sworn under oath before the Clerk.
The Reeve, John W. .Stone, welcomed those present, called
the meeting to order and asked Rev. Lollg.. and Rev. Snelgrove'
to address the Council. ,.
, - Rev: Long congratulated Council for the tim~ and effort'
expended on township duties through the year 1970 and Wished
them wisdom, co-operation and success for the comi~year. .
R~~. ~'. Spe~grove quoted Scripture from Paul's l~tter t?
the Philippians, Chapter 3, verses 14-21, and closed the service
appropriate prayers.. .
Reeve Stone personally th?nked Rey. Long and Rev.
Snelgrove for their ~ind words of wisdom. He spcke a few words
t~ Mr.. Cppping, the new~$t me~be~ ~f Council, ~d asked for
his co-operation during the coming two years, also congratulated
the other members pf Counc~l ;nd asked for thar co-operation.
Mr. St~ne welcomed ex Deputy Reeve H. E. Walke~ ~nd jnvited
him to join Council at di~er. .
Deputy Reeve W. R.Carveth and Councillors R. G. Chater,
F. A. Gray and E. C. ,Copping added their thanks fo the
Reverend Gentlemen;
Reso] uti on No. ] :Moved by W .R.Carveth, seconded by RobertG.Chater:
This Council hereby express their appreciation to Rev.
B. E. Long and Rev. T. Snelgrove for their appropriate service
and prayers at this the inaugural meeting of the Council
of the Township of Clarke for the year 1971. Carried.
T~e ~inutss of Council meeting held December 15, 1970
:were .aqopted as printed on:motion by F. A. Gray, seconded by
Robert G. Chater. Carried.' '.. .
It was moved by VI. R. Carveth, seconded by F. A. Gray
that Council recess at ~2 noon for dinner and resume session
at 1:30 p.m. . Carried.
An invitation was extended by the Reeve to the memb~rs
of Council, Rev. Long, Rev. Snelgrove, Past'Deputy Reeve ':fr.
E. _WaJ,key, M. L. Ross, H. DeWith, H<;>race Best,' Mrs. D. Stark,
Mrs~ E. YeQ and Mrs. J. Mitchell who enjoyedan~excellerit
dinner ~erved at the Chuckwagon Restaurant. Mr. H. E.Walkey
thank~d the Re~ve .for his kind gen';rosity. Rev. 'B. E'. Long
added his thanks,on behal~ of Rev. Snelgrove and himsel~.
Mr. M. L. Ross appeared at Council to discuss certain
matters pertaining to the Road Department. .
The follOWing correspondence was, read'out by the Reeve:
Ontario Good Roads Associatio~ re Seminar for Councillors
--t'ilonday, February 22, 1971.-Referred to the Clerk. .
.2." The'Q.ntario Municipal A.ssGciation re questionnaire
with regard to study of the policies and regulations
used by OntariO Municip~liti~St-Referred ~o,the Cierk.
Department of High~aysr~ Road Superintendent By~Laws.-
Committee of Aqjustment.minutes dated December 14, 1970.-
Department Qf Highways re 1970 Annual Return Forms-Referred
to the Clerk., . . . ,
United Counties of Northumberland and Durham ~e take-over
of Welfare program on March l,-Filed.
Department of Municipal Affairs re 1970 ~arm Tax ~duct~on
Telegram to' Page ami Kamin re' heliport at 'Mosport Park. -Filed.
Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority minutes dated
December 17, 1970.-Filed.. '. .
10. Resolution passed by the Council authorizing the Treasurer
and Reeve or Deputy Reeve to deal' with the Canadian Imperial
Bank of Commerce and.,"letter stati~g officers' of,' th~ Township.
See resolution No. 24. -
Page 2
Inaugural Meeting of Council 5 January 1971 continued:
11. Oshawa Area ~lanning and Development Study re Municipal share
of S~udy Expenditures.-Referred to Resolution.
12. Ontario Department of Labour re Uniform Builuing Standards
in Ontario.-Referred to the Olerk.'
13. Totten Sims Hubicki Associates ~imited re description of the
Company and the newly established' Planning Department as
business brought forward from l~ Dec~ber 1970.-Referred to
Planning Board.
14. Ontario Hydro re propo~ed additional Etreet light-Kendal as
businesB' brought forward from 15 December 1970. -Referred to
Finance. '
15. OntaDb Council of St. John Ambulance' Association request for
financial Eupport.-Filed. see Resolution No. 33.
lb. Copy letter from Becas Developments Limited to Mr. E. R.
Lovekin re road allowance between Lots 4 and 5, Con. $~Filed.
17. Ontario Government Press Release re New Land Compensation
B'oard.-Filed. d
1$. The Corporation of the City of Oshawa re O.A.P.A.D.S.
Agreement.-Filed.' ".
19. Oshawa Area Planning and Development Study re Executive
Committee Membership.-Tabled.
The following res~lutions were passed:
Rf'"olution -No. 2:MoveU by- E. C. Copping, seconded by F.A..(;ray:
In accordance with By-Law No. 16$$ this Council hereoy make
the following appointments for the year 1"971:
a. That W. R. Carveth ve and is hereby appointed as Chairman
of the Road and Bridge Commit~ee.
b. That R. Q. Chater be and is hereby ~ppointed as Chairman
of the Property and Finance Committee. .
c. That F. A. Gray be and is hereby appoin~ed as Chairman
'o'f the Planning Committee.
d. "That W. R. Carveth be and is hereby appointed as Chairman
of the Fire Protection Committee.
The said app&intments shall be effective on the passing of
this resorution up to and including December 31, 1971 ~r until
their sucCessors shall be appointed by orq.er-in-council.Carried.
Resolution No. ',:Moved by Robert G.Chater,seconded by F.A.Gray:
As a recommendation by the Reeve', this 'Council he~eby
sanction che 'appointment of the following persons to the Road
and 'Bridge Committee for the year 1971:
1. W. R. Carveth
2. E. C. Copping
'3. Reeve John W. Stone
( The first named to be Chairman of.the Said ,Committee. The
Reeve to be ex-officiO member of all Commibtees of eounoil~ Carried.
Re"olutic1TI Mo. 'h:Moved by E. C. Copping, "seconded by 'w.R.Carveth:
As a'recommendation by the Reeve, this Council hereby sanction
the appointment of the following persons to the Property and
France Committee for the year 1971:
1. R. G. 'Chater
2. F. A. Gray
3. Reeve John W. Stone
The firstnarned to be Chairman of ,the Said Committee.
The Reeve to be ex-officio member of all Committees of Council.
R""olut.ion No.'i:Moved by F,A.Gray, seconded by Robert G.Chater:
.. 'In accordance with By-Law No. 1561, a by-law regarding tbe
appointment of the Clarke Planning Board being a board with
JUrisdiction over the Clarke Planning Area, this Council. hereby
appoint the following persons:
1. W. "R. Carveth (Counc il) for the year 1971.
2. ~. W. Stone (Council) for the year 1971.,
3. 'Mr. Sidney J. Lancaster who shall hold office-until the
1st day of January 1972:
4. Mr. Edward R.Woodyard who shall hold office until the
1st day of January 1972.
5:' Mr. W. Turansky who shall hold office until the 1st day
of January 1973. .'
6. Mr. Lloyd Lowery who shall hold office u~til the 1st
day of January 19~4.
7. Mr. H. E.' Walkey who shall hold -.office until the 1st
day of January 1974. Carried.
Page 3
Inaugural Meeting of Council 5 January 1971 continued:
?e~olutionNo.6:Moved by F.A.Gray,seconded bY,E.C.Copping:
. Re~olve that W~ R. Carveth be and 'i$her~by appointed'
as member of the Township of Clarke Fire Protection Committee
to work in conjunction with the person similarly appointed -
in the year 1971 by the Trustees of the Police Village of
Orono. " . ,
A copy'of'this resolution be referred to the Secretary
of the Police Village of Orono. " .
The Reeve to be ex-officiO member of all Committees
of Council. Carried.
RA~olution No. 7:Moved by RobertG.Chater,seconded byW.R.Carveth:
, That Dr. A. F. McKenzie be appointed Ind~gent Medical
Officer for'the Township'of Clarke'from January 1, 1971 to
December 31, 1971. Carried.
RAsollltion No. R:Moved by W.R.Carvetb,seconded by E.C,Copping:
This Council hereby appoint Mr. Henry DeWith as' Welfare
Administrator for the Township of Clarke from January 1,'
1971 to March 1, 1971. Carried. .
Re~ollJtion No.q:Moved by E.C.Copping, seconded' byW.R.Carveth:
Resolve that Mr~ John W. Stone, R.R.l; Otono, be and
is hereby appointed as a ~elfare Committee to'be~giventhe
necessary authority to discuss all matters in conhection
with welfare assistance from January 1, 1971 to March 1,
1971. Carried.
Resolution Nb.10:Moved by Frank Gray,seconded by E.C.Copping:
That Robert G. Chater be and is hereby appointed as'
the Clarke Township representative to the Central Lake '
Ontario Consilriration Authority for the year 1971. Carried,
Re~olution NO.ll:Moved by RobertG.Chater,seconded by W.R:Carveth:
That E. C. Copping be and is he~eby appointed as the
representative from this Council on'the Durham County
Federation of, Agriculture for the year 1971. Carried.
ResollJtion No~]2:Moved by RobertG.Chater,seco~ed by F.A.Gray:
In conformity with the Dog Tax and Live Sock and .
Poultry Protection Act this Council appoInt'Mt. L. M. .
Hallowell as Live S~ock Valuer for'the Corporation of tae
Township of Clarke for the year 1971 and that the fee for
each trip shall be $10.00. Carried. ,
RA~ollJtion No. l'l:Moved byRobertG.Chater,secimded byF.A.GraY:
That Mr. James STutt be and is hereby appointed a .
representative for the year 1971 to the Board of the Membrial
Hospital, Bowmanville, for the Corporation of the Township
of Clarke, Carried. '.
Resolution No.lh:Moved by RobertG.Chater,seconded by F.A:Gray:
That Roy A. Foster be and is hereby appointed to the
Ganaraska ~egion Conservation Authority for the year 1971
and'the said Authority be notifleci" of this appointment.Carried.
Re~ollltion No.1 "i:Moved by W.R:Carveth,seconded by F.A.Gray:
In accordance with By~Law No. 134? this Council hereby
resolve that Robert G. Chater and E. C: Copping be and are
hereby appoihted to the Board of Management' of the Orono'
Community Hall for the years 1971 and 1972': . .'
W. G. Watson Fred G aham Len Pears
and the following Heather Rebekahs for the'year 1971:
Mrs. Gladys Gamsby and Mrs, Betty Major'
It is understood that three representatives of the Orono'
Oddfellows' shall be appointed in the odd year~ and two
represehtatives of the Orono' Rebekabs be appointed in the
even years to this Board of Management. Carried.
R.e~olutian No.16:Moved by F.A.Gray,se<:onded by B.C.Copping:
In accordance with By-Law No. 1530 this Council hereby
appoint the following persons to the Board' of" the Townsh1p
of Clarke Public Library who shall take of rice on the first
day of January 1971 and who shall hold off~ce'for the year
1971 or until their successors shall have beeh duly appo~nted:
1. R. M. Dickson, Orono
2. E. R. Woodyard,Oron,o
3. R. C. Forrester, Orono
4. L. M. Hallowell, R.R.I, Orono
5.. J. W. Stone
Page 4
Inaugural Meeting of Council 5 January 1971 continued:
Rp.solutjpn Nb.17:Moved by RObertG:Chater,secondea by F.A.Gray:
In accordance with Section 3 & 4 of'By~Law No. 1533, a
By-Law to establish a Municipal'Recreation Committee, this
Council hereby appoint Mr. Laverne Boyd, Mrs. Norma Lee, Mrs.
Dorothy Stark, Mrs. Josephine Barlow, Mrs. Sharon Brown, Mr.
John Murphy, Mr. Jack Neal together with Messrs. J. W. Stone
and W.R.Carveth for the year 1971.
The Clerk be and is hereby instructed to notify the
Community Programmes Branch of the Department of Education by
referring a copy of this Rerolution to the'said Department.'
Carri~a." " " "
Rp.solution No.1R:Moved by E.C.Copping,seconded'byW.R.Carveth:
Resolve that the following persons be and are hereby
appointed to the Township of Clarke Game Commission for the
year 1971:" '
1. Gerald Duvall
2. Gordon Watson
3. R. G. Chater
4. F. A. Gray~ .'" Carried:
Rp.sollltion N().lg~ovea. by Robert G.Chater;seconded byW.R.Carveth;
Resolve in accordance with By-Law No. 1513 the fOllowing
persons be and are hereby appointed as members of the Cemetery
Board of the Township of Clarke:
1. Mr. Russell Savery
2. Mr, John Moffat
3. Mr. Grant Wade
4. Mr. Arthur Thompson
5. Mr. Donald Vinkle
The'said members shall hbld office
are appointed by order-in-Council.
The following persons are hereby appinted to the said Board
as representation from Council for the year 1971:
L ' f. A. Gray ,
2. E. C. Copping Carried.
Rp.sollltion No.20:Moved by W.R.Carveth,secondedby RobertG.Chater:
In-accordance with By-Law No. 1493, the following persons be
and are hereby appointed to the Newtonville Community Hall Board
for the year 1971:
I.' . Wallace Boughen
2. Hugh Stapleton
]. Don Vinkle
4. Clinton Farrow
5. George Stapleton
6: E. C.Copping'
7. F. A. Gray Carried.
Rp.sollltion No.21:Moved by E.C.Copping,seconded by RobertG.Chater:
. In accordance with By-Law No. 1352 the following persons be
and" are hereby appointed"to the" OrbEo Community Memorial Park
Board for the year 1971:
1. A. E. - West. '
2. H. M~ Mercer
3. s. B: Rutherford
4. E.H. Samuel
5. Miss Alma Cuttell
6. W. R. Carveth
7. J. W. Stone Carried.
Rp.sollltion No.22:Moved by RobertG.Chater,seconded by W.R.Carveth:
Resolve that the following persons be and are hereby appointed
to the Local Advisory Committee of the Orono Municipal WatBT
System for the year 1971: '
1. e. R. Woodyard
2. F. A. Nicholson
3. R. C. Forrester
4. M. W. Downs
5. J. W. Stone
Certified copies of this resolution be referretl to the
Ontario Water Resources Commission ana the aforementioned
appointed members. Carried.
R,R:l, Newtonville
" Newtonville
until their successors
, ,
Page 5 .
Inaugural Meeting of Council '5 January 1971 continued:
Rel'lolution No.2,:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded b,yRobertG.Cha~er:
This'Council hereoy authorize the Canadian Imperial
Bank of Commerce, 'Orono, to loan the Orono Community Memorial
Park Board an amount not exceeding $2,000.00 for the year
1971 and charge the said Board the prevailing rate of
interest. Carried. ' '
Resolution No.2h:Moved bYR.obertG.Chater,seconded byF.A.Gray:
Resolve that the Treasurer, and the Reeve or De.puty Reeve
of the Township of ClarKe be given the necessary authorization
with the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Orono, to do
business in accordance with the said Bank form l4l-6r..ohtario.
Rel'lol1Jtion No.2"i:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded by e.C.Copping:
The Road Superintendent, any member of the Council and
Clerk be authorized to attend the Ontario Good ~oads
Convention with expenses paid and the membership fee of $15.00
be paid. Carried.
Resol1Jtion No.26:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded byE.C.Copping:
The Road Superintendent be and is nereby authorized to
complete the necessary forms applying for the. Highway Subsidy
on road expenditures in the year 1970 on or oeforeJanuary
,31, 1971. Carried. .
Resolpj;.ion No.27:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded by E.C.Copping:
Resolve that the Road Superintendent is hereby authorized,
to advert>isefor tenders for a k ton truck subject to the
approval of the Department of Highways. Carried.
Rel'lolution No.2R:Moved by E.C.Copping,seconded by W.R.Carveth:
This Council hereby authorize the Clerk-Treasurer to
request all departments, school boards, local boards, and
bodies where functions fall under the legal authority of this
municipality, to submit in writing their budgets or require-
ments for the year 1971 to the Clerk of this Council on
or before March 15, 1971. Carried.' ._
Resolution No.2Q:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded byRobertG.Chater:
Resolve that The Canadian Mental Health Aesociation, ,
Ontario Division, be and is hereby granted $15.00. Carried.
Rel'lolutiQn No.,O:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded byS.C.Copping:
Resolve that the Salvation Army be and is hereby giVen
a grant in the amount of $25.00 for the year 1971. Carried.
Rl"'solutioq No.l1:Moved 1:iy W.R.Carveth,seconded by E.C.Copping:
This Council hereby grant the Durham County Junior Farmers
the amount, of $Z5.00 for the year 1971. Carried.
Resolution No.12 :Moved by F.ll..Gray,seconded by W.R.Carveth:
The Orono Horticultural Society be granted $25.00
for the year 1971. Carried.
Re,;olut.ion No."l"l:Moved by E.C.Copping,seconded by F.A.Gray:
'Resolve that tre St.John AIn15ulance Associat'ion 1;le and'
is hereby given a grant in the amount of $25.00 for the
year 1971. Carried.
. Resoltjti on No. lh:Moved by RobertG.Chater, seconded by W.R.Carveth:
Resolve that the Durham County Central Agricultural
Society be granted $200.00 for the year 1971. Carried.
Resolution N6.,'>:Moved by RobertG.Chater,seconded by F.A;Gray:
Resolve that the following Pay Vouchers be and are hereby
authorized for payment by the Signing Officers of this Council:
General Voucher #12 for December 1970 in the amount of $109,596.14
Welfare Voucher #1 for January 1971 in the amount of $4,5$9.2G
Road Voucher #12 for December 1970 in the amount of $5,052.52
Police. Villag~, of Orono Voucher #12 for December 1970 in the
amount of $1,474.64. Carried.
The following By-Laws were given fi~st reading on motion
by R. G. Chater, seconded by W. R. Carveth:
The following By-Laws were given second reading on motioh
by F. A. Gray, seconded by E. C. Copping:
The Following By-Laws were given third reading and
finally passed on motion by W. R. Carveth, seconded by R. G.
Page 6
Inaugural Meeting of Council 5 January 1971 continued:
Bv-Law No _ 16qO
Being a By-Law to repeal By-~aws No. 1668'artd No. 1685
respecting the regulation of traffic (O.P.V.)
WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of
Clarke, after due deliberation, have deemed it expedient to
repeal By-Laws No. 1668 and No. 1685;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT EN~CTED by The council of the"
Corporatton of the Township'df Clarke: '
THAT By-Law No. 1668 and By-Law No. 1685 be and the same
are hereby repealed.
Bv-LAW No. T6ql
A By-law to ~uthorize the borrowing of $300;000:00.
Whereas the Council of the Township of Clarke (hereinafter
cialled the ""Municipality") deems "it: necessary;to "borrow the
sum of $300,000.00 to meet, until 'the taxes are collected,
the current expenditures of the Municipality ror the year;
" AND Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of
t~e Municipality as set forth in the estimates adopted "for the
year 1971,:":i:s $450,000.00
Therefore The Council of the Township of Clarke hereby
enacts as follows:
1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on
behalf of the Municipality to borrow from ttme to time by
way of promissory note from Canadian Imperial 'Bank of Commerce
a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate $300,000.00 to
meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of
the Municipaltty for the year, including the amounts required
for the "purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of Section 329 of
the Municipal Act;" and -to give on behalf of the Municipality
to the Bank a promissory note or notes 'sealed with the Corporate
Seal and signed by the 'Head and Treasurer for the moneys so
borrowed, with interest at such rate as may be agreed upon from
time to time with the Bank.
2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this"
by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in;thts year and in
previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the
purposes mentioned in the said Section 329, shall, with interest
thereon,-b~"a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the
Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years
as and when such revenues are received.
3. The' 'I'reasurer is 'hereby authorized and directed to ap ply'
in payment of all sUms borrowed as aforesaid, together with
interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or
rec~ived either on account or realized in respect of taxes
levied for 'the current year and preceding years or from any
other source which may lawfully be "applied for such purpose.
Resolllti on "No. 16:Moved by W.R. Carveth, seconded by RobertG.Chater:
This Council hereby adjourn to meet 'again on Tuesday,
February ~, 1971, 'at 10 a.m. in the Council Chamber at Orono
or otherwise in special meeting at the call of t e Reeve. Carried.
. - . ;J..tr.C~~
Clerk. :~. ,
.............. ......