HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/27/1970 (Special) SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Friqay, November 27, 1970 at 4 p.m. . Council" Chamber; Orono. 3. Present: Reeve J. ',v. Stone Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey Councillor W. R. Carveth Co un c'i l"l or P. A. Gray Councillor R. G. Chater Clerk H. DeWith SpeciaY meeting ~f Council was called by the Reeve to consider the following business: The following correspondence was read out by the Reeve: Ontario Hydro re proposed additional street light-Kendal. -Ta,bled. Municipal Planning Consultants Co. Ltd. re meeting between Robin Kennard add Council on December 3, 1970.-Tabled. Police Village of Orono Resolution No. 70-92 dated November 23, 19'(O.-Filed. 'W: Kay 'Lycett; B.A. re Village of Orono and Township of Clarke conveyance of Part Lot 18, Front Range Block 13 Hann~ng's Plan, Orono to Nancakievill.-Filed. The following resolution was passed: R""olution No. 117:Moved by H.E.Walkey,seconded by RobertG.Chater: Be it hereby resolved that Reeve John Stone and Clerk-Treasurer Henry DeWith sign a ,deed from the Township of Clarke on part of Lot 18, front range, Block 13, of Orono, in favour of David F. Nancekievill and Dawn M. Nancekievill, dated November 13, 1970.Carried. Council adjourned at 5:30 p.m. f:;!d.--- REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Tuesday, December 15, 1970 at 10 a.m. Council Chamber, Orono. . 1.- z. 4. Clerk ........~--;---.~....,A' Reeve / . ..,......... .4.h""'L Present: Reeve J. W. Stone Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey Councillor W. R. Carveth -Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor R. G. Chater Clerk H. DeWith Minutes of meetings held November 3, November 17 and November 27, 1970 were adopted as printed on motion by W. R. Carveth, seconded by F. A. Gray. Carried. The following correspondence was read out by the Reeve: 1. Minutes of Committee of. Adjustment meetings held November 16 and 19, 1970.-Filed-.- 2. Gordon C. Kelly, B.A.,LL.B., re Arthur A. Drummond - Road Allowance Ownership.-Referred to Clerk. 3. Minister of Justice. and Attorney General re Rock Festivals.-Filed. 4. Ontario Development Corporation re approval of application for registration as' an area under the Equalization of Industrial Opportunity Prograrn.-Filed. 5. Department of Municipal Affairs re Legislation ~ The Planning Act, section 26.-Filed. 6. The Consumers' Gas Company re approval by the Ontario Energy Board of an Interim Rate Order.-Filed. 7. Copy letter from Edward R. Woodyard to the Clarke Public Library Board re financial position.-Filed. 8. Mrs. EDen M. Yeo, Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment for the Township of Clarke request for an additional fee for eac~ membe~ of the Committee of Adjustment.-Filed. 9. Department of Municipal Affairs re File No. T-20663 Jan Ochonski proposed subdivision Lot 29, Con. 5.-_ Referred to the Clerk. e