HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/17/1970 (Special)
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Regular:meeting of Council 3 November 1970 continued:
Resolution No.134 continued:
If' festivals of' this type are to be permitted, an effort
must be made to establish regulations through leg.isia,tion,.
for proper law enforcement, that'"is, for crowd control,
drug cont~Ql, proper facilities to adequately handle a
crowd of such proportions for sleeping, sanitation,
washrooms, drinking water, etc.
The taxpayers should n~be taxed by the Province and
at local level to subsidize such festivals for first aid,
polim protection, etc. Procedures-should be.set up so that.
~ne ent.ire expense be paid by the promoters of the festivals
and wh"o do so for their financial gain."
A copy of this resolution be forwa~ed to the Honourable
Arthur A. Wishart. Carried. .,.
RAsol"tjon No.l,<;:Moved by H.E.Walkey,seconded by RobertG.Chater:
Resolve that the following Pay Vouchers be and are. hereby
authorized for payment by the Signing Officers of this Council:
Genetoal Voucher #M1 for Gc.t.o.iber in. the amount of $8003.a3
General Welfare Voucher III 'fo~November in the amount
of $3'696.30
Road Voucher 110 for'October in the amount of $26597.97
Police Village of Orono Voucher #10 for October in the
amount of $2240.76. Carried..
On motion by H. E. Walkey, seconded by Rob~rt G. Chatel'
a Specihl meeting of Council be-called f~r November 17,
1970, at a.p.-Carried.
RAsolut,on No.l~6:Moved by RobertG.Chater,seconded byH.E.Wikey:
This Council hereby adjourn to meet aga~n in regUlar
meeting on December 15, 1970 or in special meeting at the
call of the Reeve. Carried.
Tuesday, November 17,
1970 at a a.m.
Council Chamber,
Present: Reeve J. W. Ston~
Deputy Reeve H. E. Wa1key
Councillor W.'R. CarVeth
Councillor F. A. Gray
Councillor R. G.:Chater
Clerk H. DeWith
Special meeting of Council was called by the Reeve to
consider the following business:
The' fJ;lllbwing correspond.ence was read O'ut by the Reeve:
Ganaraska Regi~n'Cons~r.ation Authority rerezoning'
along Wilmot Creek Valley in part of Lots 31 and 32,
between the 6th and the 7th concesaion.-Piled.
Cobban, Woolley & Dale re Gray-Road Allowance, Part
Lot '19, Concession a, TO'WIlship of' Clarke.-Filed.
Northumberland and Durham County Board of Education
re sod turning ceremony for the new school at
Mr. Frank A. Gray repor.ted .on a m",eting he had wft..h
Newcastle Council re Waste Disposal Dump. a tentative
meeting is oeing planned for December 1, 1970.
The following de~egations were heard:
Messrs. Westgate & McMullan with regard to proposed
by-law to rezone part of Lot 32,: Concession 7 reClarke
Fishing and Conservation Club.
Messrs. R. D. Morton, W~. Slater,
and F. Nicholson met with Council with
closing.of Allen's Lane.
The following by-law wC\:s read a first and second time only.
Being_a By-law to amend Zoning By-law Number l653~
D. Simpson, E.R.Woodyard
regard to- proposed 'F
Page 2
Special Meeting of Council 17 November 1970 continued:
The following by-law was read a third time and finally
Bv-Law No... 16BL.
Being a By-law to stop-up certain road allowances and certain
parts of road allowances in the Township of Clarke.
WHEREAS notice of intention to pass this by-law was published
once a week for at least four successive weeks in the Orono Weekly
Times and posted up for a t least one month in six of the most
public places in the immediate neighbourhoal of each of the said
road allowances or parts of road allowances hereby affected as
required by the provisions of The Municipal Act;
aND WHEREaS Council has received no objections from persons
claiming that their land would be prejudicially affected by the
, '. ,.
, NOW _ THEREFORE the. Municipal ,Counc il of.. th~ Cor.porat ion
of the Township of Clarke ENaCTS d.S )"OL:J,.OW$: '.
1. ,THAT all those road allowances and parts of road allowances
,in the Township of Clarke described in Schedule "a" and
forming part of this by-law be and the same are hereby
stopped up.
Schedule "A"
That portion of the Lakeshore Road-Allowance from the
westerly limit of Lot 20, in the Township of Clarke, County
of Durham, easterly for a distance, of, One Hundred and Fifty-
six and eighty-nine one"hundredths feet (156.89') on the
northerly limit of the Lakeshore ~oad anGca distance of
Ihree Hundred, and Eighty-six and nine~y-t~o one-hundredths
feet (386.92') from the said westerly limits of Lot2D,
on the southerly limit of the Lakeshore Road allowance.
That portion of the Allowanc~ for RoaP between Lot 20 and
Lot 21 in the Broken Front Concession of the Township of
Clarke, County of Durham, from the southerly boundary of
the New Lakeshore Road ATIowance to a southerly point
approximately Sixty-eight feet (6$'). .
The part of Princess Street in the Police Village of
Orono between Main Street and Church Street on condition
that the Municipality retain an eas~ent ten feet on each
side of the centre line.
The foliowing by-law was given first reading on motion by
R. G. Chater, seconded by F. a. Gray: ,
The following by-law was given second reading on motion by
H. E. Walkey, seconded by w. R. Carveth:
The following by-law was given third r~ading on motion by
F. a. Gray, seconded by R. G. Chater:' ,
By-LRw No_ 1 hRC; .. .
For the regulation of traffic
Whereas the Municipal act,beingR.S.O. 1960 Chapter 249
proyides that the Council of any municipality may, subject to
the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act, pass a by-law
regula~ing traffic within such municipal~ty;
and Whereas ~ouncil of the Corporation'of the Township of
Clarke has deemed it advisable to establish regulation of traffic
within the Pblic.e Village' of OlmO in the Townsh'ip of' Clarke; ,.
The Council' of the Corporation of the Municipality of the
Township of Clarke hereby enacts as follows:
By-Law Number 1668
Clarke for regulation of
Orono of the Township 'of
PART 11 '-
For the purpQ.se of this by..,law;, .,
(a) Cornp.r means the point of intersection of curbs or edges
of t,he .portion of the highways'used for vehicular traffic.
Cro!'l!'l"'Alk means 'that part of a highway 'at 'an 'intersection
that is included within the connections .of the lateral
lines of the sidewalks on opposi~e side~ of the highway
measur~d from the curbs or, in the absence of , curbs, from
the edges of the roadway; or any portion of a roadway at an
intersection or elsewhere distinctly indicated for
pedestrian crossing by signs or by lines or other markings
on the surface.
of the Corporation of' the Township of
traffic within the Police Village of
Clarke is hereby repealed. '
'Page 3 .
~pecial meeting of Council 17 November 1970 continued:
(c) Hi~hw~v includes a common and public highway, street,
avenue, parkwaY, driveway, square, place, bridge,
viaduct or trestle, designed and intended for, or
used by, the general public for the passage of vehicles.
(d) InteT'se"t i on means the area embraced within. the , '
prolongation or.connection of the lateral curb lines
or,. H' notte, then of the lateral boundary lines of two
or.more highways that join one another at an angle,
whether or not one highway crosses the other.
(e) P"T'k or n"rkinv. when prohibited, means the standing of
a vehicle whether occupied or not, except when standing
temporarily for the pur~ose of and while actually
engaged: in loading or unloading merchandise or passengers.
(f) Ro"nwav means that port of the highway that isimproved~
designed or ordinarily used for vehicular traffic; but
does not include the shoulder, and, where a highway
includes two or more separate roadways, the term
"roadway" refers to anyone roadway separately and not
to all of the roadways collectively.
(g) SinRw"lk means that portion of a highway between the
curb lines, or the lateral lines of a roadway and the
adjacent property lines, intended for the use of pedatrians.
(h) Stand or st"nnin~, when prohibited, means the halting of
a vehicle, whether occupied or not, except for the purpose
of and while actually engaged in receiving or discharging
(i) Ston. when required, means a complete cessation of movement.
(j) Ston or stoppin~. wheh~ohibited, means the halting of a
vehicle, even momentarily, whether occupied or not, except
when necessa:r-y to avoid conflict with other traffic or in
compliance with the directions of a constable or other
police officer or of a traffic control sign or signal.
(k) Street - see Highway
(1) ~r"~~i,, includes pedestrians, ridden or herded animals,
vehicles, street cars and other conveyances either siggly
or together whie using any street for the purposes of travel.
(m) Traffic control device means any sign, or roadway, curb or
sidewalk marking, or other device erected or placed under
the authority of the Municipal Council for the purpose of
guiding or directing traffic. ,. .
(n) TraTTi" si~nal means any device manually, electrically or
mechanically operated for the regulation of traffic. '
(0) Vehi"le includes a motor vehicle, trailer, traction' engine,
farm tractor, road-bUilding machine and any vehicle drawn,
propelled .or diven by any kind of power, including muscular
power, but does not include a motorize~ snow vehicle, the
cars of electric or steam railways run~ng only upon rails.
FAIT 111
L' A traffic control officer for the Township of Clarke to be
appointed by by-law of the said Townsh~p shall enforce tbe
provisions of this by-law.
2. Obedience to Traffic signs and signals.
Every person 5hall promptly obey all signals given by either
a police officer or by a traffic control device or a traffic
signal.' .
3. ~tnod oT.P~~kin~
(1) Parallel
No person shall park a vehicle on any street other than a one--
way street unless on the right hand side of the street having
regard for the direction in which the vehicle had been
pr~c~edin~, and unless the right front and rig~t rear wheels
or runners are parallel to and distant respectlvely not more
than six inches from the edge of the roadway.
Page 4
Special meeting of Council 17 November 1970 continued:
(2) Angle
Where angle parking is permitted, no persons shall
a vehicle except at an angle of forty-five degrees
the edge of a roadway and so that the front end of
vehicle is nearest to the edge of the roadway.
(3) One-way streets ' ,
Where parking is permitted on a one-way street, a person
may park a vehicle facing only in the direction ln which
it was proceeding and with the left front and left rear
wheels parallel to and distant respectively not more
than six inches from the edge of the- roadway, provided
that this provision shall not apply where parking on
the right hand side of a one-way street is specifically
authorized by by-law.
P~~kin~ Prohihitp.d
(l-) Ip ~np'~j 'fi p.d nl ~l"!P~
No person shall park a' vehicle in any of the following
On a Sidewalk,
In front of' a public or private driveway,
Within an intersection,
Within thirty feet of a crosswalk at' an intersectZn,
On a crosswalk,
Within ten feet of a point on'the curb or edge of'the
roadway opposite any fire hydrant,
Between a safety zone and the adjacent curb or within
twenty feet of points on the curb immediately opposite
the ends of a safety zone, " I
On any bridge,-or in any subway or the approaches' thereto,
On any street in such a manner as to obstruct traffic,
In such position as will prevent the convenient removal
of any vehicle previously parked or left standing,
In front of the entrance to any place where goods or
merchandise are, regularly delivered or removed.
(2) When properly worded signs are erected and are ondis-
play, no person shall park a vehicle
Within eighty feet of any point designated as a street
car stop on any street having a roadway of less width
than fifty-four feet
Between $:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. upon that side of a
street adjacent to'any school property.
P~~k;n~ ~P-st~;~t;QnR on Rpp.~i~ipd strp.p-tR.
ia) When properly worded signs have been erected and are
on display, nO'person shall park a vehicle on any'or
the streets or parts of streets hereinafter set out
in Column 1 on the side or sides in Column 2 within
the Police Village of Orono during the period in
Column 3;
St~AAt ~
Centre ,St: Main St.
Church St.
North Side
Park St.
Main St.
... .P~,..iod
Of more than 15 consecutive
minutes during any day that
is not a Sunday, Friday or
a Legal Holiday between the
hours of $:00 a.m. and 6:00
p.m. or on any Friday that
is not a Legal Holiday
between the hours of $:00
a .m. and '3::30- p.m.
Of more than two consecutive
hours during any day that
is not a Sunday, Friday or
a legal holiday between .
hours of $:00 a.m. &
6:00 p.m. or on any Frida
that is not a legal holiday
between the hours of $:00
a.m. and 9:30 p.m.
Page 5
Special meeting of Council 17 November 1970 continued:
Church St. Cenbre St.
Park St. West Side- Of more than two consecut-
ive hours during any day
that is not a Sunday,Friday
or 'a regal holtday between
the hours of $:00 a.m. &
6:00 p.m._ or 'on any Friday
that is not a legal holiday
oetween the hours of $:00
a.m. and 9:30 p.m.
East LimitNorth Srd~Of more than two consecut-
of Centre St. -ive hours during any day
that is not a Sunday,Friday
or a legal holid~ between
the hours 'of $:00 a.m. &
6:00 p.m. or on any Friday
that is not a legal holiday
between_the hours of '$:00
a:m. and '9:3'0 p.m.
When properly worded signs have oeerierected and are 'on
display, no person shalT park a vehicle on any of the
streets or par.ts of streets hereinafter set out in
Column 1 on the sides or side of streets in Column G
~t any time within the 'Village of Orono; .
St~Aat From To Side
Cobbledick St. Main St. Provincial ijighway North Side
- .
No.' 115
St. Durham f'airgrounds
St. Churchill St.
St..-- -East limit of
Centre St.
Main St. First fire hydrant
,on Mill St. located
north of Main St.
M+ll St. Church St. South Side
Millson Mai~ St. West Side
(c) When properly worded signs have been erected and are on
display no person shall s~op-a_vehicle on, any of the streets
or parts of streets hereinafter set out in Column 1 on the
side or sides of streets inCoiumn 2 within the Police
Village of Orono; - , , -
StrARt Fpom T9 SidR
Cobbledick St. l!1ain St,. Provincial Highway N6rth Side
No. 115
Main St. Church St. North Side
Park St. Centre St. East Side
Ma;ln St. Cil\U'ch St. _.' South Side
No p~rson shall park'a-vehlcle on any roadway within the
Police Village of Or.mo in the Township of Clarke between
the hours of 6:00 and $:00 o'clock i~the forenoon from the
15th day of November in any year to the first day of
~April in the succeeding year. .
Centre St. Church St.
Park Street
Church St. N.
Centre st.
Ma :Ln
North Side
East Side
- South .Side
Mill St.
East Side
Dickson St.
Mill St;..
Park St.
Church St.
Cent re- St .
6. Any person violating ~y pr~visiqns of this by-law shall'be
subject to a penalty of not more ~han $ab.oo for the first
offence and not, more than $50.00 for every subs~quent offence,
exclusiva of costs, and all such penalties shall be recoverable
under the ,Ontari-G, Summary C'onvictions Act. -, '
The provisions of this b~-1aw shall not become effective until
approved by the Department of Tr.ansport. .
Council adjouTned at 1:30 a.m.
. .
I -