HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/03/1970 Page 3 Special:Meeting of Council ,1 October 1970 continued: e 6 Leskard United C~urch Ki~chen 7 Residence of Kenneth Henderson <' ,in:Lot 23; Conc~s~i9n 7, ,Clarke $ - Residence of James Stark in Lot $; Concesston 5, Clarke Polling Subdivision No. 9 Township Hall, Orono Pollin~ Subdi1t;j.sion No.10 Township Hall, Orono 3. This by-law shall remain in force until repealed. 4. By-taw No. 1664'be and the same is hereby repealed. The following delegations appeared at Council meeting: John Forrester, Jim Maj9r and Ted wilson in s~pport of road closing of Allen's ,Lane. . . ' 4'Shareholders of Kirby Woodlands Limited in opposition to Road clos~ng bet~een Lots 1$ anq 19, Concession $. The Canadian Imperial-Bank of Commerce, Orono, re~urne4 cheque re Wm. Curtis Estate No. 3311 dated January 29, 1965 as it was out-dated. 1t was the decision of Council not to issue a new cheque. '. : . It was moved. by . J .W. StonA~J Ol~conded by H. E. Walkey that the 10wnship purchase 1~fuorial wreat~ Carried. Counc~l adjou~ned at lOp.m. ~d. Polling Subdivision No. Polling Subdivision No. Polling Subdivision 'No: Clerk. , ' Q /lAJ Reeve .7 . ~ ,REGu,LAR.MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TQWNSHIP,OF CLARKE. . Tuesday, November 3" 1970, at 10 a.m. Council Chamber, Orono. e .Pres~nt:Reeve J. W. Stone Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey .Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor R. G. Chater Clerk H. Dewith Minutes of meetings held Oqtober 6 and October.21~ 1970 were adopted as printed on motion by F. A. Gray, seconded byR. E. Walkey. Carried. The. following correspondence was read out by the Reeye: 1. Walter H. Pope letter to the Trustees, Police Village of Orono re statement of estimated revenue :a~,d ,expenditures fort-he nine months ended September 30, 1970.~Tabled to January meeting. ,. Russell C. Hqney, M.P., re Newtonville overpass.-Filed. . 3.,The.Corporation of the.City of Oshaw~ ~e.().l}..P.A.D.S.-Filed. 4. Canadian Transport Co~ission, Railway Transport Committee, re Township Road level crossing, mile ~l.bO Kingston Subd., C.N.R. and mile 152.90 Belleville Subd.,'"C.P.R. - Referred to resolution. ". 5. E. Richard Lovekin reScheib~l Land Transferl-Filed. b. Minutes of Committee of Ad~ustment meeting dated October ,0, 1970.-Filed. 7. ,COpy letter from E. Richard.L9vekin to Goodyaar Tire and Rub~er Company re Lot 15, Cone. 2,Clarke To~nship Abandoneu Gravel Pit-Leland Payne Owner. (refuse from Goodyear Tire . and Rubber C~mpany) .-~.efe;red't~ F.A.Gray. $. Copy letter from E. R. Lovekin to HQrace Best, Building and By-Law Inspector, re Wolfram ~Ole. Lot 25, Con. 5, Township of Clarke-Agricultural Zone-Dog Kennel living quarters.-Yiled. . . 9. Copy letter from E. R. Lovekin ta Horace Best, Building Inspector, re Hasiuk, Jerry, Violation re trailer habitation.~Filed. ' 10.B. Bogdanovic re Fenceviewers' Award-Oct. 15, 1970.-Filed. 11.Mrs. Walter Dempsey re acknowledgement of cheque re well.- Filed. lZ.E. G. Faludi, Town Planning Consultants Ltd. re Official P;Lan.,.Filed. . . Page 2 Regular'meeting of Council 3 November 1970 continued: Sudbury and Area Disaster Relief Pund re acknowledgement of donation.-Filed. l~.c E. Richard Lovekin, B.A., LL.B., re Official Plan- Clarke Township.-Referred to.the Clerk to contact D. . Little. Department of Energy and Resources Management, Waste Management Branch, re Waste Bisposal.-Tabled. Ontario Department of Highways re W.P.$31-70~01, Highway 35/115, Intersections with Townships Roads on Orono, Kirby and the $th Line, District #7, Port Hope.-Referred to the Clerk. Copy letter from D. P. Collins, District Engineer, Department of Highways, Port Hope, re Intersection at Newtonville and'Mrs. Helen Webster.-Filed. E. Richard Lovekin re Mosport-Breach of By-Law- Prosecution in Provincial Court,'Possible'Proceedings in High Court.-Tabled. - Mrs. Yvonne E. O. Bosch request for'amendment to allow a twof~ .dwelling.-Referred.to.H. R. Best,.Bui~ng .Inspector. E. R. Lovekin re Newtonville Cemetery.-Tabled. Edward R. Woodyard, Secretary, Police Trustees of the Village of Orono, re objection from United Church Board re closing AlIena Lane.-Filed. Petition from Howard Quantrill and 12~ other petitioners re objection to proposed closing north and south approaches onto HWy. 35/115, 26-27, Con. 5, Clarke Twp.-Filed. Copy letter.from H. DeWith, Clerk to M~s. Archie Glenney re.Tax Registration No. Q$-l.-Referred to the Clerk. The following delegations were heard: Mr. James Stutt re Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvi];le, Onto Mrs. Hicks and Mr. Mendonca roe Township Dump. Mr. Archie Glenney re tax arrears.registration. Mr. J. S. A+lan, Inspector, Cemeteries Branch, re Newtonville Cemetery and abandoned cemetery in Orono North. E.R. Lovekin, Solicitor, met with Council to discuss Newtonville Cemeter.y and violations of the Township By-Laws. Council recessed for lunch at 12:30, and resumed session at'l:30 on motion by F. A. Gray, seconded by H.E.Walkey. The followingcresolutions were passed: Rp.solution NO.l,2:Moved by H.E.~key,seconded byRobertG.Chater: This Council-hereby assume their share of the cost of installation and maintenance costs of the.automatic signals requir~d-at the Township Road level.cr-ossing, mile ~$1.60 -0 Kingston.Subd.;C.N.R. and mile 152.90 Belleville Subd., C.P.R, based upon the estimates of-the Canadian Pacific dated December 9, 1969 and the Canadian National Ra~ays of December 17, '196'3.-Carried. .' Rp.solution No.l,,:Moved by F.A.Gray,seconded by RobertG.Chater: 'Resolve that the following change be and is hereby made in the Current Budget under By~Law No. 1664: 1. That the moneys allocated for expenditure-on Lakeshore Road, Lot 7-$, Goncession B.F. be transferred to Job $~70,. Road Allowance, Lot-Z6-27,-Cencession 2.Carried. Rp.solution No,l,h:Moved by H.E.Walkey, seconded by F.A.Gray: This Council hereGY support the following observations relative to.theholding of "Rock" Festivals as presented. by the-Corpot'ation of the Townof.Bowmanville to the Honourable Arthur A. Wishart: - "It has become apparent that festivals stl:ch as the Strawberry Fields Festival recently. held at Mosport, encourage the greater use of drugs, andcexpose.our youth to the grave dangers which might result in the use of same~. The law appears ' .to mean very" little ~o the drug pedlars who operate at these -festivals and they were able to flaunt the law, although. easing of the enforcement was probably necessary to. prevent a riot at Mosport during th~ above mentioned. festival. " 13. 15. 16. 17. 1$. 19. ~O. 21. 22. 23. e signed cr: the in Lots .e -... . ." Page 3 Regular:meeting of Council 3 November 1970 continued: e Resolution No.134 continued: If' festivals of' this type are to be permitted, an effort must be made to establish regulations through leg.isia,tion,. for proper law enforcement, that'"is, for crowd control, drug cont~Ql, proper facilities to adequately handle a crowd of such proportions for sleeping, sanitation, washrooms, drinking water, etc. The taxpayers should n~be taxed by the Province and at local level to subsidize such festivals for first aid, polim protection, etc. Procedures-should be.set up so that. ~ne ent.ire expense be paid by the promoters of the festivals and wh"o do so for their financial gain." A copy of this resolution be forwa~ed to the Honourable Arthur A. Wishart. Carried. .,. RAsol"tjon No.l,<;:Moved by H.E.Walkey,seconded by RobertG.Chater: Resolve that the following Pay Vouchers be and are. hereby authorized for payment by the Signing Officers of this Council: Genetoal Voucher #M1 for Gc.t.o.iber in. the amount of $8003.a3 General Welfare Voucher III 'fo~November in the amount of $3'696.30 Road Voucher 110 for'October in the amount of $26597.97 Police Village of Orono Voucher #10 for October in the amount of $2240.76. Carried.. On motion by H. E. Walkey, seconded by Rob~rt G. Chatel' a Specihl meeting of Council be-called f~r November 17, 1970, at a.p.-Carried. RAsolut,on No.l~6:Moved by RobertG.Chater,seconded byH.E.Wikey: This Council hereby adjourn to meet aga~n in regUlar meeting on December 15, 1970 or in special meeting at the call of the Reeve. Carried. ~ Clerk j~~'~ Ree SPECIaL MEETING OF OF THE TOWNSHIP Tuesday, November 17, THE COUNCIL OF CLARKE 1970 at a a.m. Council Chamber, Orono. e Present: Reeve J. W. Ston~ Deputy Reeve H. E. Wa1key Councillor W.'R. CarVeth Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor R. G.:Chater Clerk H. DeWith Special meeting of Council was called by the Reeve to consider the following business: The' fJ;lllbwing correspond.ence was read O'ut by the Reeve: Ganaraska Regi~n'Cons~r.ation Authority rerezoning' along Wilmot Creek Valley in part of Lots 31 and 32, between the 6th and the 7th concesaion.-Piled. Cobban, Woolley & Dale re Gray-Road Allowance, Part Lot '19, Concession a, TO'WIlship of' Clarke.-Filed. Northumberland and Durham County Board of Education re sod turning ceremony for the new school at Bowmanville.-Filed. Mr. Frank A. Gray repor.ted .on a m",eting he had wft..h Newcastle Council re Waste Disposal Dump. a tentative meeting is oeing planned for December 1, 1970. The following de~egations were heard: Messrs. Westgate & McMullan with regard to proposed by-law to rezone part of Lot 32,: Concession 7 reClarke Fishing and Conservation Club. Messrs. R. D. Morton, W~. Slater, and F. Nicholson met with Council with closing.of Allen's Lane. The following by-law wC\:s read a first and second time only. Being_a By-law to amend Zoning By-law Number l653~ 1. ;c. 3. \ D. Simpson, E.R.Woodyard regard to- proposed 'F