HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/21/1970 (Special) " SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP. OF CLARKE Wednesday, October 21, 1970 at 7:30.p.m. Council Chambe~, Orono. e Present: Reeve J. W. Stone Deputy Reeve .H. E.~alkey Councillor W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray . Councillor R. G..Chater GlerkH. DeWith Special meeting of Councrl was called by the Reeve to consider the following business: The following correspondence was read out by the Reeve: I, Mr. J. G. Taylor re.property damage accident.-Referred copy to Road Superintendent. 2. E. Richard Lovekin re Newtonville Cemetery.-Tabled. 3. E. Richard Lovekin re Completion of Road, letter to Sunnydene Estates Limited.-Tabled. 4. Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville re Rock Festivals.- Referred to :Clerkto .set. up resolution~ 5. Copy letter from E. R. Lovekin to Municrpal Planning Consultants~re proposed Fishing Club, ~ownship of Clark~.- T~l~. _ 6. Minutes of Clarke Planning Board dated September 17, 1970 and October 15, 1970.-Filed. 7. Railway Transport Committee re ~ownship Road level crossing, mile 281.60 Kingston-Subd., CNR and mile 152.90 Belleville Subd.,CPR.-Referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. 8. Weatherhead & Weatherhead re Kirby Woodlands Limited.- Referred copies to interested parties ,in prioposed closing of road, Lot 18 & 19, Con. 8. 9. Mr. Arthur A. Drummond, Clerk of Session, Orono Church, re objection to closing Allen's Lan~ in Police Village of.Orono.-Referred copy to Orono Trustees. The Reeve and Clerk signed ~ Application Form - Equaliz.ation of Industrial Opportunity Program - tQ. OIiario Development Corporation. The following resolutions were passed: , . Resolution No. 1 ~O:Moved bT W.R.Carveth,se-conded by RobertGChat.er: The Council of the Township of Clarke :hereby petition the Department of Highways of Ontario for interim payment on Statutory Grant under the Highways Improvement Act for expenditures made during the Year 1970. Carried. ~esolution No.l~]:Moved by H.E.Walkey,seconded by F.A~Gray: Whereas By-Law No. 1683 of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke provides for the appointment by resolution of election personnel such as a Returning Officer, Deputy Returning Officers, Poll Clerks and Assistants if required by the Returning Officer; Now Therefore the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke resolves as follows: :1. The Returning Officer shall be H. DeWith, Clerk of the Township of Clarke. 2. The Deput.y Returning Officers and Poll Clerks for the various Polling places shall be appointed as herein named: A. Polling Subdivision No. 1 Deputy Returning Officer - James Imlach Poll Clerk - ,Mrs. Leta Sands Polling Subdivision No. Z Deputy Returning Officer - Poll Clerk - Polling Subdivision No. 3 Deputy Returning Officer - Mrs. Chas. Fisk. P"ll Clerk - .Mrs., Freli Lowery Polling Subdivisioft No.4. D.puty Returning Officer - Mrs. Helen Couroux Poll Clerk - .Mrs.Dorothy Mercer POlling. Subdivision No.5 Deputy Returning Officer - .Mrs. Mary Berry Poll Clerk - .Mrs. Eira Duvall Polling Subdivision No. 6 Deputy Returning Officer - Poll Clerk Unit ed the PQJ.ice e B. Ross Adams' Mrs. Margaret G. BOyd C. D. E. F. Roy M. Thompson Raymond MacDonald Page Z Special meeting of Council Zl October 1970 continued: . ., G. Polling Subdivision No.7 Deputy Returning Of:fi~er Poll .Clerk . ' Polling Subdivision No. $ Deputy Returning Officer Poll Clerk Polling Subdivision No. 9 Deputy Returning Officer --.Charles E. Taylor Poll Clerk - Mrs., lone Forrester Polling Subdivision No. 10- _ Deputy Returning Officer Mrs. Alma Mitchell Poll Clerk- Mrs. Marjorie ,Best 3. The ~turnrng Officer shall appoint Assistants at his 4iscretion. 4. The Returning Officer be and .is hereby authori~ed to pay all reasonable ~lectien expenses.incurred and to charge back.. the said expenses ~n accordance with_The Secendary Scheels and Boards .of Education Act and The Separate Schoels.Act. - .The following by-law was read a first and secend time on. motion by F. A. Gray,. secanded by W. R.Ca:rveth: "';:, The fellowing by-law was read a third~ime and finally _ passed OR motion by.H. E. Walkey~ seconded by ~~ A. Gray:._ By-L,qw No. 1 hR'1 . . Being a by-law ta censtitute, authorize and establish the necessary arganizatian te f~cilibate the pre per and due Electien of School Trustees. .. Whereas The .Secendary Schaels ,and Boa~ds of Educatien Act R.S.O. 1960 and amendments therete provide for the elec~on_qf Twe Schoel Trustees by the publiQ~cheel supperters of the municipalities of the Township.ef Oarke, Tewnship .of Hepeand Village of Newcastle and, alse for the election .of one School .Trusteehy t.,he .separate scheol suppar~ers ~f~heUnited Caun~ies .of Ner.thumberland and Durham te the Northwnl::ierland and .Durham County BDard ,of Education; And.Wh~reas.The Separ.ate Scheol~~t. R.S.D. 1960 and amendments therete previde fer the election of One Schoel Trus~ee by the separate school.supporters .of the municipalities of the Town .of Bowmanville,. Vrllage .of. Millbreek, Village .of' Newcastle, TOWl!ship of Cartwright, Tewnship .of Cavan, Tewnship efCla~e, Township .of Darlington, Tewnship .of Hope and Tewnship.of Manvers ~e tre Peterbereugh-Victaria-Nerthumbsr.land-Durham aou~~y R9~Cathplic SeparateSchael Beard; And Whereas mare particularly to .name the place and time .of meeting for the nomination .of Candidates far Two SchaelTrustees to be elected by public schaal supporters ta the Narthumberland and Durham County Board .of Education; . And Whereas mare particularly to establish the Polling Places and provide far the appointment by resolutien of election persennel such as a. Returning Officer, Deputy Returning Officers, .Poll Clerks and Assistants if required by the Returning,Of'ficer for the . ensuing Electiens; Now Therefore the Municipal Council of the Cerperatien .of the Township .of Clarke enacts as fellews: 1. That the meeting fer the Nomination of Candidates for the. Election .of Twe School Trustees te the Nerthumberland and Durham County Beard' .of Edueatien by the public schoel.suPJlorters Qf .the municipalities .of the Tewnship .of Clarke, Tewnship efHQpe and Village .of Newcastle shall be held on.the secend Menday p~eceding the first Menday in December during the heur"betweenl and Z e'cleck in.the.afternoen (Lacal time) at ~he Te~ship Hal at Oreno. Z. That the pelling in the respective divisions herein n~ed for the electien .of Schoel Trus~ees shall take place, if required, in accerdance with The.Secendary Scheels and Boards .of Education Act R.S.O. 1960 and amendmen~s.thereto and The Sepa~ate S~Qeols act R.S.O. 1960 .and-amendments, therete: . Polling SubdivisieR.Ne. t Community Hall~cNewtenville Polling Subdivision Ne. Z - Residence .of Olga Ke;~b in Let 18, Cencessien 2, Clarke Lockhart's,SchOQl Heuse in Lot 30J.Cencese~en 3'cClarke Orange Hall J K~tl.dal TownshipcHall, Orone H. - .Lawr~nceHarris Mrs. Neta Ransberry -. ,Mrs. Bernice Stark - ~ Mrs ~ Ada L. Carsen 1. J. e ~ -- Pelling SubdivisioR.Ne. ~ Polling SubdivisieR No. 4 Pelling SubdivisieR Ne. 5 Page 3 Special:Meeting of Council ,1 October 1970 continued: e 6 Leskard United C~urch Ki~chen 7 Residence of Kenneth Henderson <' ,in:Lot 23; Conc~s~i9n 7, ,Clarke $ - Residence of James Stark in Lot $; Concesston 5, Clarke Polling Subdivision No. 9 Township Hall, Orono Pollin~ Subdi1t;j.sion No.10 Township Hall, Orono 3. This by-law shall remain in force until repealed. 4. By-taw No. 1664'be and the same is hereby repealed. The following delegations appeared at Council meeting: John Forrester, Jim Maj9r and Ted wilson in s~pport of road closing of Allen's ,Lane. . . ' 4'Shareholders of Kirby Woodlands Limited in opposition to Road clos~ng bet~een Lots 1$ anq 19, Concession $. The Canadian Imperial-Bank of Commerce, Orono, re~urne4 cheque re Wm. Curtis Estate No. 3311 dated January 29, 1965 as it was out-dated. 1t was the decision of Council not to issue a new cheque. '. : . It was moved. by . J .W. StonA~J Ol~conded by H. E. Walkey that the 10wnship purchase 1~fuorial wreat~ Carried. Counc~l adjou~ned at lOp.m. ~d. Polling Subdivision No. Polling Subdivision No. Polling Subdivision 'No: Clerk. , ' Q /lAJ Reeve .7 . ~ ,REGu,LAR.MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TQWNSHIP,OF CLARKE. . Tuesday, November 3" 1970, at 10 a.m. Council Chamber, Orono. e .Pres~nt:Reeve J. W. Stone Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey .Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor R. G. Chater Clerk H. Dewith Minutes of meetings held Oqtober 6 and October.21~ 1970 were adopted as printed on motion by F. A. Gray, seconded byR. E. Walkey. Carried. The. following correspondence was read out by the Reeye: 1. Walter H. Pope letter to the Trustees, Police Village of Orono re statement of estimated revenue :a~,d ,expenditures fort-he nine months ended September 30, 1970.~Tabled to January meeting. ,. Russell C. Hqney, M.P., re Newtonville overpass.-Filed. . 3.,The.Corporation of the.City of Oshaw~ ~e.().l}..P.A.D.S.-Filed. 4. Canadian Transport Co~ission, Railway Transport Committee, re Township Road level crossing, mile ~l.bO Kingston Subd., C.N.R. and mile 152.90 Belleville Subd.,'"C.P.R. - Referred to resolution. ". 5. E. Richard Lovekin reScheib~l Land Transferl-Filed. b. Minutes of Committee of Ad~ustment meeting dated October ,0, 1970.-Filed. 7. ,COpy letter from E. Richard.L9vekin to Goodyaar Tire and Rub~er Company re Lot 15, Cone. 2,Clarke To~nship Abandoneu Gravel Pit-Leland Payne Owner. (refuse from Goodyear Tire . and Rubber C~mpany) .-~.efe;red't~ F.A.Gray. $. Copy letter from E. R. Lovekin to HQrace Best, Building and By-Law Inspector, re Wolfram ~Ole. Lot 25, Con. 5, Township of Clarke-Agricultural Zone-Dog Kennel living quarters.-Yiled. . . 9. Copy letter from E. R. Lovekin ta Horace Best, Building Inspector, re Hasiuk, Jerry, Violation re trailer habitation.~Filed. ' 10.B. Bogdanovic re Fenceviewers' Award-Oct. 15, 1970.-Filed. 11.Mrs. Walter Dempsey re acknowledgement of cheque re well.- Filed. lZ.E. G. Faludi, Town Planning Consultants Ltd. re Official P;Lan.,.Filed. . .