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RegulB.7l Meeting of' Council Sept_her $, 1970 continued:
by-law alleged to -have been contrA~.d.. shall apply. .-
5. By-Law No-. 1669 be and. the lUlJIi.e is hereby repealed.
Resnlubinn Hn.121:Moved by H.E.Walkey~eeonded ,by Robert _
This Council hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday,
October 6, 1970, at 10 a.m. in the Council ,Chamber at Orono-
or otherwise in' special meeting at. the -call of' the Reeve.
Present: Reev:e J.. W. Stone.
Councillor W. R~ Carveth
Councillor F. A. Gray
Councillor R. G. Chatel'
Clerk H. DeWith ,_ )
Minutes of' meetings held September 1, 4 and 8, 1970 were
adopted as printed on motion by F. A. Gray, seco.nded by R.. G.
Chatel'. Carried. _
It was moved by W. R. Carveth, seconded by'R... G. Chatel'
that delegations be heard. Carried.
Mr. L. M. Hallowell, Live -Stock' Valuer, IRet with Council
with re~ard to~nterpretation of' Live Stock under the Dog_Tax
and Live Stock and P.oultTy Protection Act.
Messrs. A. O. Dalrymple, represent-:ing the Depar-tment of
Agriculture, R. Dickson-and C. Tamblyn, representing t~e Orono
United Church, appeared at Council to -object to the Friday
night parking restrictions in the Police Village of Orono. .
Mr. C. Tamblyn, representing the Orono United. Church, --.
objected to the closing of Allens' Lane..
The follOWing correspondence.was read out by the Reeve:
C9mmittee of Adjustment minutes dated September 22, 1970.
Clarke Planning Board minutes dated July 16, August 27,
and September 17, 1970.-Filed.
Letter of resignation-from A. G. Low,to Mr. R.C. SimpSO:t;l,
Cha~rman, Clarke Planning Boara.-Piled.
Northumberland and Durham :AssessmentOffice .re '-'!leeting
of W. H. Parnell to ..discuss equalization -factor. "'Piled.
:Township of Caledon re Gravel Pit Royalty to Municipalities
Affected.-Filed. .
The Corporation of the Town, ,o:t Cobourg re determination
f-Qr 1-971-72 term -of office I'ecombined. separate school
zone.-Referred to the Clerk.
Russell C. Honey., Q.C. M.P.re interim report concerning
subsidy with regard to Harry Wade property and C.P.R.
overpass.-Filed., ,
Community Planning Association of Canada Ontario Division
re Conference.- Regionalism - Ontario in Transition.-Filed.
Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves re Sudbury Area
Disaster Relief Fund.-Referred to the Clerk.
10; Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit
report for July 1970.-Filed.
11. The Co-ordinator, Regional Development Working f'or
12. The Consumers. Gas Company application to the Ontari9
Energy Board for an Interim Order approving its rates
for a period of not more.than one year from Ocbober 1,
The Great Pine Ridge Reporter for September 1970.-Piled.
Strike ana STr~ke re Nanciekvill house on road allowance
in Village of Orono. pReferred to the Trustees of the
Police Village of Orono.
Tuesday, October 6, 1970.," at. 10 a;m-.
Couneil Chamber, Orono.
. -
Page Z
Regular Meeting of Council Oe~ober 6, 1970 continued:
15. The Canadian arthritiS. and'Rheumatism Society request
for'a donation.-Filed.
16. Associati~n ~f Ontario Mayors and Reeves; minutes of
the Annual Convention.-Piled.
17. Alex Carruth~rs, M~P.P. re intersection at Newtonville.
-Refe~red to the Clerk,to.answer.
18.- Sunnydene Estcms Limitedre amendment to Zoning
By-Laws 159Z, 1613 and l653.-Piled.
l~. O.A.P.A.D.S. minutes of meeting September 16, 1970.-Filed.
Council recessed for lunch at 12 noon and resumed session
~t 1:30 on motion by R;_G. Chater, secOnded'by \'I,R, Carveth.
Carried. ,. . ' ,
ZOo ~. E. Sutton, Secretary, Boy Scouts of Can~da,~~quest
1 permission to hold annual Boy Scout APPle Day in. Orono
and Kendal.-CoUncil approved request for Kendal and
ref'erl"ed a' copy of letter to Oron~ Police Trustees with
regard to same request for Orono; .
Zl. Community Planning'Association of Canada, Ontario
Di,vision're Fall Conference, October 13, 14andlS.-Filed.
ZZ. Cupy letter from Ontari9 Water Resources COmmiSsion to
Imperial Oil Limited re Highway 401 Imperial Oil Service
Centre - Sewage Works.-Piled. ' ,
23. Northumberland and Durham Assessment Office re selection
of jurors.-Piled.
24. E. Richard Lovekin reCaspari sUbdivision.-Referred to
Z5. Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers of'
Ontario re Pall Session, October ZZ, '1970.-Referred to
the Clerk. ' .
Z6. Page and Kamin re Mosport Park Limited.-Referred to the
~~. .' . .
27. E. Richard Lovekin re Mosport-Breach. of By-Law-
Prosecution in Provincial Court, Possible Proceedings
in High Court.-Tabled. ,.
2$. Mrs. Ellen M. Yeo, Secretary-Treasurer for E. R. Lovekin,
Chairman, Committee of Adjustment, re Application to
the Committee.of adjustment, M.T.Micklash 1264-70.-Referred
to the Clerk.'
29. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority re minutes
September z6, 1970....Piled. .
30~ The Ontario Municipal Im~rovement Corpor~tio~ re How To
Sell a L>ebenture. -Filed. ' , n , "
31. ~. Richard Lovekin re Road-Lot 6, Cone. 6,Little~Referred
to the'Clerk to answer.
32. Town of Goderich re Provincial Government legislation
33. Department of Highways re W.P.831-70-0;L, Highway 35/115,
, . Intersections with Tbwnshlp' Roads on Or'ono;Kirby ". .
.and the 8th Line,' District 1t7, Port Hope. -Tabled.
34. Report from Building Inspector for September.-l'iled.
35.. Department of Energy and Resources. Man1igement, Waste
Management, Branch re Was'te Disposal. -Tabled', . ,
36. Roy C. Porrester, Chairman, Clarke Public Library
Board request for remainder of their.l~vy for 1970.-Tabled.
'3'7: .Mrs. Pamela Harley re South half of Lot Nli1lIIber'Thirty;
Eighth Concession, TOwnship of Clarke. -Tabled'-
38. Millson Insurance A~ency re Insurance.-Tabled.
39. Association of Ontario Housing Authorities re Anhual
Conference.-Filed. .' '.. .. . .
46. . 'Tne Peterbol'ough-Victoria-Northumberland and Burham'
County Roman Catholic Separate SchOOl' Board re formation
of R.C.S.S. Newcastle.-Piled... ..
41. 'Curvply \'Iood Products re eXPansion under the Ontario
Development Corporation.-ReferrBd to the Clerk.
4Z. Continental Telephone ~ystem re new by-law granting
Central Community Telephone Company Li~ited the
privilege of operating in Clark~Townshii:l.-Piled, referred
to by-laws.
43. :Adele McGill re resignation.-Filed.
Page 3
Regular Meeting of Council October 6, 1970 continued:
44. E. Richard Lovekin re Wotten sale to ~ownship of Clarke,
Part Lot 35, Concession B.-Piled.
45. Department of Highways re Golf Course Bridge-Project
46,. Department of HighW!lYs re MemQrandum OB-70-1B regarding
Land Surveys for Municipal Roads.-Piled.
47; Department of Highways re 1970 Interim Returns:-Piled..
48. Department of Highways re Equipment Rental Ra tes-OB-M-69.
-Piled. .
49. ~epartment of Highways re 1970 Maintenance .Exp~n:ii~urel;l.-
Piled. '
50. W. Kay Lycett, B.A. re Mr. and Mrs. William Perry Ir~in
and'Parts Lot 29, Con. 4, Clarke.-Filed. -
51. W. Kay Lycett re Township of Clarke and Traffic Control
Officer.-Piled. ,.. .
52." W.Kay Lycett re Deed to Township of Clarke of Sisson's
Road and Irwin Road being parts of Lot Z9~ Con. 4,
Clarke from Irwin.-Piled.
53. Letter from W. Kay Lycett to E. R. Woodyard, Secretary of
j;;he Police Trustees of the Village of Orono, re amending
By-law of the Township of Clarke regulating traffic within
the Police'Village of Orono.-Piled:
Mr. J. McMullan met with Coun~il in respect j;;o his
application on behalf of the.Clarke.Pishing and Conservation
Club. .
Mr. H. E., Millson appeared at Council meeting with regard
to Township Ins~rance.' . .
Mr. Ted Barnoski met with Council to request ditching
next to his property.
M. L. Ross'appeared at Council-to discuss certain KRd
Tenders were Opened for Alterations to Plumbing in Clarke
Township Hall from the following:
1. .. Robert Yeomans --
2. Harvey Partner
3. Lycett Plumbing & Heating
4. Carman Plumbing & Heating
T~nders were opened for Supply and Installation of Ii
1000 gallon holding tank'from'the following:
1. Carman Plumbing & Heating
2. Lloyd Taylor
The following resolutions were passed:
Re~olut;on No.122:Movea by P.A;Gray,seeonded by W.R.Carveth:
This Council hereby accept the tenders of Carman Plumbing
& Heating for the supply'and installation of- a 1000 gallon.
holding tank in the amount of $450~00 and for alt~rations to
Plumbing in Clarke Township Hall in the amoun~ of $450.00. .
RA~oll\tion No. 12~:Movea by. P'.A.Gray,seconded by Robert G.Chater:
This Counc~l hereby authorize the Clerk to install a new
septic Tank_at Orono Townijall at an estimated cost of $900.00.
Resolution No. 119 is hereby repealed. Carried.
RP.sOll1ti on No. 12L.:Mpved by W .R.Carveth, seconded by RobertG..Chater:
Resolve that the' Clerk prepare The Voters' List alphabetically
for t~e year 1970. Carried. ' .'
Re~olution No. 12S:Moved by Robert G. Chater,seconded by W.R.CArveth:
, This Council pereby authorize the Treasurer to strike off
the followihg dog j;ax arrears in accordll.nce with -Schedul-e "A"
Roll No_
1. 969 '
1966 '
S~hp.d1l1e 1111" to Re~o'ution
Melbourne Switzer
Ronald Hancock
Do.a T~x
Mrs. Velda Brown
Kenneth Cooper
II .r
II at
6.... .'
A~thur Priestly J~.
J. G. Stephenson
John SinClair
.. ..
.. "
.. "
.. It
Page 4
Regular Meeting of Council October b, 1970 continued:
4~064~01 1909 Alex Preston 10.00
4~079 1969 Amy Dennis 5.00
5~079-01 1967 Peter Rooyakkers 4.15
196$ " ,. , 5.00
1969 .. It 5.00
5-~41 1969 wm.,Tomlinson 5.00
b-10l-Ol 19b9 Andy Heidinga 10.00
8-083-01 1969 Maxwell Pollard Sr. 5.00 \
8-097 19b9 Victor Wilson 15.00'
8-117. 1968 Floyd Post 5.00
8-138 1968 William1Jury 10.00
1969 ,. " 15.00
9~146-02 1969 Theodore DeH~aa . 5.00
9-150 1969 Margaret 4rnott 5.00
10-055~01l969 ''Wm. Martin 5.00
10-11~ 1969 Elgin Heard 10.00>' .,-
10~14i::~011969 Richard ~atterson, <:;.00
, '198,~0 ,
Rji'so)utjon No.]~6:Moved by F.A.Gray, seconded by RobertG.Chater:
'~his Council hereby hire Mrs. Joan Mitchell as bookkeeper
at a salary of $~OO.OO to begin duties on October 19, 1970.
Reaolut;onNQ_12?:~oved byW.R.Carveth,second~d by F.A.Gray:.
This council hereby authorize the Clerk to transfer
$6,000.00 from the General Department to the Road.Department.
Carried. .' .'. '
Resolutidn Ho. 12R:Moved by F.A:Gray,secondedbY 'W.R.Carveth:
ResQlve that the following Pay Vouchers be and are hereby
authorized for payment by the Signing Officers of this Council :'
General Voucher 1110 for October in the amount of $114,515 .44 .
General Welfare Vouchef #lO'ror October in the amount. of $3'46.36
ROad Vo~cher'9 for September in the amount of $46~979.13
Police Viliage of Orono Voucher #9 for September in the amount
of $Z,585.4~. Carried.' '
The following by-laws, were read a first and s~cond ~ime
only: .'.'
Whereas William Perry Irwin and Etta Irwin hwe by Indenture
dated the 9th day of September, 1970 gran~edand cOnveyed to
this Municipal.Corporation parcels of land composed of parts
of Lot Number~9 in the Fourth Concession of the Township of
Clarke for the pur p:lses of publiC highways . ., ~
. Being a By~law of the Corporation of the ToWhship'ofClarke
hereihatt.er called the "Corporation", to authorize Central '
Community Telephone Limited to erect and maintain poles, cables,
ducts, wires or other structures or equipment uP9n "the highways,
lanes and'iquares in the said Corporation.
The following by-law ,was raad a third time .~and finally
passed: .'.
Bv-Law lIo-~ 16?? _ _ ~ .
ABy-~aw to provide for-the licensing of owners and
drivers of cabs and to establish the rates of fares to be charged.
WHEREA~ Councils of Townships are empowered by section 395,
paragraph L of The Ontario Municipal tl.ct Chap. Z49'R~S.0. 1960'
and alllendments thereto, to liCense owners and drivers of cabs
for hire. and to regulate and govern such owners an~ drivers;
AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to pass a By-Law under
such al.ithority; . " . . . ',. , ,
NOW TH&RtFOR~ the Town$hip of Clarke by 'the Council enacts
as follows:' ,
1. No person shall 'whether as owner or driver operate a cab for
hire in the Towllship unless he shall have first obtained a licence
according the privilege so to do in the current year from the
Council of' the Township and no person. shall drive.a cab for hire
for which an owners' licence under this By~Law has not been
issued 'for the current year. , ' , : . ',' ,.: ('~4~
Z. Owners of caes shall apply for suchl~cence in writing to
the Clerk setting forth all particulars with respect~ each cab
'for wfiich a licence is sought and of the buaines~ which'it'is' )
proposed to carryon and such appliat.ion shall be in a form. ..,
approved for such a purpose by the Council and shall del~ver'.uch
application duly signed to the Clerk accompanied by the fee
prescribed herein.
Page 5
Regular Mee~ing of Council pctober6, 1970 continued:
3. The li~ence fee payable by owne~ shall be the, spm o~
$10.00 per year for each cab.
4. Applic~tions for such licence to drive shall be made- in -
writing to tpe Clerk and shall set forth full particulars with
respect to tpe application and shall be in a form approved
for such purpose by the Council and shall be accompanied by the
fee prescrib~d herein.
5. (a) . The licence fee payable by a driver shall be the c.
sum of $5.00. per year; .
(bl . Owners to whom alicence has been issued for any
year for a c~b shall not require a driver's licence to drive
such a cab in such a year.
6. Upon m~ing the application required by Section 2 of" this
By-Law the o~er shall file with such application a policy of -
insurance is?ued in proper form by an insurer acceptable ~o
the Corporat~on providing for indemnity in respect sf eachocab
for personal. injuries in the sum of $100,000.00 for "one .person
and $250,009;00 for one accident, and in the sum of $100,000.00
for property damage.
"1. 'Any licence granted hereunder' may be rev6ked" by the Council
at any time. ' ,
8. . The maximum number of taxi licences to be issued by the
Corporation shall be determined by resolution passed at the
discretion of the Council'of the Township of Clark~~
9. Every person who contravenes any of the provisions of
this By-Law shall, for each offence, be liable to a'penalty
not exceeding Fifty Dollars ($50.00) exclusive of costs, "and
such penalty shall be recoverable Onder The Simunar:r-Convi'eti'Ons
10. No'owner or driver shall purport to transfer, "assign,
lease or otherwise dispose of his licence, "but shall surrender'
it to ~he Corporation upon ceasing to carryon business.
11. This By-Law shall come, into full force and effect on the
date following the final passing thereof.
The following by-lawswere given first reading'on'motibn
by F. A. Gray, seconded by Robert G. Chater:
The following by-laws were given second reading on
motion by F. A. Gray, seconded by W. R. CArveth:
The following by-laws were given third reading and
finally passed on motion by W. R. CArveth, seconaed by
Robert G. Chater:
Bv.Larw NOa lh?R
"A By-Law for the appointment of a traffic Control Officer
for the Township of Clarke having juriSdiction within the
Village of Orono.
Be it enacted and it is hereby enacted that C. J. Watson
of the Township of Clarke be and he is her~by appointed Traffic
Control Officer for the Township'of Clarke having jurirliction
within the Police Village of Orono in the Township of Clarke ,.
for the enforcement of all Traffic Control By-Laws and'all
other Laws pertaining to traffic within the said Police Village
of Orono.
Rv-L,qw No a 16?q
A-by-law to'constitde and'appoint a committee of adjustment.
WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to constitute and appoint
a committee of adjustment as provided by The Planning Act
R.S.O. 1960;' Chapter 296, Section 32 (al, .,"
NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of ""the
Township of Cl~rke enacts as follows: " .
1. That the follOWing persons who, not being members
of the Councilor employees of the municipality
or of a local board thereof, shall constitute and
are hereby appointed as members of the Committee
of Adjustment~ "
(1) K. Schoenma~er, Orono, to hold office until January 1, 197Z.
(Z} E.F.R.Osborne,R.R.2,Newcastle, t6 hold office until"January
1,1973. .'
(3l E.R.Lovekin, Newcastle, to hold office until January 1,'1974.
2. That By-Law No. 1657 be and is hereby repealed.
Page 6
Regular Meeting of CouncilcOctober 6, 1970 continued:
Bv-Law No... 1680
Being a By-Law to authorize the sale O'f land
The Council of the Corporation of the Township ef Clarke
enacts that The land hereinafter particularly described, -
namely, All and Singular that certain parcel or 'tract of land
and premises, situate, lying and being in the Township of'
Clarke, in the County of Durham, in the Province of- Ontario,
being composed of parts of Lots 9, Concessions 1 and 2,
of the said Township and which said parcels or trac~s of land
may be more particularly described firstly and secondly as -,
follows:PREMISING the northerly limit of the King's Highway
No. 2 to have a bearing of North 5$ degrees 05 minutes east
derived frem department of Highways Ontario, Plan P2001-18
and relating all bearings herein thereto: FI~TLY Part of
Lot 9, Concession 1. COMMENCING at a point in the northerly
limit of said lot distant westerly thereon 153 feet7!
inches from the northeasterly angle thereof; THENCE 'SOUTH,
72 degrees 52 minutes west along the northerly limit of saia
Lot 122 feet 4! inches to a point in a line of trees marking
the westerly limit of the first described parcel;'THENCE
South 17 degrees 43 minutes east in the said line of trees
73 feet 6i inches to a point in the northerly limit of the -
King's Highway as established by Department ~f Highways
Ontario Land PlanP-eOOl-l$; THENCE EASTERLY along the
northerly limit of the said King's Highway 126 feet '2l inches;
THENCE NORTH 17 degrees 43 minutes west 41 feet 4 inches more
or less to the point of ,commencement; SECONDLY part of Lot 9,
Concession 2, COMMENCING at a point in the southerl~ limit
of the said lot distant westerly thereon 132 feet 0 inches
from the south easterly angle thereof; THENCE NORTH '17
degrees 43 minutes west 165 feet 0 inches; THENCE SOUTH
72 degrees 52 minutes west 66 feet 0 inches; THENCE SOUTH
17 degrees 43 minuteseast 165 feet 0 inches more or ~ess to
a point in the said southerly limit of Lot 9, distant 66 feet
o inches westerly thereon from the point of commencement.
THENCE NORTH 72 degrees 52 minutes east along the said south-
erly limit of Lot 9,66 feet 0 inches to the point of
commencement, be sold to Mr. Charles Wesley Lemon, R. R. 2,
Newcastle, Ontario for the sum of $1236.96 and that-the
Reeve J. W. Stone and Clerk H. DeWith are hereby ,authorized
to execute such documents as maybe necessary therefor, and to
attach the Corporate Seal thereto. '
Bv-L1iw No..: 1 nRl
, Being a By-Law to constitute, authorize and establish
the necessary organization to facilitate thep~per and due
election of municipal officials in the Township and, more part-
icularly to appoint the time and place of meeting for ~he
nom,ination of Candidates for the office of Reeve" Deputy:-
Reeve and Three Councillors for the 'Township of Clarke in
accordance with the provisions of The Municipal'Act, RSO
1960, Chapter 249 and amendments therebo and alsO' appoint
and establish the Polling Places, Deputy Returning Officers
and Poll Clerks in and for the several Polling Subdivisions
of the Township for the ensuing Municipal Elections.
The Municipal Council of the eorporation of'the
Township of, Clarke enacts as follows:
That the Annual Meeting of the Municipal Electors of
the Township of Clarke for the nomination of Candidates for the
Office of"Reeve,' Deputy-Reeve anQ. Th1"ee"Councillors for the
Township of Clarke shall be held in the Township Hall, Orono,
OntariO, on the Twenty-seventh day of Noyember, 1970 at the
. hour of ene o'clock in the afternoon.
That the polling in the respective divisions herein
named for the Municipal Elections shall take place (if
required) on the Seventh day of December, 1970, and the Deputy
Returning Officers and Poll Clerls, also PollingPlaees,for
each division shall be and are hereby appointed as follows:
Polls shall open at 10 a.m. and close at $ 0' clock .p .m. -
, -
,~~ . ,,',-"p,-" "" ,
Page 7
Regular Meeting of Council. October 6, 1970 ~ontinued:
Sub-Division #1
Community Hall, Newtonville
Deputy Returning Officer
Poll Clerk
Sub-Division #2
Residence of Olga Kozub
Lot +8, Con. 2
Depjlty Returning Offic,er.
Poll. Clerk
Sub-Division #3
School House #9
Deputy Returning Officer
Po,ll Clerk
Sub-Division #4
Orange Hall, . Kendal
Deputy Returning Officer
Poll Cl~rk
Sub-Division #5
Township Hall, Orono
Deputy Returning Officer
Poll Clerk
Sub-Division #6
Leskard Church.Kitchen
Deputy Returning Office~
Poll Clerk
Sub'-Division #7
Re~idence of Kenneth Henderson
Lot 23, Con. 7 . .
Deputy Returning Officer
Poll Clerk .
Sub-Division 118
Residence of James Stark
Lot 8, Gon. 5
Deputy Retur~ing Officer
Poll Clerk .
Sub-Division #9
Township Hall, Orono
. De,put.Y R,eturning Officer
Poll Clerk
Sub-Division 1110
Township ,Ha.ll, Orono
Deputy Returning Office~
Poll Clerk
And at the said Nomination Meeting
H. DeWith, Cle~ shall be Chairman
That By-Law No. 1640 be and the same is hereby repealed.
By-1..RW No_ 1682
A by-law to ap~i~ the time and place of m~eting for the
nomination .of Candidates for Three Police Trustees for the
Police Village of Orono, Township of Clarke, for the ensuing
2 years, also the Polling Plaqe, Deputy Returning Officer 'and c
Poll Clerk for the next ensuing election.
The M~nicipal Council of the Corporation of the Township
of Clarke enacts as follows;
That the Annual Meeting of the Municipal Electors of the
Village of Orono for the nomination of Candidates'for Three Police
Trustees for the ensuing yearsfl9all be held i~ the Orono MuniCipal
Building on .~:qo; Twenty-sixth4"1'day of November" 1970, at the
hour of two.~o'clook in the afternoon.
Tha~ the PQlling, if required, for_the Municipal Election
shall take place on the Seventh day of December,,1970,'and tre
Deputy Returning Officer, 'Poll Clerk and Polling Place shall be
and are hereby appointed as follows: Poll shall open at 10 a.m.
and close at 8 9'cloc~ p.m.
Orono Hydro Office
Deputy Returning Officer Mrs. Mar~aret'Mer6er
Po;Ll. Clerk I , ~s. 'Olga'lleauohalfip.
And at the said Nomination Meeting and Election (if required)
H. DeWith shall be Chairman and Returning Officer.
By-Law No. 1606 be and the same is hereby repealed.
Resoluuion No.12Q:Moved by Robert G.Chater,seconded by W.R.Carveth:
This Council hereby adjourn to meet a.gain on Tuesday, November 3, 1970,
at 10 a.m. in the Council Chamber at Orono or otherwise in special
meeting at the~~all/..of the Reeve. Carried.
~ . Clerk IY-->- ~ eeve.
James lmlach
Mrs. Leta Samis'
G. Boyd
Mrs. Charles Fisk
Mrs. Fred Lowery
Helen Couroux'
Dorothy Mercer
Mrs. Mary Beny
Mrs. Eira Duvall
Roy M_ rhompson .
Raymond MacDonald
Lawrence. Harris
Mrs. Neta Ransberry
Mrs. Bernice Stark
Mrs. Ada L. Carson
charles E. Taylor
Mrs. lone For~ester
Mrs. Alma Mitchell
Mrs. Mar jorieBest _
and El.ection:( if re(q.1red)'
and Returning Officer