HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/01/1970 _' 0 REGULAR ME~TING OF THE COUNCIL -OF -THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE- Tuesday, September 1, 1~.70. at 10 a.m. .. Council Ch-amboer,- Orono. Present: Reeve John W. Stone - Deputy Reeve H. E~ Walkey Councillor W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor R. G. Chatel" Clerk H.DeWith Minutes of meetings he~d August 4, and August 11, 1970 were adopted as printed on motion by R.' G. Chatel", eecondeaby H. E. Walkey. Carried. The following correspondence was read out by the Reeve: 1. Committee of Adjustment minutes Qated August 17, 1970.-Filed. 2. Mrs. Elva L. Grant letter and p~otest signed by 67 rate- payers re Mosport Strawberry Fe~~ival.-Rererred to Clerk. 3. Letter from Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. to J.W.Stone re Mosport Peace Festival._Flled. ~ 4. Northumberland and Durha~ Assessment Office re 1970 Equalization Factors.-Tabled and referred to Clerk. 5. Mosport Park re Car Race, September 13, 1970.-Referred to Clerk.' I 6. Ontario Federation of Agriculturere $choOl board'monies.- Filed. 7. Township of Caledon re Gravel Pit Royalty to Municipalities Affected.-Tabled. 8. The Treasurer of Ontario an~ Minister of Economics re purchase of debentures.-Filed. 9. Orono Youth Theatre request for dbnation.-Referred to Clerk. 10. Department of Municipal Affairs re Residential Property Tax Reduction progr&m - 1970.-Filed. 11. Ontario Municipal A~sociation re ptoposed increase of Bell Canada rates.-It wa~ moved by H. E; Walkey, seconded by F. A. Gray to contribute an amount"equal to one half a cent per capita towards represent~tion ~t the Hearing. 12. E. Richard Lovekin re Charles Lemoh.-Referred to Resolution. Council recessed for lunch at 12:15 and resumed session at 1:45. 13. No~thumberland and Durham Assessment Officeore Gollectors Roll &nd IBM._Filed. 14. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Minutes dated July 28'c1970.-Filed. 15. Haliburton, Kawartha, .~ne Ridge District Health Unit Report for. June 1970.-f.iled.. _ 16.1:. Richard Lovekin re ~ownsliip Clarke to Arillstrong Trees, Road allowance between. Lots 34 & 35, Con. 10.-Fil~d~ ---17'0 ~etition of Jim Smith,and 44 other signedp~titioners re Road allowance between Lots 26 and'27, Township of Clarke.-:F'iled. 18. Maple ~e~f Drum Reconditioners Limited request for rezoning of.partLots 24 & 2~, fon. 9.-Referred to Pl~ing Board. 19. Police,Village of Orono Resolution No. 70-68 dated Aug. 24, 1970 re request from Clarke Public Library._Filed. 20. PoliCe Village of Orono Resolution ~o. 70-74_dated August 31, 1970 re appointment of C~ J. Watson as Traffic Control Officer. -for the Police VIllage. of Orono.-Filed. 21. Police Village of Orono Resolution No. 70~75 dated A~gust 31, 1970 re collection of mo~ies for fines ~nder traffic control-by_laws to'be collected by the Orono. Hydro System. -Filed. , It. was moved by F. A. Gray, seconded by W. R. Carveth that, c;lelegations behl!ar,d. Carried. ._ 0 M. L. ROSS met with Council to discuss certain road matters. Mr.... S. Gadsl:>y appea.l:'ed at Council meeting a$ a representative of Maple Leaf Drum Recondltioners ~imited to request the rezoning of part :Lots 24-25, Con., 9 frolll"'Agricul ture to Ip.dustrial. Mr. Gadsby i~ to. make out fo~s and apply to Planning Board. 9 persons representing the Orono Businessmen met with Council reparallel parking on Main Street. e e 'O\~._"".' Page 2 Regular Meeting of Council Septe~er I, 1970 continued: Mr. J. B. McMu~len met with Council with regard to his rezonin~ re~uest. Solicitor E. R. Lovekin to draw up agreement between Township and Mr. McMullen. " . Clarke Library Board met with Council to discuss matters pertaining to the new Library Building and financing of same. Mr. Millson appeared at Council meeting in connection with Insurance coverage and requested photOstatic copy of Insurance Policy from Hamiltons Insurance Service. " Mr. Art Low, Secretary,' Clarke Planning Board met with Council and presented a proposed application for amendment for ~ rezoning which was accepted on motion by R. G. Chater and" ,., seconded by H. E. Walkey. 22." Mrs.'L. J. Boisvert letter requesting a severance was cancelled 9Y Mr. Boisvert. -. 'The foll~wing resolutions were passed; Resolution No. l09:Moved-by H~E.Walkey, seconded by Robert G:Chater; It was the decision of" Council in meeting on September 1, 1970 to deed the property in part Lots 9, Concessions 1 and 2 under Tax Registration File No. 68~2.back to Charles Wesley Lemon,R. R."2, Newcastle, Ontario, provided that all t~x arrears, interest, penalties and costs to September 1970 are ~aid in full by September 14, 1970, and with the approval of the Department of Municipal Affairs. A ~tatement marked Schedule "A" to Resolution No. 109 showing total due is attached. Cal;'rj,ed. . . " Schedule "A" to Resolution No. 109 Statement of Taxe!?l.penaltles;interest and costs due to September 14, 1~70; 1964 $ 80.44 $24.14 1965 139.13 54.27 1967 192.02 51.84 1968 271~81. 52.96 1969 189.46 21.78 1970 43.43 1.94 Expenses and costs 113.74 Total Owing $1,236.96 Resolution No.llO:Moved by Frank Gray, seconded by W.R.Carveth; This Council resolve that in res~ect of. Insurance premiums paid on all Insurance Policies carried by the Corporation of the Township of Clarke with Hamilten's Insurance Service that 80% of. all commissions ~e paid to.Hami*ton's Insurance Service and the remaining 20% of commissions ge divided equally among the other agencies in the municipality. Carried. Resolution No.lll:Moved by Robert G.Chater,seconded by W.R.~arveth: This Council hereby receive the application for Tile Drain Loan of Robert ALAN Morrow who is assessed as owner alld.bej,rig j:he actual owner.of 160 ~res in part Lots 5 and 6, Concession 5., in the Townshipef Clarke, and authgrize the Clerk-Treasurer to apply to the Treasurer of Ontario for the approval for purchase of debenture on.this application for loan. Upon receipt-of apprOval of the Treasurer of Ontario, the Clerk- Treasurer is her~.authorized to notify. the said applicant-to proceed with the ~ork and"upon completion of the said work the Tile Drain Inspector shall make report on the prescribed form. Carried. Resolution No.li2~Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded by Frank Gray; The Council of Township of Clarke hereby endorse Resoition No. 70-74 dated August 31, 1970 of the Trustees of the Police Village lilf,Orono. Carried. . Resolution No.113. ;Moved.by H.E.Walk~econded by llobertG.Chater; . . The Councll of the ToWnship of Clarke hereby endorse Resol~tion No. 70-75 dat~d August 31, 1970 of the Trustees of the Police Village of Orono. Carriea. . Resq~vtion Mo.114;Moved by H.E.Walkey,secon~edby W.R.Carveth; ~esolve that the following Pay Vouchers be and are hereby authorized for payMent by the Signing Officers of this Council: General Welfare Vou~her #9 for September 1970 in tne amount of $2,675.37. Road Department Voucher ~8 for August in the amount of $39,998.84. General Department Vouch~r ~8 for August in the amount of $8,021.94. Carried. Council adjourned at 7;30 p.m; to resume regular sesslon on September ,~~79 at 7;30 p!m. ~~ . 'e' "eejr~ ~ ~ ~ . Page 3 Regular Meeting of Council September 4, 1970 continued: Continuation of the regular meeting of Council resumed session on Friday, September 4, 1970 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber at Orono with Reeve J.W.Stone, Deputy Reeve H.E.Walkey, Councillor W.R.Carveth, Councillor F.A.Gray,Councillor R.G.Chater and Clerk H. DeWith in attendance. Solicitor E.R.Lovekin met with Council with regard to Mosport Park - Strawberry Festival. a The following correspondence was read Qut by the Reee: 1. Ontario Development Corporation re Equalization of Industrial Opportunity Program.-Referred to the Clerk. Z. Totten Sims Hubicki Associates Limited re Newtonville C.P.R. Grade Separation, Wade Property, Township of Clarke.-Filed. 3. Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves re 'Pits and ~uarriesl brief.-Referred to the Clerk and resQlution. 4. McComiskey & Pezzack re E. Mostert as business brought fQrward from 7 July 1970.~Referred to the Clerf' 5. The Corporation of the Township of Hope re By. aw Number 151$--69. -Filed. ' 6. Page and Kamin re Mosport Park Limited and heliport.- Referred to the Clerk. 7. Department of Highways re Golf Course Bridge-Project 1$3$.- Referred to the Clerk. $. Copy letter from E.R.Lovekin. to Miss M.M.Van Camp, Barrister, Solicitor, re Wotten and Township of Clarke.-Filed. 9. E. Richard Lovekin re Clarke Township purchase from.Helen Ruiter, Pt. of lot II, Conc. 3, Township of Clarke.-Filed. 10.E. Richard Lovekin re Clarke Township purchase from George Valentine Fogg.-Filed. 11.Siegal, Fogler, Horkins & Greenglass re farm crossing over CNR and CPR tracks, Lot 13, broken front concession. Township of Clarke and Mr. BelaPanta.-Referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. lZ.E. Richard Lovekin re Road - Lot 6, Conc.6-Little.-Referred to the Clerk. 13.Department of Municipal Affairs re The Drainage Act.-Referred to the Clirk. 14.Copy letter from Sunnydene Estates Limited to Mr. Derek Little, Municipal Planning Consultants. requesting eoning amendment re part of Lots 9 & 10. Con. 5.-Filed. 15.Copy letter from Mr. Derek Little, Municipal Planning Consultants re Part Lots 9 and 10. Concession 5. Clarke Township.-Filed. 16.Report to Council from Building Inspector for the month of August.-Filed. 17.E.Richard Lovekin re Mosport Park-Strawberry Festival.-Filed. l$.Francis G.Daulby re Lot 5, Concession $, purchased July ,3, 1969 from Sunnydene Estates.-Referred to the Clerk. 19. Clyde L. Lewis re part Lot 5, Concession $, purchased September 1969 from Sunnydene Estates.-Referred to Clerk. ,0.Grace Elizabeth Trewin re Rock F"tival at Mosport.-Filed. Zl.Proposed procedure for processing Applications for Amendments to the Zoning By-Law.-Filed. Z,.Ontario Hydro re Becas Developmen.s, Lot Z7 & Z$, Cone. 5, Township of Clarke.-Referred to resolution. . Resolution No.llS:Moved by F.A.Gray,seconde~by RobertG.Chater: Council hereby approve of the locations of the Ontario Hydro equipment and material as indicated on the typical Cross-Section of Road with regard to Becas Developments, Lots Z7 & Z$, Con. 5. Township of Clarke. Carried. Council adjourned at $:30 p.m. to resume regular session on September $, 1970 at 7:30 p.m. Continuation of the regular meeting of Council resumed session on Tuesday. September $, 1970 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber at Orono with Reeve J.W.Stone, Deputy Reeve H.E.Walkey, Councillor W.R.Carveth, Councillor F.A.Gray, Councillor R.G. Chater and Clerk H. DeWith in attendance. The following corresponde~ce was read out by the Reeve: 1. Ontario Department of Hiifhways reo road closings. -Filed. Z. Department of Municipal Affairs re Legislation -The Planning Act, section ,6~ business brought forward from august. 11, 1970.-Filed. 3. Mr. H.R.Best presented a plan and estimated cost for an inst.allation of a new septic tank for Orono Town Han..- Referred to resolution and filed. -- e Page 4 Regul~r Meeting of Council September 8, L970 continued: The following }>esoLl.t1.ons were passed: ReR'oJ\Jtion Nl).'JI6':Moved by H.E'.Walkey,Seconded by Robert G.6hater: The Councl1 of the Township' or Clarke hereby accep~'the proposed Appl.ication ror Amendment tt> Zoning By-Law No. 1592, (as amended) and/or The Officia.! Pl.anand the' 'Procedure for processing. appl. ications for amendments to the Zoning B"y-Law as recbrlunended by the Planning Board. Carried. ReRO'llltion NO.ll?:Mo-ved by F.A.Gray,' seconded by W.R.Carveth: The Councll o~ the Township of ~1arke supports the resolution . o~ the Township of UXbridge wherein the said Township is unanimousl.y ~ opposed tos].lch changes in the MuniCipal.' Act and the Planning .. Act as are recommended by the Mineral. Resources Committee.' The Council of the Township 'of CIC1r'ke dl.SO concurs with the proposals in the brief, 'Pits and Quarries' prepared by a . Committee' representing The Ass'o~1.ation of Ontario Mayors and Reeves, The-OntariO Municipal Association, The Association' of Counties and Regions of Ontario and The Ontario Association cr Rurai.Municipalities. Certified copies of this resolution be referred to The -.Association ~f Ontario Mayors and Reeves and The Honourable Allan Lawrence, Minister of Mines. . Carried. ReRolntion .No.llR:Moved by F.A.Gray,seconded by W.R.Carv-eth: This Council hereby resolve closing the fo~lowing road allowances in the Township of Clarke: . 1. ~hat portion of the Lakeshor~ Road Allowance from the westerly limit of Lot 20, Broken F~ont Concession, in the.Town- ship of Clarke, County of Durham, easterly, for a distance of One Hundred and Fifty-six and eighty-nine one-hundredths feet (156.89') ~nthe northerly limit of. the Lakeshore Road and a'4istance of Three Hundred.and Eighty-six and ninety-two ~ne-hundredths feet (386.92') from the said westerly limits ~f Lot 20, on the south~r1y limit pf the. Lakeshore Road allowance. . 2. That portion of the Allowance for Road betw~en Lot 20 and' Lot 21 in the Broke.n Front Concession of the TownShip of !::larke, County of Durham, from the southerly boundary, of ,the New Lakeshore Road Allpwance to a southerly point approximately Sixty-~ight feet (68')" ' . 3. The unopene~ rpaQ allowance b~tween Lots 18 and 19 in the Eighth Concession of th!3 Township Of i:::larke, County of D.u, ham , extendi.ng,from the sout)1erly limit of the said Eighth Concession to the northerly limit thereof. 4, The part of Princess Street in the Police, Village of, Orono between Main Street and Church Street on condizion that the Municipality retain an~asement ten feet' on each side of the centre line. ' . 5. Allens' Lane" in the Police' Village of Orono between Main Street' and Church Street on condition that the Municipality retain an' easement ten feet on each side of the centre line. 'carr:Led, ' 'ReRollltion No llq:Moved by F.A.Gray,seconded by H.1:,Walke"y: This Council hereby authorize the Clerk to install a' new Septic Tank at Orono Town Hall at an estimated cost of $450.00. . Ca'rrie"d. ' , Resolution No.120:Moved by W.R.Carv-et'h',secon'ded by F.A.Gray: . 'This Council hereby' object' to the pro~oseti- road, closings in Lots 26-27, Con. 5 and Lots 24-25, Con. 7 as outlined on the plan presented to this Council by representatives of the 'Department of Highways of Ontario. It is the unanimous feeling of this Counc~l that the proposed closing at Lots 24-2"5, Con, 7 will put all traffic through one intersection and r~strict; the use of' the road to Kirby School Kindergarten; the proposed closing at Lots '26-27, Con. 5 wi11 ~ut ail traffic through the lntersection at Taunton e. Road and Hwy. 35-115 which i~ already overloaded and overload ~~e intersectron at t~e north entranc~ to Orona; and that the proposed closings ~ll neither presently nor ul~imately aileviate the existing hazardous conditions at these intersec-t"ions " Carried. The~ollowing by-law was read a first and second time only. Being a By-Law to declare certain Tax R",gistra,tion Lands to be required by The Township of Clark-e 'for -its own purposes. Page 5 Regular Mee~ing of Council ~eptember $, 1970 continued: e The following by-laws were read a first time on motion of H. E. ~alkey, seconded by W. R; Carveth: The following by-laws were read a second time on motion by H. E. Walkey, seconded by R. G. Chater: The following by-laws WElre read a third time and finally~ passed on motion by W. R. Carve~h, seconded by R. G. Cha~r: By-Law --No. 167':\ A By-Law to license and regulate the keeping of dogs WHEREAS Council ~eems it expedient to regulate the running at large of dogs within the limits of the Township of Clarke and to license the keeping of dogs within the municipality; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the_ ToWlllbip of Clarke, pursuant to the authority prov.ide~by,Section 379 (1) of The Municipal Act R.S.O. 1960 Chapter 249 and the Dog Tax and Cattle, Sheep and Poultry Protection Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter Ill, renamed The Dog Tax and Live StQck and Poultry Prot.ection Act and amendments thereto, hereby ENACT5AS ,FOLLOWS:, 1. - In this by-law (a), >>DogU means every dog, whether male or female. (b) >>Owner>> of a dog includes everJ person who possesses or harbours a dog and >>owns>> and "ownedu have a , corresponding meaning. - (c) >>Control>> means helli by,a leash, thong, strap, chain, rope or other attachment so that the dog may not proceed a greater di~tanc~ than four feet from theperso~ responsible at an~ time for preventing the dog from running at large wh~ taken off the prem~es of his owner. (d) >>Pure-bredu means registered or eligible f.orregistration in the register of The Canadian Kennel Club, Incorpor~ted, PI'. of a class designated as pure-bred in the pegulations. Le) >>Licence Fee" shal-l mean and include "dog taxi\ ,a~ referred to in the Dog Tax and Live Stock and Poultry protection Act and amendment~ thereto.-. . 2. .Every owner of a dog or dqgs within the limits of the Township of ~larke shall annually pay the lice~ce)fee h&reinafter set forth and obtain a tag for each dog owned by him from the Township Clerk- Treasurer, Orono, Ontario or other officer that the Cou~cil may appoint by resolution, and shall cause to be securely affixed tq each dog owned, such/tag while .current. (Tags shall cease to be- current on December 31st of each year.) 3. The amount of the licence fee payable undElr the provisions of this by-law snall be as follows: ' (a) Por each male dog $ 5.00 . (b) Fo~ each female dog $10.00 4. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 3, where ~he certificate of a veterinary s1:U'geon is produced whQwingthat.a female 40g h~s been spayed the fee shall be the same as for a male dog. 5. Notwithstanding the.provisions of paragraphs 2 and 3 of the within by-law the owner of a kennel-of pure-bred dogs registered in the register of The Canadian Kennel Club, Incorpor~tedJ-shall pay an annual tax of $25.00 to the Township Clerk-Treasl.U'er, Orono, Ontario as a tax upon the kennel and he .shall not be liable to pay.any further licence fee in respect of sl,l.eh,py.re-bred dogs. 6. . The licence tag shall have a serial number and the year in which it.was issued and a.record shall be kept by the Clerk~Treasurer or other officer appointed for that purpose showing the n~e and address of the owner and the serial number of the tag. (Every licence issued under this by~law shall be for the calendar year. and shall expire on the 31st of December in each year.) Each licence shall be renewed-\ii':tth~h s1.:l:ty'(6o) days from the commencement of the calendar year. 7. Every person who fails to comply with the fore~oing provisions of this by-law or who uses a tag upon a dog other than that for which ,;it was issued shall be guilty of an offence under this by-law. $. No person shall allow his dog to become a nuisance nor permit it:. to howl or bark excessively. Any person so aggrieved may appear before a Justice .of the P.ace and swear'out an Information ~harging the owner with a breach of th~s section. e Page 6 Regular Meeting ef Council September $, 1970 continued: 9. No. persen who. is the ewner ef a dog shall allew it to. run..at large within the :limits -ef. the Township ef Clarke. 10. Every deg which is faund running at large may be dispesed ef by ~he dag cantrel~f.fioer or ather efficer that the Council may by resalutien appeint. 11. : For ~he purpese ef this by-law a dog .shall be deemed to. be running at large when feund eff the premises upon which it is habitually kept er en a public highway er ether pu~ic place and net under the centrel af any persen. 12. The-deg central efficer may seize and ~peund.any deg er degsfeund running at large within the limits ef the Tawnship ef Clarke ar any dag faund .withaut a tag cGIltrary to. the. pravisiens of this by-law. 13 . Any persen shall besntitled to .take charge af any ,. animal feund .running at large and celiver the S!lDle to. the Tewnship af Clarke paundkeeper. 14.: When the.dag central .officer seizes a dag as hereinbeflere previded it shall be his duty to. deliver the same to. the pound- keeper whase duty it shall be to. pr.ovide suitable quarters" as may be appra.ved by Cauncil, in which to. ke.ep in a humane maI1Iler all the dags that may be breught ~e him by the dag centrel afficer under the previsiens ef this by-law. The peundkeeper shall, ina beek, to. be .furnish.,ed .him .by the Clerk-Treasurer, keep..an- ac,cq'rate accaunt ef all deg. placed in the peund, including the date af receipt, ximes ef feeding and watering,manner af final dispesal, the methedsef destruction af the same, amaunts received by way ef redemptien fees, and. fines and sales, and the names and addresses ef the purchasers ef degs land any ether particular.s .Council may deem advisable-. . ) 15. Where- a deg bearing a_t;ag issued as hereinhefere previded .inthis by-law has been ""impeunded, the peundkeeper shall, within twelve (12) hours deliver to. the Clerk-Treasurer, in writing, particulars ef the registratien number ef the said tag. 16. The Clerk-T,r~asurer, upan receipt af tba particulars ef registratian number on the said tag, as her~inbefare pravided, shall within twenty-faur (24) haurs af a receipt ef such natice, 'netify the owner ef the dog as it may appear from the recards af his affice. 17. The Owner of any dag impaundedunder .the pravisians af this by-law may redeem the same up to. seventy-two. (72) haurs after its delivery to. the paundkeeper -.by paying to. the paundkeeper, .far use of the municipality, the sum ef Five Dollars for the first day er part thereof that the said deg has been impounded, and Gne Dallar per day fer each additianal.day ar part thereef tagether w~t~ the paundage fees and expenses af the keeper afthe pound.. PrQv~ded further, that if the said dag is a dag fer which a licence !ee has nat been paid as pravided in this by-law, the Owner shall in additian to. the payment hereinbefare pravided pay to. the Clerk-Treasure~ the amaunt required far such licence and thereupon shall be i~sued with a licence tag by the Clerk-Treasurer. All dogs ~peun4ed under the pravisians af th:a by-law natpeing redeemed wi.hin seventy-uwa- (7;;!) haurs .ef such impeundi"llg may be sald at the sum <mentiened in thia by-law ~r redemptien.orat s~ch higher sum as the said deg ar dags may bring. All dogs nat sa redeemed a~sald_ shall-after faur (4) clear.days framsuch impaunding be'destrayed in a"'humane way by the Tewnship Poundkeeper,.a competent V~tElrinl1-rian or atherwise dealt with accarding ta~law. 1$. Council shallb~reselution pravide far the appgintm~~t ef a dag eontral afficer and a poundkeeper (provided,however, that such affices.may be held by one per san if Ca\\llcil deems it advisable) and shall provide fer. the terms af such appointment. , 19.' Cauncil shall. b." reseltluian ~pprjl:te ne ioee.;,;:pn::.ahd.:;:t c (ln~t~u.ct 19J1;S.L'..:.th@:,potlnd:.hO ne>ttlutd:,fop .:~he :cleterit;1()hc': ef dags~e.s previded by this by-law and as to the means ef di~pas~l of_ dog er dags. 20. . Any persen who. cantrayenesthe pravisions of th~by-law shall~pon canvictio~ be. liable to. ~'pen~lt! ornat more than $50.00, exclusive pf costs, and every such' pen~ty shall be recoverable under the pravisions af the S~ry eenv~ction A~t. . , - I I I --..'''"- Page 7 Regular. Meeting of COWl,cil September 8, 1970 continued: . 21. By-law No. 1580, 1633~ 1672 and all by-laws contrary t~ or inconsistent with the provisions of this by.-law in respect of dog licences, or regulation .of. dogs, be and :l:.he.li!..illlll!lc. care hereby repealed, but the provisions of this by-law shall be. re~ mutatis mutandis with the te.rmB and conditions of.any by-law, resolution, or agreement on the keepi~g of Rounds and the appointment of a Poundkeeper and a Dogcatcher. 22. This by--law shall come into force and take effect on the date of final passing thereof. av-Law NOa 16?~ . A By-law respecting the adoption of Biennial Elections in, the Township of Clarke WHEREAS it is deemed expedient .to change.the present system of electing Members of Council in each year so that all Members .of. the Cou~cil wi..ll be elect,ed for .Two (2) year terma at an ,electiQn to- be'~eld every second year; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corpor.atLon Qf the Township of Clarke ENACTS AS FOLLOWS:. 1. That the present system of yearly ~lactions be changed and that henceforth all the Members Qf Council. shaLl hold office for a term of Two (2) year terms at eLection to be held eVery ~econd year commencing with the annual elections in D~cember 1970. Bv-Law Ho_ ]671:) Being~ ay-Law to amend ~y-Law,N~. 1351, a By-Law to regulate the erection and to provide for the .safety of buildings. Whereas the Council of the Corporation of tht T~wnahip of Clarke have deemed it expedient to amend By- aw No. 1351 by repealing Section 5 of .the said By-Law: Now Therefore the Council of tJ-ie Corporation 0:( the Township of Clarke enacts as foLlows:- That Section 5 of By-Law No. 1351 be and the ~ame is here.by repealed. By-Law No _ 1676 . ' Providing for the payment of parking penalties out of Court. : WHEREAS under Section 379(1)105(A) of the Municipal Act, .it is J)rovided that councils of cities, towns, villages, . police Villages and townships may pass by-laws prqviding for t~evoluntary payment of penalties out of court for the. contravention of the parking provisions ,of. a by-law; AND WHE~AS the Council qf the Corporation of .the MuniciR- alityof the Townahip of'.Clarke deems it expe<ii~nt to pl'ovide for the use of parking tickets; . NOW TtlEREFORE the Council of the Corporation I:lf t..he Municipality of the Township of Clarke enacts as follows: 1. Where a vehicle is foun<i parked in contrave~t..ion of the parking provisions of a by-law c:f the Municipality of the Township of Clarke, the police officer or traffi~ control officer so finding the vehicle shall attach to the-~ehicle a parking tiket in the form of a seriallY numbered nQtice stating, . (a) the permit number and the concise descP-iption of the vehCle, that the vehicle is-unlawfully papked, the date, time and place of the allegedof~eace. that.the driver thereof may ,report to ~he o~fice of the Municipal Clerk within two day~, exclusive q~ Sundays and holidays, after.the day wJ-ien the ~icket is attached, to make a voluntary payment of the penal~y; and . , , (e) that in the event of failure to so t report and make. such payment .a summons will be issued under the S.....mary Convictions Act. 2. The parking ticket shall be prepared in t~iplica~e and the police-Qfficer shall attach one copy to. the vehicle and deliver the other cQpiestothe Municipal Clerk. 3. That payment may within two days~,exclusive of Sundays and holidays, after the day when,the tickeb is a~tached.to the vehicle, be made to the Municipal Clerk or any person designated by him to receive such payment in the sum of Two Dollars which shall be accepted as the payment of a penal~y in full satisfaction in respect of the alleged offence, and a receipt ~here ~or shall be given to the person making the payment. 4. If the payment is not vQluntarily made in accordance with the procedure prOVided in sections 1 to 3, the procedure of The Summary Convictions Act and the penalties provided in the (-b) . (c) (d) . . \' e Page $ RegulB.7l Meeting of' Council Sept_her $, 1970 continued: by-law alleged to -have been contrA~.d.. shall apply. .- 5. By-Law No-. 1669 be and. the lUlJIi.e is hereby repealed. Resnlubinn Hn.121:Moved by H.E.Walkey~eeonded ,by Robert _ G.Chater: This Council hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, October 6, 1970, at 10 a.m. in the Council ,Chamber at Orono- or otherwise in' special meeting at. the -call of' the Reeve. Carried. Present: Reev:e J.. W. Stone. Councillor W. R~ Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor R. G. Chatel' Clerk H. DeWith ,_ ) Minutes of' meetings held September 1, 4 and 8, 1970 were adopted as printed on motion by F. A. Gray, seco.nded by R.. G. Chatel'. Carried. _ It was moved by W. R. Carveth, seconded by'R... G. Chatel' that delegations be heard. Carried. Mr. L. M. Hallowell, Live -Stock' Valuer, IRet with Council with re~ard to~nterpretation of' Live Stock under the Dog_Tax and Live Stock and P.oultTy Protection Act. Messrs. A. O. Dalrymple, represent-:ing the Depar-tment of Agriculture, R. Dickson-and C. Tamblyn, representing t~e Orono United Church, appeared at Council to -object to the Friday night parking restrictions in the Police Village of Orono. . Mr. C. Tamblyn, representing the Orono United. Church, --. objected to the closing of Allens' Lane.. The follOWing correspondence.was read out by the Reeve: C9mmittee of Adjustment minutes dated September 22, 1970. -Filed. Clarke Planning Board minutes dated July 16, August 27, and September 17, 1970.-Filed. Letter of resignation-from A. G. Low,to Mr. R.C. SimpSO:t;l, Cha~rman, Clarke Planning Boara.-Piled. Northumberland and Durham :AssessmentOffice .re '-'!leeting of W. H. Parnell to ..discuss equalization -factor. "'Piled. :Township of Caledon re Gravel Pit Royalty to Municipalities Affected.-Filed. . The Corporation of the Town, ,o:t Cobourg re determination f-Qr 1-971-72 term -of office I'ecombined. separate school zone.-Referred to the Clerk. Russell C. Honey., Q.C. M.P.re interim report concerning subsidy with regard to Harry Wade property and C.P.R. overpass.-Filed., , Community Planning Association of Canada Ontario Division re Conference.- Regionalism - Ontario in Transition.-Filed. Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves re Sudbury Area Disaster Relief Fund.-Referred to the Clerk. 10; Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit report for July 1970.-Filed. 11. The Co-ordinator, Regional Development Working f'or Ontario..,.Filed. 12. The Consumers. Gas Company application to the Ontari9 Energy Board for an Interim Order approving its rates for a period of not more.than one year from Ocbober 1, 1970.-Filed. The Great Pine Ridge Reporter for September 1970.-Piled. Strike ana STr~ke re Nanciekvill house on road allowance in Village of Orono. pReferred to the Trustees of the Police Village of Orono. Clerk 1. 2. '5. 4. 5. 6. 7. $. 9. 13. 14. ,. ~rM.'-~ REGULAR. MEETINGOP THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIPOP CLARKE Tuesday, October 6, 1970.," at. 10 a;m-. Couneil Chamber, Orono. . . - c - Page $ RegulB.7l Meeting of' Council Sept_her $, 1970 continued: by-law alleged to -have been contrA~.d.. shall apply. .- 5. By-Law No-. 1669 be and. the lUlJIi.e is hereby repealed. Resnlubinn Hn.121:Moved by H.E.Walkey~eeonded ,by Robert _ G.Chater: This Council hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, October 6, 1970, at 10 a.m. in the Council ,Chamber at Orono- or otherwise in' special meeting at. the -call of' the Reeve. Carried. Present: Reev:e J.. W. Stone. Councillor W. R~ Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor R. G. Chatel' Clerk H. DeWith ,_ ) Minutes of' meetings held September 1, 4 and 8, 1970 were adopted as printed on motion by F. A. Gray, seco.nded by R.. G. Chatel'. Carried. _ It was moved by W. R. Carveth, seconded by'R... G. Chatel' that delegations be heard. Carried. Mr. L. M. Hallowell, Live -Stock' Valuer, IRet with Council with re~ard to~nterpretation of' Live Stock under the Dog_Tax and Live Stock and P.oultTy Protection Act. Messrs. A. O. Dalrymple, represent-:ing the Depar-tment of Agriculture, R. Dickson-and C. Tamblyn, representing t~e Orono United Church, appeared at Council to -object to the Friday night parking restrictions in the Police Village of Orono. . Mr. C. Tamblyn, representing the Orono United. Church, --. objected to the closing of Allens' Lane.. The follOWing correspondence.was read out by the Reeve: C9mmittee of Adjustment minutes dated September 22, 1970. -Filed. Clarke Planning Board minutes dated July 16, August 27, and September 17, 1970.-Filed. Letter of resignation-from A. G. Low,to Mr. R.C. SimpSO:t;l, Cha~rman, Clarke Planning Boara.-Piled. Northumberland and Durham :AssessmentOffice .re '-'!leeting of W. H. Parnell to ..discuss equalization -factor. "'Piled. :Township of Caledon re Gravel Pit Royalty to Municipalities Affected.-Filed. . The Corporation of the Town, ,o:t Cobourg re determination f-Qr 1-971-72 term -of office I'ecombined. separate school zone.-Referred to the Clerk. Russell C. Honey., Q.C. M.P.re interim report concerning subsidy with regard to Harry Wade property and C.P.R. overpass.-Filed., , Community Planning Association of Canada Ontario Division re Conference.- Regionalism - Ontario in Transition.-Filed. Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves re Sudbury Area Disaster Relief Fund.-Referred to the Clerk. 10; Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit report for July 1970.-Filed. 11. The Co-ordinator, Regional Development Working f'or Ontario..,.Filed. 12. The Consumers. Gas Company application to the Ontari9 Energy Board for an Interim Order approving its rates for a period of not more.than one year from Ocbober 1, 1970.-Filed. The Great Pine Ridge Reporter for September 1970.-Piled. Strike ana STr~ke re Nanciekvill house on road allowance in Village of Orono. pReferred to the Trustees of the Police Village of Orono. Clerk 1. 2. '5. 4. 5. 6. 7. $. 9. 13. 14. ,. ~rM.'-~ REGULAR. MEETINGOP THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIPOP CLARKE Tuesday, October 6, 1970.," at. 10 a;m-. Couneil Chamber, Orono. . . - c -