HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/11/1970
Present: Reeve J. W. Stone
Deputy Reeve H. E. Wa:l.key
Councillor W. R. Carveth
Councillor'F .A.Gray
Councillor R. G. Chatel'
Deputy Clerk D.' E. Stark
Special meeting of Co~c'j:l was called by the Reieve to
consider the following business: .
It was moved by H. E. Wallcey,.econcl.ed by Robert G. Chate%' .
that delegations' be neai-d. CATried. .
Mr. . and Mrs. Bruce Tennant appeared' at Council meeting
with regard to the street in front oftba~ property. This matter
was referred to the Road and Bridge Committee to meet with the
Trustees of the Police Village of Orono.
The following correspondence was read. out by the ~eeve: .
Proclamation under Section 6e, C.C.C.-tlled.
Advertisement re Mac's Continental at Mosport, September'
11. 12 and l3.-Filed. .
Mrs. Ruth Robinsonreqlolest for a road sign at the junction
of the 5th Concession of Clarke and the Hope Boundary.-
ReCerred.to the Road Superintenden.t.
4.' Mr.~Wm. A. Grady re Mosport Area-StrawberryoFestival
,A-ctivities-Damage to Abutting Landlil.-Tabled. .
Probe, Pollution Probe at Peterborough requ~st for information
re public and private dumps.-Referred to the Clerk to answer.
P.C.O. Services Ltd. re Rat Control.-Filed.'
Supplement to the Report of The Mineral Resources Committee
to the Minister of Mines.-Filed.
Department of Municipal Affairs re Bill
amend The Ontario Municipal Improvement
Bill 172, an Act. to amend. The Municipal
Clerk-Treasurer. - ..
Department of Municipal Affairs re Legislation - The Planning
Act; section 26. -Tabled and- a copy of same to 'Planning Board.
10. C~ntral Ontario R gional Devel opmelilt Council re Conferenc-e,
Skyli.~ne Hotel. -FIled. .
11. Central Ontario REgional Development Councilre~gional
Development Conference, Skyline Hotel, August 31, September
1, 2,1970.-Referred to tn. Clerk.
12. Totten Sims Hubicki Associates Limited re Invoice re
Approval of Design of Subdivision Services.-Referred to
Clerk and. agreement.
13. . Oshawa Area planning 'and Development Study lrU:ormation.
Bulletins.-F'iled. . '.
14. J. B.McMullan a.al Estate L~ited copy letter to Mr. A.
Low, Planning Director,~~wnilhip of Clarke, re Lot. No. 32,
Conc.silion 7, Clarke Fl~Dg & Conservation ClUD.-Filed.
15. Ontario Federation of Agriculture re removal of education
I . taxe. from all prope~.Fi1ed.
16. Marilhall Macklin Monaghan L~ited re Official Plan
17. Totten S~s Hubicki Associates L~ited re Sunnydene
Eiltatelil Subdivision Part of Lots 27 and 28, Concession 5,
TOWBahip orClar~e.-F'iled.
Ie. United Counties of Northumberland and Durham re Equali~t1on
Factoril.-Referred to Clerk to refer copies to each council
19. Northumberland and Durham County Board of Education re
remittance of educational levies.-Filed.
20. Department of Municipal Affairs re Toronto Centred Region,
Evaluation of Local Development Policies.-Filed.
21. The Peterborough-Victoria-lilorthumberland and Durham County
Roman Catholic Separate School Board re Section 4$ (11)
of the Separate Schools Act.-Filed.
22. Ontario Water Resources Commission re certificates of
approval for Becas Developpants Ltid. Subdivision - water
mains and storm sewers.-Filed.
23. United Counties of Northumberland and Durham re retention
of Counties as a municipal entity.-Referred copies to each
member of Council.
.. e.
Tuesday, August 11, 1970 at e p.m.
Chamber, Oront).
165, an Act to
CorPoration Act, and
Act. -Referred to the
Page 2
Special Meeting of t~e C~uncil August II, 1970 continued:
24. The Toronto-Dominion Bank reques~ for audit report.-Filed.
25. Durham Central Agricultural Society request to have
school childred dismissed at noon, September II, reo Orono
Fair.-Referred to resolution. / " ",
26. Department of Highways re Specia~ Provision - Payment for
extra work on a Time and Material bas1s.-Referred' to the
Road Superintendent. . . '
27. Copy letter from E. R. Lovekin to tassels, Brock,' Barristers
&- Solicitors re Newtonville Cemetery.-F:i1ed'.'
2$. Department of Transport approval of By-law No. l66$.-Filed. ~
29. Mr. C. Sproule re complunt're Mosport Area Strawberry ..
Festival and damage to abtitti~ lands.-Tabled.
30. Department of Municipal' Affairs re The Planning Amendment
Act, 1970. -Fil"ed and a copy to be sent to Planning Board.
31. Copy letter from Ellen M. Yeo, Secretary-Treasurer, Committee
of Adjustment to Mr. Merrill Ross.-Filed. '
32. . Northumberland and burham Assessment Office re new address
. and telephone.-Filed.
33. Report of Building Inspe~tor f~r, the months of June &- JUly.-Filed.
34. Triton Planning Services Limited re exemption fr9m part L~
Subdivision Control under the Planning Amendme~t Apt 1970~-
_~eferred to Clerk, Planning ,Board. "
35. Copy letter from Gore &- Storrie Limited to Mr. R. E. Sims
re O.A.P.A.D.S. Stu~y_of Water Systems Manai~mept.-filed..
36. Central On~ario J~~nt Planning Board meeting August 20, 1970,
Oshawa Civic Administration Building.-~eferred to Clerk to
. advise that all Council \ld.ll attend and Filed: ,. .
37. Ontario Mot?r Leag~e CentFe Line r~ triple trail~r.~~cks?-Filed.
3$. Dep~rtment of Municipal Affa~rs re the 1970 Resi~ential
Property Tax Reduction,Syst$m!-Filed.
39. Department of Highways Design Criteria, Work Project, No. .
$3l-70-0l.~Referred to a meeting of Road and Bridge Committee,
M. L~ Rosa. and Department of Highways.
40. Mr. J. Brennan re Model 209 Copier-3M-Fil.ed.
41. Northumberland and Durham Assessment Office re ColJe ctors
Roll and Tax Bills by IBM.-Tabled. _ '
~2~ Durham and IlorthumbBrland Flue Cured Tob'acco Growei-s'
Association re expression of thanks Tor support on current
tobacco controversy.-Filed. . .. "
43. John Vivian, R. R. 5, Bowmanville request to establish a
residential garbage pick-~p.-No'answer unti~ afte~ m~eting
with Department of EDergy and Resources Management, Air ..
Management" Branch. '
The following resolution was Passe~: . ' '
Resolption Np. 108:M~ved by Robert G.Chater,seconded byW.R.Carveth:
This Council hereby declare Friday af~ernoDRl September II,
1979, 9rono Fair Day, a Civic Holiday to provide a leg~l publ~c
sCp.oo~ holiday i;1 the :rownshipof Cl~rke. The Clerk is, ~reby
ins!;ruct.d. to refer certif:l...ed co:p~'Of this. r~solution, tg. the
Northumberland &- Durham County.Board of. Education.and the. Dur!1am
Central Agricultural Society liild finil-lly to publicize Council's
decision onc. only in the Orono Weekly T~es. Carried.
Council adjourned at 11:30 p.m.
Deputy erk.
'_ ' . QrW .~.
. Re.i. _'