HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/04/1970 e - REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CL~ Tuesday, August 4, 1970 at 10 a.m. Council Chamber, Orono. , . < Present:ReeTe JohnW. Stone Deputy Reeve H.'E. Walk"U' J:ouncil1orW. R. Carveth ' Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor R.G. Chater Clerk -H. DeWith , Minutes of meeting held July 7, ,~970 were printed Ciln motion by H. E. .Walkey, aecenaed by Carried. , ' 'Xhe EolJ.owing c'orr,eapondencewas read' out by the Reev.e: rotten Sims Hubi~ki Associat~s ii~ted re Storage Building, Contract No. S20;-Referred tJi resolution. ' Committee of Adjustment m:tnut.es ,da~WednN<ia,y,' July e, 1970.-Filed.: '," 3.,. E. R:i:hard Lovekin, B.A., LL.B. re Mospprt ,Park. and Stra~erry PopFestiv~l, ~ ~etters d&t8a3~t'}uly'and' 4th A~..st. J.970,.-Filed. , ~ , ,'.' Nq.te .fro!'1 ~tLow,~cretar;y, ClarkePl}Ullling Boar4,r~ me...bera of Clar!<.e Plannil1g:Board",-~b:led. ~, ,', " " '5. . Let~e)- from W:. K. Lyc~tt' aiuipetition oot. A~~-f&il- d.en Heuvel ,and s~v~, others.igned pet it..;i oneral }"ecloaJ,-ngof portion of !ri~~essStr..t ~,b~siness ,brought. fo~ from June 2, 1970.-Tabled. ' 6.. The Ontarcio MuniciP!i-l Board re recent: d"eC.ision' rel"tiJlg to enquiries by, citize:na with respect t.o:-p~Iling mat.ters. -Referred to Pl.ann;ing Bo~d and H. R... Be:s~ <:.: c, E. Richard Lovekin re,OCficial Plan - pla.rFe Townahi&&s business brought forwa~4 from 7 Ju~197:0.-T&bled. e. I~enture dated 6th September 1927 b.etweenjiil;Liam ,Fr&ncis Hale and John J. Hale of the Firat Part, The Municipal Corporation of the Township-of Clarke" o-t.'tn.e, second -l'art, Edith May Hale of the Third Part as buainea.ll ~ught fO,rwi'-rd from July7J 1970.-filed. ',' < ,. .'. Municipal Planning Consultants Co. Ltd. r!) ch&l'g,es !o.r .Zoning Amendment Applicp,tions, TO'WllSp.ip of. Cl&rke.File , PN 3530 as business brought forward from7'~uly'1970:~ ,'rab)..ed. , , . 10. United Counties, of NorthWl!berl&nd ~~. Durham r,e amalgamation of municipalities a~ busi~ess. brouEht forwar~ from 7 J~ly 1970.-Filed. , . , . 11 : Mr. ,i\,C. Morris, Secr:liltu7.j The Por"t;' H~ll.1a.nidRg Board, reao~~tion re Toronto-~Dter6d Region Design for . Develo~t as~bu.sineaa brought forward. :from 7. July 1970.- ~ferred to Planning Board. . ~.. , .1F' Departme~t ofMunicipa,l.A!fairsre ~n:!-ci;lla:l. Unc~nc!itional GriUltzs ACt 197.0 Fer c..pi.ta Grant. ..,Filed. u c, 13.' Mi.l.ls,on In~rance Ag.ency re,quotatiCil~ on Township Insurance. ~~-Fi.led. '-~,' , (....... "'_ 14. Hamiltons Insurll.ncjt Serv:i..ce 1'6 ReAAwal,.ofPJdi.ey #53 4 $0 - CUArjt.e To~shj.p Town Ha.U. - W&wan~&: Mutulj. InjJura~e ,cQJll~nY cquota.ti.OIljl'.-Aceepted onmoti~nby"' F; . A;Gray'~~' ':: ~~ S:econd~byli..G. Chater. Carried. ., 15. .E. R. Lovekin re Road Purchase from Skeld,ing.-Fi:lllli. 16. E. R. LOTekin re Road Purchase from Heye.s.-File,d., 17. Qron~ Youth Thea.tr.e requ8cst 1:.9, place a sign . on Township property at front of Town Hall.-Referred to Clerk as to l~ation. " 1$. Note re telephone call from Mrs. Vera Dempsey re well < .onhjtr property. -It was mOTed by W.. R. CuTeth,' socerided by 'F. A. Gray to pay $64.59 being balance of ace.~tre installation of new. well. :19. Pr;J;ft Letter .of ,Intent ,b.et;ween Mospor:t Pa.rk LiDiited' and , Les Produ~ions SpoPtives.-Filed. , ;:;0. Roy C! Fl(~r(jl~teri Chairman.. plarkePuplic LipraJ,f, reqt+est to b~ow .$$,000.00 from the Canadian linpeZ'laJ.~ 'Qf", Commerce and &lao $1,000.00 of their annual requisition.- Referred to resolution. " ,.J:fr., .J~es Stutt met with Council. to discuss certain matters with regard t~ Bowmanville Hemorial Hospital. "~ Messrs. A. Carruthers and E. R. LOTekin m~t with Council with regard to Mosport and Strawberry Pop Festival and Mr. Lovekin pre.suted an ad from the Daily News, July 31, 1970. Council recessed for lunch at 12:45 and resumed se.sion at 2 p.m. < adopted as , R. G.. Chater. 1. 2. .4. 7. < 9. Page 2 Regular Meeting o~ Counc:H 4 AUgust 1970 continued: lit was moved by'R. G. Chater, seconded by H. E. Walkey that delegations be heard. Carried. ; Mr~ W. Abray, Lot 16, Con. 7,'complaint re barking dogs. Council advised Mr. Abray that anew dag control by-law is to be passed. Mr. Larry Beaupre met with Council' to Tequest--rezoniIlg of his property. He was advised to make anapplicatian to the Committee of Adjustment ~or a minor variance to allow an -addit:l:on to- his present -wcn;okshop. ' Mr. Fineberg, representing Mosport, and Mr. Flym, 'representing Les Productions Sportives,' met with 'Council with regard to the Strawberry Pop Festival. M. L. Ros~ ~ppeared at Councilm~ting to discus~ certain . road ma'tters with Council. The ~ollowing resolutions were passed:' RAsolution No.qq:Moved bT&.E.Wa~keY,~econded by RobertG.Chater: This Council hereby authorize the Ree-ve and Clerk to sign and seal an Offer To Sell betwe'en the- Corporation of the Township of Clarke and G. Wanless- in the am01Ult of $200.00. Carried. a..solnt.i.m No.'lOO:Moved by F.A.Gray,secondEfd byW.R.Carveth: This Council hereby authorize the',Re-eve and Clerk to "Sign and seal an Offer To Sell between the Corporation of the Township of Clarke and Francis C. Wotten and Arnot R. Wotten in the amount of $Z,OOO.OO. Carried. - R..solution No.10l :Moved by RobertG.Chater,seconded- byF.A.Gray: This Council hereby authorize the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Orono, to loan the Clarke Public Library an amount not exceeding $$,OO~.cro for the balance of the year 1~70 and the year :1.971 ana' charge the sa:l.d Board the prevail-ing rate of interest. Carried. R"solution No.102:Moved by W.R.Carveth,1Secondedby F.A.Gray: This Council hereby accept the Addition 'Proposal' of Beaver Lumber Company Limited to install two f-ibreglass roof-lights, 3011 x 96", at a cost o~ $30'.1>0 re St.orage' Building, Contract No. $ZO. .Carri'ed. .~ 'R..solution-No. lO~:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded by p.o..Gray: - This Council hereby authori~e the Reeve and Clerk-to sign and seal an Agreement between Larsen.Grills Construction Limited and the Corporation of the Township of Clarke re Patterson Road Culvert, Contract No. $27. Carried. ", R..solution No. lOh:Movedby RobertG.Chater,~econded by W.R.Carveth: This Council hereby authorize the' Reeve and Clerk to. sign and seal an Agreement between the-Beaver Lumber Co.pany Limited and the Corporation of the Township of Clarke re Storage Building, Contract No. $20. Carried.. R....", 1 uti An No. '.1 OC;:Moved by H.E. Walkey, seconded by RobertG.Chater: This Counc~l hereby authoriz~ the Reeve and Glerk to sign and seal an Agreement between W. G. Ke~ly Construction Limited and the Corporation of the Township of Clarke r&Golf~ourse Bridge re Contract No.' 82$. Carried. ~5s"'lution Ne. l06tMoved by T.A.Gray,seconded by W.R.Garveth: - Resalve that the following Pay-.Vouchers be and are hereby authorized for payment by the Signing Off~cers of this Council: Addition 1;'0 General Welfare Voucher #7 for July 1.,.70 .in the amount. of $319.18 Police Village of Orono Voucher 17 for July in~h~ amount, of $684.57 - ' General Welfare Voucher 1$ for August 1970 in the amount of $Z395.$Z Roa-dDepartmen~ Voucher 17 for July 'in the amount of $24,915.00 General Department Voucher'7 for July in the amoUflt of $Zl,3Z4.73. Carried. R....olut.ion No.10?:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded by F.A.GNl:Y: This Council hereby adJ-ourn to meet again on Tuesday, SeptemlYer I, 1970, at 10 8:.... in the Counc-il Chamber at Orono or'- o,therwise in special lIleetingat the- cali of ~he Reeve. Carried. 7{~ ' Clerk. ~Re, e;;'" , . . ,;fJP"YVJ , e e