HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/07/1970 ~ .~ Page Z Special Meeti:ag of the COWlcil June 2Z,1970 continued: Totten, Sims, Hubicki Associates LiJaitedre propeaed atorage'b~ilding~'T.wnahip of Clarke, Contract Number a~O.~Filed. v Mrs. Marian M. Wilson, Gener&l Manager,~Orono Yo~th Theatre re by-law to allow Sunday theatre performances.- RefePred to the Poliee Trustees. ' Mr. H. R. Best presented a plan _d eatfmat.dcoat for an ifistallation of a newseptictaak tor Orono Town Hall.'This business was ~eferred to th~ Finance Committee. It~as moved by H. E. Walkey, secQnded by.. R. Carveth that the Reeve and Clerk sign the Applicatlon Form re Equalization of'Industr:l.al Opportunity Program, under ,correspOndence iteml. ' Council reviewed the Township Insurance-and this matter was th.n referred to the Finance Committee. The Clerk prisentedta report re Postage Machine and was authorized to ascertain the service Charges from Pitney Bowes,Peterborough. Thefollowing'resolutions were passed: Raaolution ~o.8Q:Mov.d by W.R.Carveth,secanded by F.A.Gray: This Council hereby ace.pt the tender of Lapson G~ills Construction Co. ~td;, CObourg,Ontario, subject to the approval of the Department of Highways, for the construction of Patterson Road Culvert, as per tender.priee-in the amount of $13,910~OO.Carried. -' - L li.......lutian No. QQ:Moved by H.'E:.Walkey, seconded'by RobertG.Chater: 'rhisCouncil hereby accept the tender of Beaver Lumber Company Ltdl subj<<ot to the apppoval of the Departmen10 of.Highways for the construction of S.~9rage Buildi:ag, as per. tender puice in the amount of $G,443.00. Carried. ' Meeit~ourned at 11 o(clock. ~~ _ L, , . ~ 3. 4. Clerk. ~v ~ ....-,.. ...... ... ~ Reeve / . REGULAR MEETUG OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION, OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Tuesday, JulY-7, 1970 at 10 a.m. Council Chamber Orono. , Pre:ient: Re_' John W. Stone Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey Councillor W. R. Carveth ,Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor R. G. Chater Clerk H. DeWith . Min~tes of meetings-held June 2 and 2Z, 197Q were. adopted a.. printed on.motion by F. A. Gray,-eecondedby R. G'. Chater. Carried. , . . . The following correspe1'ld.ence was, read out by the Reeve: 1. ,Minu~ee or Committee of Adjustment dated June 1, 20 and 22, 1970.-Filed. . . . Indenture dated 6th September 1927 between William Franci. Hale and Jobn J.,Hale of the First.Part",The Municipal Corporation of the Township of Clarke of the , SecoRd Part, ,Edith May Ha.le of the rhird Part as business brought forward from June Z, 1970.-Tabled. 3. ,Durham and Northumberland Flue Cured, Tobaceo' Growers! Association re Federal'Government legislation, that would -affect the tobacco industry as business, brought forw4rd . from June 2, 1970.-Referred to ~esolution and f,iled. Diamond Triangle Planning ComQdttee-re amalgamation.-Filed. Request bya. R..Best to meet with Finance ee.-ittee.re Bu:l.lding By-la.w.-Tabled. , . , John & Isabel Veldhuis and Andries & Jean H90rnweg re petition of 92 adults with regard to intersection of. County Road It, and Highway IZ....Filed. " Copy letter from E..R. Lovekin to Robert ~,nt re Lot 32, , Concession 2, Newcastle, Land Use.. Non Agricultural. Land - Highest and best pos.i.leuse.-Fi~ed. , 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. Page 2 Regul~ Meeti~g of Co~pcil 7 July 1920 continued: E. Richard Lovekin re John Armstrong Trees ~imited an4Road Closi~ petwe~n LotG 34 and 35, Cone. 10, Clarke TownshiP.- On motion by H. E. Walkey, seconded by ~. R.G~veth, the Reevea~ C1erk be authori~e4 to sign deed in favour of John Al"IIlstrong Trees Limited~ E. Richard Lovekin.re Presbyterian Burying Groun4 Newtonville.- Referred te the Cemetery Board to take tho n~ce~sary action. 10. United.Counties of Northumberland and Durham re By-Law No. 2260 co~il"llling TQwnshipBy-Law No. 1654.-Filed. D~agr~ showing tempo~aryhel~po~t at Mosport.-Filed. Copy letter from Duncan Hopper & ~sfociates Limited dated June 2, 1970 re proposed pl~ of subdivision, PArt of Lots 27 and 28, Con. 5, Township of CIllJ"ke, County of Durha.m, File No. T-19245; copy letter from Ontario Water ~esources .to Duncan Ho:pper & ASl!ociates .Limited dated JUne 12 re proposed subdivision on Andrew's Road-Applica~ion Nos. 30430-70 and 7-0346-70; copy letter from Ontario Water Resources Commission dated June 15, .1970 to Duncaq Hopper & Associates ,Limited re Township of Clarke watermains for s~bqivision T-192~5, outs~d~ the Police V111age of Qr9no. -File<i. . c ~ 13. Memorial Hospital 1969 ~nual ~pq~t .-Fn~d. 14. _Copy letter fram.Orono Chamber of Co~erce re Regional . Government.-filed. " . . 15. The PeterbGrough-Victoria-Northumber1and anq.D~ham.County Roman CatholiC S~parate.Sc~ool Boar~ ~e~u~st for. 50% of the total 1970 levy for sePArate sehoolpurpQses.-Filed. ~. Richarq Lovekin re L. J. BOisvert.-Filed. Bell Canada re,Application wiWh the Railway Transport Committee of the Ca~adian T~~ort .Commission re approval to increase rates for Ex~hange Services and Equ~pment.-Referred to resolution. E. R. Woodyard appeared at Council meeting to discuss the !,o,l.101fip,g,: qaspari ~updivision, second well for Police Village and certain road closings in the Police Village. "., '. ' Council recessed for lunch at 12 o'clock and resumed session at 1 o'clock on motion by H. E. Walkey seconded by R. G. Chater. Carried. ~ le. Oshawa Area Planning and Development Study special Bulletin concerning public hearing,.-F.iled. . 19. .E..Richard Lovekin re Official Plan - Clarke Township.-Tabled. 20. Minutes of Central Lake Ontario Co.aervation Authority dated June 2, 1970.-Filed. . 21. Ontario Federation of Agriculture.re removal. of education taxes from all real property ill O.tario.-Referred to resolution. 22. Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine R!dge District Health Unit report for May 1970.-Filed. . ,23. CObban, Woolley & Dale re Gray- R.oad, Allowance, Lot 19, Con. e TowneAip ,of Clarke.-a&ferred to the Clerk. ' . 24. J. B. McMullan Real Estate Limited re Lot 132, Concess!on 17, Clarke Fishing & Conservation Club.~Filed. 25. Police Village of Orono. ,resolution No., 70.,46. ..council. request a certified copy from O.P.V. 26. Invitation to Grand Opening of Manvers Township Garage. July 8,,1970.-Referred to the Clerk. 21. Totten Sims.Hubicki~copyletter to Ontario Department of Highways re proposed storage building"Townshipcof Clarke, Contract.llo. e20.-Fileq.~, . 28: Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce re Interest Rates on Townehipof Clarke Loans.'!Filed. . 29. Oshawa Area Planning.& Development Study Volume I, - Reports for June and July 1970, Volume 11-.--Maps .a~ Graphics', for June and July 1970.-Filed. '.~ .' 30. MunicipalcPlanning'Consultant.,Co..Ltli. re charges f'oJ;' Zoning Amendment Applications, Ttlwnship,of'Clarke, File PN 3530.- Tabled. . . ',' 31.' -Hamiltons InsUJ'anee Service re Ren..l of Policy 153 4 eo - Clarke Townahip T<nrn. Hall - Wawanes.. Mutual Insurance "_ 'Colllpany.--Refel"red-to the Clerk.. . 32. Bill 152 - Aft A~t to amend,The.Second-.ry Schools.And Boards of Education Act, 'MIl 153 ..'An Act. to amend The Separate Schools Act, Bill 154 - An Act to amend the Public Schools Act. -Filed. e. 9. 11. 12. , . 16. 17. - _. e - \: , . Page 3 Regular Meet~ng of Council 7 July197~continued: 33. Search in Registry Oftice re Block UGH and plan showing " lan,d 'to pe transterredto' the Munici'pll1l:itY"~f'. Or~Ri>J ' ' Village of, Orono, Township of Clarke at eorn-n- ot Princess and Church stre.ts.-F~l~d. 34. Departmeritot Energy and Resources Management. Air Management Branch re Open Burning.-Referred to Clerk tQ arrange meeting with Messrs.lie_n and DaTidaon, Reeve, Councillors and O.P.V. Trustee. 35 . United -Count:ies of Northumberland &'sG' I>t.trhamre amalgamation ot mun!cipalities.-Tabled. '36. Mr. A. -c. Morris, Secretary, The Port Hope Planning Board, ~.olution reToron~o-c.ntered Region Design for nevelopment . -Tabled. ' 37. Mceoln1skey &' Pezzack re E. Mostert as business~r~ught forward trOBl 2 June 1970.-Referred tethe Clerk. 38. t. "Ri~hardLovekin re Rusaell Maluske and EVa limy Maluske , Par'to'f Lot 35, Concession 3, ToWnship of Clarke as business , bro'ught torward frOm sA.prii 'l.1970.-Fi:J.ed..'"", , 39., ~opy l-etter trom E. R. ~civekin to 'Mr. Mer:rUI-Ross re ,,- Tcnmship of Clarke purchase trom <AlanG.Heyes.-nled.. 40. Mrll~ M. Harnells for Altred Harness re '4Iting- of, Roadwa:ys : j.1T trontof build<;ingll.-Pi'led. ,,(: ."'.,,, ,'" 41. 'Alex Carruthers,C' M.P.P.' re Mrs. Aliee Campbei-l, R. R. 2, " Orono request're narrow 'l:oOOition ,of road ,between' the ' 9tn'anc:l. lOth concession. -RefeI" to the' .R.eeTe. ,~ " 42. Totten'Sim's HUD:Lcki Associates Limited reNeWtonviHe 'Ove,rpa.as. Clarke T OWn'S hip ,Canadian 'Pa'cif'ioO" hUway J- 'Wau Property.-Tabled.' ' , 43. ~partlllent of Highways letters dat,itd June 17 re Township of Clarke Contract No. 8'2$. 'Golt'Course Bridge aad July 2 re Township of Clarke Contract No. 820. .Cct.nll'truction of a\litorage' building.""Fflelii.- ".'", 4i+~ " Ontar:\.o 'Good Roads Association're UC.S.AIidersonlt &oad School Certificate for M.L.Rosa.-Rafe1:'red to K.L.&olils. 45., Departlllent of Highwa,is re Townllhip of Clark. Contract ,No. $27. ~atterson Road Culvert.-Filed. ' ' 46. ,Offer to Sell' re RWlsell and Eva Maluske.-Check cost with Mr~ Looneyi ! 47., Departlllent of Transportre Police Village of Orono By-Law 166$ ~egulating trafr:ic.-FiIed. '~8.' Association ~r Ontario Housing AuthGrities re lath Annual Conference.-Piled. ' 49~ "Ru.ssel,lC. Honeey, Q.G.'. M.P., NorthWliberland,-Durham._, , re'Newtonville Overpaaa Bridge.-Tabled. SQ. E., R. Lovekinre Skelding Road....FHed. 51. John P. Robarts~ Prime Minister. re Provincial-MunIcipal Conterenee.-Filed. ~ 52. Mrs. W. Dalllpseyrequest to meet w;ith,CoWlcil.-Filed. 53;- "1:~ Symons, Cler*-treasurer.UnitedColinties.. of, ,.' , Nort~erlandandDurham. rePlumbing Insp&ctiomsBy-Law. , -R.e:ferrcrdto 'By-law. ' 54. Police'Village ot Orono resolution No. 70-54 re road Closing of part ,of Princess Street and AlIens' Lane.-' ., Ret.rrC!id to CleT'kfor Road Closing. oS'S;' 'PoliCE! Village of Orono resolution NG. 70-55 re 4e'Velopment of a secondweH. -Piled. , 56. ' 'Police Village of Orono resoluti6n. }fQ. 70-57-re , requ4t$t, of the Orono Youth Theatre regardingSundaf Perto~nces.-Referredto By-Law iad filed. The following delegationa were beard onmotionbyH. E. Walkey,seconded by R. G. Chatel': ," " Mr. J. B. McMullanre. corresponcl...uncier Ite1ll24. Mr. MCMullan; prellented plana re Clarke FiilhingandCoJUlerTation ,Club. : ,. " , ',~ ' ' ,M. ,L. ROB" lIIfit' with Council to discus.' .ert8;111 r_d matters. Mrs. Vera Dempsey appeared at Council'~~thp.gard to her well. Thia, _tter waf ret.rred to the Re..' &Act, Bl'idgeCollllllittee who are' to answer Mrs. Delap.yoetore JUly 30. \1970. " , Art L,ow met with Council to discuss P~, Caspari SUbdivision ~.lII9nt and Hydro. '1 Page 4 Regular Meet;i.ng of Council 7 July 1970 cO,ntinued: The following, resolutio,ns were passed: Reso)vtion No. ql:MoTed by H.E.Walkey,seconded by RobertG.thater: This Council hereby agree with the resolution of the Durham and Northumberland Flue CUr~d Tobacco G~owers' Association that: Where~s the Township of'Clarke is a tobacco producing area and tha~ our tobacco ~~rm owners represent a portion of our populat;i.on and which represents a great portion of our assessment on which our taxes are levied, and Whereas many lClcal p'eople other' than farmers are employed full time or part, time in, tobacco production, an'd ' Whereas there are outst~ding deben~ures on schools, etc. ~ which depend to some extent on'to,.b.a,cco farms and" 'tobac::cowOrkers ., living in the Township for a proportion of zheir repayment, Resolved that Clarke Township Council go on record as opposed ~o anY Federal Government legislation that will be' in any way detrimental to the tobacco production industry and upset the municipal tax structure, in Clarke To~ship. Carried.' R....olution No. q2:~.ed by r~A.Gr", seconded by W.R.Carveth: The Council o~ Township of Cl~rk~ hereby endorse ~so~ution No,. 70-5-5, dated ;fuly 6, 1970 of theTrustee~s of the Police ' Village. Carried. R..solution No. q'hMoved by .w.R.Cal',veth, seconded by I'".A.Gray: , . T.his. Counci]. he,rilby pant pe,rm.is.sio~ to the Orono Chamber of Commerce to have a liquor licence, if approved by the Liquor COntrol Boa~d, on July 1$, 1970 for a dance in the Township Hall in conjunction with the annual Beef 'Bar-a~Que. ' Carried. R....tV'jtion No.' qJ..:M.oved by !,:ra,nk A. Gray, sec,on~ed by Robert G.Chater: The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke hereby support the, Ontario Federation of Agriculture campaign for the removal,Q.f education taxes from all real propertyln Ontario. . t.. . _. ... ,- ..- . Carried. - t - . - .. '. .' hsolution No. 'l":-MO>I'ed byH.E.Walkey,second.d by W.R.Carveth: ~he Council ,ot: ,the Corporation of tn.e Townshipo! 'Clarke hereby objects to the Application of Bell Canada for an Order . under Sed1(.ion 3$0 of -the :aailway Act and all ot1ierrelevant sections of said Act ando!. the National Transportation Act approv:\.ng, tQ ~e effective January'l, 1971, revisions 'to Bell Canada's tariffs of Rates for Exchange Services and Equipment. A ,certified copy of this resolution to De sent to the Secretary of the Canadian Transport: Comm~sion and Guy Houle, General Counsel, Bell Canada, 1050 B.aver Hall Hill, Montreal lZ$, P.i. Carried. - - ' . RAso] uti on lkl. q6:Moved byRC!b~rt~..~liate,r, seco~ded by H.E. Walkey: The Reeve aqd Cler~pe and are h.reby authorized to complete an agreement with Mr. Bp.ian Caswell in respect to By-law No. 1672 a by-law -to license and _regUlate the keeping of dogs in tne t.. .- Township of Clarke. - , Reso1qtion No. 103 dated July 6, '1965 is hereby repealed. Carried. Rasolution No. q?:MQved by F~ank A.Gray, seconded by W.R.Carveth; Resolve that th. following Pay Vouchers be and are hereby authorized for payment by the (Signing Otficers of this_Council: G!tneral, Welfare ~partment No. 7 for July 1970 in the amount of *2~0.~ I . General Department N,? 6 fot June 1970 in ~he amount of $3504.10 Road Departmeat NQ. 6 for June 1970 in the amount of $92,21S.4$.Carried. The following ~y-Law-~as read a first and second time only: Being a By-law to.stop-up certain road allowances and certain parts of road allowances in the ToWnship of Clarke: ' The fol~owing By-Laws._wereread a fi!:St, second and third time and.finally passed on motion by Robert G. Chater, seconded by F.A.Gray: By-Law No _ ,6?O ;. .. .._ , ~ By-Law to prQ~ide for the inspection of Plumbing and the enforcement of the regulations respecting plumDing(Plumbing Code) e made under the Ontario Water Resources Commission Act. Whereas purs~ant to the aforesaid Act, the Ontario'Water Resources Commission has, 'with the'approval of the'Lieutenant- Governor-in-Council, made regulations published in Ontario Regulation 471/60 respecting plumbing JPlWIIPing Code), ilsamended from time to time. '," And Whereas the Council of th. Corporation of The United Counties of Northumberland and Durham has been requested'to provide by By-Law for the appointment of an Inspector or Inspectors und~ th. said Act to carry out the inspections prescribed by the said Act and Regulations and to enforce the said Act and Regulations on behalf of the constituent municipalities of the said Corporation of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham; Page 5 Regular Meeting of Council 7 July 1970 continued: e And Whereas The said Regulations provide tl:la.t an inspectio.n ,shall be made within seven days, after notification in writing to the ,muni.cipality or its authorized agents that the canstruction, repair, renewal 0.1' alteration is ready for inspection; And Whereas by the said Regulatians it isprov:i.d:.u that where plumbing has been constructed~ repaired, renewed 0.1' altered, the plumbing shall not be put into. use until it has been .inspected and fO,und to canform to the said Regulat ions; And Whereas by Section 47 (b) of The 'Ontario. Water, Resources Commission Act, S.O. 1961.~2, Chapter 99, the Council of this municipality is autharized to. pass By-Laws praviding for-the inspectianof plumbrng and related matters; Naw There~are it is enacted by the Municipality of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke as a By-La~ of the said Corporation as ~ollo~s: 1. This By-Law shall apply to. plumbing as defined in the said Regulations, ather than plumbing canstructe~ ,repaired, renewed or altered fa.r the saLe purpose of industrial proceSlles, but includes the cannectian af plumbing that is subject to the R.egula-tions with plUIII.bing that is not subject to t'he Regulations. Z. This By-Law1lhall no.t C1I.pply to.: (a) the repairing or replacement af a valve, faucet , 0.1' fixture; or_ (b) the repairing of a leak 0.1' fo.rcing out of a stoppage. 3. In this By-Law. (a) ItInapector" mell.ll.S an inspector appointed or authorized by .the Co.uncil. of the Corporation af The United CGuaties of .Narthumberl.and and Durham to carry aut plumbing inspectians and related duties as provided fQr in this By-Law; and this Council hereby adopts and ratifies any and all such appointments. (b) "Treasurer" includes any persan authorized to act on behalf of the Treasurer or Clerk " of . this Municipality. 4. Any persan who intends by himself 0.1' thrGugh athers to. canstruct, repair, renew.or alter any plumbing in .cemmercial, industrial or institutional buildings 0.1' premises shall, before the commencement af such .wark,produce to the Inspector plans af the plumbing that is to he constructed. repaired, renewed 0.1' altered and of the locatian of drains, .pipes,traps and other works or appliances that are IIII' are to. be part of 0.1' connected with tb.. plumbing, and shall pay a fee, far the;l.llljlp8ctilHi.by the Inspectoraf such 'plans ,and of such completed work, fixed in accordanc-e with the schedule hereto annexed. If aQditilil~ inspections other than the two referred to in the ,schedule are required, thepersan requiring such inspection shall pay in advance a further fee for such additianal :inspections. as set aut- in the said schedule',. ,! . 5. ,Upon a.pproval af s1.lcb plans,tme Inspectar shall issue a permit certifying to such appraval. , 6.. Without such Permit,noa~ch pl~bing may be canstructed, repaired, reneweq or altered,_ and no person shalldo~ nor permit or cause te be done, ;any SUCh _rk~Without such fermit. 7. Anypensan wb.o intend,8 by-himself, 0.1' thraugh athers, to. constr\lct, repair, renew.:er alter any plumbing ather t.ha.n in . ca_.rcial, industrial or, institutional build:in&s or. prelllises, shall befare the commencement of such work, natify the Inspector 'of sueh intention, and pay a fee far the in.'peji;tion,.~ such work by the InsPect,or in accordance . with the sch..:uu. hereto annexed. a. No.' , person ahall use nor : permit 0.1' cause to. b. used any plumbing until it has been inspected and faund to. canform to. the said ~lations. 9. The Inspector is hereby a.ppainted as .anagent.of the municipality far the purpose of receiving notificat~o~ in writing that the construction, repair, renewal or alteratian is ready far inspection in accardance With.1e RegulatiOns. ,) 10. The fee or fees requi.red,by>1l.his By-Law tabe paid may be paid by the awner or occupier ef premises far .011}. the work is to be done 0.1' by the persan whoillteij.ds to dQ.tA. work 'or-:"c'aU:s'e it to be done. Payment by One efsuch persons Shall relieTe the other from respansibility for payment. 'e Page 6 Regular Meeting of Council 7 July 1970 ~ontinuedt 11. The fee shall be paid to the Treasurer who shall prepar., in triplicate, a written acknwwledgementof pa~ent thereof, showing the name of the person intending to do the work, the name of the owner and of the occu.pant of the premises and .the address or location of the premises. The acknowledgement shall be signed by the .Treasurer ~ lZ. The Treasurer shall deliver one copy of the acknowledgement to the person pay~ngthe fee and shall forthwith deliver, or send by mail, the second copy of the acknowledgement, to the Inspector, and shall retain t~ third cop~.o~the acknowledgement in his records. 13. any person ~o contravenes this By-Law is liable to a fine of not more than THREE HUNDRED DGLLARS ($300.00) upon summary conviction. 14. By-Law Number 1376 of the Township of Clarke is hereby repealed. SCHEDULE OF FEES FOR fLUMBING INSPECTIONS , $6.00, .plus $1.00 a fixture e Residence Duplex and Multiple apartments $6.00 for first suite, $4.00 for each additionar suite, plus $1.00 a fixtUre \ ) $6.00 ~or apartment, $4.00 for store and for each additia.nal apartment, :plus $1.00 a: fixture . 16.DO plus $1.00 a fi~ture $,5.00 plus $1.00 a fixture $~O..OO plus $1.00 a fixture Combined apartment and store or business Store or- Business Eactories Schools Other buildings or pramises not speCified above Soil or vent stacks in _ excess of one Fixtures added to existing system or plumbing repaired, renewed or , altered Building drains Change frOm septic tank to municipal aewer Additional inspections in excess of two to be $Z.OO Bv-LAw No _ _-, h?l t ~o declare Section 1 of The Lord's Day Act (Ontario) 1960-61 as amended by The Lord's ~ay (Ontario) Amendment Act 1968 No.Z) to be in force in certain parts of the Township of Clarke. The Council of the Corporation.of the Township of Clarke enacts as follows: 1. (1) Section 1 of The Lord's nay act (OntariO) 1960-61 as amended by The Lord's Day Act ..( Ontaria) ilIllendment act 196$, Ghapter 6$, Section Z, is hereb~ declared to be in force from August 4, 1970 to August 31, 1970, to i~clude in.this period fqur (4) Youth Theatre Theatrical P.erformances, in the ~ollowing parts .of the Township of Clarke, :namely: . Part of Township Lot ze, Conceasion 5, now part.of the Police.Village of Orono and _re part;.icularly; d,escr:\.Qed as the arena.in the Durham Central agricultural Soqiety Fa:\.rgrounds ia such lot ,and concession.. .. (~) .The application of the said sect;.ion of the said act shall ~e lim:\.ted to the respect:\.ve ~heatr:\.calperformances :\.n the forego:\.ng respect:\.ve parts of the Town~h:\.p of Clarke.as follows: .c Youth Theatre productioa of TheatriCAl Performances The theatr:\.cal performances :\.n this By-Law shall. be subject to the fo.llow:\.ng reglilat:\.oa.s.and control: (a) every theatrical perfQ~nce shall be conducted in an orderly and seemly manner; (b) no theatr:\.cal performance shall be commenced before half pas~ one o'clock.:\.n the afternoon. Bv-Law >>0_ ]6?~ A By-Law to license and regulate the.keeping of dogs Whereas Council deems :\.t exped:\.eat to regulate the r~:\.ng at large of dogs within the l:\.m:\.ts.of..the Township of Clarke and to license the keeping of dogS w:\.thin the municipal:\.ty; ~6.QO plus :$l.GO a fixture $z.OO \ , plus $1.00 a fixture $4..00 $3.00 $4.00 z. - e, 4' Page 7 Regula'Meeting of Council 7 July 1970 e~ntinuech Now fherefore the Council of the Corporation' of .the Township Gf Cluke, pursuant to tpe authQri1;:y pr,Dvided by Section 379 (1) of The. Mun:l.e:l.pal Act R.S.O. 1960,Chapter 249 and. .theDog TaX and Catt~., Sheep and Paultry i'rot{ictionAct,R.S.Q., 'l9tJO,Chapter Ill, renamed The Dog Tax and ~ive Stock and. Poultry ProtectiC/D Act and. ame.l1ClJaents thereto, hereby Enacts as Fol1G.wSJ 1. In th:l.s by-law' , (a) "Dog" means every dog, whether male Gr f'elll&le.. C (b) ~Owner" of' a dog include. every per.Guowho possesses 9~ . harbours a dGg and "owns", and Uo~edjl have a COM"esponcUng l\1eaning, ' , (c) "ControP' means held by a lea.h, thong, strap, chuu, rope or other attachment.. so that, the ciog ma.y not proceed a great'er distance top-an f'our f'eet frGm the person responsible at. any time for preventing Ioheidogf'l"om running at large : when taken off the premises c€ his .o~er. (d) "Pure-bred" means registered or eligible f9r registration .. in the register of The Canadian Kennel Club, Incorporat.d, o or, Of, a. class designated as pure-bred in the regw.lationa. -tjJ) ,lLicence Pee'" shall mean and inclu.de "dog Tax" as referred to in the Dog Tax an~ Live Stock and Poultry .prot~etion Act and amendments thereto. 2. Ev.ryo~er or a dog or dogs with:l.:Q.the ;limi.ts of tp.e To~ship of Clarke shall annually pay the licence fee hereinafter set forth and obtaill a tag f'or each dog owned by him. from the' To~ship Clerk- Treasurer, Orono, Ontario or tithe:r of'ficer that the Council may appoillt by resolution, and shall cause tQ be- securely aff'ixed. to each dog o~ed, such ta.g while cu.rrent. (Tags shall cease to b.e curren~' on Dec.ember 31st of each year'. ) 3. The amount of' the l~cenc.e rerpayable under the provisions of' this by~lawsha.ll be as f'ollows:- (a) For each male dog $ 5.0:0 . (b) For- each f'emale ciog $1<>:..00 4. l!letwithstanding the pro;visionsof' paragraph 3, whe... the certif:l.cate of a veterinary surgeon is produced showing that a f'emale ~og has been spayed the fee shall be the same .aa. fora male dog. 5. Notwithatanding the provisions of' paragraphs Z and 3 of' t~e within by-law the o~er of' a kennel of' ~re-bred dogs registered in :eheregister' of' tp.e Canadian Kennel Club" .Incorporated,. sh&11 pay ananDll8:1 tax of $<:5.PO to the To~ship Clerk-Treasurer, Orono, Ontario as a tax upon the kennel and he shall not be liable to pay any further licence fee in reBpectof~ch pure-bred di!gs. ~ . 6. The licence tag shall have. a ..rialn~er and the year in which it was issu.ed and a record shall b.kept by the ,Clerk- Treasurer or other off'icer appointed for that purpo~. showidgthe name and address of t.he o~er and the serial nw.aer of the tag. (Every licence issued under thisby~l:aw ,sha,ll be for. the calendu year and shall expire on the 31;.t., ,Decell!her in each year.). Each 1.icenceshall be renewed .within -sixty (60) days from the "commence- ment of' the calendar year. - .," . 7. Every person who -fails toco.ply with the f'oregoing provi"sj.c;ms of' this by-law or who uses a.. tag upon a dog other t,han tb.a.t for wh:l.ch it was issued sharI be guilty of an offence under this by-law. 8. ,Nop-erson who is the owner Qf' a dog shall allow it t'orun at large within the l~its of the Township of' Clarke. , 9. Every dog which is found running at large may be dispGsed of by the .dog control of'f'icer or other of'f'ic.er. that the. Council .may by resolutiOn appoint. . 10.For the purpose of this by-law a dog shall be qeemed to be ru.nR.i.ng at.-large when found off the premises upon wlliq-h it is habitually kept ocr on a public highway or other publiq p'lace and not under the.control Qf' any person. 11.The dog control of'fieer may seize and impound any dog or dogs f'ound rUDtting at large within the limits of the ~oWR.hip of Clarke or atl7"d.p~roun.d. 'ifiJ;h.o.ut a. tag contrary to. thePl'"ovuions of' this by-law. - ., . . ., -. ... 12.When .he dog control of'f'icer seizes a dog as hereinbef'gre provided it shall be his duty to deliver the same to the pound- keeper whose duty it shall be to provide suitable quarters, as may be approved by CounCil, in which to keep in a humane .....r all the dogs that may be brought to hilll by the dQS control of'tice:r under t.e Page 8 Regular Meeting of Council 7 July 1970 continued: provisions of this, by-law. ,The poundkeeper shall" in a book to be, fUrnished hlln by the Clerk-Treasurer, keep an accurate account of all dogs placed in the pound, includang the date of receipt, time-s of feeding. and watering, manner of final disposal, the cmethods of destruction of the same, amounts received by way of redemption fees; and fines and sales, and,the names and addresses of the purchasers of dogs and any other particular~ Council may deem advisable. , \ ) 1>. Where a,dog bearing a tag issued as hereinbefore provided in this by-law has been impounded, the poundkeeper shall, within twelve (12) hours deliver to the Clerk-Treasurer, in writing, particulars of the registration number of the said ta~ \,) 14. The Clerk-Treasurer, upon receipt of the particulars of registration number on the said tag,-as hereinbefore provided, shall within twentY".four (24) hours, of Ii. receipt of such notice, notify the owner. of the dog as it may appear from the records of his office. , 15. The Owner of- any dog llnpounded under the provisions of . this by-law may redeem the same up to seventy-two (72) hours after its deli very to the poundkeeper by paying to" the pouno.,. keeper, for use of.the municipality, the sum of Five Dollars for the first day or part thereof. that the said dog has been impounded, and One Dollar per day for each additional day or part thereof together with the poundage fees and eXpenses o~ the keeper, of the pound. Provided further, ,that if the said dog is a dog for which a licence fee has not beltn paid.aJI provided in this by-law, the Owner shall ~ addition to the payment hereinbefore provided pay to the CleJ:-k-Tr,asurer the amount required for such licence and thereupon shall be issued with a licence tag by the Clerk-Treasurer. All dogs impounded, under the P' ovisions of this by-law. not being redeemed within seventy-two (72) hours of such. impounding may be sold at thei sum mentioned in this by-law for redemption or at such hightr sum as the said, dog or dogs may bring. All dogs not so redeemed or sold shall after four (4) clear dli.Ys from such impounding be destroyed in a humane way by the Township Poundkeeper, a competent Veterinarian or otherwise dealt with according to law. ' , 16. Council shall b,,- resolution provide- for the appoirrtment ofa dog control "ffi.cel' and a. poundkeeper (provided however, thatcsuch offices may be he1d by one pe~&On if Council deems it~ advisable) and sAall provide for 'the terms of such appointment. 17. Council shal~ by resolution approve the location and construction of the pound to be used for the detention of dogs. as provided by this by-law and as to. the means of disposal of dog or dogs. 108. Any person who contravenes the provisions of this by-la.w shall upon conviction be liable to a penalty of not more than , :$50.00, exclusive of costs, and every such penalty shall be - recoverable under the provisions of the SUlllllUl.ry Conviction Act. 19. By-law No. 1580, 1633 and all by-laws contrary to or inconsistent with the provisions of this by-law in respect of . dog licences, or regulation of dogs, be and the same~re hereby 'repealed, but the provisions of this by-law shall be read mutatis ,mutandis with the terms and conditions of' any by-law, , resolution, or agreement on the keeping ofpaunds and the appointment of a Poundkeeper and a Dogcatcher. 20. This by-law shall come into force and take effecton the date of final passing thereof. ~R~lu~i(l)nNo~QA . This Council hereby adjourn to ,meet again on August 4,::1.970 at 10 a.m; in the Council Chamber at Orono or otherwise in spec ill. eeting jt the call.of the Reeve. Carried. ~;d-L- 'Q~~ Clerk. ,Retle'.'. " e -