HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/22/1970 (Special) Page 9 Regular Me!ting Q~ the Coun~il June 2, 1~70 continued: ~~ Where a vehicle is ~ound parked-ineontraveatioa o~the parking provis;rons o~ a by-law"'or-'the MunTe'fpantfct~ the. Township o~ Clarke, the police o~ficer or traffic control officer so ~inding the vehicle shall 'attach to the vehicle a parking ticket in the form o~'a serially numbe~ed notice stating, ~. - (a) , the permit number and the concise description .~ of th.vehicle, . " ',~ (b) that the vehicl.eis unlawfully parked, (cl the date, time and place of the 'a.lleg~d,l of~ence, (d) that the driver thereof may report to the o~fice of the Municipal Clerk within'two days; exclusive' of Sundays and hOlidays, a~ter the day when the ticket is attached, to make a voluntary Payment of the penalty; and. . that in the event of railure to so repOrt and make such payment a SUDIIRons will be ~ sue4 , under the Summary Convictions Act. The parking ticket shall be prepared in tripiicate and the police officer shall attach one copy to the vehicle and deliver the other copies to the Municipal Clerk. That payment may within two days, exclusive'o~Sundays and holidays, ~ter the day when the ticket isittached to the vehicle, be made to the Municipal Clerk or any person designated by him to receivesucn payment in the sum of One Dollar which shall be accepted as the payment of a~enalty in,full sa~isfac~on in,res~ect oft~e' alleged offence~ and a receipt therefor shall be given to the person making the payment. If the payment is not 'voluntarily made in accordance with' the procedure provided in sections 1 to'3, the procedure of The Summary Convictions Act and the penalties provid.d in the by-law alleged to have been contravenedsh~11 apply. R8so1ution No.Ba:Noved by F.A.Gray,seconded by W.R.CarvetH: This Council hereby adjourn tOl!leet again on JUly 7, 1970 at 10 a.m. in the Council Chamber at Orono or otherwise in spe 1 meeting at the call of ~neReeve. Carried. ~d/. ' 1. .'"', e (e) , 2. 3. 4. (l/)J Re.4"'e. ' --ir.:: ~ Clerk. SPECIAL MEETING' OF THE CbUNC1L OF THE TOWNSH1P OF CLAlKE . Monday, June 22, 1970, at 7:30 p. m. Council Chamb~r; Orono. Present: .Reeve J. W. Stone: Deputy Reeve H~ ~. WalKey Councillor W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray . Councillor R. G. Chater _Clerk H. DeWith Special meeting of Council was called by the Reeve to consider the follOWing business: M. L. Ross, Larry Windower and GOrdon Crosby from Totten, Sims, Hubicki and Associates Ltd. met with 'Co~cil re tenders for Storage Shed 'and, Patterson ~oad Culvert.. It was moved by F. A.Gray,second.ed by H. E. Walkey that tenders be opened tor Patterson Road Culvert. Carried. _ N. L. Ross suggested that Council should appoint'a~r.on not under Township employ to purchaseanf land required for road purposes. It 'was moved byH.E. Walkey, seeoncled by F. A. Gray to refer this matter to the Road and Bri~.. Committee. The Road and Bridge Committee then unanimously authorized M. L. Ro.s to ask. Mr. Roy Foster to fill - this position. _ ,., The fOI8wiag corre.pondence was read out .by the aeeve: 1. E. H. SlUIluel, Curvply Wood Pr6duct~'re reli';illtration under the Ontario Development Corporati.n.-F~led~ . 2. Four letter. were referred to Council by'H. R. Best re road to be constructed~by Peter Casparl on the north part of the road allowance'between ~S4 ~ 5, Con.'e.-Referred to H. R. Best and tabled pending coapletion date of July 31, 1970 by Mr. Caspari. ~ .~ Page Z Special Meeti:ag of the COWlcil June 2Z,1970 continued: Totten, Sims, Hubicki Associates LiJaitedre propeaed atorage'b~ilding~'T.wnahip of Clarke, Contract Number a~O.~Filed. v Mrs. Marian M. Wilson, Gener&l Manager,~Orono Yo~th Theatre re by-law to allow Sunday theatre performances.- RefePred to the Poliee Trustees. ' Mr. H. R. Best presented a plan _d eatfmat.dcoat for an ifistallation of a newseptictaak tor Orono Town Hall.'This business was ~eferred to th~ Finance Committee. It~as moved by H. E. Walkey, secQnded by.. R. Carveth that the Reeve and Clerk sign the Applicatlon Form re Equalization of'Industr:l.al Opportunity Program, under ,correspOndence iteml. ' Council reviewed the Township Insurance-and this matter was th.n referred to the Finance Committee. The Clerk prisentedta report re Postage Machine and was authorized to ascertain the service Charges from Pitney Bowes,Peterborough. Thefollowing'resolutions were passed: Raaolution ~o.8Q:Mov.d by W.R.Carveth,secanded by F.A.Gray: This Council hereby ace.pt the tender of Lapson G~ills Construction Co. ~td;, CObourg,Ontario, subject to the approval of the Department of Highways, for the construction of Patterson Road Culvert, as per tender.priee-in the amount of $13,910~OO.Carried. -' - L li.......lutian No. QQ:Moved by H.'E:.Walkey, seconded'by RobertG.Chater: 'rhisCouncil hereby accept the tender of Beaver Lumber Company Ltdl subj<<ot to the apppoval of the Departmen10 of.Highways for the construction of S.~9rage Buildi:ag, as per. tender puice in the amount of $G,443.00. Carried. ' Meeit~ourned at 11 o(clock. ~~ _ L, , . ~ 3. 4. Clerk. ~v ~ ....-,.. ...... ... ~ Reeve / . REGULAR MEETUG OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION, OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Tuesday, JulY-7, 1970 at 10 a.m. Council Chamber Orono. , Pre:ient: Re_' John W. Stone Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey Councillor W. R. Carveth ,Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor R. G. Chater Clerk H. DeWith . Min~tes of meetings-held June 2 and 2Z, 197Q were. adopted a.. printed on.motion by F. A. Gray,-eecondedby R. G'. Chater. Carried. , . . . The following correspe1'ld.ence was, read out by the Reeve: 1. ,Minu~ee or Committee of Adjustment dated June 1, 20 and 22, 1970.-Filed. . . . Indenture dated 6th September 1927 between William Franci. Hale and Jobn J.,Hale of the First.Part",The Municipal Corporation of the Township of Clarke of the , SecoRd Part, ,Edith May Ha.le of the rhird Part as business brought forward from June Z, 1970.-Tabled. 3. ,Durham and Northumberland Flue Cured, Tobaceo' Growers! Association re Federal'Government legislation, that would -affect the tobacco industry as business, brought forw4rd . from June 2, 1970.-Referred to ~esolution and f,iled. Diamond Triangle Planning ComQdttee-re amalgamation.-Filed. Request bya. R..Best to meet with Finance ee.-ittee.re Bu:l.lding By-la.w.-Tabled. , . , John & Isabel Veldhuis and Andries & Jean H90rnweg re petition of 92 adults with regard to intersection of. County Road It, and Highway IZ....Filed. " Copy letter from E..R. Lovekin to Robert ~,nt re Lot 32, , Concession 2, Newcastle, Land Use.. Non Agricultural. Land - Highest and best pos.i.leuse.-Fi~ed. , 2. 4. 5. 6. 7.