HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/02/1970 Pres~nt i Reeve John W. Stone Deputy Reeve H.E. Walkey' Councillor W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor R. G~ Chater' Clerk H. DeWith Minutes of meeting held May 5, 1970 were adopted llS printed on motion by F.A.Gray, seconded by R. G: Chater. ' Carried. 'The following correspondence was read out by the Reevel Department of Highways re subsidy to Municipalities on Payroll Deductions - Municipal Roads Em~loyees.-Fi1ed. Department of ~ighways re memorandumOB-70-03 with 'respect to SUrface Type Stadards for Rural Ontario Roads.-Filed. Department of Highways, Downsview re advance payment of subsidy in the amount of $46,650.00.-Filed. Department of Highways, Downsv:iew re 1970 Road Expenditure By-Law Number 1664-Amount $306,OOO.-Filed. . Minutes of meetirtgs of Committee of Adjustment dated May 6 and May 11, 1970.-Filed. ' " . ~unicipal Planning Consultants Co. Ltd. re proposed Official Plan, Township of Clark e.-Tabled. ' Mrs. Laverne Boyd re parking situation at abandoned cemetery in Lot 28, Con. 5.-Phatostatic eopy to be referred to Orono Po~ice Trustees, Jaek Carscadden and Mrs. R. G. Chater, Sect. Clarke Cemetery Board.~ Clerk to reply to Mrs. Boyd. W. Kay Lycett, B.A., re pOrtion'of Princess Street, Orono.-Filed. Mrs. Ellen M. 'Yeo, Secretary-Treasurer, Committee 'of Adjustment requesting copies of any and all'correspondence affecting matters pending before the Committee or relevant matters of interest in order to improve liaison between 'the Committee and the other legal bodies within the Township.-Filed~ 10. Mrs. Ellen M. Yeo, Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment re Tariff of'Fees.-Filed. Re~ortfrom Building Inspector for the month of May.-Filed. Indenture dated 6th Septe.ber 1927 between William Francis Hale and Jahn J. Hale of the First Part, Tne ~unicipal Corposion ,of the Township of Clarke II€ the Second Part, tditli' May Hale 'of tne'Third Part.-Council to'check this'proPerti. 13. Copy letter from Canadian Transport Commission to Totten, Sims Hubicki Associates Limited re Newtonville Overpass, Clarke Tl?wnsl).ip, Ontario, mileage 151.'92 Belleville'Subdiv1s:l.on.-Tabled. l~. fotten, Sims, Hubicki Associates Limited letter to Reeve re Newtonville C.P.R. OVerPllSS, Township of Clarke; Wade Property. -Fhd. ' ' It was moved by H. E. Walkey, seconded by R.G;Chat.er that delegations be heard. Carried; . ,Mr. H. E. Millson and Mr. R. R. Mclellan ,met 'with Council to review the ::i.nsurlll1ce programme and'presented a report with regard to 1970 Insuranee. . . It was' moved by F. A. Gray, see~nd.d'by W. R. Carveth that Council recess for dinner at the ChuekWagon Restaurant as guests of Mr. Millson and Mr. McLellan of Prank Cowan Insurance Company, also included in the invitation were Mr. Henzoy DeWith, Mr. M. L. Ross and Mrs. D. Stark. Carried. 15. Millson Insurance Agency re invitation to dinner on June-Z;---1970 and Statements re'Township Insurance.-Referred to tne Clerk. 16. Department of Highways re Scale of Fees for CQnsulting Engineering Services.-Filed. 17. Letter from W. K. Lycett and petition of Abram Van den Heuvel and seven other signed petitioners re closing of portion of Pr~ncess Street.-Tabled. Mrs. Robert Johnson re licence rates for dogs.-Referred to Clerk. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warden re dogs running at large.-Referred to Orono Police Trustees. 20. Mr. E. A. Timoll request for rezoning.-Photostatic copy to Mr. Art Low, Clarke Planning Board and Filed. 21. Lake Ontario Regional Development Council re meeting re Design for Development, The Toronto-Centred Region.-Filed. 22. Department of Mines re operations. of Pits and Quarries in Southern Ontario re meeting at Uxbridge.-Filed. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. '6. 7. $. 9. 11. 12. , , dGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARK" Tuesday, June 2, '1910, at.10 a~m.' Cauncil Chamber, Orono. '<'- e 1$. 19. -, e Page 2 RegJUar Meeting of the Council June 2, 1970 continued: 23. McComiskey & Pezzack re E. Mostert.-Tabled. 24. The Great Pine Ridge re advertising:[n the Toronto Telegram.-Filed. 25. .Durham 'and Northumberland Flue Cured Tobacco Growers' ' Association: re ,Pederal;';GovernuientlelfislatioD that would affect the tobacco indus~ry as business brought forward from May 5, 1970.-Tabled. ,... 26. ~ee and Klymas, Chartered Accou~ants Notice to Creditors of first meeting in the matter of the bankruptcy of Donald Joseph Murray, carrying on business as FurDture Discount Barn, in the Townshipof'Clarke, in the Counby of' DUrham, in the Province of Ontario.-Filed. 27. Association', of -Ontario Mayors and Reeves re Convention May 10th to 13th, 1970 aa business brought forwa~d from May 4, 1970.-Filed.' ' ' ".28. .Department of Municipal Affairs re booklet re Subdivision , Procedures.-Filed. ..29. ' Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority officers and ,members.-Filed. ' ~O. ,Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority re Conservation , Week-June 13 to June 21,-Filed. ~l. . Department of Municipal Affairs re municipal Election prOVisions report as business brought forward from May 4, ,1970.-Tabled. ' ~2. ,W. Kay Lycett, B.A., re part of Lot 1" Cdh. Il,Clarke, <"being a parcel containing 13.577 acres, previously ,owned by North Shore Realty Co.-Referred to the Clerk. :33. ,E. R. Lovekin re Clarke TownShip-Laverne Boyd;and Christian Church Cemetery, Pt. Lot 2$, Cone. ?, now' part of the Vial age of Orono. -Filed. . -.. .' . 34. B. R. LOVHin re Chalet Development on Wilmot Creeil,-F:Ued. 35. S rike, ST<!'ike< & Kelly re Right-Of-Way in Lot '17,' . C~ncession 7 ""< Micklash Building Permit Applic-at-iOll..-Filed. 36. J. M. Dent- & Sons(Canada) Limited re P*rt -Lot 19, Con. 2 and Townsh-ip road easement. -Referred: to .t;'he. ~oad and ,Bridge COllllllitwe. :37. ,Application for Amendment to aoningBy-LawNo.- 1592 (as amendedl.-Write to Derek Little for more informatibn. -3$. ,B. R' Lovekin re Traff'ic By-Law for Ordno.-Ulea. -.39. ,Department of Municipal Af'f'air.s\ re- Tax Ar~arsPrOced1l.:re. -Filed., ' ,-It was moved by R. G.' Chatel', seconded by F.' A. Gf-ay tbt ~enQers be opened for Golf Course Bridge and Storage Building. earned. Mr. Gordon Crosby and Mr. L. Windover of Totten,' Sims, ffubieki Associates Ltd. attended Council meeting ~o open ,the ' ~ai~ teaaers. The tender of W. G. Kelly Constructron Limited, being the lowest, was accepted as per &aselution No. $6 dated ~une"2, 1970. The tenders for Construction of a Storage Building were"taken by Messrs. Crosby and Windoyer for further studt and report to Council. ' 'M. L. Ross, Road Superintendent me~ With Council to discuss ~ertain road matters. Mrs. Samuel, Marie Wilson and Roy Higgins met With,Council 're t8eat Pine Ridge Festival of the arts. 'Mr. Blumberg appeared at Council meeting with regard to hiS application for a Taxi Licence. ,Mr. lifewman and Mr. Davidson requested the Clerk to arrange a meeting with Council and Mr. E. R. Woodyard, Orono Police Trustee, re O. p. V. and Township Dumps. .' . Messrs. B. Van den Heuvel, R. Sharp, J. Oehonski met Council With regard to .Items e and 17 under correspondence. The follOWing resolutions~,'weI\e 'J>assed I ' R.i..elut.ion No.86:Mocved byW.R.CarvetH,secolided-by RobertG.Chater: This Counoil hereby accept the tender oC W.G.Kel~y Construction L:Lmited subject ,"tQ. the apprGTal of the . Department of Highways, f~r the construction of Golf Coups. Bridge, as per tender price in the amount of $34,903.00., Carried. R...."l ..t.i on No. B.? :ldQ.ved by H.B. Walley, seconded byF .A..Grl!.Y: Itesolve that t;..he following Pay Vouchers be and are,herelt,. authorized for.payment by the Signing Officers ofthi.!!.Co\U1cil: General Welfare Addition May 1970 No.5 Voucher in the amqwat of$160.0 O.P.V. May 1970 No.5 Voucher in the amount of $1,205.11 , General Depart.ent ,May 1970 Ho.5 Voucher in the amout,of$142..010.79 General Welfare Deparl,ment June 1970 No.6 Vouche~ ,in ,the amoWlt ,,~f,12~11.20 ',' . ..RO&d. . ,partment' Kay 1970 No.5 Voucher in the amount of $15,316.52. Carried. e Page 3 , Regular Meeting of the Council June 2, 1970 continued: . . . The following By-Lawlas given first and second readiag only: A By-Law to provide for the licensiag.of o~rs and drivers of cabs and to establish the rates of fares to be charged. The following By-Laws were given first, second and third reading and finally passed: Bv-L~w No_ 16h~ 4 . ' Being a by-law to adopt the estimates of all sums requir.ed during the year and to strike the rates of taxation for the year 1970". . WHERbS the Coun<<il of the. CorpQration of th'e Township of Clarke has in accordance with ~he Mu~~cipal Act considered the estimates of the municipality and of the Boards and Co~ssions of th~ muni,cipalLty and it is necessary that the .follo....iag sums be raised by means of taxation for the year 1970:, . E~pE~DITIJRES ExecutiVe & Le8islative Administrative Zoning Administrator Committee ,of Adjustment Other General Government Clarke Planning Board C~arke Recreation Committee Clarke Public Library Fire Protection -Shared Operating . .' - ~{rect To~ship Cost Des~ruction of Pests~Warb1e. ~ly Other Protection, Livestock - Dogs Public Works: M.W.A.F. II Loan N..W.A.P. I.. Bank M.W.A.P. 12 Loan M.W.A.P. #2 Bank ~egul~rTwp. No. 1664 Regular O.P.V. No. 1664 . Non Subsidized expenditures Sani~ation ~ Garbage Expense Health - Insulin Nursing HplDe ClK".e (Subsidized}. ~irect Welfare (Subsidized) Direct Relief - Indigent Ambulance Recreation ~ C.ommunity ServiCeS (~.~al~) ~undryGrant ' . Dog Pound & Dogcatcher , . Debt Charges-Principal Memor~al Hospital -Interest Memorial H.ospital Interest a~d Bank Charges . Discount for Taxes Taxes Written off Capital Expenditure from Revenue: Fire Truck ~ Radio - Shared Administrative Central Lake Ontario Authority Reserve - Replacement ,of Equipment - Working Fund Miscellaneous Total TOTAL BUDGET 5,050.00 26,0.00.00 7,000.00 ,6,2.00.00 6,000.00 10,0.00.00 550.00 5,200.00 .12,5.10.00 2,400.00 1,400.00 . 1,0,00.00 . 11,464.48 1,982.78 3,085.01 1,.928.89 ~58,827.00 12,000.00 1....000_00 293,288.16 3,0,00.00 50.00 11,000.00 '16, OpO .00 _ 100.00 2,500.00 350.00 2,300.00 4,000.00 3,584.10 14,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,800.00 gOO.OO 264.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 , rOOO_GO .446 , 866 . 26 REVENUE Pr4.-.=incial Public Subsidias. ., . Works-Regular Twp.No.1664 168,776.20 -Regular 0.P.V.No.1664 7,200.00 -Acc't Rec'able(O~d .Garag~,OQO.o.O Warble Fly . 345.00 ~ Federal Grant Post Office,Orono,Newto~ 1,100.00 Licence,s & Permits. 5,000.00 . Plumbing & Sewage .Penmits 1,175.00 Building P.e~its 1,200.QO Dog Tax 4,000.00 'Interest, Tax Penalties 10,000.00 Rents, Twp. Hall 800.00 Committee ,of ~djustment 1~600.00 Direct Welfare Subsidy 21,600.00 Tax Assistance ~oo 00 Total 22?_OQh_20 22?.._oq6...~o 21Q..7?O..o6 - . e . .'. .... .. '"':"" Page 4 Regular M"eting of the Council June 2. '1970. continued.: PonTic \th:'iftll'A Gan.:ra'l Tot.al. ,. Expenditure Applied on , . General (,; Public Works Deduct Revenue applied on Federal &- Public_ Works 446,866.26 153.578.10 293.288.16 1 ?Q'~ CI?6 _ 20 22?...OQ6...20- .l&.?... 12e_'OO 219,770.06 106.458.10 113,311.96 AND WHEREAS the Assessment Roll made in 1969 and upon which the 1970 taxes are to be levied .and was finally revised by the Court of Revision; . . AND WHEREAS the amount of Assessment entitled to benefit. herein- after referred to as resident~al and farm. and the amount of ' assessment not entitled to benefit, hereinafter referred to as co~ercial and business from Unconditional Grants in accordance with Section .294 and 297 of the Municipal Act, is as follows: Assessment entitled to Benefit 4,025,240.00 (Residential and Farm). ' Asaesament not entitled to Benefit 1.004,033.00 '(COmmercial and Business) . . . AND WHEREAS the estimated amount of the Unconditional Grant is $26.3'17.02 which is the equivalent of 6.538 lliills on the ' Assessment entitled to Benefit; 'ANn WBJRa~S the Assessment of each of the bodies fOr which it is necessary to levy rates is as follows: Residaatial Commercial --....... '&,. PaPm ~ BuainAS& Northumberland &- Durham Board of Education-Slementary 3.947.215.00 1,004',033.00 4,951,248.00 Peterborough-Victoria NOrth- umberland &- Durham Roman . Catholic Separate Schaol Board Northumberland &- DurhalliBoard of Education-Secondary 4.025,240.00 ~,004,033.00 5,029,273.00 THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the' Township of Clarke enacts as follows: 1. That the above estimates be adopted and levied therefore in the manner as set out here.ihafter and there shall be levied and cOliectedupon the assessable' lands, buildings and businesses within'the Corporation of' the Township of Clarke the following mill rates for the year 1970: ' DeBcy-int.i-on Tsn['at:ion -..A...suIIliuUilmAnt':s Mil' Ratf!!!.R 1.Township Commerciai $ 36,862.53 797,545.00 46.22 2.Township Reaidential&F~rming 133.096.04 3,354,Z35~00 39.68 3.Township O.P. V . Commercial 6.562.19 _ .206,488.00 31. 78 4~'ownshipO.P.V.Residential&Farming 16.936.17 . .671.-005,.00 25.24 Counties htes 77 . 903.43 5,029,27.3..00 15.49' Education: Northumberland&Durham County Board of' Education and Peterborough-Victoria North- i.Unberlahd &- Durham Roman Catholic Separate School Board Element&ry~Commercial -Residential&Farm Separate -Residential&Farm Secondary -Comaercial , -Residential&Farm Ganaraska Authority Durham Feeeration Police Village of Orono Ii; -Collllllercial -Res~dential&-Farm Q.M.W:S.-Frontage&Connection StreetLigb.ting-Ne~onville -Kendal Ontario Hydro Arrears Line Fence Act Local ~provement 1369 Farm Tile Drain~e~J.Barnoski E.Barnoski F. Obrist e Tcta 1 78-,025.00 78.02'5.00 nil 47.36 42.63 37.85 47.72 42.95 0.53 0.50 47,551. 00 168,269.77 2,953.24 47,912.45 172.884.05 2,766.10 889.07 . 1.004,033.00 3.947.215.00 78.025.00 1,004,033.00 4.025; 240 ..00 1,778.140.00 206.488.00 671,005.00 15.0~ 15.02 3.101.45 10,078.50 9,383.68 269.'03 128.50 379.52 32.55 204.49 505.49 73 .97 ' , ..,.. J.i3....aa ..-':L>" :,:,":1lA\ 61L . -.-..,,, ". . . ~ 738,903.15 35.89 $738.867.26 e -- 172, 46ii.oo .55.150.00 1.56 2.33 ---. --- H~ --- .-. --- :._- --- _...... ---- --- -- Minimum 1ax , _, "_'--'.<0.-. - ,'".- Less Overle"y Total Tax Roll 1970 , .. Page 5 Regular ~eting of the COIUlCil June 2. ~1970 continv..d: 2. The taxes shall become due and payable on the 30th day of June 1970 but.aybe paid in2 e~al insta~ents_on the 30th ~ of June ,1970 and t~e 30th ~ay ~f November .1970 provided that upon failure to make payment of one or all in:sta~ents, the whde shall become due and payable forthwith. . J";' 'rhere shall be imposeCl a penalty for non-payment of taxes on due date o~ any, instalment thereof, the amount of 1% of the amount due and unpaid on the first day of default, and an additional penalty of 1% shall be added on the first day of each calendar month thereafter in which default continues, but not after the end e of the year in which the taxes are levied. ' 4. There shall be allowed a discount of 2t% on the third instax..nt only if paid on or before June 30, 1970. 5. The collector is hereby'authorized to mail or cause to be ma~led the notic~ of taxes due to the address of the residence or place of businesa" of the person to whom such notice is required to be given.' ' - 6. All current taxes shall be paid into the branch offices of the Canadian Imp~rial Bank of Commerce at Orono and Newcastle. (All tax arrears shall be paid into the office of the Treuurer at 'Orono. ) 7. Where a tenant of lands owned by the Crown or in which the Crown has an interest, has been employed either within br ou~side the municipality by the same employer for not- less than 30 days. such employer shall pay oyer to .the collector on demand out of any wages, salary, or other remuneration due to such employee the amount then payable for taxes under this by-law and such payment shall relieve the employer from any liability to the employee for the amount paid. 8.- The c011ector and treasurer' are hereby emp~ered to accept part payments from time to time on -account of any 'taxes due. 9. This by-law shall come into force and effect upon the date of the final reading thereof. Bv-Law No _ '666 A By-Law to provide for the payment of a fee for the inspection of' septic t'anks'. " , WHEREAS The Public Health Act provides that' no septic tank shall be established until the approval in writing of the Medical Officer of Health has been obtained, and WHEREAS The Medical Officer of Health of Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit is the Medical Officer of Health in these municipalities, and WHEREAS by paragraph 74 of Section 379 (1) of The Municipal Act R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 249 the Couniil of this Municipality is authorized . 'to pass a by-law for charging fees for such inspections. " NOW THEREFORE it is enacted by the Municipal Council 'ofthe Corporation of the Townshi~ of Clarke as a By~Law of the said Corporation 'as follows:- . . . 1. "This By-Law shall apply to' any septic tank to be "established in -Chis muni"cipa1.ity. 2. "Treasurer" includes any person authori.zed to act on 'behalf of the Treasurer. 3. Any person who intends by himself -or through others to establish a septic tank shall before the establishment of such septic tank pay a fee ofis.oo for the inspection of such septic tank. 4.' The fee may be 'paid by the owner or occupier of pr~ises for whom the worle is to 'be done or by the person who intends ~o do the worK or cause it to be done. Payment by one of such persons shall relieve the "other or others'from responsibility for payment. 5. " The fee shall be paid.to the Treasurer who shall prepare a wriiten acknowledgment of ~ayment thereof. The acknowledgment sRil be signed bi the Treasurer; 6. The Treasurer shall deliver one copy of the acknowledgment to the "person paying the fee together with one copy of the private' . seyige dispO~~installatidn form of the Haliburton. Kawartha, Pine e Ridge District Health Unit; and send by mail the second copy of.the latter form "to the said Medical Officer of Health. " 7. ~ _The said )otedical Officer of Health shall cause the proposed septic tank_establi~~ent to be inspected as soon after receiving the said fora_as is cQnyeniently possible and shall in due course advise the owner, OCCUPi!r or person who intends to do the work or cause it to be dOP.l provid!4~ however. that nothing in this By~Law shall relieve any per... from ~h~ necessity of obtaining the approval in writing of the said Uedical Officer of Health before establishing a septic tank as required by the Public l1ea1thA'et; 8. By-Law Number 1379 of the Township .~ Clarke is hereby repealed. Page 6 Regular Meeting of the Council June 2, 1970 continued: e By-Law ,.tl~ ._ 1667 , Be~Bg a By-Law to increaa.' the in~ereat rate o~ taxarre~a. Be It Enacted as a By-Law of the Council of +he,Corporai:;.i9n of the Townahip of Clarke aafollowa: . 1. The Treasu~er of the Town.hip of Cla,rke b""ana'fll -hereby authorized and shall add to the amount of all taxes due and unpaid iRterest at the rahot l.per ceRtper mGnth"~r:traction thereof'f.rom the3lst day of December. in the year in which the taxea were levied until the ~axes are paid, effective and commencing on the first day of J~ly 1970. , 2. By-Law No. 1565 be and the same is hereby repealed. Bv-I~aw No_ 1668 For the Regulation of Traffic WHEREAS the Municipal Act being R.S.O.1960 Chapter 249 provides that the Council of any municipality may, subject to the provisions of t~e Highway ,Traffic Act, pass a by-law regulatiagtraffic within such municipality; . ABDWHEREAS Council of the Corporation of the ToWnship of Clarke has deemed it advisable to establish regulation of traffic within the PoliB Village of Orono in the Township or Clarke; The Council of the Corporation of the M\inic'ipalit,. of the Townshipof Clarke hereby enacts as follows: PA.RT ] cDEFIVITIOVS For the purpose of this by-law: . . (a) Co,ner means the point of iater.ection of cw.rbs or edges of the portio~ of the high~ys used for Vehicular traffic. (b)_ CroB.wal~ means that part of a highway at aninter,ection that is inelw.ded within the connections of the lateral lin.s of _ - -. - .. c. '. - ...-. . the sidewalks on oppos~t. sides of the highway measw.red from the curbs or, in the absence of curbs, frgm the edges of the road- way; Qr any portion 9f a r~adway at an intersection or else- where distinctly indicated for pedestrian crossing by signs or by lines or. other markiBgs on the surface. ' ., (c) Hi~~wav includes a co~onand public highway,atreet, avenl,1e,par:kway,a.I'iv.way, &quare, place, bridge, viaduct or trestle, designed and int.nd.d for, or used by, the general public fer the passage of veh~cles. (d) Int....seetion means the area embraced within tal' prolongation or connect~on of the lateral curb lines or, if none, tAe~ of ~he lateral boundary lines of two or more highways that join one another at an angle, whether or not one hlghwaycrosses 'the other.' __ T -. - -. -->, . \ j rill) ~ or 'I'",..l<inf. when prohibited, "eans the standing of a vehicle whether occupied or not, except when standing temporarily for the purpose of and while a~tually engaged in loading or unloading merchandise or passengers. (f) R.oadwav mem s that part of the highway that is improved, designed or ordina:dl.y used for vehicular traffic, bl,1t does not incll,1de the shoulder, and, where a highway includes two or more separate roadways, the term "roadway" refers to anyone roadway separately and not to all of ,the roadways collectively. (g) Sid"wal~ means that. portion or a highway between the curb lines, or the lateral line. of a roadwar and the adjacent ,property lines, intended .for the use of ~estrians. (b.) Sb...d or ...tandini. when prohibited, me....s ,the halting of a vehicle, whether occupiedorJ1ot, e:ltcept for t.he pu.rpose of and while ac,t.uaB.y engaged in .receiving Qr discharging passengers. (i). StOD. when reql,1ired, means a complete cessation of movement. (j) ~ or..tonni.n.... when.prohibited, m~s the halti~ of a. vehicle, eVen momentarily., whether occupi-ed or not., except when necessary'to avoid conflict with other traffic or ~n compliance with the directions of a copstable or other pOlice officer or of a tz,a'fficcontrol si~ or cig-nal. ' (k) .5+........t - see Highway (1) T..wr~i~ includes pedestrians, ridden or herded animals, vehicles, street cars ~d ot~er con~ey'ance~ either siPllY or together while using any street for the ~rposes of travel. , , e Page 7 Regular Meeting of the Council June Z. 1970 continued: (m) T~R~~i~ eont~ol dAV'~A means any sign, or roadway, curb or sidewalk marking. or other device ereeted or placedunder~he authority of the Munieipal Council for the purpose of guiding or direeting traffic. - (n) T~~rri~ ~i~n~l means any devieemanually. electrically or mechanically operated for the regulation of traffic. (0) Vehi~le includes a motor vehicle. trailer. traction engine. farm tractor. road-building machine and any vehicle drawn. propelled or driven by any kin. of power. including muscular power. but does not include a motorized snow vehicle. the ears of elecUic or steam railways running only upon rails. Pa1'"t II OBEDIENCE TO~AFFIC REGULATIONS ,~ 1. A traffic control offiBr for the Township of Clarke to be appointed by by-law of the'said Township shall enforce the provisions of this by-law. Z. Obedience to Traffic signs and signals: Every person shall promptly obey all signals given by either a police officer or by a traffic control device or a traffic signal. PART III PARKING 3. Methodo~ Pa~kin~ (1) Parallel No person shall park a vehicle en any street other than a one_ay street unless on the right hand side of the street. having regard for the direction in which the venielehad been proceeding. and unless the rightfrent and right rear wheels or runners are parallel to and distant respeetivelynot\more than six inches from the edge of the roadway. (Z} Angle . Where angle parking is permitted. no persons shall park a vehicle except at an angle of ferty*five degrees with the edge of a roadway and so. that. the front end of the vehicle - is nearest to the edge of the roadway. (3) One-way streets Where parking is-permitted on a one-way street. a person .may park a vehicle facing only in the direction in.wniehit,was proceeding and with the left froat and left rear wheels parallel to' and distant'respectively not more than.six inches fram the edge of the roadway. provided that this provision shall not apply where parking on the right hand.aideof~a, one_ay street is specifically authorized by by-law. 4. P~1'"k;ng P~~h;hi~~d (1) In gnp-~;~i~d n'~~AS No person shall park a vehicle in any of the following places: Ona sidewalk. . In front of a public or private driveway, Within an intersection, Within thirty feet of a crosswalk at an intersection. On a crosswalk, Within ten feet of a point on the curb or edge of the roadway opposite any fire hydrant. Between a safety zone and the adjacent curb or within twenty feet of points on the curb immediately opposite the ends of a safety zone, On any bridge. or in any subway or the approaches thereto. On any street in such a manner as to obstruct traffic, In such position as will prevent.the convenient removal of any vehicle previously parked or left,standing. In front of the entrance to anyplace. where goods or merchandise are regularly. delivered or re~ved.. (Z) When properly worded signs are erected . and are on . . flisplay. no person shall park a yehicle Within eighty feet of any poitit designated as a street car. bus or coach stoP. Within one hundred and twenty 'feet of any~.point designated as a street car stop 0l'I any.41treet hav,ing a roadway of les.s width than fifty-four, feet. " Between 8.30 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. upon that side of a street adjacent to any school property. e e Page 8 Regular Meeting of the COUDcil June 2, 1970 continue~: 5. . . .Pa~~in~ ~.at~i~tion.,on SnA~i~iAd RtrAAtA (a) When pro~rly wOrded signs have been erected and are on 'display, no person shall park 'a vehicle on any of the street. or parts of streets hereinafter set out in column 1 on the side or siaesin colUmn" within the Police Village of Orono during the period in column 3: CGLUMli 1 COLUMN 2 ~ Ia. Sid. Nain St. Durham fair- . South side grounds Park St. West side 'C:OLIDIN' ~ P....;gd Of mor' than two consecutive hours Of more than two consecutive hours Of more than 15 consecutive min. Two hours , ! StY"';Uitt. Park St.. e Church St. Centre St. Centre St. Main St. Church St. North side East limit of North side Centre St. (b) When properly worded signs have been erected display, no person shall park a vehicle on any of or parts of streets hereinafter set out. in column or side of streets in column 2 at any time within of Orono: COLUMN 1 StPQ.~ Prom Cobbledick Main St. St. Park St. Main St. Church St. Park St. North Centre St. lUll 5t. Cent re St. Church St. and are on the streets lon the sides the Village Provincial 115 burhamFairgrounds Churchill St. t..Q. Highway No~ COL1DOl -2. ~ North side North side East side :e Main St. East limit of CentreSt. Nit]; St. First .fire hydrant on Mill 1(!d::f.." St. located north of Main St; Dickson St.Main St. Church St. South side (c) When properiy worde~ signs have been erected and are :on displaY' no person' shall sto}) a vehicle :on-'anY" of 'the ~reets or parts of streets hereinafter set out in Column 1 on the side or sia.s of .treets in Column'2'within the Pol ide Village'of Orono: COLUMIl 1 Str....t L.J::gm, Ia. CGbblediek Main St. Provincial Highway No. St. 115 Park St. Main St. Church st. North side Church St. Park St.' Centre St. East side Centre St. Main St. Church St. South side (d) No person shall park a vehicle OD any roadway within ~he Police Village of Orono in the Township of Clarke between the hours of 6.00 ana 8.00 o'clock in the fQrenoon'from the 15th day of November in any year to the first day of April in the succeeding year. '. " PART IV PENALTIES ~ . 6. Any p.~son violatingan.y provisioD$ of.this bY-law shall be subject to a penalty of not more'than $10.00 for the first offeJ!,ce and not more. than $,50.00 foi-'every subsequent offence, exclusive of costs, and all such penaltie'shallbe recoverable under the Ontario Sumaary Convictions Act~ The provisions of this by-law shall. not become e:ffective until approved by the Departme~t of Tran$port~ Bv-~w Ho: 166Q- ~. ~ ~ Providing for the payaent'of parking penalties out'of court WHERlAS under Section 37<:l(1)105(A) of the Municipal Act, it is provi~.d th&tcco~eils of cities, towns,'vill~e.. -pblice villages . and townships may pass by-laws provi~ins.for the'vollUltary payment of penalties out of court :for the contravention of the parking provisions of a by-law. . . A1U)\r/li~AS the Co~ci;l. of the Corporation of- the Municipality of the TQwn~ip ~f ~larke:~e!ms it e~pedient:to provide for the use of park~ng t~cket.;.. . . . . .' '.. . HOW THtREPORE the Council of the C8poration of the' Municipality of the Townsh.ip Slf Clarke enacts as follows:: . , South side East side . ~OI.T1Vti 2 ~ . . Horth side 7. , Page 9 Regular Me!ting Q~ the Coun~il June 2, 1~70 continued: ~~ Where a vehicle is ~ound parked-ineontraveatioa o~the parking provis;rons o~ a by-law"'or-'the MunTe'fpantfct~ the. Township o~ Clarke, the police o~ficer or traffic control officer so ~inding the vehicle shall 'attach to the vehicle a parking ticket in the form o~'a serially numbe~ed notice stating, ~. - (a) , the permit number and the concise description .~ of th.vehicle, . " ',~ (b) that the vehicl.eis unlawfully parked, (cl the date, time and place of the 'a.lleg~d,l of~ence, (d) that the driver thereof may report to the o~fice of the Municipal Clerk within'two days; exclusive' of Sundays and hOlidays, a~ter the day when the ticket is attached, to make a voluntary Payment of the penalty; and. . that in the event of railure to so repOrt and make such payment a SUDIIRons will be ~ sue4 , under the Summary Convictions Act. The parking ticket shall be prepared in tripiicate and the police officer shall attach one copy to the vehicle and deliver the other copies to the Municipal Clerk. That payment may within two days, exclusive'o~Sundays and holidays, ~ter the day when the ticket isittached to the vehicle, be made to the Municipal Clerk or any person designated by him to receivesucn payment in the sum of One Dollar which shall be accepted as the payment of a~enalty in,full sa~isfac~on in,res~ect oft~e' alleged offence~ and a receipt therefor shall be given to the person making the payment. If the payment is not 'voluntarily made in accordance with' the procedure provided in sections 1 to'3, the procedure of The Summary Convictions Act and the penalties provid.d in the by-law alleged to have been contravenedsh~11 apply. R8so1ution No.Ba:Noved by F.A.Gray,seconded by W.R.CarvetH: This Council hereby adjourn tOl!leet again on JUly 7, 1970 at 10 a.m. in the Council Chamber at Orono or otherwise in spe 1 meeting at the call of ~neReeve. Carried. ~d/. ' 1. .'"', e (e) , 2. 3. 4. (l/)J Re.4"'e. ' --ir.:: ~ Clerk. SPECIAL MEETING' OF THE CbUNC1L OF THE TOWNSH1P OF CLAlKE . Monday, June 22, 1970, at 7:30 p. m. Council Chamb~r; Orono. Present: .Reeve J. W. Stone: Deputy Reeve H~ ~. WalKey Councillor W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray . Councillor R. G. Chater _Clerk H. DeWith Special meeting of Council was called by the Reeve to consider the follOWing business: M. L. Ross, Larry Windower and GOrdon Crosby from Totten, Sims, Hubicki and Associates Ltd. met with 'Co~cil re tenders for Storage Shed 'and, Patterson ~oad Culvert.. It was moved by F. A.Gray,second.ed by H. E. Walkey that tenders be opened tor Patterson Road Culvert. Carried. _ N. L. Ross suggested that Council should appoint'a~r.on not under Township employ to purchaseanf land required for road purposes. It 'was moved byH.E. Walkey, seeoncled by F. A. Gray to refer this matter to the Road and Bri~.. Committee. The Road and Bridge Committee then unanimously authorized M. L. Ro.s to ask. Mr. Roy Foster to fill - this position. _ ,., The fOI8wiag corre.pondence was read out .by the aeeve: 1. E. H. SlUIluel, Curvply Wood Pr6duct~'re reli';illtration under the Ontario Development Corporati.n.-F~led~ . 2. Four letter. were referred to Council by'H. R. Best re road to be constructed~by Peter Casparl on the north part of the road allowance'between ~S4 ~ 5, Con.'e.-Referred to H. R. Best and tabled pending coapletion date of July 31, 1970 by Mr. Caspari.