HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/04/1970 -SPECIAL MEETING OF TItE COUNCIL OF THE TO~,SHIP OF CLARKE Tuesday, April 2:1:, -1970, at7i30 Council p.m. Charllber, Orono, Present: Reeve John W. Stone Deputy Reeve H.'E. Walkey Councillor W. R. Carveth CouncillorF. A.Gray Councillor R. G. Chater Solicitor E. R. Lovekin Clerk H. DeWith Reeve Stone called -a special ~eeting of 'Council to consider the following business: Solicitor E. R. Lovekin met ~ith Council to d~scuss Mosport Park Limited and ,their Notice .OI- Mot1on re Declaratory Judgment. On motion by H. E~ Walkey, seconded by W. R. Carveth, Council agreed to go ahead with-the hearing at vhe Supreme Court, Cobourg, Ontario. . Mcx~:r~rned. Cle;k. r.r;:; "~ , -- "9 ''1.... :U~ Ree~. ., Present": REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE; Monday, May 4, 1970 from 7:30 to 10-:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 5, 1970, at 10'a.m. - Counci'i Chamber, Or-ono. Reeve JohnW. Stune Deputy Reeve H.'E. Walkey Councillor W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A.' Gray' " Councillor R. G.Chater 'Clerk H. DeWith Minutes of meetings held April 7 and 21, 1970 were'adopted as pr1~ted on motion by R. G. Chatel', seconded by W. R. Carveth. Carried. ' Th'e following correspondence was read out; by the Riteve: Mr.'K~ Symons, Clerk-Treasurer, United Counties of Northumberland and Durham re Stephenson wrecking yard.-Filed. Copy letter from Robert A. Edmunds, P. Eng., Count;iest Engineer and Road Superintendent, to Mrs~ Ellen M~ Yea,. Secre~ary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment re Application #2Z4-69; #225-69, William J. L. Bowins to Comm1ttee of Adjustment.-Filed." " Copy letter dated April 2, 1970 from Der~k J. W. Little, Municipal Planning Consultants Co. Ltd. to E. R. Lovekin; copy letters dated April 24 and 29, 1970 from E. R. Lovekin to Mr. .Arthur Low, Secretary of the Clarke PlannihgBoar'd. -Referred to resolution. Copy letter from Department of Lands and Forests, Lindsay to Superintendent, Orono Nursery, re Pond ~nd Chalet Develop- ment' on Wilmot Creek.-Referred to the Planning Board. Robert Pelletier re O.P.V. Dump at Bennettts Gravel pit.- Referred to Clerk and Orono Police V111age~ruBte~s. . 6. - Copy letter from A. G. Low,'Slitcretary-Treasl1rer; Clarke '. Planning Board, to Mr. G. Hartemink, re proper'ty in Lot 34, Conc. + and r'eq,uest for rezonihg'. -Filed. : , ~he' Durham Reporter request for Clarke Township to adver- tise in said paper.-Filed. Page.aIld Kamin, Suite 1906, 401 Bay Street, 'Toront.o, . Ontario, Solici~ors for the Applicant, Mosport Par~ Limited, re Notice of Motion re Declara.ory Judgment as business brought forward from April 7, 1970.~Filed. Northumberland and Durham County Board of Education re 1970 requsition.-Filed. 10. Northumberland and Durham County Board of Education re proportion of estimated revenues for educational purposes.-Filed. 11. Copy letters dated March 26 and April 8, 1970 from Totten, Sims, Hubicki to Mr. C. W. Rump, Railway Transport Committee; copy letter dated April 14, 1970 from Totten, Sims, Hubicki to Mr. D. P. Collins, District Engineer, Ontario Department of Highways; Totten,Sims, Hubicki Associates Limted re Newtonville Road, C.P.R. Overpass.-Tabled. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. 9. e . . . e Page 2 Regular ~eting of ~he Co~cil May 4, 1970, continued I 12. Canadian Transport Commission re Newtonville Road Overpass, mile 151.92, Belleville Subd.,C.~.~.- Ta,\>;led. 13. Confirmation of Hot.l,R.servation, Holiday Inn.-Filed. 14. The Peterborough-V~ctoria-Northumberland and Durham County Roman Catholic Separate School Board re mill rate to.b~ leT~ed on.Separate School Supporters. -Filed. , . 15. A.-(Z. Low copy letter to Enterprise ESSG Servicere request to use mobile home for residential purpOse.- . filed. . . Meet~ng adjourned till 10 a.m. May 5, 1970. Council resumed .ession,at 10 a.m. May 5, 1970 with all members present. It was moved by H. E.Walkey, seconded by F.A.Gray that delegations be heard. Carried.' . Mr. Westgate and W. Kay Lycett met with Council're the proposed Fishing Club, Lot 32; Con. 7.-Referred to resolution and correspondence under items'3 and 29. A copy of resolution and letter from'Department of Lands and Forests be referred to W. Kay Lycett. The following correspondence was re4d out by the Reev~l 16. Department of Agriculture and Food zle Warble Fly Inspector.-Filed~ , 17. :Minutes .of. meeting of Committee of Adju~tmentdated" April 6, 1910.-Filed. 18. ReportsfrOlll Building hapector dated FebrJJ,ary, March and Apri.l 1970..-Fileci. - . 19. Copy letwI' f,romOntario Municfpal Board to Mrs. E. M. Yeo, Secretary-Treasurer, C6mmittee of Adjustment 1'8 Appeaa by Delbert J. Hallowell against a decision of. the Committee of Adjustment 'of the Township' ot. Clarke - Submission Number "B"2l5-69-193.-Filed. 20. 'Department of Municipal Affairs re municipal election provisions report.-Tabled. . 21. Police Village of Orono Resolution No. 70-~7 dated February 23, 1970 re Pollution Control and Gal'~age Disposal.-Filed. " .' ,. ". 22. .Township of Pickering re Richard L. Hearne Generating Station. -Filed. 23. United Counties of Northumberland and :Ourh~ re Local Government study, ResearQh Survey.-R~ferred to Finance.' . 24. Association of Ontario Mayors and Reevesre Convention May lOth to 13th, 1970.-Tabled. . 25. Mr; Jacob G. Reid, Secretary, Oro~o Chamber of Com-erae, - oppo.ing parallel parking on east .ide o~ Main Street. ,", -FUed. 26. E."Richard Lovekin, B.A., LL.B., re purchase from Cl.re Allin et al.-Filed. 27. C. '1.. Wilmot, Municipal Engineer, Department o-f Highways re Summary of StatementreSubsidy_for the ye~ 1969.-Filed. ;ae. R. 'G. Gibson re insurance claim. -Piled. 29. Cla:rke Planning Board recommendat ion re Clarke Conservation and Pishing Club, part Lot 32, Con. 7.- - Fil-ed. 30. Th~ General Accident Group re A4-623a121.M~9-l33jl COr'pOration of the Twp. of Clarkel A. R,ankin and V. Dempsey re releases.-Clerk and Reeve to sign said releases on motion by H. E. Walkey, seconded by W. R. Carveth. Council recessed for lunch at 12 noon and resumed session at 1130 p.m. It .as moved by W. R. Carveth, seconded by F~ A. Gray that the- Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey be Acting Reeve in. the absence of John W. Stone whQ left to attend the llleeting in Toronto at which time t~ Government of ~tar~o presented a Design<:f'OZ"D8velopment of th8 Toronto-Centred Region of Southern.-,Ont.ario. , 31. llEtpa,rtDient Qf Highway.a re ,Township of Clark. -ContT'a:ct ' forcr",.hing &- Delivering GraveJ.' and Screeniq;' SlUld. -PiJ..,.. 32. Departmeu't of Highways re Towuhip of Cl~k. Oont'ract . for Priming and Surface Treatment. -Piled., 33. RepQrt of Northumberland-Durham, Victoria ~ Haliburton Counties Health Unit.-Filed. e . Rage 3 Regular Meeting of ~he Council May 5, 1970, continued: 34. Miister of Financial and Commercial Affairs re Licensing of Lotteriss.-Filed. . . 35. Durham ana Northumberland Flue Cured Tobacco Growers' Assoctation re Feder.al Governaent legislation that would' affect 'the tobacco industry .-Tab1.ed.' .. 36. Department of Energy and Resources Management re Violation of Air Pollution Control Act, 1967.-riled. 37. Prime Minister of Ontario, John P. Robarts, re Federal Provincial Conference and the problem of inflation.-Filed. The following delegations were heard: Mr. E.:J. Newman, p. Eng., Air Pollution Branch and Mr. p. E. DaVidson, p. Eng., Waste Management Branch, met with Council and E. R. Woodyard, Police Trustee, to discuss the waste . disposal sites of the ToWnship and Police V~llage of Orono. M. L. Ross attended Counc~l meeti~ ~o present his revised Road Budget and discuss cer~ain ma~ters pertaining to the Road Department. . '. _' Mr. L. L~ier, ~cretary, Durham.andNorthumberland Flue Cured Tohacco Growers' Association met with Council to discuss correspondenCe under Item 35.' The Clerk presented the 1970 Budget which the Council accepted by resolution: He also presented a draft tax bill for :Council's approval. The follOWing resolutions were passed~ , Resolution No.74lMoved by F.A.Gray,~eoonded by W.R.Carveth: This Council hereby accept the re~~end~tion of the Clarke Planning Board that the application of the Clarke Conservation and Fishing Club - to re-zone part of. Lot 3~, Cone. 7, Township of Clarke from Agricul.ture (A) to Open Space (O.S.) be. , recommended: to Council in prinCipal on1.y, and that. such . recommendation be SUbject 'to' any objection thereto. Carried. Resolution No_7~:Moved by F.A.Gray, seconded by Ro~ert G.Chaterl This Council hereby authorize the Treasurer to ~trike ~ff the following dog-tax arrears in accordance with Schedule .A~ attached, and also to strike off #3.47 p'~na1ties on Tax Arrears Account No. $-019 due to a Bank error in 1969 at Newcastle Branch. Carried." S~D:Ad1l1A "All tn RARolnt1on No_?c; Ro 11 No - Iaa.r.. .Him& 1-062 1969 Dianne Jackson 1-126-01 196$ L. Weatherup 1-184 1968 Kirk BntWisle 1-246 1969 A. Heornweg 2-052 1969 A. Albin 2-160-01 196~R. Crowells 2-165 1969 H. Talsma 2-1Q6-01 1969 Garry Welsh 2~210. 1969 D. Picker~ng 2-214-04 1969 Alex Thomas 2-215 196$R. Langley 3-082-01 1969 F. Cox 3-236 1969 M. Drane ]3-355 1969 L. Hawkins 4-180 1968 L. Secord 5-330-01 1969 T. Sikma 5-336-01 1967 Norman Davis 5-336-01-, 1~68.Norman Davis 5-336-01 1969 Norman Davis 6-198 ;1969'C. D.: TownSO'h 7-100 1969 Knapp, Alb&rt $-01 196$ J. Fox $-076 196$ G. Lapenskie $-056 1969 R. J. Golder $-147 1968 F. Rypstra 8-147 1969 F. Rypatra 9-131 196$ E. Couvier 9-1$9 1969 B. Estabrooks 1967 K. Rolfe Miehe 1969 L. Tiqey " Do~ T8J 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 110;00 10.00 5.00 5.do 10.00 's.do 5.00 5.00 '5.00 4.J..5 5.00 , 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 l.b . 00 5.00' 5.00 10.00 5.00 4.15 ~.L.? $-019 ~171. 77 R....olution Jlo-?6:Moved by F.A.Gray,secQnded by W.R.Carveth: Th1s Council hereby accept tue B~dcet for the year 1970 as presented bf the Treasurer. CarrieQ. , e - Page 4 Regular Meeting of the Co~cil May 5, 1970, continued: , , e R....olut.ion No ??:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded l:Iy RobertG.Chater: , This Councfl accept 'the re1'ised 11)70 Road: Expenditure BUdget, as presented by'M.L.Ross,Road Superintendent. Carried. RA...ollltion No.?B:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seC!onded bj-F.A.G:f.ay: . This Council authorize the Road Superintendent to call for tenders for the building of a sto~ag' shed. Carried. R....olution NO.?QIMoved by W.R.Carveth;seC!onded byRobertG.Chater: This Council authorize the Road"Superintendent'to advertise for tenders for the construction of.Golf Course Road Bridge, Lots 20-Z1, CODcession2. Carried. R....olut,i'oq Jjo.eo:Moved by.W.R.Carveth,seconded bt'R.ol:lertG.Chater: : This Council authorize the Road Superintendent to advertise for t~nders for the construction of Patterson'Ro.d" Bridge, Lots 18-1~; Conce.sion 5~ Carried. - Re..olution No.~l:goved by~obertG.Chater,seconded byF.A.Gray:' . That no person shall ,burn or permit to be burned any material in an open fire that may contribute to air pollution excllpt with the permiSSion and under 'the direction of the Township of Clarke Fire Chief. Resolution No. 45 da~ed FebruarY-7, 1967 l:Ie and the same is hereby repealed. Carried. R.....oluj;ion :t{o.B2:Moved by RobertG.Chater,secClnded byH.E.Wil.key: , This Council'here~y'repeal Resolution No. 68 dated . Aj;lril7,1970. Carried.' -" ' ~@oiutiQ~~o.B~:Moved byW.R.Carveth,secortded by Rob_rtG.Chaterl Resolve'in'accordancElwith By-LaW"NO; 1513 the following pElrsons be .and' az'e hereby'appointed as melllbers" of the Cemetery Board 'of th~Township of Clarke:' - " ,I. Mr. Russell.SaVery , ,.' . R~R.l~ Newt.onville' Z. Mr. Charles Cooper- Orono 3. Mr. Arnold Wade Newtonville 4. Mr. Arthur Thompson' R. R. 1, Kendal 5; Mr. Donald Vinkle Newt.onville The said'members shall hold office until their successors are appointed by order-in-Council: The following p$rs~~s ar$ hereby-appOinted to the said aoa~d'as representation from Co~cil for the year 1970: 1. H. E. Walkey " Z. F. A. Gray - 'Carried. R......lution. ~...'BL.:Moved by H.E.Walkey,seconded by F .A.Gr,,-y: R_solve that the following Pay Vouchers be and are hereby authorized for payment by the Signing Officers of' thi.' Council: - -(Jenerd Voucher No.4 for April in the amount of $~4,599.l+l General Welfare Voucher No.5 for May in the amount 'of $3,ll~.OO Road Dep,,-~tment'Voucher No~ 4'for April'in the amount of $11,245.1+1 Orono PeUice Village Voucher No.' 4 for April in the amount of $1,880.19. Carried. ' R....,olution No,B'i:Moved by W.R.:Carveth,seconded. byF,A.Gray: this Council hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, June 2, 1970 at 10 a.m. in,regular meeting in the Council Chamber at O~onO or otherW~in special meeting at the ,call, Of~' the Re:v~. j,!rr'i.&d. .--.:, ". ~PU, . " Clerk. . ..... ~ . a/1A.J. Reer!. - ' 4~', , - - ,.'".r ~ .