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Specia~ Meeting of the Council March 19, 1970, continued:
Bridges & Culverts
New Machinery
Superintendence &
:;;; 75,000.00
1 h... 0.00 "00
2B..OOO. ad
(2) The ~aidmonies shal1'be expend~d under the supervision
of the d~ly app~inted tbwnship roa~ superintendent' and on work
peformed in accordance wlth The Highway Improvement Act. ,
(3) The Clerk shall transmit Trip2icat;~opies of this
by-law' to the district office of the Department of Highways,
Ontario, not later than March 31st of the said year.'
(4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Boar~ shall be
obtained before any expenditure is authorized-br work commenced
which will be financed by the issue of debentures or mon'ies .
rais'eti in a subsequent year. .
counll~ ~d?;;l:d at 12; p.m. (j~~.
Clerk. ~ _ Reeve/.
ThurSday, March 26, 1970, at 7:30 p.m.
Council Chamber,' Orono.
Present: Reeve John W. Stone
Deputy Reeve H. E.Walkey
Councillor W. R. Carveth
Councillor F. A. Gray
'Councillor R. G. Chatel'
'Clerk 11. DeWith
Special meetine of Council was called by the Reeve to
consider the following business:'
On motion by H. E. Walkey, seconded by W. R. Carveth
the Road Department employees are to have th~ir coveTalls
paid for by 'the Township. Carried.
On mot ion by W. R. Carveth,' secon~ed by F. 'A. Gray and
carried, the following Township, employees are to receive an
increase as fOllows: '
H. DeWith -$500.00 per
M. L. RoSS -$500.00 ~er
,A. McGill -$200.00 per
D., Stark -$126.34 per
H. R. _Best -$260.00 per
1.J:eeting adjourned at 11:30
. Itra.-,..,.,O- c::-;d~...;,
Clerk.' ~
. .
, ~~
TVesday, April 7, 1970, at 10 a.m.
Council Chamber, Orono.
Present: Reeve John W. Stone
Deputy Reeve 'H. E. Walkey
Coundi~r W. R. Carveth
Councillor F. A. Gray
Councillor R. G. Chatel'
Clerk H. DeWith
The minutes of meetings 'held March 3, 10, 12, 16, 1$, 19,
and 26, 1970 were adopted as printed on motion by F. A. Gray,
seconded by W. R. Carveth. Carried.
, The following delegations were heard:
Mr. J. Stutt met with Councilre'Memorial Hospit;a1'Board.Report
1969. .
Mr. Cox appeared at Council meeting with regard to Road Allowance
and'~uilding Permits on' Lot 6, ~on. 6.-Referred.~the .Planning
Board. ,
Mr. W. Pope met with' Council -to'present Audit Report for 1969~
This report was adopted on motion by H.E.Walkey, seconded by
R. G. Chatel'. Carried.
P age ~.
Regular Meeting OI the ~ouncil April 7; 1970, continued:
The following correspondence was read out by the Reeve:
1. Page and Kamin, Suite' 1906, 40r Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario
So~icitors for the Applicant, Mosport Park Limited, re
Not~ce uf Motion re Declaratory Judgment.-Tabled.
2. Copy letter of E. R. Lovekin to Page and Kamin re Mosport
Park Limited App~icat~on for Declaratory Judgment.-Filed.
3. The. Ont,'irio Munic,ipal 3oiu.d re .Tow:n".ship of Clarke -
Restricted Area By-laws 1592, 16ij'and 1653 and Board
Orders No. P. 6635-68, p. 7122-68, R. 831-69.-Filed.' )
4. Lake Ontario Regional Development Council re News for
February 1970.-Piled.
5. Copy letter 'Of Municipal Planning Cons~ltants' Co. Ltd.',
to E. R. Lovekin re Cas pari Subdivision, Township of
Clarke, File PN 3531 as business brought forward from
March 3, 1970.-Referred to the Planning Board.
6. Mrs. O. Challice, Secretary, Orono Horticulture Society,
extending thanks for Council's donation to the Society.-Piled.
Council recessed for lunch at 1:30 and resumed session
at 2:30. '
7. E. Richard Lovekin re Russell Maluske and Eva Amy Maluske
part of Lot 35, Concession 3, Township of Clarke as business
brought forward from February 3, 1970.-Tabled.
6. W. D. Sweeny, Technical Supervisor, Trans-Northern Pipe
Line Company re Recond.itioning"'of Tran$-Northern' s 10"
Pipe Line, Con" 3', through L'ots 12' to 28, Clarke Township.-
Referred to the Road Superintendent.
9. Petition of Mr. W. E. McIlroy and 18 'other signed petitioners
request re water problem on roact in Lot 18, Concession 2.-
Referred to the Road Superintendent. ' '
10.Department of Highways, Port Hope re 'Township of Clarke
purchase of Grader, approved by'Department.-Filed.
11. Lallie Stewart extending thanks to Road TIepartment for
services rendered.-Received. '
lZ.Minutes of Committee of Adjustment m~et~ng dated March
9, 1970.'::Fi'led'. '
13.0ntarioDepartment of Education re ToWnship of Clarke
Recreation Committee.-Fired.
14.Department of Financial and ~ommerciaL affairs re owners
and operators of cemeteries.-Referred to Clerk, Don Hamm
and Arnold Wade. _ .
15.Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authqrity Annual Meeting
minutes of February 10, 1970.-File"d. " . .
16.Fred Nelson & Sons Ltd. request for re~urn of deposi~ cheque
for gravel tender.-Referred to clerk t~ return cheque.
17.Financial Report for 1969 re TQwnsbip of Clarke.-Filed.
18.National Farmers' Union ~ecommendations re Education Tax
System.-Referred to Resolution.
19.5outh Haven Nursing Home're increased rates.-Received.
20.Siegal, Fogler, Horkins & Greenglass re farm crossing 'over
CNR and CPR tracks, Lot 13, broken front concession, Township
of Clarke and 11r. Bela Panta.-Referred to the Chairman of
Finance Committee and:Roact and Bridge Committee.
21.The University of Michigan, School of Natuua Resources, re
Shoreline Land Use 'Development of the Great Lakes.-Referred
to 'the PlanDing Board. '
The following delegations were heard:
Mr. R. McLellan, Frank Cowan Company Limited, met with Council
re Claims by Angus Rankin and Vera'Dempsey. The Insurance Company
will forward 2 new Release and Discharge forms for signatures of
Reeve and Clerk re Rankin and Dempsey'. l;jr. Rankin and Mrs. Dempsey
will be allowed no further claims. The Insurance Company will
( - . . . .
pay fut~re.claims by other persons with regard to the same situation
if and when received.
Mr. Bela Panta met with"Council re his farm crossing over CNR
and CPR tracks, Lot i3, B.F. Cone. as referred to in Item ~O.
under correspondence.
The following resolutions were passed:
R,,~";lution No' 6] :Moved..by H.E.walkey,seconded by RobertG'.Chater:
Resolve that the Township of Clarke change to Daylight Saving
Time to be effective on April ~6, 1970. Carried.
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Regular Meeting ?f t~e Council April 7~ 1970, continued:
Resolption No. 62~Moved by H.E.Walkey,seconded by W.R.Carveth:
This Council,'hereby authorize the Reeve and Clerk to sign
and seal the Release ind Discharge forms between the Genaral
Accident Assurance Company and the Corporation of the 'Township
of Clarke. Carried. .,,'
Re"ollltion No.f11:Moved by RobeDtG:Chat';r,seconded:~y W.R.Carveth:
That the Council of the Town~h~p qf Clarke e~~orse the
brief presented by the Farm Union,rep're~~ntatives regarding the
lower cost of Education on Agricultural land. Car~ied.
Re"oJutionNo.6h:Moved by W.RoCarveth,sec~nded by RobertG.Chater:
This Council hereby acceRt the tender of ~, E. LawC~ushed
Stone Ltd., being the lowest. for the "!;up.r.ly ,of Prime. Sand,
Surface Treatment-R.S.I.K. . and 3/$ Chips, subject to, apgro"'[al
of tQe pe.r.artment of High,ways. C;arr.ied. .. ,
Re"olntion 11p.6'i:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded byRobertG.Ch~ter:
This Council hereby accept the tender of ~rank S, Coyle,
Limited, being the lowest, for the supp.lY of * 'Crushed Gravel,
Pit Run and Sand, subject to the approval of the Department of
Highways. ~arried.
Re"ollIt.ion No.66:Moved by F.a.Gray,seconded by W.R.CarvEih:
, ' , , This Council ,hereby accept the' tender of lLLlied C:h~inica1
Canada. Ltd., being the lowest, for the supply of Calcium
Chloride. Carried.
Resolution No.67:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded by F.A.Gray:
This Council hereby accept the tender of Durham Farmers'
County'Co-operative, being the lowest. for the supply of
10.000 feet Snow terlce. Carried.
Re"ollltion No.f1$:Moved by RobertG.Chater,seconded by H.E.Walkey:
That Council accept the 1970 Road'Expenditure Budget as
presented by M.L.Ross, Road Superintendent. Carried.
Resolution No.6q:Moved by F.a.Gray,seconded by RobertG.Chater:
Resolve that the following employees receive the following
salary and wage increases effective' as' of January 1. 1970:
H. DeWith $500.00' per year
Mrs. D. Stark $126.40 per year
Mrs. A. McGill $400.00 per year
H. R. Best $260.00 per year Carriea.
ReRol"tion No,70:Moved by W.R.Carvetb,seconded by F.A.Gray:
Resolve that' the Road Superintendent', M. L. Ross'
receive the following SalarYhincgea~e,effe9tive as of January
1 1970' "'500' 00 per -\rear fel1~ ~oln"reaSl[l~' the annu~l' salary
, ...,. J, 'co 'lP~ J o'aS of.L 70 Ci;l.rrled
Resolution No.7l:Moved by F.A.Gray,seconded y ~.R.Garveth:
This Council hereby agree to supply co~erall~ fEr the
Road Department employees.' Carried.
Re"ol"tion No,72:Moved by F.A.Gray, seconded by H.E.Walkey:
" Resolve'that the following ~ay Vouchers be and are
hereby aulhorized for payment by the Signing Officers of this
Council: "
'General Voucher #3 for March 1970 in the amount of $114,3$5.$7
Addition to General Welfare Voucher #3 for March in the '
amount of $179.70
General Welfare Voucher #4 for Apri~ in the amount of $2,5Z7.56
Road'Department Voucher #3 Ior March' in tbe amount of
$20,480.91. Carried. . . ,
Resol;,t.{on No.71:l-l0,ved by H.E.Walkey.seconde'd by RobertG.Chater:
This'Council hereby adjourn to' meet again on Tuesday, .
May 5. 1970, at 10.....in. in the Council Chainber at Orono or
~therwise in special'meeting at the call of the Reeve. Carried.
Reeve !
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