HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/19/1970 (Special)
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Special Meeting of the Council March 18, 1970, continued:
The following delegation met with Council to discuss
the accounts re the Newtonville Overpass Br~dg6:
Mr. Looney, Railway Transport Committee
Three representatives of the C.P.R.
Two representatives of Totten, Sims, Hubicki & Assoc::i!t,es
Council adjourned at 7 p.m.
~ .AM .4l1r'"'
Thursday, March 19, 1970, at 7:30 p.m.
Council Chamber,
Present: Reeve John W. Stone
Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey
Councillor W. R. Carveth
Councillor F. A. Gray
Councillor R. G. Chater
Road Superintendent M. L. Ross
Cle'rk H. DeWith
Special meeting of the Council was called by Reeve Stone
to consider the following business;
The Saracen Car Club requested permission to rent the
Township Hall during the 1st or 2nd week in April ~970.
Council agreed to rent the Hall to the said Car Club.
The following correspondence was read out by the Reeve:
r.-- H. R. Best, Zoning Administrator re M. T ..Micklash,
75 Tecumseh' Ave. ,Oshawa', Part of Lot 15 , Con. 7,
2~33 acres, Tovmship of Clarke. ~Referred to the Road
and Bridge Committee.
2. Copy of letter from E. Richard Lovekin to H. R. Best,
Zoning Administrator, re Drop Off Operation by Gordon.
Young Ltd., Lot 15, Cone. 2 - Township of Clarke,
By-Law #1653.-Filed.
3. E.' Richard Lovekin're Twsp. of Clarke - Buma, Pt. Lot
35, Corle. 3, Clarke Township enclosing self-explanatory
letter from Strike a Strike.-Referred to the Clerk.
4. Cobban, Wbolley & Dale, Barristers & Solicitors,
re Gray - Road allowance, Lot 19, Concession 8,
Township of Clarke. -Referred to the Clerk~
5. Report of the Clerk re Animal Control Officer.-Referred
to the Clerk.
It was moved by W. R. Carveth, seconded by F. A. Gray
that the tenders be opened for the following:
Tenders for Crushed Gravel
1. Frank S. Coyle.Limited, Lakefield, Ontario
2. Harnden & King Cons~ruction Ltd., Cobourg, Ontario
3. Fred Nelson and Sons Limited, Keene, Orlario
Tenders for Priming
1. Harnden & King Construction Ltd., Cobourg, Ontario
2.-M-iller Paving Liniited, Box 56, Buttonville,"Ontario
3. R. E. Law Crushed Stone Ltd., Port Cdborne, Ontario
Tenders for Snow Fence
1. Bathe and McLellan, 81 King St.W., Oshawa, Ontario
2. Hutt Fence Limited, Box 801, Streetsville, Ontario
3. Lennox Snow Fence C~mpany ~t~., Napanee,Ontario. .
4. Durham Farmers' County Co-operative, Orono, Ontario
Tenders for Calcium Chloride .
1. Allied Chemical Canada, Ltd.,lOO North Queen St. Toronto
~. Bathe'ancl McLellan, 81 King st.W., Oshawa, Ontario
3. Ken W. Morris Ltd., Lakefield, Ontario
The following resolutions were passed:
Resolution No.')q:Movedby H.E.Walkey, seconded by RobertG.Chater:
This Council hereby accept and approve of the report of
J."Lyall Lowery, Tile Drain Inspector for the Township of Clarke,
dated 26 February 1970, with regard to the application of Mr. W.
Harold Gibson of part Lot 31, Concession 2; part Lot 34-35
Concession 2; part Lot 34, Concession 3, Clarke, and thereby
authorize the treasurer to prepare the necessary By-Law, to
impose a special drainage rate) and Debenture and upon, final
passing of the said By-Law by this Council to advance the said
loan after deducting Inspector's fees to the said applicant
subject to the approval of the said By-Law and Deb~riture by the
Ontario Department of AgriCulture. Carried.
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Special Meeting of the Council March 19, 1970, continued:
R"",ollltion No.60:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded by F.A.Gray:
That Council pay their share, being 50% .of an estimated
cost of $12,000.00 fQr ,RQad Construction and $1,000.00 for
Culvert Construction on the Clarke-Darlington Boundary in Lot
1, Concession 7, Darlington ~ow.nship as per Boundary Agreement.
The following By-Laws were given first, second and third
reacting and finally passed:
Bv-LRW No _ 1661 ~
To impose a special drainage rate upon Part of Lot Number
34 in the Third Co~cession.
Whereas W. Harold Gibson the owner of Part of Lot 34 in
the Third Coqc~ssioq of the Township of Clarke applied to the
Council of ~he To~ship under The Tile Drainage Act for a loan
for the purpose of draining such land. , .
And Whereas the Council has, ~PQn his application, lent
W. Harold Gibson the sum of One Tho~$a~d, One Hundred Dollars
to be repaid with interest by means .of ~he rate hereinafter
imposed: , ' , .
Be It Therefore Enact~d QY the Council thatan annual rate
of One Hundred and Thirty-Five Dollars and ~ixty-t~o Cents
per annum is hereby imposed upon such land for a period of
ten years, such rate to be levied and collected at the same,
time and manner as ordinary taxes are levied and collected.
By-=f r.lW No _ 1 6f)~
To .impose a special drainage rate upon Part of Lot Numbers
34-35 in the Second Concession.
Whereas WL Harold Gibson the owner of Part of ,kt~ 34-9.5
in the .Thi.rd Co.ncession of the Township .of Clarke applied to
the Council of the Towneqip under The.Tile Drainage A~t for a
loan for the purpose of draining s~ch land.,
And ,Wh~reas the Council has, .upon his applicationk leqt
W. Harold Gibson the sum of Two Thousand, Eight Hundred
Dollars to be repaid with ~nterest,by' means o( the rate
hereinafter imposed: ., .
Be It TherefDre Enacted ,by the Council that an a~nual ,rate
of Three Huadred & Forty-five Dollars and,~en~y-o~e .cents per
annum is hereby imposed up~ such land for a period of ten years,
such rate to be levied and collected at the Same .time.~d ,
manner as ordinary taxes are levied and collected.
Bv-l;:JW No. 166':\ <>. ......
To ~pose a special.drainage rate upon Part of Lot Number
31 in the Second Concession. . .
Whereas W. Harold Gibson the Qwn~r of Part of Lot 31 in
the Second Concession of the Township of Clarke applied to the
Council of the Township under The Tile Drainage Act for a loan
for the purpose of .draining such land. " .
And Whereas the.Council has, upon his applicatio~, lent
W. Harold Gibson the sum of Four Hundred Dollars to b~ repaid
with interest by means of the rate hereinafter imposed:
Be It.Therefore.Enacted by the Council that an ~nual rate
of Forty-nine Dollars and Thirty-two Cents per annum ts hereby
imposed upon such land for a period often year~, ~uc4 rate to
be levied and collected at the same time and manner as ordinary
taxes are levied and collected.
The following By-Law was given first reading on ~?tion~
F.A.Gray, seconded by.ij.E.Walkey:' .
The ~ollowing By-Law was given. second reading on,motion by
R. G. IChater, seconded by W. R. CarvethJ
,~.'he fOllowing.BY-LaW WaS,giVen.t.hird reading and,finally
passeJ on motion by.F.A.Gray, seconded by R. G. Chate~:
Bv-T.::ll1No.166h _ .. ..
~ By-Law to provide for the 1970 expenditures on roads
in.th~ Township of Clarke in t~e.County of pur~am
}NHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act requires, that the
tot~ expenditure on roads be provided for annually by by-law
. and that the by-law be submitted to t~e Minister of Highways
for approval, .
THEREFORE the. Council of the Corporation of the said
Township" enacts as follo1rls: .
(1) The sum of $306,000.00 is hereby estimated as the
. expenditure upon the construction add-maintenance of the roads
and bridges under its jurisdiction during the year 1970 as
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Specia~ Meeting of the Council March 19, 1970, continued:
Bridges & Culverts
New Machinery
Superintendence &
:;;; 75,000.00
1 h... 0.00 "00
2B..OOO. ad
(2) The ~aidmonies shal1'be expend~d under the supervision
of the d~ly app~inted tbwnship roa~ superintendent' and on work
peformed in accordance wlth The Highway Improvement Act. ,
(3) The Clerk shall transmit Trip2icat;~opies of this
by-law' to the district office of the Department of Highways,
Ontario, not later than March 31st of the said year.'
(4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Boar~ shall be
obtained before any expenditure is authorized-br work commenced
which will be financed by the issue of debentures or mon'ies .
rais'eti in a subsequent year. .
counll~ ~d?;;l:d at 12; p.m. (j~~.
Clerk. ~ _ Reeve/.
ThurSday, March 26, 1970, at 7:30 p.m.
Council Chamber,' Orono.
Present: Reeve John W. Stone
Deputy Reeve H. E.Walkey
Councillor W. R. Carveth
Councillor F. A. Gray
'Councillor R. G. Chatel'
'Clerk 11. DeWith
Special meetine of Council was called by the Reeve to
consider the following business:'
On motion by H. E. Walkey, seconded by W. R. Carveth
the Road Department employees are to have th~ir coveTalls
paid for by 'the Township. Carried.
On mot ion by W. R. Carveth,' secon~ed by F. 'A. Gray and
carried, the following Township, employees are to receive an
increase as fOllows: '
H. DeWith -$500.00 per
M. L. RoSS -$500.00 ~er
,A. McGill -$200.00 per
D., Stark -$126.34 per
H. R. _Best -$260.00 per
1.J:eeting adjourned at 11:30
. Itra.-,..,.,O- c::-;d~...;,
Clerk.' ~
. .
, ~~
TVesday, April 7, 1970, at 10 a.m.
Council Chamber, Orono.
Present: Reeve John W. Stone
Deputy Reeve 'H. E. Walkey
Coundi~r W. R. Carveth
Councillor F. A. Gray
Councillor R. G. Chatel'
Clerk H. DeWith
The minutes of meetings 'held March 3, 10, 12, 16, 1$, 19,
and 26, 1970 were adopted as printed on motion by F. A. Gray,
seconded by W. R. Carveth. Carried.
, The following delegations were heard:
Mr. J. Stutt met with Councilre'Memorial Hospit;a1'Board.Report
1969. .
Mr. Cox appeared at Council meeting with regard to Road Allowance
and'~uilding Permits on' Lot 6, ~on. 6.-Referred.~the .Planning
Board. ,
Mr. W. Pope met with' Council -to'present Audit Report for 1969~
This report was adopted on motion by H.E.Walkey, seconded by
R. G. Chatel'. Carried.