HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/16/1970 (Special) "'fR,.1 '" ,.... .' SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF' THt'TOWNSHIP OF CLaRKE Monday, r.l<irchi6, 1970, at 7:30 "." . Council p.m. Chamber, Orono. ....,. Reeve John W. Stone' Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey Councillor W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor R. G. Chatel' Solicitor E. R. Lovekin Clerk H. De,lith Special meeting of the Council was called by Reeve Stone to consider the following business: . The following correspondence was read out by the Reeve: Mr~. G. a. Gillespie re proposed Peace Festival.-Filed. Department of Agriculture and Foodre Weed Inspectors for 1970~-Raerred to the Clerk. " Township of Darlington re Construction of Boundary Road between the Township of Darlington and the'Township of Clarke - Third to Fifth Concession, TownShip of Clarke.- . Filed. ." , - , Township of Darlington re cOnstruction of.a portion of Clarke-Darlington Boundary in Lot 1, Concession 7, Township of Darlington.-Referred to Resolution. M. L. Ross met with Council to present his proposed" R6a~ Expenditure By-law"tor 1970. . Dr. Finer>erg and Mr. B. 'Kamin met with Co':'ncilto' . discuss matters relating to Mosport Park Limited. ' It was moved by W. R. Carveth, seconded by R. G. Chatel' that M.L.Ross and B. Hancock attend the Ontario Good Roads Associ~tion re 1970 T. J. Mahony and C. S. Anderson Road School and that the clerk send a cheque to the said Association to cover registration fees. Council adjourned at 12 P.M. .~~ Clerk. ~ Present: l. 2. 3. 4. O.,.y ,./L Reey(/. , f i SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOwNSHIP OF CLARKE Wednesday, March 18, 1970, at 2 p,m. Council Chamber, Orono. Present: Reeve John W. Stone Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey Councillor W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray Clerk H. DeWith SPecial meeting of the Council was called by Reeve: Stone to consider the following business: Council authorized the Clerk to. send. a certified- copy of the following Resolution to Dr. Fineberg and Mr. B. Kamin, by registered mail: R""ollltion No.'iR:Moved by Robert G. Chater,secQnded by F.A.Gray: WHEREAS Doctor Fineberg of Mosport Park and his legal advisor Mr. B. Kamin appeared by special request before this Council on Monday 16th March, 1970 and requested that Council assist them by indicating their opinion on the question as to whether or not previous land uses of their lands would entitle Mosport Park to be classified in any way as a non-conforming use in regard to by-law 1653 as recently approved by the Ontario Municipal Board and to indicate to them generally Council's attitude towards the zoning of Mosport. RESOLVED that this Council are of the opinion that the question as to whether a valid non-conforming use exists in relation to Mosport Park is a question of law and Council do not intend to make any such decision as they deem this not a proper power fer them to exercise. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Council were of the opinion that by~law 1653 having been duly passed by them and approved by the Ontario MUnicipal Board; that any suggested amendments or alterations to that by-law should be duly presented to Council in the form of a suggested amendment to the by-law and that the opinion of the Clarke Township Planning Board and the Professional Planning Consultants retained in the matter of the preparation of land use by-laws in the Township should be considered in conjunction with the proposed by-law before Council could give full consideration to such a proposed amendment. Carried. -