HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/03/1970
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Special ~eting of Council 26 February 1970, continued:
'Reso1y.tjou No.'iO:Moved'by W.R.Carveth, seconded by F.A.Gray:
Council hereby resolve that the Road Sgperintendent
be authorized ~o advertise for tenders'for tlie following
materials and services:
Gravel Crushing
Hauling'Pit run
Snow Fence
Fencing Materials
Salt for winter sanding Carried.
R"solutjon No.'il:Moved by,Robert G.Chater,seconded by H.B.WaThey:
. That this Council having heard representations from
Doctor Fineberg and his Solicitor Mr. Kamin on behalf of
Mosport Park Limited that the zoning of Mosport shQuld be
reconsidered before the hearing o'f the amendments by the
Ontario Municipal Boa~d next week,
Held that the time for objecting to the By-Laws to be
heard by the Ontario Municipal Board next Tuesday, March'3.
1970, has lapsed and_any proposed amendments should now be
sent to the Planning Board for their cortsideration and
recommendations. 'Carried.
Council adjourned at 1<:: PLM.
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Present: Ree~e john W. Stone
Councillor'W. 'R. Carveth
Councillor F. A. Gray
Councillor R. G. Chater
Clerk H. DeWith
: The m~n~tes of meetings held February 3, 17 and 26, 1970
were adopted as printed on motion by'~. R. Carveth; seconded
by R. G. Cha~er. Carried.
It was moved by F. A. Gray, seconded bY,R. G. Cha~er
that delegations be heard. Carried.
, A delegation of 25 ladies and'gentlemen, including ReV-.
Long, appeared at Council meeting in support of By-Law No.
1653 but opposed to the proposed Peace Festival at Mosport.
Mr. Douglas Moffat, representing Orang School, urged Couricil
to consider no changes in the present Zoning By-laws. In a
recent poll at the school the majority voted in favour of the
By-Law. '
Dr. I. M. Fineberg, President of Mosport Park Limited,
met with Council to discuss Mosport Park Limited arid the
Ontario Municipal Board Hearing on March 3. 1970.
Reeve stone adjourned the meeting until 4 p.m. in order
that Council coUld attend the Ontario Municipal Board Hearing
on motion by F. A. Gray, seconded by R. G. Chater. Carried.
When Council resumed session, Deputy &eeveH. S. ~alk~y
was in att~ndance. . . . '-
Signing authority was requested by the Canadian Imperial
'Ba~ of Co~erce and on motion by R. G. 'Cnater. seoonded'by
H. E. Walkey, a signature card was completed by the Reeve,
Deputy Reeve and Clerk and a copy of Resolut~n No. $ dated
6 January 1970 was r'eferred to the Bank at Orono.
, 'The following correspondence was read out by the Reeve:
1. Let~ers from J. L. Looney, District Engineer,CRailway
Transport Committee, re File 26727.11$9 re Newtonville
Overpass, Mile 151.92 Belleville Subd.,Twp. of Clarke,
Onto CPR.-Chairrnan of Finance F.A.Gray and H. E. Walkey
to be present on March 1$, 1970 for inspection and
examination by Mr. Looney.
Copy letter of Municipal Planning Consultants Co. Ltd.
to E. R. Lovekin re C~spari Subdivision, Township of
Clarke, F~ PN 3531.-Tabled.
Tuesday, .March'3, 1970, at 10 a.m.
.C~uncil Chamber~
Page 2
Regular M~eting of t~e Council March, 3, 1970,continued:
McComiskey & Pezzack re
Minutes of Committee of
and 14, 1970.-Ffted.
Report to Council from Building In~pector.-Filed.
Copy letter from Department of Higliways Ontario, to
Mr. M. L. Ross, re Tenders for Grader.-Filed~
Diamond Triangle Planning Committee regional government
study.-Referred to the Reeve.
Mr. K. Symons, Clerk-Treasurer, United Counties of North-
umberland and Durham, Cobourg, Ontario, request of lf~.
Gerald M. Lukow to Operate a salvage yard on part of Lot
25, Concession 3, Township of Clarke as business brought
'forward from February'Z6, 1970.-Referred;tothe Clerk.'
Lakeshore Municipal Hydro Systems regeneral meeting to
elect a new chairman and to consider Regional Government
study.-Referredto the Police Trustees.
Douglas Simpson, Inspecting Trustee, Police Village of
Orono re ~omplaints regarding dogs.-Referred-to the
Dshawa Area Planning and'Development Study reseminar
meeting, Saturday, March 14th; 1970~-All Council members,
Road Superintendent and Clerk to attend.
Mrs. Dempsey met with Council to discuss It problem with
her well on Lot 16, Concession Z.~Referred to the Road and'
Bridge Committee.
Mr. Cox appeared at Council meeting to request Building
Permits for his property on Lots 6-7, Concession 6.-The'Clerk
to check with Mr. H.R. Best and Planning Board and report 'to
Finance Committee. ,
Mr. Roy Foster'met'with Council to discuss business
pertaining to the Clarke Library Board.
The following resolutions were passed: '
R""olllt:ion No:,)2:Moved by F:A.Gray,seconded by W.R.Carveth:
Resolve that the application of Mr. 'J. Lyall Lowery
for the position of Warble Fly Inspectorfor the year 1~70
at $2.50 per hour plus lOt per mile travelling expenses be
and is hereby accepted as per application upon ~he
recommendation of the Property and Finance Committee. 'Carried.
RM101uti on' No" '),:Moved by W.R.Carveth, seconded by H. E. Walkey:
Resolve that the St. John Ambulance Association
be and is hereby given a grant in the amount of $Z5.00'for bhe
year 1970. Carried.
R",,,ollltion ~o_,)h:Moved by H.B.Walkey,seconded by RobertG.Chater:
Resolve that 'the follOWing Pay-Vouchers be and are
hereby "authorized for payment by the Signing Officers of this
Addition to General Voucher ff2for February in the amount of:' .
$ nil '
General Voucher #3 for March in the amount of $18,307.75
Addition to General Welfare Voucher #2 for February in the
amount of $50.00
General Welfare Voucher #3 for March in the amount of
Road Voucher #2"for February in the amount of $9,477.98
Police Village of Orono Voucher #2 for February in the amo~t
of $1,469.15. earried.' . .. .
R",,,olution Nb_'I'i:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded by F.A~Gray:
This Council hereby adjourn to meet again On Tuesday,
April 7, 1970, ~t 10 a.m. in the Council Chamber at Orono or
otherwisti.n s~ecial meeting'at the call of the Reeve.Carried.
~ .;.~; $No
E. Mostert.-Refe~red to the Clerk.
AdJusi:.m!!nt meetings "February '9 .