HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/03/1970
OF TIE ~lJIPOF cr.nq
Tuesday. February 3. 1970 at 10 a~lII.
, Council Cha.mbeX". Orono. .
Present: Reeve John W. Stone
Deputy Reeve H. ~. Walkey
Councillor W. R. earveth
Councillor R. G. Chater
Clerk Il. DeWi th ' . .
!he mantes of lIIeetings held January. 6 and 28. 1970
were.adopted.as printed with the folloting change:- The
name of R.:G. Chater be ohanged to W. R. Carveth in
ResoluUolts.lIo. 2. anll 6, on lIlOtion by II. E. Walke;y, seconded by
R. G. Chater. Carried.. . .
. . The, following corresponelellce was read out by the Reeve:
1. 09P7 lsttef fX"om Orono Firefight,rs Assooiation to Orono
Polioe !rustees request for-ra1se.in.wage8.-~bled. .
2.. . lforthUlllberlanll and Durh.a.m County Board of Education report
accordi11g to Bill 44 ~ 1968 to valuel and adjust the assets
and liabilities of the tormer school boards as they' would
apply to thljl new County Board.-Tabled. . .
3. . Assooiation of Ontario ~or8.and Reeves re lIIembership f..
~or the year 1970 - .30.00.~Filed.
4. Department of Highways. Right-of-)Yay Offioe,Central Region.
re .A.greSlllent Ilo\ T-1l3l7.Lot 33, Con. 1. ~. ot C.1arkel
Ji[y;y. No. 2.. Diat. No. 7.-RefElrred to the Clerk.
.5. Copy letter- .framE. Richard Loyekin to Mr. Georg. StennSol1
re Lot 23. Concenion 2, Qlarke Township (ProPFty abutting
Villase of Newcastle. onth.e. immediate1:ast ~ Enquiry .
reeartl:l.ng re-zOll1ngol"l'1.led..
6. Pet~tion of Clayton Lloyd and 9 other signed.pet1tioners
requesting the removal of a person frolll an Jlh.f:l.t dwellin~.-
Referred to the' Reue. . . .
1. IfGrta'l.'ll'herland and DurhU County Board 'Of 'l4ucation re
B1ll 24$.-Referred to Finance Co~ttee.
8<. Baliburtolt,' Kawartha, Pine Ridge District .ealth Unit re
lfe>tice _.,Uf :Collection points.-Filed. . .
9. D11!1~ct of Pury.Souna Kunicip.;l. .A.8sociatioh reaolut:\.on re
Soc1al, and Fami17 S.~ces.-Filed. . . .
10. R.~rt to Council frolll Building InsP4totor for ;Decemb~.-Filed.
11. -oReport to Council ,from Trench Inspector for the year 1969.-
, FiJ.eci. .
12.. The Corporation of the Town of Whitby re report Implelllelttat10n
Sub-Colllllittee, Ouoa Area pl",,,.,ing ani Develoi(llHnt Study.-
Re!errea to the Reeve. ..
13. Ontario Public Sohool !r"ilstees t AssociatioJi shat ot punic
$J1.... d'..parate school sy.st8111S ,of ql'!tar:io.~:aeferl'ed ~oJ'1.n"ce
-.Committ.e. ..
14. J. L. Grahas & COlllpany L1m1ted te1970 t1naJtclaC.~Referred
. . . to J'iDance Comm1ttee.
.' 15. The Ontario Municipal Aqec1ation R.solutio... adopted at the
1lst Annual CQnvention.-Referred to F.inance Co.-1tt.e.
'16. linitea Counties of lIfortbv.sberlqd andDurllt re S1lU6stiOns
for a standard building by-law.-Referred to Finance Colllllittee.
17. 'fhe Great Pine Ridge Tourist Council re advert:\.llinl for
the Reporter.-Filed. . -' .
18. 't. Jon .A.iabulance .1es~:\.ation r811uest for dofl.a~on.-Filed.
19. The Ontario .A.ssooiation of Jb1ral~,Mun1.c1r1i ti.es re t.. .
38th. Mmil.lti.. Qonventio:a.-r:ued. ~ .. -:,.' ~,
2.0. lforth_berland and DI1rballl C011Dty Boar:d..f .~t:l.oa re .
. saow mclbiles on school srounu.-F.11ed. ." . .
21. IIaliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge Di-etrict. .~t.h Vnit re
Septic Ta.ilk Installation and InspectiO,:j1.-Reterred to th1J
1luilding Inspector. . .
It was moved by W. R. Carveth ana seconded by R. G. Qh&'ter
that delegations be heard. Carried.. .
Mr. J. Ilasiuk and ttr. B. El],;iott U well as Qtherlllellbe't's
of the ..tional Farmers~'lJDi..on lIIet. with 'Councfito cU.scuss :f.'arra
municipal taxes and pres8Il,Ud a b.rid ,~ lfationalFarmerS t l11tJ;oh
llecommeclations re .Education Tax System.
,Mr. Norman Riohard met with Council and. x.z...tiOss to d:\.S9usS
his ;.ntr...ce cu! vert permit. . . ~. .
Council reoessed for lunch on moti,!n bY",..ct. Cp.1:er, .
seconded by R. E. Walke;y.. Carried. _ . .
. . .
, .
Page 2
Regular Meeting of Council February 3. 1970 continued:
Mr. Zep,l met with COWlcil to discuss hi~ trailer camp and requested
a future meeting with a committee from his camp and Council.
E. R. WoodJ'AU'd met with Council, to ,discus the pollution problem
with respect to the O.P.V. and TOWRShip Dwmps.
M. L. Ross attended Council meetiag and' presented the Annual
Petition for Subsidy for signature in accordance with Resolution No.
20 dated January 6. 1970.
It was moted byR. G. Chater and seconded by 'I. R. Carveth'that
the following tenders be. opened re purchase of grader:.
1. llolllill1on' Road and laehinery 8. Sales. Co. Ltd.
in the amount of t22.05O.00.' . . . ..
:2. Wabeo Equipment Ltd. in the amount of $20.994.75.
3. Orothers Ltd. in the amount of $46.075.05. .
It was moved by K. E. W8lkey and seconded by R. G.. Chater that
the tenders be referred to the Road and Bridge Committee for study.
Mr. PeterCaspari's Subdivision Agreement was discussed
when E. R. Lovekin lIet with Coune1.l.
22. Minister of Financial an41Ccmaercial Affairs re Licencing
and Regulating totteries.--'ferred to Finance. Committee. ,
23. The Great Pine Ridge- Touri'llt Counci~ re Travel Guide.-Referred
to Finance,Committee.- ,
The Balvation,Army request for doaation.-Filed.
Lake Ontario Regional Development. Codhc1l re Tl'avel Shows to
promote COlIIIIV.nity and RegionfortouriBts.-Referred to Cl~rk.
26. Haliburton. Kawartha. Pine:l1dgeD1strict Ii_ tht1ni treport for
November ahd December 1969.-riled.
Municipal Planning Consultants Clh, Ltd.rean uterilll report.-Filed.
Lake Ontario Regional Development Council re incr..." meJllber-
ship fe......ferred to Finance Committee.'
29. Note t~H. R. Best re Mr. N. D1chard1sattendaace at Council
lleetingre his entrance appl1cationI134.-Referredto the. Road
and Bridge Collllll1ttee....
30. E. Mchard ffvekin re Russell Mal.uske and E,va.Amy Maluske,. part
of tot 35. . oncession"". Township of Clarke.-kbled.
31. Copy btter trom E. R.tovek:l.nto Mr.lJecr ge Fo" re To1lJ'1,Ship
of Clarke and WQrk done in- -area....aeferred to the Road and
-, Bridge Committee. .. ,
")2. Department' of Highways re Normal By-Law Road Programs.-P:1led.
33-. StrikeS. Strike reBuma sale to the 'fownship of .Clarke. Pt.
tot 35. Con; 3. Clarke as business brought forward trom ,15
December 1969.-Referredto the Clerk. : .' --
34. C. W. RumP. Secretary. .Railway'Jransport CQlIlIIIittee. Canadian
Transport Commission re TOWl1ship ltoad le1'81 cros~ngs ud.le
281.60 X1ngsto~ Bubd..CNR. and mil. 152.90 Belleville Subd.,
CPR. as .business brought forward troll Janl.UU:Y 6,1970.-
Refetred to the Clerk~ . , ,
35. Totten SillS Kubicki Associates Limtedre Newtonville C.P.R.
Overpass, 'loWRsl:l1p of Clarke.-Filed. . .
36. 'C. 'I. RumP. Railway Transport-'Coilui1ttee. Canadian Transport
Colllllission re P'ile No. 26727.1189. Board Order No. R-75:t.5.-
Filed.. . ""..
E. Richard Lovekin re G!'a1'el Pit - ClailllS re Wen -R..nlfin and
;D.ellpsey.-Referred to the Clerk.. . -..
Depa,rtllent of Municipal Affairs re ~b1l1ty for Sick L,ave
Benefits.-Referred to the Clerk.' .
Fred Christophersen re "Sil 'fra11er Camp.-Filed.
Request troll Earl. Foster, Newcastle re dout:1ont.o Newc!l8tle
Ar.. as bus1nesflln'oUght forward troll NCl"Y'ember 4, 1969.-Filed.'
4]... Bill 240-An Act to amend The Seoondary Scl'1oals and Boards of
Education .A.c"t'.-Referred to FinaneeCommittee an4Paul Spears.
42. The Salvation .A.rm3" Annual Report for Metropol1tan Toronto 1968
~~ . . '.
Central Lake Ontario OonservatiooAuthority Minlltesdated
])eoember 17.1969.-F;1.bd. .. , .
])eJNU"1;ment of Mw11cipal, Affairs 1'8 ret'tU'n of elected and
appouted Officers;;-J'!IiII.
45. . .Jktn101pal Pl..nn1ng Consultants Co. Ltd. re Pro'cress Report
"No. 4.-l":tl\td. '
46. Mr. Robert G. Robinson re oppGSition to. the proposed "eace
TestivaI'.~!abled. .
47. Bill 194- An Act respeoting the Care and ,PrQnsioD of Animals
for Research.-Filed.
. ,
C 1..0' f'I 43.
Page 3
Regu.lar Meeting of Council February 3, 1970, continued:
The following resoll,ti ons wee'e. passed:
Resollltion lfo.lh:Moved by H.E.lla:key,seconded bv Robert G.Chater:
This Council hereby deem it advisable to revise the form
of the Tax Demand Notice with dates for pa:~ent of taxes due as
February 23, 1970 - 1st Instalment - 30%
June 30, 1970 - 2nd Instalment - 40%
November 30, 1970 - 3rd Instalment -Balance
Resolution No. .14.1 dated November L" 19f9 is hereby
repealed. Carried.
Resolltion No.1S:Moved by RobertG.Chater, seconded byH.E.',valkey:
The Orono Horticultural Society be granted $25.00 fOr the
year 1970. Carried.
Rp.sol,'tion No. lh:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded by RobertG.Chater:
Resolve that the Salvation Army be and is hereby given a
grant in the amount of $.::.5.00 for the year 1970. Carried.
Rp.sollltion No. 17:Moved by RobertG.Chater,seconded by \'I.R.Carveth:
Resolve that The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario
be and is hereby requested to install one street light on the
existing pole on the corner of Monck Street and Dickey Street in
S.~ the hamlet of Kendal. Carried.
Resclution No.1A:Moved by M.R.Carveth, seconded by RobertG.Chater:
That Reeve J. W. Stone be and is hereby empowered to order
the necessary supply ofdarbicide Powder for the year 1970
from the Durham Farmers' County Co-operative. Carried.
Rp.sollltion No.1C;:Moved by F.l~.Gray, seconded by ',v.R.Carveth:
.In conformity with the Dog Tax and Live Stock and Poultry
Protection Act this Council appoint Mr. L. M. Hallowell as
Live Stock Valuer for the Corporation of the Township of Clarke
for the year 1970 and that the fee for each trip shall be
$10.00. Carried.
R.,flOlution No.hO:Moved by RobertG.Chatpr,seconded by H.E.vvalkey:
In accordance with By-Law No. 1342 this Council hereby
resolve that W. R. Carveth and F. A. Gray be and are hereby
appointed to the Board of Management of the Orono Community Hall
for the year 1970 together with the following Oddfellows for the
year 1970:
d. G. Watson R. G. Chater L. Pears
and the following Heather Rebekahs for the years 1970 and 1971:
Mrs. Gladys Gamsby and Mrs. Betty Major
It is understood that three representatives of the Orono Odd-
fellows shall be appointed in the odd years and two represent-
atives of the Orono Rebekahs be appointed in the even years to this
Board of Management. Carried.
Rpsollltion No.L.l.:Moved by H.E.Walkey, seconded by W.R.Carveth:
That this Council authorize the payment of $20.00, 1970
membership fees, for the Clerk-Treasurer, to the Association
M..c.-t -r of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario. Carried.
Resolution No.h2:Moved by RobertG.Chater,seconded by H.E.\~key:
That the Clerk-Treasurer be authorizpd to attend the annual
Clerks and Treasurers Convention at Delawana Inn, Honey Harbour
during June 1970, and all reasonable expenses paid. Carried.
Resolution No.hl:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded by Robert G.Chater:
The Clerk be and is hereby instructed to advertise in the
Orono Weekly Times and the Canadian S~atesman for applications
for Warble Fly Inspector for the year 1970.
Applications tti be received on or before February 20, 1970.
Applicants to state remuneration expected.
The Property and Finance Committee be and are hereby empowered
to consider and act upon the applications and finally report
their recommendation to Council for the necessary action by
resolution at the next regular meeting of Council. Carried.
Re,,01-titton No.ld.:Moved by H.E.Halkey, seconded by W.R.Carveth:
This Council hereby becomes a member of the Association of
Ontario Mayors and Reeves for the year 1970 and the membership
fee of $30.00 be paid.
The Reeve be and is hereby authorized to attend the meetings
of the said.Association with reasonable expenses allowed or to
delegate someone to attend in his stead. Carried.
=. -
Page 4
Regular Meeting of Council February 3, 1970, continued:
Resolution N:i.h'i:Moved by H.E.Walkey,seconded by W.R.Carveth:
Resolve that the following Pay Vouchers be and are hereby
authorized for payment by the Signing Officers of this Council:
General Voucher #1 for January 1970 in the amount of ~86,925.80
Road Voucher #1 for January 1970 in the amount of $19,461.83
General welfare Voucher #2 for February 1970 in the amount of
$2,262.50. Carried.
The following By-law was given third reading and finally
Bv-Law No. 1660
Being a By-Law to provide that in the year 1970 and in each
succeeding year a levy be made before the adoption of the estimates
for the year.
NrlEREAS the Counci1 of the Township of Clarke deems it
expedient to make a levy in the year 1970 and each succeeding
year before the adoption of the estimates.
THEREFORE The Council of the Township of Clarke ENACTS AS
1. That in the year 1970 and in each succeeding year, before
the adoption of the estimates in any such year, a levy shall be
made on the whole of the assessment for real property according
to the last revised assessment roll a sum not exceeding 50 per
cent of that which would be produced'by applying to such assessment
the total rate for all purposes levied in the preceding year on
residential and farm property of public and separate school
supporters. . .
2. That in the year 1970 and in each succeedinG year, before
the adoption of the estimates in any such year, a levy shall be
made on the whole of the commercial and industrial assessment
according to the last revised assessment roll a sum not exceeding
50 per cent of that which would be produced by applying to such
assessment the total rate for all purposes levied in the preceding
year on com~e~cial and industrial assessment of public and sepamLe
school supporters.
3. The respective amounts to be levied for 1970 under the
provisions of paragraohs 1 and 2 of this bv-law are:
Residential and Farm $154,055~00
Commercial and Industrial $ 48,666.00
Total $202,721.00
4. The rate to be levied for 1970 under the provisions of para-
graphs 1 and 2 of this by-law to produce the amounts set out in
paragraph 3 to this by-law is 30% of 131.$625 mills on residential
and farm and 30% of 11.6. $363 mills on commercial and industrial.
5. The dates for payment of taxes under this by-law shall be
as follows: Due Date of 1st Instalment: February 28, 1970
. Due Date of 2nd Instalment: June 30, 1970
Due Date of 3rd Instalment: November 30, 1970
6. In default of payment of the first instalment of taxes or any
part the~eof by the day named therein For the payment thereof, the
remaining. instalment or instalments shall forthwith become payable.
7. A p~rcentage charge of one per centum (1%) shall be imposed
as a penalty for non-payment of and shall be added to every tax
instalment or part thereof remaining unpaid on the first day
following the last day of payment of each such instalment and there-
after an additional charge of one percentum (1%) shall be imposed and
shall be added to "very such tax instalment or part, thereof remaining
unpaid on the first day of each calendar month in which defaJlt
continues up to and including December of this year.
$. It shall be the duty of the Tax Collector immediately after the
several dates named in section 3 to collect at once by distress or
otherwise under the provisions of the statutes j n that behalf all
S'.lch tax instalments or parts thereof as shall not have teen paid
on or before the respective dates ~rovided aforesaid, together with
the said percentage charges as they are incurred.
9. The tax colktor not later than 14 days prior to the date that
the first instalment is due shall mail or ca~se to be mailed to the
address of the residence or place of busin~ss of each'person a
notice setting out the tax payments required to be"made pursuant
to this by-lavJ, the respective dates by which they are to be paid
to avoid penalty and the particulars of the penalties imposed by
this by-law for late payment.
Page 5
Regular Meeting of Council February 3, 1970~ continued:
10.' Taxes shall be payable to the Corporation of the Township
of Clarke and-shall be paid to the Canadian Imperial Bank
of Commerce, Orono or Newcastle branches, at par.
11. The Collector and Treasurer be and are hereby authorized"
to accept part payment from time to time on account'of any
taxes due and to' give a receipt for stich part payment,
provided that acceptance of any such part payment shall
not affect the collection of any percentage charge imposed
and-collectable under section-5. in respect to non-
payment Qf taxes or of any instalment thereof.
12. When tenants of lands owned bv the Crown or in which the
Crown. has an' interest are liable for- payment of taxes and
where any such tenant has teen employed either within or
outside the municioality by the same employer for not less
than thirty days, such employer shall pay over to the
Collector or Treasurer on demand out of any wages, salary
or other remuneration due to such employee the amount then
payable for taxes under this b.--law and such payment shall
relieve the employ..er from any Itahilit-y to the employee
for the amount so 'laid .
Resolution No. h~:Moved by H~E.Walkev,secpnded by W.R.Carveth:
This Cpuncil .here:by r<esolve in accordance with Section 10.
of The Ontario Municipal Board Ral,es of Procedure: (The Planning
Act, Section 30) dated Decemb,er ,20, 196$ and .revised on November
1, 1969, as follows: <,_
Objections !'Ind, Requests to<
By-law No. l65~ of the Corporatj~n of
The Township of Clarke
Ar.r.Apt.Rt1 nY' Rp. ject.p.n -hy t. hi s Ca'llnr.i 1
IndividuRl OhjRct,Or-'g CRrv~lllp Cornmp"nt
Rejected Folkes, Jim Objects to 40 acres in A.
Rejected Hartemink, G. J.' "R.eque,sts rezoning for a
- subdivision.
Rejected~ Marks and McNeely, ~olicitor's Requests perinission~ to
fo~ Araujo, AntonioB~and Doris build on undersized lot.
Rejected Niciforuk, Roy Object.s to 1 acre- 'lot.
.:. While Council have rejected all O"pjections and Requests
received subsequent' to the date of 24th December 1969', which'
was, the last Clat-e that objections wo'uHi be officially filed,
'they wish to make it perf~ctly clear that should the Board
order' a hearing they are o~ the opinion that sbme Objections
and 'Requests' are based on an honest difference of o'pinion -that
could be constructively argued before the Ontari~ Municipal
Board. Garr1.ed.
It was decid-ed in Council meeting that Respluti-onl<o. 5
dated January 6, 1970, have the fullowing members added:-
Mr. cA. LoW' who shall hold office' until the 1st day of'-
January 1971. '
Mr. VI . Turansky who 'shall hold 'off'h:e< until the 1st 'day
of January 1973. -
R<,sollltion No h7:Moved' by Rober{; G;Chater,seconded byH.E.WaJ.key:.
This Council hereby adjourn ~o meet a~ain on Tuesday
March 3, 1970, at 10 a.m. in the Counci.l Chamber at 'Orono or.
otherw~~'se in ~~ecpal ~eeting at the call of the Reeve.,. Carried.
.~ ' ~
~ < j}_/kJ._~'
Clerk. .. Reet/ll",.
Tuesday, February 17, 1970, at 7:]0 p.'m.
Counc~l Chamber, Orono.
Present: Reev~ J. W. Stone
Deputy Reeve H. .E. Walkey ..
CouncillorW. R. Carveth
Coun<;;illor F. <A. Gray -
CounCillor R. G.'Chater~
Clerk 'H. DeWith
Special meeting of Council was called by Reeve Ston~ to
consider the following business:
Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. and E. R. Lovekin, B.A.,LL.B.;
met with Council in regard to correspondence under item 1.
Mr. Ted Woodyard met with Council in regard te correspondence.
under item Z.
, ,