HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/28/1970 (Special) . ~~~., SPECIAL !oJ.ly;J:I1I'G 01' !D CODeIL 01' THE 'l'ODRIP' 01' (!T.41t1r2 Wednesday. January 28. 19?Oat 7:30 ~.m. Council Chamber. Orono. ( . , Present: Reeve John W. Stone Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey Councillor W. R. Carveth -Councillor 1'. A. Gray Councillor R. G. Chatel' Clerk H. DeWith Special meeting of ClOUDCil was called by Reeve Stone to consider the followin~ business: . The following corres~ndence was read out by the Reeve~ 1. Frank T. Mace. StlUth Haven Nursing Bo.. re Mr. Wally Smith.- Referred to the Welfare Administrator. - .. 2. Olarke Planning Board request for a detailed report of moneys paid-to the Board' from January 1. 1969 to October 31. 1969.- Relerred to J'1nance Ohairman. " 3. E. Richard Lovekin. B.A.. LL.B., re Olarke Township Liquor Vote.-nled. . 4. Oshawa Area Planning and Dnelopment'Study"reprel1minary draft presented to-the Implementation Sub-Committee as business brought forward from 15 December 1969.-J'11ed. 5. Copy letter from M. L. RoilS to Hr. John niaball re drainage over property in Lot 10. Con. B.J'.-J'11ed. 6. Hamiltons Insurance Service re part of Lot Number 31, Ooneession Humber 7. Clarke TownShiP. County of Durham. R..R.2, Crono. Ontario, Sadi-e .A.. Hamilton.-Referred to the :Reeve. - 7. Oftice of the Chief li:1ection Officer re Vote und...!he Liquor Licence Act. Township of Olarke. >>eo_bel' 1st; 1969.-J'11ed. 8. E. Richard Lovekin. B.A.. LL.B..re acquisition. &f land from Ulrich Ruegger and Statement of ~C4ount.-Referred to Accounts. 9. E. Richard Lovek1n re statement of ~ecount re Harry Lulo Wade and Kabel Luella Wade 8.!1d .A.cqtdIl1tion'ofLand fe>r Road Widening Lot 8 B.I'. Concession. '.roWJUlhip of Clarke Widening ot Bridge. over C.P.R.-Referred to Accounts. . 10. Department of Municipal Affairs re File No. T- ~63. Twp. of Clarke and Village of Orono and Jan-Oellonski.-J'11ed. 11. E. R. Lovekin re Harry Lulo Wade and the TOWI18hip of Clarke.-J'11ed~ 12. E. R. Lovekin re lJlrich Herman"Ruelger and the 'f<mship of. Clarke .-J'11ed. 13.. James Kel'r. President. The Great Pine Ridge '1'ouri..t CoWlCil"'te Peace l'estival.-J'11ed. 11+..Jl Stephens, Secretary-Treasurer. The 9reat Pine MdgeTourist eouncil re Peacel'estival.-J'11ed. 15. S. D. Holmes re Peace I'estival:at Kosport.-J'11ed. 16. J. Stuart MacKay re Peace I'estival at Mosport.-J'11ed. 17. Kisses Lura and Georg:!.na Edwards re Peace l'estival.-J'11ed-. 18. Page and Kamin re' Press Release re Peaee I'estival.-l'iled.. 19. Copy letter from E. R.-Lovekin to Be:Pnard J. Kaminre Peace Festival -, Mosport - July 1970. Oo-oriination of Planning - O~arke TOwnship.-Filed. 20. E. R. Lovekin re Mosport aUld Peace r.stival....J'11ed. It was moved by R" Chatel' ad second_d by R. Oarveth that delegations be heard. Carried. Art Low. Clarke Planning Board. m.t with Council to discuss ~..iSi"" te~ !Iii tD!l~~nt:firt ~ second time: A By-law tD iiltlW"t < . 0 li1h ~UIIIU:B "f.cUf-~fJ~ar a Ievy De Coune < ~ < ~A' :5. . ()rJ,V .../~ It.~. l , -. *, .i"~ -' ... -,. , . -." . ( t .3j>:"