HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/06/1970
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Tuesday, January 6, 1970 at 11 a.m.
C~uncil Chamber,
Present: Reeve'John'W. Stone
Deputy Reeve 'H. E. Walkey
Courlcillor W. R. Carveth
Councillor F. A._Gray
Councillor R. G. Chater
Clerk H. DeWith _ _
'The ~~!~~~fi~ns~pf~g~f;~~d of: t~~ei~~~~~s of Council were
signed-and' Sworn' under. 'oath' befoti'e the .Clerk.
The-Reeve, John w. ~tone, we~comed ~nose present, called
the meeting to order'and asked Re~. Long and Rev. Snelgrove'
to address the Council; ,
~e~. Long'quote4 ~assages from Pauls L~tter to the
Romans and said that the Council and churches should work
together for the good of the township. Rev. Long congratulated
Council for the time and effort expended on township duties
through the year 1969 and Wished them every success 'in 1970,
Rev. ,Snelgrove quoted Scripture from Philippians, Chapter
3, verses 7 - 14, and closed the religious service with an
appropriate prayer. .' '.
Reeve Stone personally thanked Rev. Long and Rev.
Snelgrov~ for their kind words. Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey
and Councillors W. R. Carveth, F. A. Gray and Robert G.
Chater added their thanks to the Rev~ Gentlemen.
Resolution No.1 :Moved byH.E.Wal~ey,seconded bY lrobert. 'G.Chater:
This Council hereby express their appreciation to Rev.
B. E. Long and Rev. T. Snelgrove for their appropriate
service and payers at this the inaugural meeting'of the
Council orthe'Township'of Clarke for the year 1970.-Carried.
The minutes of Council meeting held December 15, 1969'
were adopted as printed on motion by W. R. Carveth, seConded
by H. E. Walkey.-Carried. A copy of said minutes be mailed
to new councillor RObert G. Chater. .
It was moved by F. A..Gray, seconded by H. t. Walkey "
that Council recess at 12 noon for dinner and resume session
at 1:30 p.m. Carried.'
An invitation was extended by the Reeve to the membe~.
oreauncil, Rev. Long, Rev. Snelgrove, Past,Reevelioy A.
Foster, M. "L. Ross, H. DeWith, 'Horace Best, 'Mrs. 'D~' Start;
Mrs. A. McGill and Mrs; E. Yea who enjoyed an excellent
dinner served at ,the Chuckwagon RestaUrant. Mr. H. E. Wal~ey
and Mr. Roy A. Foster thanked the Reeve for his kind generosity.
Mr. Ross appeared at Council meeting to discuss certain
matters pertaining to the Road Department. ~" .
The following correspondence and'reports were read out
. by" the Reeve: '
1. C. W. Rump, Secretary, Railway Transport Committee,
. , Canadian Transport Commission re TownShip Road level
crossings mile 2$1.66 KingstonSubd.,C~R,"and mile'
152.90 Belleville'Subd., CPR.-Tabled.
The General Accident Group re A4-623$l2:.M99-1333:
Corporation of the Township of Clarke.-Clerk to contact
Frank Cowan Co. Ltd. to have a representative attend
the next Council meeting on February 3, 1970. ..
3., Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, Ontario re resignation
of present representative and next apnual meeting.-
Referred to the Clerk.
CarlOS Tamblyn resignation from the Bo~anville'Memorial
Hospital Board as business'brought forwartl'froml5. .
December 1969.-Filed ana referred to resolutions.
Muni~ipal Planning Consultantsre Local Government
Study, United Counties of Northumberland and Durham,
File PN 3421.-Referred to' Clerk toapswer and inform
Planning !3oard, Chairman O.P.V., H,' f:Sest and D. Stark".
Department of HighWays re retirement' of Mr. R~ J~ ..
Callighan.-On motion by H. E. Walkey,'seconded by
F. A. Gray and carried that. the lleeve and Cha.irman of
the Road and Bridge Co~ittee t~ attend farewell dinn_r.
Department of Highways re 1970 Road Estimates By-law.
Page Z
Inaugural Meeting of Council Januaryc6, 1970 continued:
Department'of Energy and Resources Management letter to
Cowanville Auto Wreckers, Attention: Mr. Manuel Mendonca
re burning of refuse in open fire:-Referred to the Clerk
to arrange a meeting with Mr: B: J. Newman,P. Bng. for
February 3, 1970. ' ,
H. DeWith, Clerk re Zoning By-law 'No. 1653 and report o~
Clerk re particulars of objections and requests for change
concerning By-law No. 1653.-Referred to resolutions.
The following appointments to 'committees of Council were
recommended by Reeve John W. Stone for the year 19701-
Property and Finance Committee - Messrs. F;A.Gra.y and H.E.Wikey.
Road and Bridge Committee'- Messrs. W.R.Carveth and R.G.Chater.
Planning Committee - Messrs. H.B.Walkey and S.W.Stone.
Fire Protection Committee - Messrs.W.Rt:'a~hand F.A.Gray.
The said appointments were adopted by resolutions of '
this Council.
Mrs. Robert Hicks and Mr. Manuel Mendonca appea,ed at'
eouncil meeting to discuss The Air Pollution Control Act
and letter received under Item 8 of Correspondence. .
It was moved by Robert G. Chater, secondedlby W.R.Carveth
and carried that the Secretary of the Clarke Planning Board,
Mr. Art Low, be requested to send a copy of all minutes of
Planning Board meetings to the attention of Council.
1he following resolutions 'were passed:
RAsoll1tion N~.Z:Moved byuH-.E.Walkey, seconded by Robert G.Chater:
" In accordance with 'By-law 'No. 1642 thiS' Cetmei):-her-eby make
the following appointments for the year 1970:
a. ThatW. R. Carveth be and is hereby appointed as
Chairman of the Road and Bridge Committee.
ThAt 'F. A. Gray be and is hereby appointed as -
Chairman of the Property and F~nance Committee.
That 'H. B. Walkey be and is hereby appointed as
Chairman of the Planning Committee. --
That ~R~,C~~y~th be'and is hereby appointed as
Chairman'of the Fire, Protection Committee.
The said appointments shall be effective on the passing of
this resolution up to and including December 31, 1970 or 'until
their successors shall be appointed by order-in-council. Carried.
RAsoll1tion No. '!:Moved'by F.A.Gray, seConded'by H,;B.Walkey:
, As a'recommendation by the Reeve, 'this Council hereby
sanction the appointment of the folloWing persons to the'
Road and 5ridge COmmittee for the year'1970:
1. W. R. Carveth
2. R. G.Chater
3. Reeve John W. Stone
The first named to be Chairman of the said Committee.
The Reeve to be ex-officio member of all Committees ofCeuncil.
RA"oll1tion No. h:Moved by Robert G.Chater,seconded byW.R.Carveth:
As a recommehdation by the Reeve, this Council hereby
sanction the appointme~t of the following persons te the
Property and Finance" Committee for the year 1970:
1. F. A.' Gt'ay
2. H. E. Walkey
3. Reeve JohnW. Stone
The first named to be Chairman of the said Committee.-
The Reeve to be ex-offiCio member of all Committees of Council.
l:l,f'!Sol11tion No."l:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded by F...A.Gray:'
In accordance with By-Law No. 1561, a by-law regarding
the appointment of the Clarke Planning Board being a Beard with
jurisdiction over the Clarke PlanniilgArea, this Council hereby
appOint the following persons: '
1. H. B. Walkey (Council) for the year 1970.
Z~ J. W. Stone (Cbunci11 Tor the year'1970.
3. Mr~ Robert C. Simpson who shall hold office until the-
Ist day of January 1971.' -
Mr. A. -Low whosha~l hold o~fice until
~e 1st day of January 1971. '
5: Mr. Sidney J. Lancaster who shall hold office until the
1st day of January 1972.
Mr. Wayne Bailey who shall hold office until the 1st day
of January 1973.
Mr. w. Turansky who shall hold office until
the 1st day of January 1973. Carried.
.1,0 .1
. --..
Page 3 , .
Inaugural Meeting of Council January 6, 1970 continued:
R""olution No. h:Moved by RobertG.Chater,seconded byH.E.Walkey:
Resolve that W-. ',R.".C~t:h and Frank A. Gray be
and are hereby appointed as members of the Township of Clarke
Fire Protection Committee to work in conjunction with the
person similarly appointed in the year 1970 by the Trustees
of the Police Village of Orono.
A copy of this resolution be referred to the Secretary
of the Police Village of Orono.
The Reeve to be ex-officio member of all Committees
of Council. Carried.
Resolution No.7:Moved by F.A.Gray, seconded by H.E.Walkey:
The Road Superintendent, any member of the Council-and
Clerk be authorized to attend the Ontario Good-Roads
Convention with expenses paid and the membership fee of
$15.00 be paid. Carried.
Resolution No.R:Moved by F.A.Gray, seconded by 'N.R.Carveth:
Resolve that the Treasurer and the Reeve or Deputy
aeeve of the Township of Clarke be given the necessary
authorization with the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce,
Orono, to do business in accordance with the said Bank form
141-61 Ontario. Carried. '
R""olution No.q:Moved by F.A.Gray, seconded by W.R.Carveth:
That Robert G. Chater be and is hereby appointed as
the Clarke Township representative to the Central Lake
Ontario Conservation Authority for the year 1970. Carried.
Resolution No.lO:Moved by F.A.Gray,seconded by-W.~.Carveth:
Resolve that the following persons be and are hereby
appointed to the Local Advisory Committee of the Orono
Municipal Water System for the year 1970:
1. E. R. Woodyard
2. D. M. Simpson
3. F. A. Nicholson
4. M. W. D2wns
5. . J . . W. Stone
Certified copies of this resolut io n be referred to tJe
Ontario Water Resources Commission and the aforementioned
appointed members. Carried.
R"solution No.ll:Moved byW.R.Carveth,seconded by F.A.Gray:
This Council hereby appoint Mr. Henry DeWith as
Welfare Administrator for the Township of Clarke for the
year 1970. Carried.
R&solllt.ion No. 12:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded by F.A.Gray:
That Dr. A. F. McKenzie be appointed Indigent Medical
Officer for the Township of Clarke for the year 1970.Carried.
R",wlution No l'i:Moved by H.E.Walkey,seconded by F.A;Gray:
That Messrs. Robert G. Chater and W. Roderick Carveth
be and are hereby appointed as representatives of this Council
to the Township of Clarke Game Commission for the year 1970.,
The Commission to be notified accordingly by the Clerk.Carried.
Resolllt.ion No. lh:Moved by H.E.Walkey,seconded by RobertG.Chater:
In accordance with By-Law No. 1352 the following persons
be and are hereby appointed to the Orono Community Memorial
Park Board for the year 1970:
1. A. E.west
2. H. M. Mercer
3. S. B. Rutherford
4. E. H. Samuel
5. Miss Alma Cuttell
6. J. W. .;itone
7. W. R. Carveth Carried.
Resolut.ion No': 1 <;:Moved by w.R.Carveth,seconded by H.E.Walkey
- That Fran'k A. Gray be and is hereby appointed as the
representative from this Council on the Durham Co~ty
Federation of Agriculture for the year 1970. Carried.
R""pllltion No lfi:Moved by F.A.Gray, seconded by W.R.Carveth:
This Council hereby authorize the Clerk-Treasurer to
request all departments, school boards, local boards, and
bodi~s where functions fall under the legal authority of
this municipality, to submit in writing their budgets or
requirements for the year 1970 to the Clerk of this Council
on or before January 31, 1970. Carried.
',-' .
Page 4
Inaugural Meeting of Council January 6, 1970 continued:
Resolution No. 17:Moved by H.E.Walk~y,Beconded byRobertG.Chater:
In accordance with By-Law No. 1493, the following persons
be and are hereby appointed to the Newtonville Community Hall
Board for the year 1970:
1. Wallace Boughen
2. Hugh Stapleton
3. Don Vinkle
4. Clinton Farrow
5. George Stapleton
6. H. E. Walkey
7. F. A. Gray Carried.
ResollOt,ion No. lS:Moved by RobertG.Chater,seconded byH.E.Walkey:
That Roy A. Foster be and is hereby appointed to the Ganaraska
Region Conservation Authority for the year1970 and the said
Authority be notified of this aJPQintment. Carried.
Resolution No. lq:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded byRobertG.Chater:
Resolve that the Road SuperinteI).dent is hereby authorized
to advertise for tenders for alSO h.p. (approx) Grader subject
to the approval of the Department of Highways. Carried.
Rp.solltion No. 20:Moved by F.A.Gray,seconded by H.E.Walkey:
The Road Superintendent be and is hereby authorized to
complete the necessary forms applying for the Highway Subsidy
on road expenditures in the year 1969 on or before January
31, 1970. Carried.
Rfisollltion No 21 :Moved by F.A.Gray,seconded by RobertG.Chater:
In accordance with Section 3 & 4 of By-Law No. 1533, a
By-law to establish a Municipal Repreation Committee, this
Council hereby appoint Mr. Laverni Boyd, Mrs. Helen Henderson,
Mrs. Dorothy Stark, Mrs. Josephine Barlow, Mrs. Sharon Brown,
Mr. John Murphy, Mr. Jack Neal together with Messrs: W.R:Carveth
and J. W. Stone for the year 1970. .
The Clerk be and is hereby instructed to notify the
Community Programmes Branch of the Department of.Education by
referring a copy of this Resolution to the said Department.
Resolllt.ion No.22:Moved by RobertG.Chater,seconded byW.R.Carveth:
In accordance with By-Law No. 1530 this Council hereby
appoint the following persons to the Board of the Township of
Clarke Public Library who shall take office on the first day of
January 1970 and who shall hold office for the year 1970 or until
their successors shall have been duly appointed:
1. R. M. Dickson
2. E. R. Woodyard, Orono
3: R. C. Forrester, Orono
4: L. M. Hallowell, R. R. 1, Orono
5. J. W. Stone (alternate - F. A. Gray) Carried.
Rpsollltion No 21:Moved by F.A.Gray, seconded byW.R.Carveth:
This Council hereby authorize the Canadian Imperial Bank
of Commerce, Orono, to loan the Orono Community Memorial Park
Board an amount not exceeding $G,OOO.OOfor the. year 1970 and
charge the said Board the prevailing rate of interest. Carried.
Rpsol,t,ion No. 21...:Moved by F.A.Gray, seconded by H.E.Walkey:
That Derek J. W. Little, P. Eng. of M'micipal Planning
Consultants Co. Ltd. of 400 Mount Pleasant Road, Toronto;
Ontario, be formally retained as a Planning Consulta'nt to'
undertake and complete such planning studies and other matters
as may be placed before him from time to time by the Council
of the Township of Clarke. Carried.
Resolution No 2'i:Moved by F.A.Gray,seconded by W.R.CarvethJ
Resolve that The Canadian Mental Health Association,
OEtario Division, be and is hereby granted $15.00. Carried.
Rp.solution No. 26:Moved by H.E.Walkey,seconded by RobertG.Chater:
Resolve that Mr. John W. Stone, R.R.l, Orono, Ontario,
be and is hereby appointed as a Welfare Cornmi.ttee to be given
the necessary authority to discuss all matters .in connection
with welfare assistance during the year 1970. Carried.
REsoluti on No. 27 :Moved by H .E. 'Walkey, seconded byRobertG.Chater:
The Council hereby accept, with regret, the resignation
of Carlos Tamblyn from the Bowmanville Memorial Hospital Board
as of December 31st, 1969. Carried.
Page 5
Inaugur,al Meeting of Council January 6, 1970 continued:
Resolution No. 2R:Moved by RobertG.Chater,seconded by W.R.Carveth:
That Mr: James Stutt be and is hereby appointed a represent-
ative for the year 1970 to the Board of the Memorial Hospital
Bowmanville, for the Corporation of ~he TownBhip of Clarke.
Carried. ' , " . '. .
,R.."olution No.2Q:Moved by RobertG.Chater,seconded byF.A.Gray:
This Council hereby authorize the Clerk to aCknowledge all
objections and requests received by the Clerk during the
period of December $ to December ~4, 1969, inclusive with
regard to Zoning By-law No. 1653. Carried. ..
RA"o'ut~on No.,O:Moved by F.A.Gray,seconded by W.R.Carveth:
This Council hereby resolve in accordance with Section 10.
of The Ontario Municipal Board Rules of Procedure (The
Planning Act, Section 30) dated December ~O, 1968, as follows:
Objections and Request~,to ..
By-law No. 1653 of the Cprporation
of the Township o~ Clarke
A('!('!p.ntAd 01'" RF! ip-~tp.d hv thi s Counrd 1 _"
Individual Oh'jAl!tOT"R CansulA Contmp-nt
Allin, Wm. & Eileen Objects to size of dwelling
on lot retained by farmer.
Objects to 40 acres in A.
Map 3-request rezoning from
OS to Rl.
Objects to 1 acre lot.
Beca$ Developments Ltd.
Becas Developments Ltd.
Boisvert, Mrs. L. J.
Borins, Goldberg & Bire~baum,
Solicitors for Erika Ohse
Cattanach & Hindson, Solicitors
for Mr.&Mrs.Gerrit Heykoop
Chapman, Stanley L.
Copping, Edward C.
Objects to 40 acres in A.
Total holdings not zoned
No reasons.
Does not serve best interests
of residential ratepayers.
Request rezoning fromAtoR~.
Too many regulations.
No reasons. .
Conflict ox interest,
objects to 40 acre min.
Objects to 40 acre min.,no
RR around Kirby, 1~00 sq.ft.
mJ.n. in A Zone.
Request change from A~ to
Objects to. 1 acre lot, 1200
sq. ft.' house
Request change from A to
residential, no Rrovisfon
for multiple ~amilydwellings.
Request rezoning fromAtoRR.
Objects toAzone-40 acre min.
Objects to change from Rl
to RR at Newtonville.
Objects to lacre lots.
Objects to '40 acre min.
Requests rezoning frgm'
Ml to RR.
Request rezoning fromAtoRR.
Total holdings not zonedHC.
Request rezoning from A2
back to OS.
Request rezoning for
recreation. .
Objects to 1 acre lot.
Fish, Graham S.
Hanna, R.M.
Harris, Lawrence
Hathway, L.K.
Lowery, J.H. & Catherine
Marks & McNeely, Solicitors
for Joseph Dunfield
Mercer, Mrs. W.
Jan Ochonski Construction Ltd.
O'Neill, Maurice
'Osborne, 'M.R.
Payne, Murray C.
Petrofina Canada Ltd.
Robinson, S.G.A.
Rooney, Terrence,Stephen
& Norah
Sissons, H. J.
Supertest Petroleum Corporation Ltd.
Manning & Ronald Swartz,
Solicitors for Mario Veltri
White, John G.
Greer & Zubkavich, Solicitors
for Joseph Roland McDonald
While Council have rejected all objections and requests
received they wish to make it perfectly clear that should the
Board order a hearing they are of the opinion that some' . .
objections and requesta are based on an honest difference of
opinion that could be constructively argued before the
Ontario Municipal Board. Carried.
Page 6
Inaugural Meeting of Council January 6, ~970 continued:
Rp-so.llltion No. ~1 :MCJil'::)d by ~W.R.Carveth,second~d b'jT F.A.Gray:-<
, This Council hereby grant the Durham County Jun10r
Farmers the amount of $25.00 for the year 1970. Carried.
Rp.Rblution No. 12:Moved by F.A.Gray,seconded byW.R.Carvetht
Resolve that the following Pay Vouchers be and are hereby
a~thor1zed for payment by the Signing Officer~ oT this Council:
General Voucher 11 for January 1970 in the amount of $nil.
Addition to General Voucher #12 for December in the amount
of $2$$6.93.
Road Voucher #12 for December in th'e amount of $41,265.30.
Police Village of Orono Voucher #12 for December" in the
amount of $riil.
General Welfare Voucher #1 for January 1970 in the amount
bf $1,559.01~ Carried.
The following By-laws were given first, second and third
reading and finally passed:
By-L;:Iw No _ 161)6
A By-law to authorize the borrowing of $300,000.00
Whereas the Council of the Township of Clarke(hereinafter
called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the
sum of $300,000.00 to meet, until the taxes are collected,
the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year;
And Whereas the total amount of th'e estimated revenues
of the Municipa11ty as set forth in the estimates adopted for
the year 1970, not including revenues derivab~e 'or derived
from the sale of assets, borrowings or issues of debentures
'or from a surplus, including arrears of taxes and proceeds
from the sale of assets, is $450,000.00
Therefore the Council of the Township of C~arke hereby
enacts as fol~ows:
1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized en
behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time
by way of promissory note from CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK
OF COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate
$300,000.UO to meet until the taxes are collected the
current expenditures of the Municipality for tbe year,
including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned
in subsection (1) of Section 329 of the Municipal Act,
and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank
a promissory not'e cor notes sealed with the Corporate
Seal and signed by the Head and Treasure~ for the moneys
so borrowed, witn interest, which may be paid in advance
or otherwise, at such rate of interest as may be agreed
upon with the sa1d bank.
2. All sums borrowed pursuant ~o the authority of this
by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year
and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all
of ~he purposes mentioned in the said Section 32g, shall,
with interest thereon, be a charge upon the wtlole of the
revenues of the Municipality for the cur~ent year and
for all preceding years as and when such revenues are
3: The Treasurer is hereby authQr~ed and d1r~cted 'to apply
in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together
with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter
collected or received either on account or're~li~~d in
respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding
years or from any other source which may lawfully be
applied for such purpose.
Bv-L:.w No _ 161:)7
A by-law 'to constitute and appoint a committee of
adjustment. '
WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to constitute and appoint
a committee of adjustment as provided by The Planning Act
R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 296, Sectiop 32 (al,
NOW THEREFORE, The Council of the Corporation of the
Township of Clarke enacts as follows:
1. That the followi~perso~s ~ho, not b~ing.members of
the Councilor employees of the munic1pal1ty or of a
local board thereof, shall constitute and are hereby
appointed as members of the Committee of Adjustment:
Page 7
Inaugural Meeting of Council January 6. 1970 continued:
(l)E.R.Lovekin. Newcastle. to hold office until January 1. 1971.
(2)K.Schoerunltker, 'Orono, to hold office until January 1, 1972.
(3)E.F.~.Osborn~,R.R.2,Newcastle,to hold office until January 1, 1973.
2. That By-Law No. 161$ be and is hereoy repealed. '
By-LRWNo. 16~8 a .
Being a By-law to appoint a Zoning Administrator, By-law
Enforcement Officer and Building Inspector for the
Corporation of the Township of ClarKe."
WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Clarke shall
appoint a Zoning Administrator pursuant to Section 15.1
of By-law No. 1592; ,
AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Clarke shall
appoint a By~law Enforcement Officer. who shAll be'apeace .
officer for the purpose of enforcing the by-laws of the
,municipality. pursuant to the Police Act. R.S.O. 1960.
thapte~ 298 and as amended 1967. Chapter 76. Section 13;
AND WHEREAS the Council of'the Township of Clarke deems
it expedient to appoint a Bui1ding'I4spector; . _.'"
NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the
Township of Clar~e ENACTS AS FOLLOWS:
1. That Mr. Horace ~. Best be and is hereby appointed
Zoning Administrator of By-law No. 1592 and amendments
. . .
thereto of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke.
.,..t .... f
2. That Mr. Horace R. nest be and ~s hereby appointed
By-law fl~forcement Officer for the Corporation of the
Township of Clarke and shall, 'with respect to the Corp-
.. -....
oration of the Township of Clarke and the enforcement
of ,its By-laws, exercise all the authority, powers and
rights, and shall perform all the duties and obligations
~ 00:. ...., . 0_ . ..
which by litatut.e or by-laws are or may be ,:conferred or
imposed upon the By-law Enforcement Officer.
3. That Mr. Horace R. Best be and is hereby appointed
Building Inspector for the Corporation of the Township
of Clarke. ' , _ . .
.. + . .
~. That the saiq Horace R. Best shall be paid a sum per
ann~. pay~ble bi-monthly, expressed by resolution of
. the said Council. .
5. That By-laws No.1626, 1627 and 162$ be and are hereby'
repealed. . .
. .
By-LRW No. . 16SQ
A By-Law to appoint Pound Keepers 'and Fence Viewers in
, .
the Township of Clarke. "
The Municipal Council of the "Corporation of the Township'
, .
of Clarke ,enact s, .as follows:
Th~ foll~ing persons be and are hereby appointed
P,ound K.el,epers:
1.. Ross ,~own 2. Nil 3. Morley Robinson
4. Wilson Carsqn 5. Wm. Hale, Sr., 6. Wm. Curtis ,
-7. Lawrence Harris $. Nil -9. Douglas Cathcart
10. Sam Powell 11. Nil . 12...!,il
13. Charkes Reiq 14. Donald Staples 15. Roy Cochrane
16. Roy Berry 17. E.R.Bryson 1$, Harold Ransberry'
19. Lawrence Hooey 20. Stanley ~all .
That the duties of the abovenamed Officers shall be
performed as provided by statutes in that behalf and the
by-'1.aws of this municipality. . , ' "
That ~he following persons be appointed Fence Viewers:
1. Harold Dean 2. Donald Stapleton 3. 'Arthur Thompson
That the duties of the abovenamed Officers shall be
per:forlned as '_.:,novided by statutes iri that 'behalf anq.-
the by-laws of this municipality.
That By-Law No. 1619 be and is hereby repealed.
ReSOllltiGJ::\ No. '1'1:Moved by 'W.R.Carveth.seconded by F.A.Gray:
This Council hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday.
February 3. 1970. at 10 a.m. in the Council Chamber at
Orono or otherwise in special meeting at the call of the Reeve.
carried'.I~kQ~ _ ()
~ lL fl1)
Clerk. Reef6.
, -
11771 L