HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/15/1969 1 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CI;ABIB Tuesday, December 9, 1969 at $ p.m. Council Chamber, Orono. Present: Reeve Roy A. Foster Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey Councillor W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor J. W. Stone Clerk H. DeWith Special meeting of Council was called by Reeve Roster to consider the followiQ,'business: The Orono Police Village Trustees, E. R. Woodyard, D. Simpson, and F. A. Nicholson, met with Council to discuss the Village Storm Sewers Construction. M. L. Ross, Road Superintendent, met with Council to discuss certain road matters. The following Correspondence was read out by the Reeve: 1. Honey, Brooks and Harrison, Barristers, Solicitors, "Notarie~, re proposed '"road closing between Lots 34 artd -35 '1n the Township of Clark~.-Referred to 'Clerk to ~swer. 2. Ontario Municipal Board re debenture for $$0,000.00 - By-law l649.-Filed. 3. Ontario Water Resources Commission~re claim for compensation Mr. A~ Rankin.-Referred to Clerk t~ pay said claim. 4. Z. T. Salmers,y.C., re Turner and' Glenney.-A copy of Letter of InteIttion bemailedtoMr.Salmers;Sol.icitor for Mrs.' TUrner. ' It was moved by H. E. Walkey, seconded by 'F. A. Gray to sign the Letter of Intention between The Corporation of The Township of Clarke and Mrs. Roma Audrey Turner and Mrs. Archie Glenney. Meet~i,nJ, adjourn~d at 10:30. i"~'-----' Clerk. ~~ 'e~. Ree~~ 4 y~ . " REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE' Monday, December IS, 1969, at 10 a.m. Council Chamber, OronO. Present: Reeve Roy A. Foster Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey Councillor W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor J. W. Stone ClerR H. DeWith Minutes of regular meeting of November 4, 1969 and special meeting of December 9; '1969 were adopted as printed on motion by H. E. Walkey, seconded by F. A. Gray. Carried. It was moved by J. W. Stone, seconded by W. R. Carveth . tnat delegations be neard: Carried. Charles Lemon and Tom Lowden met with Council to discuss Tax Arrears Registration No. 6$-2 recorded under correspondence Item 35. , The following correspondence and-reports were read out by the Reeve: ' 1. Minutes of Committee of Adjustment meetings dated October 27 and November 24, 1969.-Filed. 2. 1969 Assessment 'Equalization Factors.-Filed. ' 3. The Peterborough-Victoria-Borthumberland and Durham County Roman Catholic Separate School Board r~quest for levy.~Filed. 4. Tne "Presbyterian Church hi Canada, The 'Presbytery" 'Of Peterborough re Newtonville Presbyterian Cemetery.-Tabled. 5. Canadian Automboile aport Clubs re "Mosport Park and Liquor Vote.-Filed. " 6. Carlos Tamblyn resignation from the Bowmanville Memorial Hospital Board.-Tabled. 7. Petition of Mr. and Mrs. A. Ross Nesbitt and 3~other s"fgnedpet"fti"oners requesting water s'erviee to'~T"homes.- Referred to the Trustees of the Police Village of Orono. $. Report of the Building Inspector for November.-Filed. - .;:,.;c- -4t - , Page 2 Regular meeting of Council 15 December 1969- continued: 9. Greer and Zui!>kavieh,' re prop:lsed By-law No. 1653.- Referred to objeetfons-to-By-law No. 1653. 10. Terrence Reoney, Stephen Rooney, Norah Rooney re By-law No. 1653, Broken Front concession farm, Lot 15 and part Lot 16, Map 2.-Referred to-objections to By-law No. 1653. - 11. Township of Hope request for a list of property owners abutting the Township of-Hope, for a distance of-four hundred feet.-Copy to Planning Board. 12. .Department of Municipal Affairs re Qntario Education Capital Aid Program.-Filed. 13. Department of Municipal Affairs re draft of the revised Bill 205.-Filed. 14. Corporation of the town of Stoaey Creek're<their resolution dated 11th day of >>ovember, 1969.-No Action and Filed. . 15. Ontario Municipal Board re Appeal by George Lumley against a decision of the Committee of Adjustment of the Township of Clarke- Application No. 173-69.-Filed. 16. Ontario Municipal Board re Appeals by Suanydene Estates -Limited against decisions-of-the Committee o~ Adjustment of the Township of Clarke-Submission Nos. B141-68-l30 and Bl42-6$-131,-Filed. It-was moved by W. R. Carveth, seconded'by F. A. Gray that Council recess for lunch at 12:15 and resume session at 1:30. Carried. , Mr. Roy Forrester met with Council to discuss the new buading for the Clarke ~ibrary and Council was invited to inspect-said building on December 27, 1969. Mr. Forrester requested-a refund of money spent en the present library in order to remodel the new bUilding. M.L. Ross was at Council'meeting to discuss O.P.V. Financial Statement re construction and maintenance for 1969. Mr. Cox met with Council to ask for approval for building permits for lots in part Lots 6-7, Con. 6. Mr. H. E. Millson appeared before Council t.o supply information re Insurance Claim for Compensation - Mr. A. Rankin. Mr. Zegil and Mr. Bud Campbell attended Council meeting with regard to the increase in trailer fees from $10.00 to $20.00. Mr. Peter Caspari appeared at Council meeting-with regard to the proposed subdivision in part of ~ots 27 and 28, Concession 5. 17. E. Richard Lovekin, B.A., LL.B., re Sunnydene Estates-- Peter Caspari-Appeal to the Qntario Municipal Board.Filed. 18. Greer, Galloway & Associates Limited re municipal engineering services.-Filed. 19. Ontario Water Resources Commission re CEA-OWRC Inspectors Course.-Filed. 20. Minutes of special meeting of Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority.-Filed. 21. Minutes of Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority meeting dated October 29, 1969.-Filed. 22. Department of Municipal affairs report of The Committee on Farm Assessment and Taxation.-Filed. 23. The Great Pine Ridge Holiday Land Reporter dated November 1969.-Filed. 24~ Lake Ontario Regional Development Council News dated November, 1969.-Filed. : 25. Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit re monthly report of Medical Officer of Health.-Filed. 26. P~oceedings of the MuniCipal Council of the United - Counties of Northumberland and Durham.-Filed. 27~ National Building Code of Canada News for October 1969. -Filed. 28. Ontario Water Resoarces Commission re 196$ Aanual Report. , . -Filed. - 29. Oshawa Area Planning and Development Studr re O.A.P.A.B.S. Executive Membership.-Referred to Jan. 6,+970. 30. Oshawa ./l,p_ Planning and Development Study ~~eprelJ.mina.ry . draft presented to the Implementation Sub-C~ittee.-Filed. "<;"-::'~ C"...'O,~.,.""~~ ,.,' '-',,:,~.,,~.t'~,:g:'i, Page 3 Regular M~eting of Council 15 December 1969. continued: Mun~cipal,Planning consultants Co. Ltd. re preliminary, analysis of Survey Material..Piled. John KimbaIl re'water damage on property.-Referredto, the R9ad Superintendent to answer.. , Robert G. Chater resignation.from Clarke Planning Board. .Filed and a copy to be referred,to th~ Planning Board. Strike & Strike re Buma ~ale to the Township of Clarke, Pt. Lot 35, Con. 3, Clarke.-Tabled. E. Richard Lov~kin, B.A., LL.B., re Ch~les Wesley Lemon - Newtonville, Ontario, Property, Tax Registration No. 6$.2. -Filed. . Mr. Mario Veltri present~d plan~ for a proposed subdivision of part Lot 2$, Con. 5, Village of Orono p~eparee,by.Donevan and Fleischmann, to Cou~cil. The folJ.,owing ,resolutions were "passed: -- Rp.solutinn No. lhh:Moved by F.A.Gray, seconded by J.W.Stone: Resolve that the Current Budget for the year 1969 under, By-Law No. 1634 together wi~ all Resolutions passed by this Co~cil wh~ch_corr~spond to this By-Law be and is hereby adopted. Carried. RAsolution No. lu?:Movedby W. R. Carveth, seconded by H.B.Walkey: Thia Council ,hereby declare-Boxing Day, December 26, 1969 a legal holiday for the Township of ,Clarke, Carried. RAsolut;~n,Nol lhR:Moved by ~.E.Wal~el, ~econded by F.A.Gray: This Council hereby acqept the Resolution No. 73 dated November 24, 1969, of the Trustees of the Pol~ce Villag~ o~ Orono and authorize the Reeve and Clerk to sign the Ind~ntur~ between Marshall Leslie Osc€Lr Keast, Jr. and M~tha Jane Keast and The Corpora~ion ~f The ,Township of Clarke. Carried. Rp.so]utb~ Nq. 14q:Moved by J. W. Stone, seconded by H.E.Walkey: Resolve that the fol1qwing Pay Vouchers be and are hereby authori~e4{or payment by the Signing Officers of thi~ Cquncil: Addition to General Voucher #11 for November in the amount of' $3492.39 .' , General Voucher #12 fqr ~cembep in the amount of $39$,265.21 Addition to General Welfare Voucher #11 for NovemQer,in,the amount qf $ nU . , General Welfare Voucher #12 for December in the amount o{ $1,51$.61, " Road Voucher #11 for November in the amount of $49,37$.59 Police Viliage of Orono Voucher ill for November in the ~o~nt of $3,79$.04. C~ried. . The following By-law~s given first reading on motion by H. E. Walkey, seconded by W. R. Carveth: . The-~ollowing By-law was g~yeq seqqnq reading on motion QY ~. W. ~tone, seconded by F; A. Gray; _ The following By-law was given third reading and finally ~assed on. motion by F. A. GraYt secoRqed by J. W. Stone: fF!-LSiW NQ _ 16C:;t1 =', . "- Whereas The Township of Clarke have agreed wit~ a bo~y corporate, . Becas Developments Limited, , ' in regard to the terms of a subdivision agreement concerning, part of Lots 27 and 2$, Conc~ssion-~, in ~he Township of Clarke and Whereas the terms of the proposed agreement have been t~en under consideration,by the ,Planning Consultants of the Township, the legal advisor to the Township and the Planning Board and,the Township Council NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP' OF CLARKE ENA9TS AS FOLLOWS: 1. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. e The Subdivision Agreem~nt in"the.form attache4 hereto as Appendix A is hereby formally approved. The Reeve and the Clerk are hereby authorized and empOWered to execute the said agreement for and on behalf of the Corporatio~ of the Township of 91arke, when Schedules DAu, DC. add uFD have,been completed. RAsolution No. lSO:Moved by W.R.C~rveth,seconded by J.W.Ston~: This Council hereby adjourn for the year 1969. ,Sine Die. Carried. ~ 2. - Clerk. a.~~ Re6*e . .