HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/10/1969 (Special) : 'I -- - , SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUHCIL OF THE TOWlfSHIP or CLARKE Friday. October 10. 1969 at 8 p.m. , Couneil Chamber" Orono. Present: Reeve Roy A.Foster Deputy ReeveH. E. Walkey Councillor J. W. Stone Clerk H. DeWith Zoning Administrator H. R. Best Solicitor E. R. Lovekin Special meeting of Couneil was called by Reeve roster to consider the folloWing busine'ss: The following resolution was passed: Resolution Ho. l"l?:Moved by H.E.Walkey.seconded by J.W.Stone: Whereas enquiries have be~n received by the Township as to what general requirjlJllents would be expected by the Township of a potential subdivider and. Whereas it was deemed reasonable for the Township to draft a general form of agr,eement to be given by the clerk to anyone ~ing such enquiries. How' Therefore Be It Resolved: That the draft Agreemenj'. dated 1'0 July 1969 and revised September 18.:1969. a copy of which is on file. be authorized as the draft'subdivision agreement to be given to any such applicant. Carried.- - TIle follOwing By-laws were given first. second and third r'eading and finally passed: ' Bv--LJIIW 1If') _ 1 hC;O A By-law to license trailers except trailers located in a trailer camp and for prohibiting such trailers being located in the municipality except in a trailerea-p' without a licence therefor. . WHEREAS Section 379. subsection (L) para 86 of 'The Municipal Act. being Chapter 249 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario 1960. provides that by-laws may be passed by the councils of local municipalities for licensing trailers; 'as defined in paragraph $6 of Section 379 as &for~said. located in the municipality. exce~t in a trailer camp. for 30 days or longer in any 'year and for prohibiting such trailers being located in the municipality except in a trailer camp. 'wi~hout a licence therefor; AND WHUEAS it is deemed expedient and desirable to make provision fOl"'the licensing of such trailers in the Township of Clarke: . THEREFOlU: the Council of the Co'rporation of the 'township of "Clark:e. ElfA"CTS 'AS FOLLOWS: ' r. ~very trailer located in the Township of Clarke. except 'in a'trailer camp. s'hall be licensed under this b'y-law and rio traile~hall be locate"d within t.he munieipaliti for a per10d exceeding '30 days unless a licence nas been obt'ained. ' It. 'Licence' fees shall: be ''Charged for eftry month or portion of a mo~th tha~ th. ~iler is located in the mun:l:cipality and the licence fees. ~JI!cept. for the :first 30 days shall be payable in advance. 3. The licence fee for each trailer shall be $20.00 per month. 4. The licence fee for each trailer. being considered by Council as a good trailer. which has been located in this municipality for at least one year. shall be $200.00 per annum payable in advance. 5. A trailer when located in the municipality only for the purpose of sale or storage shall not be required to be licensed under this by-law. 6. Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of this by-law shall be liable. on s..-""y conviction. to a fine not less than $10.00 and not more than $50.00 exclusive of costs and each day that a person contravenes this by-law shall be deemed to constitute a separate offence. 7. That ByooLaw No. 1539 be and is hereby repealed. - ~~ ,.. Page 2 Special Me~ting of Council 10 October 1969 continue~: .~ By-La" Nn-_ - 1 (;1:\1 A By-law to amend Zoning By-law Number 1592; as amended by By-law Number 1613. . WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke deems it advisable to amend By'"b,w Number 1592, as amended by'By-law Number 1613. ' NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council cf the Corporation of the Township of Clarke ENACTS as follows: . 1. That Section 1 of By-law Number 1592, as amended, is hereby deleted and the following substituted therefor: SECT ION 1 .- T ITI.E ; 1.1 This By-law may be cited as the "Zoni;ng By-law". 1.2 Appendices 1 and 2 hereto annexed and the Zone Map (comprising Map 1, 2 and 3) hereto annexed'as Schedule "A" are included in and form a part of this By-law." ,2. That Section 2 of this By-law Number 1592,as amended, is hereby deleted and the following substituted therefor: "SECTION 2.- DEFINITIONS 2.1 'For the purpose of this By-lawths.following words and phrases shall have the meanings given below. 2.2 ACCF!AAOT'Y Rllildinif: ,means a detached bUilding, the use of which is incidental or secondary to that of the main bUilding and not used for human habitation, located on the same lot with the main building and includes a , private garage. 2.3- A~ce88orv Use: means a use customarily incidental and subordinate to the principal use or ~uildingand.located on the same lot with such principal use or building. 2.4 Buildin~ Line: means a line within a lot drawn parallel to a lot line and establishes the minimum distance between that lot line and any building or structure, which may be erected. 2.5 j}"n..l<nQ:. Main: means abuilding in which the principal use is conducted on a lot on whieh it is located, Inthe r~sidential zone the dwelling is the main building. 2.6 DwellinQ:. Sin~leFamilv: means a separate building containing only one dwelling unit. , 2.7 Dwellin~ Unit: means one or more habitable rooms designed for use by and occupied by not more than. one family and in which separate kitchen and sanita~y f~cilitie~ are provided for the exclusive use of such a family and with a private entrance from ,?utsi~e ~~he ,building or from a,common hallway or stairway lnslde the building; provided that a dwelling unit shall not include a trailer or mobile home ~G~i~hstanding that such trailer or mobile home is jacked-up or that its running gear is removed, or that it is. located on a foundation. 2.8 Erect: when used in this By-l~w'ihcludes~ilding, construction, reconstruction and relOCation and, 'without limiting the generality of the ~ord, 'also includes:- (a) any preliminary phYSical operation,. .such as" excavating, filling or draining; fb) altering any existing building or structure by an addition, enlargement, extension or~her structural change; and . (c) any work for the doing of which abuilding permit is required under the Building By-law of the Corporation. 2.9 FAmily: means one or more persons living as a single housekeeping unit in a dwelling unit and includes: (1) Domestic servants (2) Roomers or boarders - two only. ' 2.10 FAT'm: means general agricultural uses which are not obnoxious to the public welfare including rarm buildings, field crops, dairy farming, gardening, nurseries, orchards, kennels, forestry and the processing of forestry.products, fishing, trapping and seasonal fruit, vegetaBle, flower and farm produce sales outlets. ~e l -- Page 3 Special Meeting of Council 10 October 1969 continued: 2.11 1"100'" A....."': ..ans, with reference to a. dwelling, the total floor area of all storeys or half storeys contained. within the exterior faces of the exteriQr walls of a building, but excl.v.ding any private garage, bree20eway, porch, verandah, sunroom, attie, basement or cellar; pr~ided that in the ease of a half storey the total floor area shall include only that portion of the half storey in which there is sufficient space to provide a height between finished floor and finished ceiling of at least 7 feet 6 inches. 2.12 H..i~ht: means, when used with reference to a building, the vertical distance between the surface of the ground at the front of the building and (1) in the case of a flat roof, the highest point of the roof surface or the parapet, whichever is the greater, (2) in the case of a mansard roof, the deck roof li~e, and, (3) in the case of a gable, hip or gambrel roof, the mean height between the eaves and ridge. 2.13 Tndullt...i..1 Buildin...: means a building which is used for industrial purposes such as manufacturing, processing, storage and similar uses. 2.14 1oQi.: means a parcel of land, which fronts on a public highway which has been assumed for public use as a public highway, whether or not such a parcel is described in a registered deed or shown on a registered plan of subdivision, including any of its parts which are subject to right-of-way or easement. 2.15 L@t. A....."l means the total hori20ontal area within the lot lines of a lot. In the case of a corner lot having street lines rounding at the corner with a radius of twenty feet or less, the lot area of such lots shall be calculated as if the lot lines were produced to their point of intersection. 2.16 Lot Cov............: means that percentage of the lot area covered by buildings, including accessory buildings. 2.17 Lot. F"'QntA~AI means the hori20ontal distance between the side lot lines measured along the front lot line. Where the front lot line is not a straight line, or where the side lot lines are not parallel, the lot frontage shall be measured along a line twenty-five feet back from and parallel to the street line~ 2.18 Lot ~in"l means any boundary of a lot or the vertical projection thereof. 2.19 Lot Lin... F...nnt: means the lot line that divides the lot from the street, provided that in the ease of a corner lot the shorter lot line that abuts a street shall be deemed to be the front lot line and the longer lot line that abuts a street shall be deemed to be a side lot line. 2.20 Lnt. LinA. a.......: means the lot line opposite the front lot line. 2.21 Lot LinA. Sid..: means a lot line other than a front or rear lot line. 2.22,;Obnoxi au..' U....: means an offensive trade within the meaning of The Public Health Act or any use which is offensive or dangerous by reason of the emission of odour, smoke, dust, noise, gas, fumes, vibration or refuse matter. 2.23 Puh1i~ GA...a~..: means and includes a building or place where motor vehicles are hired or kept or used for hire, or where such vehicles or gasoline or oils are stored or kept for sale, or abuilding or place used as a motor vehicle repair shop (but does not include an auto body repair s~op) or for washing or cleaning motor vehicles, but does not include any business use otherwise defined or classified in this By-law. 2.24 Sat.baelq means the hori20ontal distance from the centre line of the street allowance, measured at right angles to such centre line, to the nearest part of any building or structure on the lot. 2.25 Sh......,tin... R..nP'A: means an area including buildings and structures used by an approved gun or revolver club for the purpose of carrying on private shooting events wholly within such area. For the purposes of this definition, -APPROVED- means approved by the Attorney-General's Department of the Province of Ontario. 2.26 Y-9: means an open, uncovered and unoccupied space appurtenant to a building. ,- ( \ - -- P &gEl 4 Special Meet~ng of Council 10 October 1969 continued: 2;.27 Va.-tit Front: meana a ,.ard extending a~rOli. the full width of a lot on which a building is liituate, and from the front lot line to the nearest main wall of the building or buildings for; whieh. such front ,.ard ,is req,u.:uo.d. . . ". . . - _. '. . 2..28 Ya".d. :a......: means a Tard oaxtending &eros. the full wiQthofl!. lot, on which. bui1dug is situate, and tram the i~~ lot line totheneareat _in wall of the ,building .or buildings for which' such rear Tard is required. 2.29 Ya.-d. Side: mean. a Tard extending from the front . Tard to the rear yard and .;from the' Side 'lot . line' to the nearest main wall of the building or buildings for which such side yard ia requ'ired~" _ That Section 3 of By-law HUmber l5~, as amended, is pere.,. del~ted and the folloWi~ substituted therefor: ttS.~l!'PTIDl' ~ -_. ~~l(ERAL PRD,tTST01lS . :3.1 ZOl}&a; For the purpose of this B,.-law. the follOWing zones are 'eatablished, a.. shown on' Schedule ",All. ZonA Zon~_, ~rmhQl Residential Rl Rural R!i'sidential _ RR e 3. 3.2. - 3.,3 Commercial Highway Commercial Industrial C ,...., He Ml Open Space os Agriculture A No person shall use land or erect or use a building or structure except in accordance With the general and special provi.ionil of this By~law .-pplying to the zone in which the land, building or structUre is, or , ' is to be located. Where the zone sym~ol designating certain lands as shown on Schedule "Allis' foll&wecl'bya' duh and a. number (for example !I A -111), then special provisions, in addition to th& normal zone restrictions, apply to such ~,~ such spee.iAl provisionS' will be f,ound byrefereaceto that section of the By-law which dea.lswith that par.ticular zone. Lamia d.esignated in this lIIa,IU1er shllllbe subject tq4u.lthe restrictions of the 2IOne except a..s otherwise provideli by t.he special provisions. The ~one symbola li,sted above may beusttd to refer to buildings and struct.ures, the u.sea of lot., buildings and structures permitted. ~y this. ~y:-l~w in the s,aid zones. and whenever in this By-law the word "Zonelt is used, preceded by any of theaaid symbols, such reference shall mean any area Within the Township Within the scope of this By-l.w,delineat~don.Se~edul~ ItAu and designated the1'eon by the said sYmbol. ' Zon. .Ranruia'J'llies; Zone boundaries where possible, are construed to be lot lines, streets lines.or boundaries of' registered. plans. In the case where uncertainty exists as to thee boundary...4llf" any, zone then the locat.i~n ,of ,such bOUDdary shall be dete~ined in accordance with the scale of Schedule HAlf at the original size in tbescale of 1 inch to 1,000 f.et for ~ps 1 and , and 1 inch to 300 r_t for Ma.p 3. ' 'Vi'l-~-i-nl. URAA: (a) Where any land or building is used for more than one purpose, all ,provision~ of this By-law relating to ea~h use ~hall be eomplied with provided that no dwelling is lOCated closer than 2~t:eet to any other building on the lot except a building accessory to such dwelling. (b) ijo person shall erect or use any building for residential purposes unless such building is erected upon a lot. (c) No person shall erect or use for residential purposes any building upon any lot whereon there \ , 1 Page 5 Special Meet;ing of Council 10 October 1969 continued; then exists, or is in the course of construction, or for which a building permit .has been :issued' 'on' behal1' of the 'municipality, a building erected or uaedor intended to be used for residential purposes. 3.4 H"d'~htJt.eAtl"i~t:ions: Notwithstanding the height provisio~s herein contained, nothing in t.his By-law shall prevei'lt.the' erection and/or use of a church spire, a belfry, a flag pole. a clock tower. a chimney. a water tank, a radio or television tower or antenna, an elevator pent-houlSe. an air conditioner duct, a skylight, a grain elevator, a uarn or a silo. ~ 3.5 Puhlip. U1UUI: : . .., .. Nothing in this By-law shall prevent the use of any land as a public park, community park, playground, highway or right-of_ay. 3.6 A~~A~~O~V UAA~: Where this By-law prOVides that a lot may be used or a building or structllre may. be erected er lil!led..fer a purpose. that purpose shall include any accessopY building or structure . or a~cesaory u-se, but shall not include (1) any occupation for gain or profit conducted within a dwelling or on the let,exeept as in this By-law is speCifically permitted or, (2) any building used for human habitation except as in this B~law is speci€ically permitted. 3.7 Al"!.l"!.AR!lO'l"'V BuildinD"A.: 'Except as otherwise provided herein: (a) , The to.tal area occupied by accessory buildings shall not exceed ten percent of the area of the lot on which it is situate. (b) No accessory building shall be erected at a distance of less than four feet from the rear or side lot line of any lot and when not attached to the main bUilding shall be located in the rear yard at least ten feet from the main building. (c). No aceessory building shall be used for human habitation. (d) No accessory building inanRl or RR Zone shall exceed 15 feet in height or be- more than one storey. 3.8 I.;nlnR Stlb1At!t. to Flnnninv-: In all zones the erection of buildings or structures for residential or commercial purposes shall be prohibited on land that is subject to flooding or on land where by reason of its rocky, low-lying, marshy orUBstable character. the cost of satisfactory waterworks, sewage, or drainage facilities i. prohibitive. Nor shallany building or structure Qr appuzotenance thereto (other than conservation or flood control projects) be installed within (100') one hundred feet of any stream or riv&r bank, or in the flood plain of any water course, as determined by an Ontario Land Surveyor. 3. 9G.PA~.t..,... 'A.t~f~t; nnA: 'This By-law shall not be effective to reduce or mitigate an~ restrictions lawfully imposed by a g~vernmental authority but in such cases the grea~restrietion shall apply. 3.10 -PAPmitCAd- Puhli-t! .USA-g: - The provisions of this By-law shall not apply to the use of any land or to the erection ~ruse of_any buildtng or structure ror ~he purpose of public service by the Corporation of the Township of Clarke or byan~ local Board thereof defined by the Department of Munieipal -Affairs Act, Chapter 98. R.S.O. 1960. The United Counties of Northumberland and Durham, any telephone, gas or telegraph company. any depart- ment or agent of the Gover_ent of Ontario or Canada, including the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario, provided that:- (a) The lot coverage. setbaclt and yard requirements . prescribed for the zone in;which suchland~ building ,., or structure is located shall be complied with. (b) No goods, material, or equipment shall be stored in the open in an Rl or RR Zone. (c) Any building erected in an Rl or RR Zone under the authority or this paragraph shall be designed and maintained in general harmony with residential buildings of the type permitted in the zone. Page 6 Special Meeting of Council 10 October 1969 continued: e 3.11 Pa~wift# RAquiramAnts2 In any zone the owner of eyery building hereafter erected', enlarged or ch<iJ:lCed in use after the passing of this Byalaw shall proTide parking space in accordance with the follciwing aehedllle: . TVDA of' Building Mi-nimu,", PA,-lcin" RA(Jui1"'Ad Residential One tJ)parking space, or one garage or one carport per dwelling unit. Clinic Four parking spaces for each practising doctor or dentist. Churches, auditoria, Where there are fixed aeats, one restaurants, theatres, parking space for every five arenas, halls, private seats, or ten feet of bench clubs and o~her places space. Where there are no fixed of assembly (including seats, one parking space for funeral homes) each-100 square feet of floor area devoted to public use. Hospitals, instituti-ona .Onep&rking .spaoef'.or each two beds.or.JtOO aquare-feet of floor area whichever is greater, plus one additional apace for each resident doctor or resident employee. ; Hotels One parking space per suite for the first 20 suites. One additional parking space per 5 suites above 20 suites. One additional parking space for each 100 square feet of floor area devoted to public use. Motels . One p&rking space per rental unit. One additional parking space for each 100 square feet of f'loor area devoted .to public uae. Offices One parking space per 300 aquare feet of total floor area. SelfaService Grocery, One'parking sp&ce for every Dep&rtmental Store, 100. square feet of total floor Wholesale or Discount area. Business other permitted Commercial One parking space for each 200 uses . square feet of total f'loor area. Schools One parking space for each classroom. Industrial- At least one parking space for every 1,000 square feet of total floor area up to 20,000 square feet plus one additional space for every 5,000 square feet of total floor area over 20,000 square feet including any basement ~rea if used for industrial use. Physician, dentist, or Two parking spaces in addition other professional person to spaces required for a who has established an dwelling Unit. office for eonaultation or other emergeney treat- ment in his privati.res- idence. ' 3.12 Pa~kin~ A~Qa RAQui~.m.D~A: Parking areas shall cOn:fOI'Jll.to.the.foll"wing requirements: (a) The parking area shall be in the same z"ne and within 500 feet of the location it is intended to serve. (b) Each parking 'space shall be 10 :f'eet. by 20 feet and shall be provided with unobstructed access to a street by a driTeway,' aisle. or lane. (c) The parking area and appro-aehes shall be surf'aced with concrete, asphalt, 'crushed stone, gravel or a combination thereof With a stable surface treated to prevent the raising of dust or loose particles. 3.13 Obnoxious Uses: No obnoxious use shall be pel'Jllitted within any Zone. 3.14 Dwe]]in~ Units: Basement or Cellar: No:basement or cellar or part of a -~ Page!P . Special Meeting of Council 10 October 1969 continued: basement or cellar of any building shall be used as a complete dwelling unit and no part of a basement'or cellar may be used for calculating the required minwaum floor area of any resideneAt. ' . 3.15 LotA Having Leas ~:Aa And/Or F~~n~~#A; Where a lot having a lesser area and/or frontage than . that required~erein is held under distinct, and 'separate ownership from abutting lots as shown by a regist~red conveyance in the records of the Registry of Land Titles Office at the date of the pa~ing of this By-law, or where such a lot is created as a result of an expropriation, such smaller lot, may be used and a building or ~tructure ~y'be erected, altered or used on such smaller. lot, provided that all other requ~rements of this By-law are complied with." , 4.That Section 4 of By-law Number 1592,' as amended, is hereby deleted and the follOwing substituted therefor: .SECTION h - RE~TnEHTTAt. ZOJE (Rl~ 4.1 USES PP.R~lTTED No person shall within any Rl Zone use any lot or erect or use any building or structure for any purpose except cne or more of the follOWing uses: (a) REsIDENTIAL USES: , a single family dwelling. (b) NON-RESIDENTIAL USES: a church; a clinic;' a school ~ not operated for profit or gain; a hospital; a nursing home. (c) Nothing in this section shall prevent a person residing in a dwelling from carrying on any domestic or household art, a physician or other medical practitioner, a dentist, a lawyer, an ins~rance agent, an-engineer, an artist, an acco~t~t or travelling salesman from ~sing as profess~onal offices not more than 25% of the total floor area of the dwelling in which .he or she is domiciled, provided that:- (i) there shall be no advertising other than a nonilluminated sign not more than one square foot in area. (i~) no person other than those residing in the dwelling is employed therein except in the case of a physician or other medical practitioner and a dentist in which case the staff may be limited to one employee. (iii)there is no external storage of goods or materials. (iv) there are no goods, wares or merchandise exposed for'sale. . (v) th_ is no mechanical or other equipment used except that which is customarily empl07ed in dwellings for domestic or . household purposes or for use'by a dentist, physician or other medical practitioner or other professional persons. 4.2 ZO~ P:R.OV1;~HOllS . ., , No person shall'within any Rl Zone use any lot or erect or use any building or structure except in accordance with the following provisions: (a) RESIDENTIAL USES: ' I In accordance with the pro~ions of AppendiX 1 hereof. (b) HON-RESIDENTIAL USES: In accordance with the prpvisions of Appendix 2 hereof." e -- Page 8 Special Neeting of Council 10 October 1969 continue~: I ! 5. e I L~_ ~. "'"""'~~'" 6. That Section 5 of By-law Number ~592# as amen~ed, is hereby deleted and the fol1oWing.subst~tuted therefor: .SECT:I:WIl Ii. _ .-' R.TTRAL RP,~TD"RIIM'T At~_: .ZOllIE _ toRR} 5.1 n51J.!s. PERMT'!'T-ED"\ .. No person shall witb-inany RR .~e use any lot or erect or:use any bui~~ing or strQcture for any purpose except one or' more of the following uses: (a) RESIDENTIAL USESl a single family dwelling. (b) NON-RESIDENTIAL USES: a church; a school - not operated for profit or gain. (c) Nothing in this: section.hall prevent a person residing in a. dwela.ing from carry:ing 4)J1, any domestic or household art. a physician or other medical practitioner, a dentist) a lawy,er, an inaurance agent, an engineer, an architect, an artist,. an accountant at' travelling salesman from using as professional office. not.ere than 25% of the total f~oor. area of the_dwelling. :I.u..lI'l.lil;h he or she is domiciled, providedthat:~,. (i) there shall be no advertis'ingot.her t.han a non-ill'"\l;nllt.ed sign not. more t.han one square foot. in area. (ii) no person ot.lRlr than t.hose resilUIW; in the dwelLing is employed t.herein except. in the case of a physician orot.her medical . practitioner and a d,entist. in which case the st.aff may be limit.ed t.~ one*-pleyee. (iii)the~eis no external storage of goods or mater:l.us. (i,v) there aNI no 800ds, wares or merchandise exposed for sue. (v) .thereis no mechanical or ot.her equipment used exc..pt that which is -eu.toma~ily employed in dwellings for dOmestic or household purposes or for use by a dentist, physician or other medical practitioner or other professional persons. 5.2 ZOVE PROVTSTOKS No person Shall Within any Ra Zone use any lot. or erect or use any builtting or structure except in accordance with the following prOVisiOns: (a) RESIDENTIAL USES: In accordance with the provisions of Appendix 1 hereof. (b) 1iI0....RESIllEIITIAL USES: In accordance with the pr~iBions.9fAppendix 2 hereof. u, That Section 6 of By"law Number 1592, as amendea, is hereby deleted and the following substituted thEfrefor: IISltCTIOIl 6 - CCll.fMRR~T AT ZON'E {C 1 . } 6.1 qg~S PRRU~TED No person shall within any C Zoneuae any\lot or erect or use any building or structure for any purpose except one or more of the follOWing uses: (a) RESIDENTIAL USES: a d'Welling mi.t in a N:o.n...Reside..n.1ti~1 build,illg. (b) NON-RESIDEllTIAL USES: ,._ '" . a retail store not. engaged in manufActurinc in the premises Wlless such ll1a.lI,ufaeturing is incidental to retail business, does not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the floor area and the prod\/.c,s manufactured are primarily for sale at retail on the premises; an office; a restaurant; a hotel; a. clubroom, private club or frat.ernal organization; a. theatre; a service st.ation; a barber shop a beauty parlour a billiard or poolroom; ,~~ Page 9 Special Meetang of Council 10 October 1969 continued: 6.1 USES PERMITTED continued ' a dance J1all; an uDclertaleing establishment; a laUtl(iry,or(iry cJ,.eaniJ:l.g estabJ,.i'8hmellt; a newspaper offiee and/orplllJl.~;. " a telephone exchange; , a lodging and/or boarding house; a balee .shop; a shoe repair shop$ a bank. . 6.2 ZONE PROVISTOHS No person shall within any C ZOne use any lot or erect or use any building or structure ~Xcept in accordance with the following provisions: (a) RESIDENTIAL USES: In accordance with the provisions of Appendix 1 hereof. (b) NON-RESIDENTIAL USES: In accordance with the provisions of Appendix 2 hereof. 7. That Section 6A of By-law Number 1592" as amended, is hereby 4eleted and the following Section 7 substituted therefor: nSEC:'I'TON ? -'- HIGHWAY COJAmRCTAL ZOO tHe} 7.1 USES PRRMTTTKD No person shall within any HC Zone us~ ~y lot or erect or use any building or structure for any purpose except one or more of .the following us es: (a) RESIDENTIAL USES: a single family dwelling, in conjunction with a permitted Non-Residential qae if occupied by the owner, caretaker, watchman, or other similar person,. employed on the lot On which such dwelling is located, and his family; . a dwelling unit in a Non-Residential building, if occupied by the owner, caretalee,r, ,watchman or other simila~ person employed on the lot on which such dwelling unit is located, and his family. (b) NON-RESIDENTIAL USES: ' . a farmers' co-operative corporation within the meaning of The Corporations Act; a f~ implement dealer; a r.estaurant; a sporting goods service centre; a publiC or municipal garage; a service station; a hotel; a motel (with or without re,sta:urant :t:acilities); a car wash station; a commercial nursery; . a fruit and vegetable prOduce &ales ou~let. 7.2 ZONE PRQVTSIQ~ No person shall within any HC,~one use any lot or erect or use any building or struc.ure except in accordanc~ with the follOWing provisions: (a) RESIDENTIAL USES: In accordance with the provisions of Appenqix 1 hereof. (h) NON-RESIDENTIAL USES: In accordance with the provisions of Appendix 2 hereof. $. That Section 7 of By-law Number 1592, as amended, is hereby deleted and the follOwing Section e substituted therefor: -SECTION 8 - TvnUSTRTAL ZOHE (Ml) a.l USES P~RUI'M'ItD , No person;..shall within any MI. Zone use any lot or erect or use any building or structure for any purpose except one or more of the following uses: (a) RESIDENTIAL USES: ,. a single family dwelling, inconjunction with a permitted Non-Resiaential use if occupied by the owner, caretaker, watchman or other similar person employed on the lot on which such dwelling is located, and his family. e e e Page 10 " . Special Meeting or Council 10 October 1909 continued: Cb) NON-RESIDENTIAL USES: " ' an industrial building. provided such industrial building i~ not used for.ny purpose which rrom its nature'or matefiala used therein ieor may become obnoxious by reaeon of the emi~8ion of odour. dust, ~oke. noise. gae,_rum.s. cinders. vibrations. refuse matter. or water-c~~ied wastes. and provided rurther. that no part of the lot is used fol' the open stol'age of"_googlJ oJo materials. e.z ZONE PROVTSIONS No pel'son shall within any M1 Zone use any lot or el'ect or use any: building or str~cture except in accordance with th* following provisions: Ca) R.ESIDENTIAL USES: _ _ . "Inaccordance ~th the "provisions of Appendix 1 hereo:q. (b) NON-RESIDENTIAL USES: In accordance with the provisions of Appendix Z hereo11 That Section e or By-law Number 1592. as amepded. is her" . deleted and the rollowing Section 9 substit~ted therefor: nSECTION Q - OPEN SPACE ZOBE los} 9.1 IJSP~<S P"RRMTTTED No person shall within any OS Zone. use any lot or erect . or use any bUilding or str~cture fOr anY purpose except one or ~ore of the follOWing uses: . Ca) RESIDENTIAL USES: a dwelling unit in a Non-~sidential building. ir occupied by the owner. caretaker~ watchman or other similar personemplGyea. full time "on the lot on which such dwelling unit is located. and his family. . Cb) NON-RESIDENTIAL USES: a publiC or Pl'ivate park, including tourist camping facilities; refreshment roomsi conservation areas; ski areas; a public building incluging a museum or display, an arena., co_unity hall, water supply or waste' disposal facility, sportsrield ,(courts or greens),ent.rtilnmentfac~lities;" a pool; _ an agricultural fair~ounds; a bandstand; _ a boating facility, including boathouses; a golf course or golf driving range; a school; a hospital; a chul'ch. 9.2 ZOHE PROVISTONS No person shall within any OS Zone use any lot olerect or use' any building or structure except in accordance wit~ the rollowing provisions: Car RESIDENTIAL USES: In accordance with th..!!' provision. of Appelld.:i.x 1 hereof. Cb) NON-RESIDENTIAL USES: In accordance with' the provi.ions of .Ie.jlendix Z hereof." 11. That Section 10 of By-law deleted and the following "~ECTIO}l 10 - AGRICULTtmE 10.1 USES P~MTTTED No person shall with~ an1 A Zon~ use any lot or erect or u.se any building or structUI'e fol' any purpose exce~t one or more of the follOWing uses: Ca) RESIDENTIAL USES: ' a single family dwelling. ' (b)" NON-RESIDBN:rUL USES: il. farm; a hospital. clinic, library, chUI'ch. school, cOllDllunity cent~, muniCiPal bUilding, and a cemetery. -au.oleum, columbarium. or cl'ematol'ium established with 'the approval of~he Depa.rtment or Health under the Cemetel'ies Act; il. rural home occupation and the office of il. veterinary surgeon, and premises for the emergenc1 trea.tment of animals. 9. Number 159Z, as amended, subatituted therefor: ZO~ I A ). . is hereby -"- Page 11 Special Meeting of Council 10 October 1969 continued I 10.2 ZOHEPROVTSTOVS No person shall within any A Zone use any lot or erect or use any building or structure except in accordance with the following provisions I Ca) RESIDENTIAL USES: In accordance with the provisions of Appendix 1 hereof. Cb) NON-RESIDENTIAL USES: < < In accordance with the proviSbns of Appendix 2 hereof. 10.3 SPEC~AL PROVISIONS ' (a) "A-1ft - Lot 2~~ Con~ARRinn ~.~ In addition to the uses referred 'to in Sectio~ 10.1 hereof, that part of Lot 23, Concession 3, which is designatednA-ln on Schedule nAn, may be used for the purposes of a ~hooting range. (b) "A-2 -LO~A ~~. ~h'and ~~. COV~As~inn\Q' In addition to the uses referred to in Section 10.1 hereof, those Parts of Lots 33.-34 and 35, Con- cession 9, which are des~gnated nA-2n on Schedule nAn. may<be used for the purposes ofa race track for motor vehicles. (c) IfA-~" - I~Qt ~2.' ConcAAA'i'C'n1' L: In addition to the uses refeTred to in Section 10.1 hereof. that part of Lot 32. Concession 4. which is desig~ted nA-3n on Schedule nAn. may be used for the purposes of a ~ivestock auction barn.n 12. That Section 11 of By-law Number 1592. as amended, is hereby 'deleted and the follOWing substituted thereforl nSECTTON " .. COIIFORMT'rY The purpose for which any land or building is used shall not be changed, no new building or addition to any existing building shall be erected, andono land shall be severed from an existing lot, if;the effect of such change, erection or severance is to create ~ situation in which any of the requirements of the By-law,in regards to each individual remaining bUilding, accessory building or lot is contravened.- 13. That Section 13 of By-law Number 1592, as amended, is hereby deleted and the follOWing substitut.ed therefor: .SECTION 1'=! - PRIOR BUtLBT:NC:l~ P1'-RVT'rS Nothing in this By-law shall prevent the erection or use for a purpose prohibited by the By-law'of any building or structure the plans for which have. prior to the day of the passing of the By-law, been appro~ed by the munieipal arehitect, or building inspector, so long as the building or structure when erected is used and continues to be used for the purpose for whieh it lIiIs er!tcted and provided the erection of such building or structure is commenced within two years after the day of the passihg of the By-law and such building or structure is completed within a reasonable time after the erection thseof is commenced.n 14. That Section 14 of By-law Number 1592, as amended. is hereby deleted and the following SUbstituted therefor: nSECTTONlk - EXCEPTIONS . 14.1 Nothing in this By-law shall prevent the lands in the M1 or OS Zones from being used f2r one or more of the follOWing uses: an apiary; an aviary; ~ b~rry or bush crop; a fOield crop; a flower garden;' a greenhouse; a horticultural nursery; a kennel establishment for domestic pets; a market garden; an orchard; a public use in ac~ordance withsec~ion 3.8 hereof; a tree crop' . ",'.' ,) temporary b~ildings necessary to the operation of the above ',uses s'hall be permitted on the same lot, and oniy for so long as is -'necessary ror the work in progress. 14.2 Parks. 'road allowanees, d:l,tches.eulverts or property entrances in the public domain shall not be altered, or the land worked'other than by the proper authority.n e e. e ~e Page 12 Special Meeting of Council 10 October 1969 continued: 15. That By-law Number 1592, as amenlied, is liereb.y :further amended by adding at the end there9:f ItAppenclix 1" and "Appendix 2" which are attachea hereto aad :form part of this By-law. 16. That Schedule "AU to By-law :Number 1592, as amended, is hereby cleleted and the attached Schedule "Altforming, part o:f this By-law, is substituted therefor. 17. This By-law shall beco.e ef:fective on the date hereof subject to receiving the approval o:f the Ontario Municipal Board. APPElIDU 1 PROVISIONS FOR. RESIDElITTAI. tI~S (1) SItlGLE-PAMTLY DWELLIBG No person shall use any lot or erect or use any building or structure :for the purpose of a single-:family dwelling except in accordance with the :following provisions: (al LOT FRONTAGE: Minimum in A Zones in RR Zones in Rl Zones where sanitary sewers and publiC water supply not available where served by sanitary sewers or publiC water supply where served by both sanitary ,sewera and public water supply in other Zones where sanitary sewera and public water supply not available where served by sanitary sewers or public water supply where served by both sanitary sewers and publiC water supply except that in no case shall the lot :frontage o:f a corner lot be less~than 70 :feet. LOT AREA: Minimum in A Zones in RR Zones in Rl Zones.and other Zones where sanitary sewers and public water supply not available 15jOQO square:feet where served by sanitary sewers or public; water supply where served, by both sanitary sewers and pUblic water supply 5,000 .q~refeet except that in no case shall the lot area afa corner lot be less than 7,000 square :feet. LOT COVERAGE: Maximum for all build~gs in A Zones in RR and Rl Zones in other Zones FRONT YARD: Minimum depth in A and 1iR,. Zones in Rl and other Zones :REAR YARD: Minimum depth SIDE YARD: Minimum width in A and RR Zones in Rl and other Zones (b) (c) (d) 20% 30% 35% the the the <;I:f o:f o:f (el (:f) ~ , i , i i 1 .1 1 I i 'j 1 i 1 330 feet. 150 :feet. l2Qfeet. 75 feet.. 60 :feet. 100 :feet. 75 :feet. 50 :feet. 40 1 acres. acre. . 7 ~ 500 square:fee~ , , lot lot lot area. area. area. 50 :feet. 20 feet. 35 feet. 25 :feet. 14 :feet on OQ,e . sid.e ~ 4 :f_ on othoft" ,dde plus 2 :feet on the narrow side :for each ad.dit,.tonal or partial storey above the:first. Page 13 Special (g) Meeting o~ Council 10 October 1969 continued: provided t.hat where a ,garage oi- carpor,t is attached to or is within the main building or the lot is a corner lot, the minumum width o~ the side yard shall be 4 ~eet plus 2 ~eet ~or each additiona~ or partial storey above the ~i:rst. SETBACK: in A and RR Zones , Minimum distance ~rom centre line o~ a Provincial Highway a County Road a Township Road all other roads in Rl and other Zones Minimum distance ~rom centre line o~ a Provincial Highway a County Road a Township Road all other roads no 100 93 $3 ~eet. ~eet. ~eet . ~eet. A.;." ~~~ $0 70 63 53 ~eet . feet. ~eet. ~eet. (2) (h) FLOOR AREA: Minimum in A and RR Zones in Rl and other Zones (i). HEIGHT OF BUILDING: Maximum (j ) FARMER RETAINING LOT: Notwithstanding any provisions o~ this by-law to the contrary, a bona ~ide ~armer, whose chie~ source o~ income is derived from farming operations consisting in whole or in part o~ grow:l;._:crops, raising cattle or livestock or operating a 'dairy ~arm in an Agricultural Zone, may retain a lot ~rom the sale o~ his ~arm and erect or use thereon a single ~amily dwelling in accord- ance with the provisions of this By-law ~or RR Zones, provided that i~ the land is subject to a subdivision control By-law then this clause (j) shall not apply except and unless a consent to the separation o~ the ' lot is obtained ~rom the Committee of Adjustment or ~rom the Minister o~ Municipal ~fairs i~ there is no Committee o~ Adjustment, and provided ~urther that such dwelling and lot shall be deemed a permitted use ~or subsequent purchasers and owners thereo~. nWEI.T.ING UNTT TN A NON-RESIDElI'TTAt~ BUTt.DTliG No person ahall use any lot ,or erect or use any portion o~ a Non-Residential building ~or the purposes o~ a dwelling unit except in accordance with the ~ollowing provisions: {a) DWELLING UNIT AREA: Minimum area, exclusive o~ halls and stairways 600 square ~eet. (b ) LOCATION: Within Non-Residential building and above the ~irst ~loor. (c) EXCEPTION: ; In no ease shall a dwelling unit be located in a Non-Residential building which is used ~or the purposes of a service station or public garage. APIl.ENDIX 2 PROVTSIONS FOR NOH-RESTDEHTTAL USES No person shall use any lot or erect or use any building or structure ~or the purposes o~ any Non-Residential use except in accordance with the ~ollowing provisions: . . (a) LOT FRONTaGE: Minimum in A and He Zones in Rl, RR. M1 and OS Zone s 1,200 square ~eet. 960 square feet. 30 ~eet. 150 ~eet. 100 feet. .. (b) LOT AREa Minimum in A and HC Zones in Rl, RR, M1 and OS Zones 1 acre; 10,000 square ~eet. Page 11+ Special Meeting of Council 10 October 1969 continued: ( c ) LOT COVERAGB: MaXimum for all buildings in A..., lU ..&nd RB.~u.' 30.$ of' the lot in C Zones . 75% of' the lot in HC and 100. Zones 50% of' the lot in OS Zones .5$ of the lot (d) FRONT YARD: Minimum depth in A, RB., HC and OS Zones in Rl Zones in. C ,Zones .,. (e) in Ml ZoneB REAR. YARD: Minimum depth ;in A, Rl, RB., in Ml Zones " . H:.C and OS Zon_: (f') SIDE Y-A.RD: Minimum width in A, Rl, ~, HC and, OS Zones in. Ml. ZO;lles (g) (hi (i) SE.TBACK: in Rl and M1 Zones Minimum di.sta.p.ee f'rom .cen.tre line a Provincial,Highway a County Road a Township Road all other roads in A, RR., He and 08 Zones, and. in 100. Zones where oppoaite an Rl or U Zone Minumum distllnce f'rom centre line a Provincial Highway a County Road a Township Road all other roads HEIGHT OF- BUILDIlfG: Maximum in Rl and RR Zones area. area. area. area. 50 f'eet. Z5 feet. average f'rQnt yard of' existing build- ings.on street within same STreet block. Z5 f'.et. eJt~t where opposite an Rl orRB. Zone, in whiCh case 50 f'eet. 35 f'eet. 35 f'aet,e~cept where opposite an Rl orB" Zone,in which case 50 f'eet. Z5 f'eet. 15 feet, _xcept where opposite an Rl o;r RR. ~one, in which case 50 f'eet. of' 85 75 6e 58 feet. f'eet. f'.eet ., feet. of 110 100 93 83 f'eet. f'eet,. feet. .f'eet. theless_r storeys or 1+0 feet. of 1+ l4.0 feet. in a;l1 othe.r Z,gnes SPECIAL PROVISION - BOAT H;OUSES: , NotWithstanding any provisiQns of this By-law. to the con.trary r.no side or rear yard is required f'or a boathouse which abuts navigable water. Mee~t' ~;..W~ed at 11:30 --===-'" 4I'~ Clerk. . p.m. Re~.~.a. , REFEV~vr.R ~ By~Law No. 1651 as recorded ia,the foregoing minutes. Schedule" !'Alt consist;i.ag of' Haps 1, Z (l.Jld,:3 are hereby nlcorded as P~e 15 - Hap 1, Page. l6.~ Ma~~ and Page 17 ~ Map 3.