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Page Z
Special Meeting,o~ Council SeptemQer Z7, 1969, contin.edI
1. Under The Liq~or Liqenee Act there is hereb7 ,
submitte<i < to <<a vote of the persons qualifiecl to be enterecl
on the voters' list and to< vo~e at E~ections to the Assembly
in the .unicipality, the ~ollo~~g questions:
Are 701.1. in favour o~the sale < of liquor Uncler a 4in~ng
lo~e licence for C01il.sllJ!lpt.ion with meallil ,?Il licensed
premises? . ,
Are yo~.in favour of the sale of liquor under a lounge
licence for consumption on licensed premises?
Z. The vote shaJ.l be t.4ken on ~on4ay the 1st day of
Ilecemb.r,-~.Jl., 1969 as directed by The Liquor Licence Board.
of Ontario and in accordance with the provis~ons ~f<The .
Liquor Licence Act.
3. . This By-law shall come into,full force anq effect
upon the day of final passing thereof,
Meet%ng adjourned at 8: p.m.
&Qid_- ). . .M: ZI+
...:.-::; ., /lr~ iteeve. . .
, -
Tuesday, October 7, 1969, at.10 a.my.
, Council Chamber, Orono.
Present: Deputy Reeve H. E, Walkey
Counci+lor F. A. Gray
Councillor J. W. St9ne
Clerk H. DeWittJ,
It was lIl(lved by J. W. Stone, seconded 0,. F. A. Grli.y<
that H. E. Walkey preside COlver th~ meeting as Acting Reeve
due to th..absence of Reeve Roy A. Foster. Carried.'
Tbe minutes of the regular meeting on September Z, ;L96;
and speciaL meetings on September 17, Z5 and Z7, 1969, _re
adopted as ?rinted on motion by F. A. Gray, seconded by
J. W. Stone. Carried.
It was moved by J. W.Stone, secondesi by F,. ~. Gi-ay
that delegations be heard.. Carried.
Mr-.. Vaughn R. St~ves .et with COUJ:lcil to discu..
his application for rezoning part of Lot Z5, Conce~sion~.
for a Mobile Park.,
The~olloWing correspondence and, reports were read ~.t
by the Deputy Reeve: . ,
1. .~py letter ~rom E. Richard Loyekin..B.A.. LL.B.. to
Mrs. Alice Chater, Secretary, The Cemetery ~oard of
Clarke XQWl1ahip reNewtoUT~lle PresbyterLai1 C~tery
Proposed Take Over as business brought forward from
ZSeptember 1969.-Filed.,
Ross ami Cohen re Wayne. Jones and Mra.. Patricia. Jones,
Lot 32. Concession III. hp. of Clarke as business
brought "fDrward frome 2 :September J.969.-Referl"ed to Ii.
R. Best. ,
Letter f'rDm Mar;in Lownda to M., L. B.oss" B.oad S\l,perint~ndellt,
thanking the Committee ~or illspection and repair o~ road
and bridge.-Filed. . .
L. F. Dryden re application for Building Permit, part o~
Lot 31. Con. Z. Township of Clarke.-Referred to H. ~.. Best.
Ontario Planning. Depart.ent of Municipal Affairs, News
Letter for August ~969.-F~led. ;
Copy of aletter-~rom Haliburton, KawarthA; Pine Ridge
Di4trict H4ith Unit to Gordon Yo~ Ltd.. Fe~ti~izer~
r. Noti~e - An~ WasteDrop-Of~, Lot 15, Conc. Z,
Clarke Township.-Re~.rred to Clerk.
The Ceasumers' Gas Company re rates.-Filed.
Ontario HealthServ.i.c:es lnsurance Plan re :O~SI.P .~oup
Coverage.-Piled. . r
9.' K. Symons,Clerk-.Treasurer, United Counties of Northumberland
-and' Durham reMunicipal Planning Cons~.tuts-Co. Ltd.
progress report No.1, "'gional GovernmeJ:lt Study.-Filed.
Page 2
Regular Meeting of the-Council October 7. -1969. continued I
10. Copy of a letter from Totten. SimS. Hubicki &- Associates
L1mited to Klassen Bronze L1mit.d r.Bronze Plaque-r.
Newtonville Overpass.-Filed.. r...
11. Totten. S1msj Hubicki & Associates L1mited addressed to
M. L. Ross re Contract 27e .. Newtonville Road Grad.
Separation. Contract wG03 - Concession III Bridge...Filed.
12. Copy letter from Richard S. Roberts to Russell Maluske
re purchase of property by TOWD8hip of Clarke."Filed.
13. Ontario Water Resources Co_ission re claim for
compensation .. Mr. A. Rankin.-Filed.
14. Department of Highwaysre 1969 Interim RetlD'n....Ref.rred
to the Clerk.
15. Clifford Brown. Director of Research. Ontario Liberal
Caucus. Queenls Park. Toronto re Bill 20' - The Aese.sment
Act. 196e-69.-Filed.
16. Department of Municipal Affairs re proposed 1968-69
Assessment Act.-Pil.d.
17. Office.of the Fire Marshal, Department of Justice re
~1969 Firep:reventi-on W.ek (October 5-].1). ~Filed.
Ie. Municipal Plannillg Consultants Co. Ltd. letter to E. I.. "
Lovekin re Propos.d Zoning By-law Amendment, Township of
Clark.. -Filed. .
19. Ontario Good Roads Association re 76th Anniversary
Convention...Tabled. ,
20. General Motors of Canada Limited re Klaas Schoenmaker,
Committee of Adjustment member.~Filed.
21. Victor M. Hewson. Assessment Co_is.ioner, re Selection
of Jurors.-Referred to Clerk.
22. Department of Highways re Grading, Drainage & P-aving
Contraet 66W"142 .. Engineering Audit Report...Refer.eopy
to M. L. Ross and Filed. .,
23. Adele'McGill~ ref.luest. for an increase in salary.-Tabled.
24. COIIIBlittee of Adju.stmentminutes dated Septesher 13, 1969.
-Piled. -
25. Report from Building. Inspector for September.-Filed.
26. Mrs. Pamela Harley request for road. closing between Lots
30 - 31, Con. e.-Referred to Road and Bridge Committee.
27. Municipal Planning Consultants Co. Ltd. ro proposed
Amendment to Zoning By-law No. 1592, Township of Clarke.
, -Filed..
2e. Municipal Planning Consultants Co. Ltd..r. Sunnyctene
Estates Subdivision, Township ofClarke."Referredto
Special Meeting on October 10, 1969. :
29. R.equest frCl:ll Mr., W. J. Wilson,Ka.tes p.eat Ma.nQ.ck kO.
for 1961, 1906 and 19M. Financi.a.l StatelUnts for.
Regional Government. Study. -Referred to Clerk. ,
JO. Copy letter from Department. of Municipal Affa..ir.- :to
Northumberland and Dllrham County Board of Education.. re
Orono Public School addition.-R.eferred to_~y-Law. ~.
31. Northumberland and J>urham Coup,ty Board ~ }kl~!;iOA re
. Debenture for"" Orono Public SchooL Addition..-Referred to
By-Law. . .
32. Agenda for Council. Meeting Octob.r 7. 1969..-Referred to. Reeve.
The following delegat:l.On met with Couneil:
Mr. J. Oehonski discllssed his Subcl.ivision. Agreement.
Council recessed for lunch-at 12:30 and resumeclseJlsio:n.. at
2 p.m. . ,.~ . ,- .
The follOWing resolutions were pass,edl
RfII!ISlalut:.inn )10_ l":\J&.sMoved by. J.W'.3t.one_,seconded by F.A.Gray:
As a resuilt of an mspection on -September 23, 1969... by .
M. L.. R.oss, H. E.. Walkey,- W. R..Car-Teth and Mr. Looney, a
repre_nt-ative -of the Board' o;f''lranaport Coma:l:'SS:loDePS, this
Council hereby as.ume .their share ofthr .cost or. instalUtion,
annual maintenance .4'bd olll'ation of tlUl autdJu.tic pr.Qtectl0n.
at the- C.N.R. ~lIsing at mileage 2Bl..;6O. XiBgston Sub<iiviaioI\
(Glover's Cro.sing) as outlined in the B<:ulrdo:F-.Tran.po~t
C_issiconers letters dated liQ.yember 10.,-:1966, _February; 17,
196? and .April 28, 1967 under their file 42307. Carried.
Page 3
Regular Meeting of' the COlUu::il October 7, 1969, continued:
R.so]~tian Va l~~:Moved by P.A.Gray,secoaded by ;.W.Stone~
aes'tivethJ.t the f'ollowiDg Pay V(,)uchers Qe ancl,are. hereby
authorized f'or payment by the Signing Of'ficers q€ thi~ ~ouneil:
Addition to General Voucher 19 f'or September .inthe &IIlount of
$8110.46 \ i
General Voucher 110 f'or October~n the ~unt of $3650.43
General Welfare Voucher 110 f'or October in the _unt of
$1009.81 . . H, '.
Road Youcher 19 for September in the Ulount ot J4,);lr72.77
PoliceYillLge of Orono Youcher 19 for September in the
amo'untof J3106.51. . Carried. . ,
the following By-laws were read a,first, second and
third time and finally passed:
Bv-Law "tl~h"1'" 16l...1:\ ,
Municipality of the Corporation of the Township of'
Clarke '
To impose a speCial drainage rate upon Part Of Lot Number
34 in the Third Concession.
Whereas Fred .Obriat, the owner of Part of :Lot 34 in the
Third Concession of' the Township of'Clarke applied to the
Council ot the Township under The Tile Drainage Act for a loan
for the purpose' of draining such l,and. . .
And WAereas the Council has, upon his applicati~n,lent
Fred Obrist the sum of Six aundred Dollars to be repaid ,with
interest by means of'the rate hereinafter imposed:
Be It Therefore Enact.d by the Council that an annual ra~e
of Seventy~t~ree Dollars and Ninety-seven Cents ,per annum is
hereby imposed upon such land f'or ~ ~riod of ten years, such
rate to ~. levied and cOkkected at the same time and manner
as ordinary taxes are levied and collected.
. ,
By-Law .N'nlfth@r 16~ .
Municipality of' the Corporation of the Town~hip o~--
Clarke _
To impose a special drainage rate upon ~art of Lot Number
28 in the Fourth Concese,ion. ,
Whereas Fred Obrist, the owner of Part of Lot 2$ in the,
Fourth "'oncession o,~ the Townahip o~ Ckarlce applied .tothe
Council of the Township -I.lDc1er The Tile Drainage Act fora
loan ~or the purpose o~ draining such land.
. ,
And Whereas the Council h&.s, upon his application, lent
Fred Obristthe sum of Four Hundred Do~lara to be repaid
with,i.ntereat by means of the rate hereinafter !apo.ed:
Be It Therefore Enacted by the Council that an annual
rate of Forty-nineDollars and Thirty-two Cents .per ann_ is
hereby imposed upon such land f'or a periGd of ten years, 0-
8uch r. to be levied and col.lected at the same time' and
manner as ordinary taxes are levied and collected.
Bv-~~v -Jj'n_h~p .=tPli.? .
Being ,a By-Law to authorize the payment of' tees f'or
Whereas it is necessar.y to prOVide by By-Law authority
to pay fees to each ~ence-vie~er ~or every day'a work under
The Line Fences Act. , . .
Now Therefore, pursW!At to the provisions ot The Line :
Fences Act, R.S.O. 1960 and &IIlendments thereto,Chapt-er 216,
Section 1.Hl). the Council of the Township of clarke 'hereby
~ - . - - . ~
enact a as. follows:
1., Ea.ch- fence-viewer is entitled to a 110..00 f'fi. for
-<" '- \..-."-
every day's work. . ,
B,,-T.JlW KnmbA'" , 6lLA _ _ "
~o declare Section 1 ot The Lord's 1>&y Act (Ontario)
1960-6-l.as amended by The Lord's Da.y, (Ontario) Aaendment
Act 1968 (No.~) to be in force in eert~i~parts o~ the
Township of Clarke. . . . ,
The Council of the Corporation of the TownahJ.po:f
Clarke enacts.as followsl
1. (1) Section 1 of The Lord's 'Day...ct (Ontuio) 1960';'61
as amend'" by The LOl;'d'. Day. Aet '. (Ontario) . A~""_nt Act
1968, Cl1a.pter 68, ~ecti_2" is hereby deolaredto be in
f'orce from Nay 1,1970,to.October 31, 1970 in the. following
parts of the Township of Clarke, namely:
APea lio. 1 - Mosport Park
Page 4
Regular Meeting of the Council October 7, 1969, continued:
20.: The -public games and sports named in t'hie- By-Law shail- be
subject to the follow.ing regulations and control:
~a) every such game or sport shall be conducted in an
orderly and seemly manner;
(b) no such game or sport shall be commenced be'fore
halfpaat one o'clock in the afternoon.
3. That By-Law No. 162020 be and is hereby repealed.
Bv-Law lio_ 1 hhQ
A -By-Law to authorize the is sue of a Debenture in the
principal amount of $80,000.00 for public school purposes.
WHEREAS the school board named in Schedu~e "AU attached
hereto applied to the Council of The Corporation of the
Township of Clarke to provide the sum of $80,000.00 by the
issue of Debentures of the Corporation for the pablic school
purposes set out in\Schedule RAu attached hereto and the
Corporation approved of said application;
AND -\iHER.EAS on the 1st day of January, 1969 the School
Board named in Schedule "AU attached hereto was dissolved
and the public schOOl projects set out in Schedule RAil
attached hereto are now 'obligations of the divisional board
which has jurisdiction in the school division, namely The
Northumberland and Durham County Board of Bducation.
ANnWHERBAS pursuant to such application the Ontario
Municipal Board on or before December 31, 1968 issued an Order
or Orders approving of the said undertakings and the issue
of Debentures therefor by this Municipal~ty.
AND WHEREAS for the pUrposes aforesaid-the CoUncil now
deem~ it expedient to borrow money by the issue and sale to
The Ontario Education Capital Aid Corporation of a Debenture
of this Municipali~y in the principal amount of $80,000.00
bearing interest at the rate of 7* % per annum payable' -
semi0aanually, which is the amount of the debt intended to
be created by this By-law.
NOW THEREFORE The Council of The Corporation of the
Township of Clarke enacts as follows.
1. THAT:for the purposes aforesaid IIIOney shall- be borrowed
on the credit of The Corporation of the Township of Clarke
by the issue of a Debenture of the Corporation in the
principal amoun'\; of' $80,000.00 bearing interest a.t the rate
of 7* %- per annum payable semi-annually '"On the 1st day of
May and 1st day of November in ea.chyea.r of the currency
of the' Debenture, upon the principal amount from time to
time remaining unpaid.
2o. THAT the said DebentUre shall be dated the"lst day of
May 1969, and shall be PAyable in 4 annualinstalments of
principal on the 1st day of May in the years 1970 to 1973,
inclusive, and. the respective amounts of principal and interest
payable in respect of such Debenture in the. yelU"s 1969 to- -
1973, inclusive, shall be as set forth in Scheaule-B-
..ttached hereto.
3. THAT the s,afd payments of principal and interest shall
be payable in lawful money of Canada by cheques sent through
the post to the registered address of th. registered owner
of the Debenture and such cheques shall be payable at par
in the City of Toronto.
4. THAT the sAid Debenture shall be seaJ:ed with t.he- Sal
of the Corporation and shall be signed by the Head of ehe
Councilor by -some other person authorized" by By-law to. sign
the same, and by the Treasurer.
5. fHAT all sums required to payoff the instalments of -,-
principal of the Debenture to be isaued hereunder and to pay
interest thereon as set out in the sixth column of SchedUle
-B- attached hereto, shall be levied and raised ~n the years
1969 to 1973, inclusive, upon all the property rateable
for public school purposes in the school division under the
jurisdiction of The Northumber),and and Durham County Board .
of Education in accordance w.ith the provisions of The.
Secondary SchOOls aJUi Boards of Education Act and the
pertinent provisioll.s of The Public Schools Act mad.e -applicable
thereby; and accordingly in each of such years there shall
be levied and Ddsed by a 'special rate sufficient therefor,
over and above all other rates, upon all~he-property rateable
for public school purposes in this Municipality, at the same
Page 5
Regular Meeting o':f the Council October 7, 1969, continued.:
time and. in the' same ~eras'other ratea, this
Municipality's share of the Principal and. inter~st
:fallilig d.ue in each such year and.' such share. shul be
d.etermined. in accord.ance with the provisions o:f The
Second.ary Schools and Boards o:f Education Act and. the
pertinent provisions o:f The Public Schools Act made
applicable thereby.- -
6. THAT the said Debenture be sold to The Ontario
Education Capital Ai9 Corporation. .
7. THAT the SSlid Debenture shall contain a claulle
providing :for the registration there9f pursuant to section
323 of The Municipal Act.' -,
8. THAT application shall be IllAde to the Ontario Municipal
Board :for approval of this By-law and :for the certification
o:f the Debenture-to be isaued hereunder pursuant to
sections 58 to 60 of The On~arioMunicipal Board Act.
9. THAT Schedules ItAIt and.ltBIt attached. hereto, are hereby
declared to be and to,:fbrm part of thia By-law.
BY-LAW NO. 1649
SCYR1>>n~E . YilN
- - Ontario Municipal Board.
Fil. lio_
G 4632"'6$
Nam. ~- aehool ?~~pd
The public Sehool Boar9
of the Townllhip School'
AZ'ea of Clarke
The cO'nstruction of school
accommodation and the supply-
o:f equipmeat. ' ;
Amount. of' .n.h.nt.u~..
Total Approved by
Ontario Nnni~inal Bo~pd P~AviQUAJy -iaAuad
$80,000.00 NIL
BY-LAW NO. 1649
To be issued
P a.yment
PpiD~ipal ~t~P&.t. Total
f 2,900.00 $ 2,900.00 I 2900.00
118,000.00 2,900.00 20,900.00
- 2,2.47.50 2,247.50 23147.50
2,247.50 21.241.50
1,558.75 1,566.75 22806.25
1,558.75 22,55"8.75
797.50 797.50 23356.25
22.000_00 ?Q?_~O _ 22_?Q?_~O 2??Q?_~O
~O,OOO.OO 115f07.50195,P07.50 1950~7.50
J".....1 uti an lllG_ 1 ~6:Mov;ed byJ.W~Stone, seconded bYI".-A.Gray:
This Council he.reby adjourn to meet again in regular meeting
on !qOVilmber 4. 19G9 or in special meeting at the eal~ of the
Reeve. c.arrie~., I
.1/f,k ~~~_____. .
Clerk. ~
November 1,1969
May 1, 19.70"
Nov_ber 1.,1970
"May 1, 1971
ll"oTember 1, J97l
May 1, 1972
NOT_bel' 1,1972
May 1, 1973
Ree:5~ ~ ~